Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 5 December 2021

Monetizing Personal Data, using Web 3.0 ?



In the Data Protection Bill expected to be introduced in Lok Sabha in next few days, there is no provision for enabling the data-owner ( the User ), to monetize his personal data

This, despite the Bill saying : “ Personal Data is the property of the User. He owns his own data

But the Bill has no mechanism to allow an User to “ SELL  his data

For over 3 years, I have been pleading with our Policy Makers to incorporate this feature by implementing :

Only Answer :  a  Statutory  Warning   …………………………………..[ 10  Nov  2018  ]

Digital Dividend from Demographic Data [ 4 D ]…………………….. [ 14 Feb 2019 ]

SARAL ( Single  Authentic  Registration for Anywhere  Login )…[ 10 Feb 2019 ]


But, I have not lost hope !

I strongly believe, it is only a matter of 2 years ( at most ), before WEB 3.0 ( centered around BLOCKCHAIN technology ), forces Social Media / e-Commerce portals etc., to pay / compensate the users for collecting / compiling / and selling their personal data.

WEB 3.0 will ensure that the content creators are rewarded, by paying them for using their content for making money

Following article supports my proposition :

What Is Web 3 & Why Is It Called the Internet of the Future ?  /  MEDIUM  /  08 Nov 2021

Extract :

Instead of a free and open web, the internet is now entirely controlled by a few companies. Financial inequality grew as owners of Web 2 platforms — Zuckerberg & friends — became the big winners. In contrast, the rest of us are unpaid participants.

When we post, like, share, and comment, we either don’t make any money or get a tiny fraction of the value we add. Yet, we — the users — are the pumping heart of these platforms. Without us, they’re nothing.

In Web 2, we have no control over our data, where it’s stored, and with whom it’s shared.

Platform owners collect and sell our data to various companies, sometimes without even our consent. And what do we get from this sweet deal ? Nothing tangible except custom ads and recommendations.


In Web 3, users and builders alike can earn money and make a good living.


This is possible because dapps and other Web 3 services are powered by cryptocurrency tokens.


Every time you use, improve, and interact, you earn tokens. The more you participate, the more tokens you accumulate. The tokens you earn will appreciate. You can either hold onto your earnings or exchange them against fiat currencies.


Because Web 3 is built on the principle of shared ownership, everyone has “skin in the game”. When a Web 3 platform grows and succeeds, all win, not just a select few. In Web 3, you are a user, a creator, but most importantly, an owner.

In Web 3, you own your data. You can even get paid to lease it. This level of control is possible due to digital private keys. Your data are the equivalent of a digital safe deposit. Only you have the keys to open the safe.

Do you want custom ads and news feeds? Easy.

Sell some of your data to advertisers, so they know a bit more about you. Select who can access your data and who can’t.

Select the bits you want to share and the bits you want to keep secret. You are in total control.


We know how difficult it is for talented people to monetise their passions. Scientists lack funding. Artists don’t sell. Web 3 will change that. People would monetise their passions, whatever that passion is.


Thanks to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), painters, poets, scientists, and musicians can sell digital rights to their creations or share ownership with a dedicated community.


But for a Web 3 future to happen, leaders and builders seeking a just and equal society must take the first steps.


I’m talking programmers, entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, and politicians. Only then will the masses follow.


Web 3 promotes democracy at all levels of society. In Web 3, we cease to be exploited; everybody wins



Dear Shri Ashwini Vaishnawji  /  Shri Rajiv Chandrasekharji ,


I urge you to modify / alter proposed DATA PROTECTION BILL, to incorporate clause for “ Compensating “ the Data-Owners, as per Data Custody Portal , suggested in my earlier e-mails

In much the same way that Aadhar / CoWin / JanDhan / RuPay / JAM / Ayushman Peronal Health History Cards etc., are being adopted by many countries of the World, you have an opportunity to lead the World, by jumping from WEB 2.0 to WEB 3.0 ( launching of www.IndiaDataCustodian.gov.in , as explained in my emails )


With regards,

Hemen Parekh / hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 05 Dec 2021


Related Readings :

MeitY proposes national blockchain strategy for adoption across sectors  /  BS  / 04 Dec 2021

Extract :

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology on Friday released a “ National strategy on blockchain

MeitY has suggested setting up a National Blockchain Framework (NBF) with three types of participants-

#  confident user of technology ( application developers ),

#  provider or operator of technology ( infrastructure and services, Blockchain as a service ), and

#  complete technology stack builder ( IP creator ).

The sectors, where blockchain models have applications, have been identified as education, governance, finance & banking, healthcare, logistics, cyber security, media, legal, power sector, etc.

