Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically
Showing posts sorted by date for query Students Identity. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Students Identity. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 10 August 2024

SARSEL = (Single Academic Registration System of Education and Learning)

 I asked ChatGPT :

Sometime ago , Govt of India came out with a New Education Policy ( NEP ).

This policy plans to switch-over to a CREDIT POINT system 


At the same time, Govt is planning to record daily attendance of school children in

1.5 million schools all over India, covering some 270 million school children. 

Govt has also come up with a system for school / college administrations to

upload the annual exam mark sheets of all students ( Schools and Colleges ), on

its DIGILOCKER portal. 

Credit Scores are supposed to replace the current annual exam marksheets and

can be accumulated and transferred across educational institutions / State Edu

Boards / Schools / Colleges / Universities. 

Credit scores are not to be limited to the OFFLINE physical institutions but also

across courses attended ONLINE . 

It is also conceived to create and assign a SINGLE UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTITY to

each child , which will stay from birth to death . 

Towards meeting all of the above-mentioned objectives, a number of portals are

either already launched or planned to be launched.

To make matters more complicated , there are separate and centralized exams for

admissions , such as NEET - JEE - UGCUET - PGUET etc. 

As if this is not enough , there are dozens of Scholarship Schemes floated by the

State Governments and the Central Government, for students with differing

income background of their families. 

There are separate portals for this purpose


Then there is the question of " Reservation Quotas " based on umpteen criteria of


In my following blogs ( all sent to Cabinet Ministers and State Chief Ministers, as

emails ), I have made some suggestions / recommendations to address these


Taking all of these diverse - and sometimes contradicting - requirements into

account : 

I request you to come up with a concrete proposal for a single portal 

( could be christened, SARSEL = Single Academic Registration System of

 Education and Learning )  

- which would unify all of these disparate portals and become a " One Stop Shop "

 for students / teachers / educationists / educational institutions / administrative

 authorities / NTA and other Exam conducting Agencies etc .

 Following are the links to my earlier blogs on this subject :

> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/09/consenting-is-complicated.html


> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2023/12/it-is-quite-simple.html


> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2023/07/digilocker-buck-stops-here.html. 

> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2024/06/congratulations-shri-




AND some additional resources 

> https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/education/news/cbse-credit-system-what-


> https://www.education.gov.in/nep/about-nep  "


ChatGPT  replied :

Creating a unified portal like SARSEL would require a comprehensive approach,

integrating multiple facets of the Indian education system. 

Here's a concrete proposal:

SARSEL (Single Academic Registration System of Education and Learning)

1. Unified Student Identity:

  • USID (Unique Student Identification Number): 

  • Each student is assigned a unique ID at birth, which will be used across all

  • educational institutions and for accessing any academic or educational

  • services. This ID will be linked to Aadhaar for identity verification and will

  • stay with the student throughout their life, ensuring seamless tracking of

  • academic records.

2. Centralized Credit System:

  • Credit Accumulation and Transfer System: Implement a national-level

  • credit framework allowing students to accumulate credits from various

  • educational institutions, both online and offline. The system should be

  • flexible, enabling students to transfer credits across institutions, states, and

  • different educational boards.

  • Integration with Digilocker: 

  • Credit scores, along with all other academic records, will be stored in the

  • student's Digilocker account, accessible through SARSEL.

3. Attendance and Performance Monitoring:

  • Daily Attendance Reporting: 

  • Implement a system for daily attendance tracking in all 1.5 million schools.

  • Schools will upload attendance data daily, which can be accessed by both

  • parents and educational authorities.

  • Performance Dashboard: 

  • A personalized dashboard for each student, accessible via SARSEL, that

  • displays attendance, credit scores, exam results, and other relevant

  • academic information.

4. Centralized Examination and Admission Management:

  • Exam Portals Integration: 

  • SARSEL will unify existing exam portals (NEET, JEE, UGCUET, PGUET, etc.),

  • allowing students to register, track exam schedules, and view results through

  • a single platform.

  • Admission Process: 

  • SARSEL can streamline the admission process, where students apply to

  • multiple institutions using their USID, and their entire academic history is

  • automatically available to the institution.