The National Strategy to evolve a trusted digital platform for providing e-Governance services using Blockchain lays out overall vision and the development and implementation strategies for a National Blockchain Platform covering the technology stack, legal and regulatory framework, standards development, collaboration, human resource development and potential use cases.

eSign is a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based on-line service. This service helps the citizens for instant signing of their documents, enabling non-repudiation and in a legally acceptable form. eSign service is being leveraged in various applications by government and private agencies are leveraging eSign service.

ePramaan is a standards based e-Authentication framework. It facilitates authentication and security of citizens while accessing different government applications.

DigiLocker is an online service delivered under Digital India Initiative by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India. It provides every citizen with an account in cloud to access documents / certificates such as vehicle registration, academic certificates & mark sheets, driving license and so on

Potential Blockchain applications of National interest include :

Identity management


Electronic Health Record Management


CC :

Dr. B K Murthy, GC (R&D in IT and NKN)

bkm@meity.gov.in  /  portal@digitalindia.gov.in )






Friday 3 December 2021

A Problem worthy of Geospatial Data ?



Here is a challenge for :

Shri Rohan Vermaji ( MapmyIndia )

Shri Sajid Malikji     ( Genesys )


Context :

How MapmyIdia is charting the metaverse territory  /  Business Line  /  30 Nov 2021

Extract :

With over 2,000 customers across map-as-a-service, software-as-a-service (SaaS), IoT solutions and application programming interface (API), the IPO-bound tech company MapmyIndia is looking to create mapping solutions that will be high definition, 4-dimensional and built for the metaverse, showing a realistic view of the entire world with granular data points to help both the public and private sector use cases.

We are looking at creating a realistic view of the real world or a real metaverse in a high-definition 4D digital model. There will be use cases across consumers, enterprises, government, gaming, developers and automotive,” Rohan Verma, CEO and Executive Director, MapmyIndia { rohan@mapmyindia.com }

“Secondly, this is more relevant even now, our digital address system called eLoc.

Through this, any location or address in India can be represented in six characters.

It will be as helpful for delivery executives looking for a specific location as for a government which wants to know whether a particular location has got a gas connection in every household,” he said.

MapmyIndia has over 80 per cent market share in the mapping solutions category for the automotive sector in India. Beyond that, it has been working with various consumer-focused apps and the government for population-scale platforms and geospatial transformation projects.


Context :

NITI Aayog CEO launches Genesys International's digital twin platform  /  Eco Times / 03 Dec 2021

Extract :

Genesys International launched its pan India program to make the Digital Twin of entire urban India

The creation of this very accurate 3D data will mean a host of applications would open-up high definition mapping, which was hitherto not possible, for Smart Cars, e-Commerce, Logistics, gaming, utility planning for next generation networks in telecom, renewable energy and Disaster Management ,and Emergency Response

Genesys has a constellation of advanced sensors in India, consisting of aerial mobile and terrestrial systems capable of imaging at very high speeds and resolutions

Genesys has also filed patents for unique Geo-coding for addressing 3D data as well as automated capture of features from 3D Street Map Imagery

Sh. Sajid Malik, CMD, Genesys International (sol.malik@igenesys.com ), mentioned :

" The digital twin platform of urban India will herald a transformation in map usage in this country as we have mapped – literally – every inch of the city. These highly accurate 3D data – a step towards Metaverse – will mean an essential part of Digital India economy system . Now data of this kind would be available for license to a host of users “




Dear Shri Rohan Vermaji / Shri Sajid Malikji,


No doubt private sector users will come forward and ask you :

“ Can your innovative Geo-Spatial Technology, help to solve XYZ problem ? “

But, it is highly unlikely that any Government department / Transport Ministry, will approach you and ask :

“ Can your Technology :

#   Help rapid change-over to Non-polluting Electric Vehicles ?

#   Help India achieve Net Zero carbon position by 2030 ?

#   Motivate people to give up private / personal vehicles and start using Public

     Tansport ?