5. Scholarship and Reservation Management:

  • Unified Scholarship Portal: 

  • A centralized portal within SARSEL where students can apply for various

  • scholarships based on eligibility criteria (income, caste, merit, etc.). The

  • system will auto-check eligibility based on the data linked to the student's

  • USID.

  • Reservation Management: 

  • Incorporate features that automatically apply reservation benefits based on

  • the student's caste, income, or other criteria during admissions, exams, or

  • scholarship applications.

6. Data Security and Privacy:

  • End-to-End Encryption: 

  • All data within SARSEL should be encrypted, ensuring the privacy and

  • security of student information.

  • Access Control: 

  • Only authorized personnel, students, and their guardians should have access

  • to sensitive data, with different levels of access rights.

7. Collaboration and Feedback:

  • Educator and Institution Interface: 

  • Teachers, institutions, and educationists can upload materials, manage

  • academic programs, and interact with students through SARSEL.

  • Feedback Mechanism: 

  • Implement a feedback system where students, parents, and educators can

  • provide input on the platform's functionality, ensuring continuous

  • improvement.

Implementation Phases:

Phase 1: 

Develop and launch the USID system, linking it to existing databases like Aadhaar

and Digilocker. 

Phase 2: 

Integrate the credit system and performance monitoring dashboard, piloting in

select states before nationwide rollout. 

Phase 3: 

Unify examination portals and introduce the centralized admission system. 

Phase 4: 

Implement the scholarship and reservation management system. 

Phase 5: 

Launch SARSEL fully, ensuring all educational institutions are on board and

students can access the complete range of services.


SARSEL would act as a "One Stop Shop" for all academic needs, providing

seamless interaction between students, educational institutions, and

administrative authorities. 

It would simplify processes, ensure transparency, and enhance the overall quality

of education in India.

This proposal aligns with the objectives outlined in the NEP and your blog posts,

creating a streamlined and efficient system for managing the complexities of

modern education in India.


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  11  Aug  2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

125 Days Roadmap – Part H



 NEET : far from NEAT ?


Over the past few weeks, media is full of reports about what went wrong with the recent NEET exam

Some Background :

#   NEET is entrance exam for admission in Medical Colleges and conducted by NTA ( National Testing Authority )

#  It is an OFFLINE exam conducted once a year

#  In latest exam ( conducted on 5th May ) , some 24 lakh students registered . Of these 13.2 lakh qualified for seeking admission to 706 medical colleges in the country

#  Unfortunately , the number of seats available are only :

Ø  In Govt colleges ………………. 56,405

Ø  In Private colleges …………….53,600


Ø  Total …………………………………..110,000

#  Number of Centres where exam got conducted …. approx. 4715 ( approx.. 500

 students / centre )

Allegations :

#   Exam paper got leaked before the exam

#  Evaluation was unfair – through grant of grace marks to some students, as can be seen below :

Questions :

A )  How to increase the number of seats in medical colleges ( also by starting new colleges ) so that

       at least 70 % of  those lakhs of aspirants can get admitted ? Especially , in the government

       colleges ?

      ( On an ave. tuition fees in Govt Medical Colleges are in the range of Rs 10,000 to Rs 1 lakh/ year,

       whereas the same in Private Medical Colleges range from Rs 10 lakh  to Rs 25 lakh per year )

B )   How can the “ Exam System “ be made “ un-leakable / automatic ( without human intervention )

       / un-biased / non-discretionary / fair / equitable / instantaneous / transparent “ ?

Answers :

A )  Even a determined government will find it extremely difficult to raise the number of seats

      from 1.1 lakh to ( say ) 2.2 lakh in next 5 years

      This is like doubling the number of medical colleges from current 700 to 1400 – like putting up

      12 new college EVERY MONTH

I don’t think government has the resources. Even if it has, it will still leave out 10 lakh aspirants !

The only solution is :

Ø  Launch a massive program for imparting SKILLS to these millions , after 12th Standard

Ø  Place into their hands, TOOLS ( free ) to become Self Employed   

B )  Changing the current Exam System is relatively easy and the only way out to prevent the


      NEET should be renamed COMET ( Computerised Online Medical Entrance Test ), more or less

     along my suggestion in following earlier e-mail :

Ø  Cheating in Exams : is only a Symptom ……………. 10 Mar 2024

    Extract :

     An independent Central Authority called CECB – Central Exam Conduct Board – for ALL govt jobs ( State + Central ) 

Ø  For each type of JOB / VACANCY , this authority will create a DATA-BANK of exam questions ( obviously , running into THOUSANDS of questions for each exam )

Ø  Questions will be categorized as per “ DEGREE of DIFFICULTY “ ( like in Olympic games )

Ø  Each “ Degree of Difficulty “ will have a PRE-DETERMINED “ weightage marks 

Ø  Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) will generate( using RANDOM NUMBER tables ),  millions of UNIQUE question papers ON THE FLY , a few seconds before start of an exam and SERVE these to the computer screen in front of each student taking that exam. Of course, the total marks ( for entire question paper ) for ALL those UNIQUE exam papers , will always add up to 100. To make the process “ cheating proof “, only one question will get displayed on computer screen , AT A TIME. Only when the examinee clicks “ NEXT “ , will the next question appear on the screen

Ø  Student Identity will be verified by FACIAL RECOGNITION through a Computer Camera

Ø  At the end of exam time ( 3 hours ) , students will need to click SUBMIT ( no early click ). If examinee fails to click SUBMIT at the end of 3 hours , screen will turn black AUTOMATICALLY

Ø  This will generate the EVALUATION SCORE ( Exam Assessment Result ) and transmit to the mobile phone of each concerned student ( of course , no mobile allowed in Exam Hall )

 I believe, what I am suggesting here is nothing “ First Time “ . I believe other countries have successfully implemented this earlier

Given a challenge, our tech guys can implement this in 6 months. What is missing is Political Will

Dear Shri Narendrabhai ,

Let Shri Rahulji promise the voters, a LAW to prevent cheating in exams / leaking of exam papers

As far as NDA govt is concerned, I urge you to include my suggestion in your 100 DAYS  ROAD-MAP



Shri Dharmendra Pradhanji….. ( minister.sm@gov.in )

Dr. Sukanta Majumdarji ………..( mosedu-sm@gov.in )

Shri Jayant Chaudharyji……….  ( mosedu-jc@gov.in )


In case , you wish to cut down on the cost 24 lakh computers ( even a laptop would cost around Rs 30,000 ), distributed over those 4700 exam centres , you could ask Apple / Samsung / Foxconn or any other Smart phone manufacturer , to develop a small ( tablet size ) special purpose DEVICE , costing about Rs 5,000 ( much like our EVM , which cost about Rs 8,000 )

Exam candidates will need to register 3 months in advance ( using facial recognition id )  and be issued a USN ( Unique Student Number ) – Centre Location Data -  Seat No etc . These details shall remain valid only for that exam

At the  entrance door of the Exam Hall , there will be admission based on confirmation ( genuine applicant ) based on a “ Facial Recognition and Database Match “ device

Same process will be repeated when the applicant occupies his / her SEAT and switches on the Special Purpose Device lying on the table

For the purpose of simplification ( and to avoid endless allegations / litigations ), I suggest , instead of delivering to each candidate, some UNIQUE SET of 180 ( computer generated ) questions, COMET should deliver the SAME / IDENTICAL set ( of course , random generation by AI software ) to all 24 lakh applicants


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  14 June 2024


Related Readings :

Ø  Exam Malpractices ? No More !  ………………………… 19  Oct  2019

Ø  National Recruitment Agency ( NRA ) ……………….  02 Feb 2020

 Turkish student arrested for using AI to cheat in university exam  .. Reuters … 11 June 2024

Extract :

Turkish authorities have arrested a student for cheating during a university entrance exam by using a makeshift device linked to artificial intelligence software to answer questions.

The student was spotted behaving in a suspicious way during the exam at the weekend and was detained by police, before being formally arrested and sent to jail pending trial.

Another person, who was helping the student, was also detained.

A video released by police in the southwestern province of Isparta showed how the student used a camera disguised as a shirt button linked to artificial intelligence software via a router hidden in the sole of the person's shoe.

A police officer in the video scans a question to show how the system works, with the AI software generating the correct answer, which is recited through an earpiece.




Tuesday 7 May 2024

Thanks, Prof Rajagopal : for validating my suggestion


Dear PM : Please include this in 100 DAYS  ROAD-MAP

Context :

IIT-M charts new course, uses blockchain for student body polls   ..   TOI  … 29 Apr 2024


Extract :


In this season, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras witnessed an innovative stride in democracy by conducting its student body poll using blockchain technology.


The initiative, led by students of 'Webops and Blockchain Club' at the Centre for Innovation (CFI), IIT-Madras, has now evolved into a startup, with both governmental and private organisations employing its software for managing land and health records.


Originally conceived as a CSR initiative supported by a leading Indian tech company and department of science and technology, the project aimed to address challenges posed by Covid-19, particularly in accessing medical records and tracking health conditions across geographical borders.

Utilisation of blockchain technology in recent IIT-Madras
student legislative council election has garnered recognition in India Book of Records. The team of researchers behind this endeavour pointed out that voting technology is just one among numerous domains where blockchain can revolutionise existing practices.

Envisioning a future where election processes in various sectors embrace secure and transparent blockchain applications for remote voting, Prof Prabhu Rajagopal, (
prajagopal@iitm.ac.in(Work)faculty-in-charge, said:


"This student-led project holds immense transformative potential, promising to reshape conduct of elections."


On the security issue on blockchain technology, more so as the polls are conducted online, the team believes the "system is impossible to hack." Election, conducted online, underscores the team's confidence in the technology's security.

Anirudh Varna, a fourth-year BTech student involved in the project, highlighted the near-impenetrable security of blockchain, requiring malicious actors to gain control of over 50% of the network's nodes simultaneously, a feat deemed
practically unattainable.

On security concerns of online blockchain-based polls, Rajagopal emphasised the it's
capacity to foster trust and ensure integrity of poll process.


( For details / photo > https://www.technologyforyou.org/iit-madras-conducts-indias-first-blockchain-based-elections-plans-to-scale-up/  ………. https://www.t5eiitm.org/carved-in-stone-the-blockchain-election/ )





My  Take :

Ø  Simultaneous Polling  .. ……………………………..22 Jan 2018


Extract :

Now comes the news that BLOCKCHAIN technology can vastly facilitate MOBILE-BASED VOTING !

If so, EC ( Election Commission  ) should ,

·         develop VotesApp by end of Feb 201

·         give a demo to political parties in March 2018

·         conduct a parallel run ( along with EVM-VVPAT ) for Karnataka State Election in May 2018

·         Publish the results of both methods in June 2018


Those who have any doubts re suitability of BLOCKCHAIN technology in voting , may want to refer to :


When designing a new voting system, a core tenet would be to remove all need for “trust,” and place strong emphasis on open verification of the process and the votes. A similar problem was addressed with digital currency such as Bitcoin and Etherium.

On the blockchain, each group of transactions is hashed together, along with a hash of the previous block, and the entire blockchain would be publicly accessible.

Using a blockchain for digital voting could record both voter and candidate ID, as well as the time. The voter IDs are a public / private key pair, not traceable to a voter’s identity.


Another application for blockchain technology is voting.

By casting votes as transactions, we can create a blockchain which keeps track of the tallies of the votes.

This way, everyone can agree on the final count because they can count the votes themselves, and because of the blockchain audit trail, they can verify that no votes were changed or removed, and no illegitimate votes were added.


Among the startups that followed in an attempt to build upon the Blockchain to create a secure voting system was a Virginia-based company called FollowMyVote.

There is a common misconception that voting cannot be done online in a secure way.


Security of digital voting is always the biggest concern when considering to implement a digital voting system.

With such monumental decisions at stake, there can be no doubt about the system’s ability to secure data and defend against potential attacks.

One way the security issues can be potentially solved is through the technology of blockchains.


Ø  Block Chain for Voting ?  ……………………..  11 March 2018


Extract :

Dear Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadji,

I urge you to consider incorporating this Block-Chain Technology in the following Mobile App proposed by me :

VotesApp  ….  18  Aug  2013 

This incorporation would be even better ( as far as transparency is concerned ) than the current method of V-VPAT in EVM  !

VotesApp will ensure that any voter can get to see ( proof ) of who ( which person ) he voted for , in which election ( Municipal or State or National ) and when – apart from ensuring “ No fake / invalid votes “ !

A complete history of his voting during lifetime – but, which he alone can access on his mobile through his biometrics !

Now imagine aggregation of the voting behaviour of 800 million voters at gross / macro level and totally anonymized – and accessible to anyone on EC’s web site  !

This could reveal following types of trends / analytics :

·         No of Votes

·         Percentage of voters

·         Vote share ( party wise )

·         State / Region wise

·         Gender wise

·         Vote swings / Anti Incumbency factors………. Etc

Such BIG DATA analytics might even make it possible to “ predict “ the future voting patterns !

With incorporation of Block-Chain ( into VotesApp ) , opposition will be left with no arguments to oppose SIMULTANEOUS ELECTIONS !


Ø  Americans call it “ Voatz “ ……………………….. 13 Aug 2018


Extract :

According to a CNN report published Monday, the state plans to let soldiers who are permanent residents of the state but are serving overseas vote via their smartphones using a blockchain voting app called  Voatz.  It will mark the first time U.S. citizens can vote via mobile app.

To use Voatz, soldiers will first need to prove they are who they claim to be. The registration process involves uploading a photo of their government-issued ID and a video of their face, taken like a selfie.

The app’s facial recognition software will look at both the photo and video to ensure they depict the same person.

{  On 15 Dec 2015 , I edited my VotesApp blog to add :

   “  Vote will get recorded only when that Voter takes a Selfie - which will get matched automatically , with his Aadhar Card photo  “  }

After this verification process, the soldiers will be all set to cast their vote. Once they do, the app anonymizes the ballots and records the votes on a blockchain, a secure digital ledger that’s nearly tamperproof.

West Virginia’s Secretary of State Mac Warner insists Voatz is secure. Historically, election security has been one of his top priorities — earlier this year, he secured $6.5 million in federal funding to spend on equipment, cybersecurity, and training to ensure the state’s elections are safe and secure.

West Virginia already tested Voatz in two counties during the primary elections, and several audits of the voting app revealed no issues. We’ll just have to wait to see if the same holds true in November. If it does, more governments could adopt blockchain-supported voting apps in the future.


Ø  Analysis Needed : Paralysis Avoided  ………………… 13  Sept 2020


Extract :

EC examines Remote Voting Option, sets up Tech Group 

     The group is expected to submit a ‘conceptual framework’ on ‘remote voting’ within the next two months

Dear Prof Rajat Moona

(director@iitbhilai.ac.in / moona@iitk.ac.in )

I urge your panel to debate my following suggestions before framing its final recommendations :


VotesApp                                                      [ 18 Dec 2012 ]


#   First Step to VotesApp ?                               [24 Jan 2020 ]

#  Slow and Steady ? Way Democracy Works      [ 12 Mar 2020 ]



#  VVPAT ? How about EVBAT ?                           [ 28 Mar 2019 ]

#  Dark Side of Democracy                                 [ 08 Jan 2019 ]


#  Americans call it “ Voatz “                                [ 13 Aug 2018 ]

#  Where is the need ?                                         [ 05 Apr 2018 ]

#  Block Chain for Voting ?                                   [ 11 Mar 2018 ]

Thank You, Shri Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay          [ 19 Feb 2018 ]

Simultaneous Polling                                         [ 22 Jan 2018 ]


Poll Reforms : Time for a Consensus                  [ 21 Aug 2017 ]

A Blue Print for VotesApp ?                               [ 25  Apr  2017 ]

Electoral Reforms Capsule : A Bitter Pill ?           [ 05  Feb  2017 ]


Reforming Elections and Lok Sabha                    [ 20 Dec 2016 ]

#  One Nation , One Vote ?                                   [ 29 Nov 2016 ]


#  Filtering  Candidate  Information ?                     [18  Sept  2016 ]

#  One Poll  ,  One  Time                                       [ 06 Sept  2016 ]

#  Advantage  Incumbent  ?                                  [ 05  Sept  2016 ]

#   ROMP :  A Panacea ?                                        [ 06  Aug  2016 ]

#  The Greatest Reform ?                                       [ 12  June  2016 ]

#   One Day Polling is possible                                [31  Mar  2016 ]



#  How  to  Save  Rs  5511  crore  ?                         [12  Dec  2015 ]

#  Honey ! I shrunk  the  EVM                                  [21  Oct  2015 ]


#  All   Seasons  are  Election  Seasons                       [ 22 May 2014 ]

#  A  Software  Powerhouse  ?                                    [ 24  Apr  2014 ]

 Sun  Never  Sets                                                   [ 01  Apr 2014 ]


Ø  How about “ Sandbox for Mobile Voting “ ?  ………… 27 Nov 2020


Extract :

Dear Shri Narendrabhai,

Indian voters have been happily using electronic EVM for voting for many years now – without complaint. Nothing parallel exists anywhere in the World. We pioneered this process ( compare with what just happened in USA )

Even those few political parties which, at first, refused to accept EVM, have now no complaint about their efficacy

If we can convince the opposition that Mobile-based voting is,

Ø  Totally reliable and

Ø  The process cannot be tampered with,

      then there is a good chance that they will accept a Mobile-based Voting – which will pave the way for

      “ One Nation One Poll  /  Simultaneous Elections “

To convince the opposition what we need to do is a small trial – a small experiment – in a small bye-election – in a small constituency – having a small number of voters

An experiment where both of the following “ voting methods “ will be employed simultaneously :

Ø  Physical EVM based voting in a physical booth ( marking with indelible ink )

Ø  Mobile App based voting from voter’s home ( using biometric IDs of finger – iris- facial recognition of Selfie )

Voters will have following options :

Ø  Only vote from a polling booth

Ø  Only vote from home , using Mobile App

Ø  Use both methods , physical voting in booth, followed by Mobile voting from home

 Basis for declaring the Winner :

Ø  Only votes polled at physical booth will be considered for declaration of Winner

This assurance will get us the “ Buy-in “ of the Opposition to this experiment

 Then, what is the purpose of Mobile-based voting ?

Ø  It will enable us to compare the “ votes polled “ under each method

Ø  This analysis will tell us how many voters ( but not “Who “) , voted using which method

Ø  Time-series will tell us which method was used ( preferred ) at what time of the day

Ø  Did Mobile based votes were a result of people who otherwise could not have voted ( Lost Votes ) , being many kilometers away from their designated polling booth ?

Ø  If number of voters who used mobile was TWICE / THRICE the number of those who went to polling booth, then can we conclude that people hate trudging down to polling booth and spend hours standing in a queue ?

Ø  Do the Winner come out to be the same candidate, under both voting methods ? If yes, very assuring !

 How will we know if Voters who used Mobiles were not coerced / influenced by party workers ?

Ø  NaviC based GPS will tell us where precisely that mobile phone was exactly when vote was cast

Ø  It will also tell us ( Heat Map ? ) whether many other mobile phones were nearby at that moment ( eg: local office of political parties )

 How can we conduct such a small-scale experiment , without disturbing EVM-based voting ?

Ø  By creating ( what I call ) a “ Mobile Voting Sandbox 

 Any current example of such a controlled  “ Experimental set-up “ to gather evidence of efficacy of a method ?

Ø  Yes. The National Digital Health Mission has created such a SANDBOX

How does it work ?

Ø  Read : Accelerating Digital Health Innovation  /  Eco Times – 26 Nov 2020

Extract :

#  NDHM has created a “sandbox “that enables technologies or products to be tested in a contained

    Environment and duration – subject to NDHM standards and oversight – and judge the consumer and

    market reactions to the same


#  The sandbox will facilitate integration of current systems and IT platforms in healthcare with NDHM building

     blocks namely , Health ID, Doctors’ and Health Facility Registries, and Patient Health Records

#  At its core, the sandbox has been created with the objective to foster RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION in

    Health Tech Services, promote efficiency and bring benefit to consumers


#  The sandbox brings together healthcare and health tech service providers, centrally and state run public

    Health programmes , software providers, healthcare aggregators, tech companies to TEST and INTEGRATE

    their products and services with NDHM


#  The NDHM sandbox is founded on the idea that the government, private sector and citizen need to work

     together as partner to solve the problem of healthcare. It will enable “ learning by doing “ on all sides


What features should be built into the “ Mobile Voting Sandbox “ ?

Ø  Central Election Commission (  CEC )  to get the Mobile App developed and oversee its working

Ø  CEC to declare ( 2 months in advance ) date of Bye Election for a given constituency

Ø  Mobile App will work on that date only and between 8am – 6pm only

Ø  On that date, at 6pm. it will self-destruct automatically, even if not used

Ø  If used, App will self-destruct immediately after transmitting the data to the Central Server of CEC

Ø  Although a voter can vote once again from his Mobile AFTER he has already voted from physical booth, it will NOT be possible to do other way around ( ie:, he cannot first vote from mobile and then go to booth for voting ).

Ø  As soon as a voter has voted from booth, EVM will immediately transmit his vote ( candidate selected ) to the Central Server of CEC

Ø  Now , if he has voted for candidate XYZ ( belonging to BJP ) in booth, then after going home , he cannot vote ( select ) candidate LMJ ( belonging to Congress ) , from his Mobile App . If he does, Server / App will not let him click “ SUBMIT “ .

This is safeguard is essential to ensure that voters do not play mischief / confuse CEC, by voting for different candidates, using different voting methods ! Server will allow him to proceed ONLY if he selects the SAME candidate ( XYZ ) , on his Mobile App


Ø  A voter ( from the declared constituency ) can download the Mobile App ( only once ) , from the website of CEC , by filling in an online form where he will need to establish without doubt that , he is a genuine voter belonging to that particular constituency ( Voter ID – PAN – Aadhar – Sefie – Mobile No. etc ). Server will ensure that no one, other than a voter belonging to that particular constituency, will be able to download the App

Ø  Voting data generated using Mobile App , shall NOT be published till the CEC declares the Winner based on EVM based voting ( no exit pole – no prejudging – no confusion – no mischief ! )

Ø  However, once the Winner is declared , data from both methods of voting will be published on CEC website ( of course , without in any way, revealing the identity of any voter )

Ø  The entire METHODOLOGY of “ Mobile Voting Sandbox “, must be widely publicized on CEC website / other Govt websites / Social Media sites / News Papers / TV channels etc., in order to establish its TRANSPARENCY / RELIABILITY among general public and among political parties.

Ø  Govt may consider inviting comments / suggestions from public on CEC portal

Any suggestion re: conceptual frame-work for such a Mobile App ?

Ø  Yes. Please refer to my following email :   VotesApp ………18 Dec 2012 


With Regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  08 May 2024


Related Readings :

Reimagining democratic processes and the role of AI in modernizing voting systems.. ET.. 07 May 2024


Extract :

AI-powered voting systems, equipped with accessibility features such as voice-based interfaces and screen readers, ensure that individuals with disabilities can exercise their right to vote independently and securely.


Blockchain, RFID, other digital technologies can pave way for a counterfeit-free Indian economy / 08 May 2024

Extract :


Technologies for digital authentication are at the forefront of India's attempts to stop counterfeiting. These technologies, which range from online verification platforms and blockchain to smartphone applications and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification), provide reliable means of confirming the legitimacy of goods and protecting supply chains.


Blockchain technology has great potential to build supply networks that are transparent and impervious to tampering. Stakeholders may track the origin of items and confirm their validity at every point of the supply chain by using blockchain to record product details and transaction data on a decentralised ledger.


Businesses in India are using blockchain technology more and more to authenticate their items, which lowers the possibility that fake goods will enter the market.