#   Bring in Rs 1.3 lakh*crore worth TRANS-TAX based on HARM QUOTIENT of

     each vehicle ? “


On the other hand, I urge you to examine my following suggestion and – if convinced that your technology can, emphatically answer “ YES “, to questions listed above, then send in your proposal to Shri Nitin Gadkariji :

Ø  Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ? …………………………[ 20 Nov 2018 ]


With regards,

Hemen Parekh / hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 04 Dec 2021


Related Readings :


Gadkariji : From a Vision to a Mission …………………………………[ 17 Dec 2020 ]

Congratulations, Avinash Dhakneji ………………………………………[ 15 Dec 2020 ]

Pigovian Tax for Polluters ?                                              [ 03 Apr 2019 ]

National Clean Air Tax ? – a Pigovian tax ?                         [ 11 Jan 2019 ]

Traffic Congestion ? Finally, a solution in sight ?.................[ 31 May 2019 ]

 FAME II > FAME III > FAME IV………………………………………………[ 05 Mar 2019 ]

Trans-portability Theory ………………………………………………………..[ 10 Dec 2018 ]

PUBLIC TRANSPORT AS A SOLUTION ?..............................[ 15 Feb 2016 ]


CC :


[  Institute of Urban Transport – India  ]


[  Director – IRTS ]


[  Institute of Road Traffic Education  ]


[   Institute of Transportation & Development Policy  ]













Wednesday 1 December 2021

Community Kitchen ? Never too late !



Context :

Group of 8 secretaries to create National Policy for Community Kitchens   /   Hindu   /   25 Nov 2021

Extract :

·          With the Supreme Court’s three week deadline looming, the Food Ministry on Thursday formed a group of eight State Food Secretaries to create the framework for a community kitchens scheme.

·          At its last hearing on November 16 on a petition regarding starvation deaths, the apex court had questioned the government’s commitment to run community kitchens, saying the first responsibility of every welfare state should be to provide food to people dying of hunger.

·          The petition had urged the formation of a national food grid as well as a community kitchens scheme to ensure that “no person should sleep on an empty stomach” and rued that there is no official data available on death of persons owing to starvation although India accounts for almost a quarter of the world’s hungry people.

·          The court pulled up the Centre for its lack of progress in framing a national policy to run community kitchens in consultation with State governments, including funds required, and gave it a three week deadline to do so.

·          Setting up the group of Food Secretaries, Mr. Goyal said a new community kitchen scheme needed to be simple and transparent and build on the four pillars of quality, hygiene, reliability and the spirit of service.

·          The Minister emphasised the need to distribute quality food grain to deserving beneficiaries on the basis of need, for “a focused and identified set of people who are vulnerable especially women and children including homeless, slum dwellers, workers on industrial and construction sites”.




I urge the Group of Food Secretaries to consider following suggestions when formulating the Scheme :

[ A ]   Involvement / Participation

Ø  This scheme should involve total involvement of all the States. They should be made responsible for its implementation and monitoring ( within their respective States )

[ B ]    Organizational Framework

Ø  Much similar to GST COUNCIL , this scheme must have an MANAGING COUNCIL, consisting of Food Secretaries from ALL the States

Ø  This Council may be named “ No One Starving Or Hungry in India ( NOSOHI ) “

Ø  NOSOHI will formulate Framework - Rules – Regulations – Systems – Procedures etc re this scheme

Ø  Proposed Framework may incorporate the desirable elements of Co-operative Movement , enshrined in the examples of AMUL / LIJJAT Papad / Anganwadi etc., which would convey the “ Spirit of Service

[ C ]     Generation of Self Employment 

Ø  The scheme should enable a large number of destitute women to participate and become Self-Employed

Ø  In the towns / villages / cities, selected by the State Governments, some State Ministry must be tasked with the job of encouraging formation of Women’s Community Kitchen Co-Op Societies, who shall manage these Community Kitchens

Ø  To each such “ approved / enlisted “ Society, State Government will make available the physical premises ( with water / power ). The size of premises will be linked to the number of poor hungry persons to be fed by the Society, every day ( pre-determined )

Ø  To each such Society, the Central Government shall make available ( free of cost ) :

#  All Kitchen equipment ( including Gas Chulhas + Gas Cylinders ). In course of time, when available

    commercially, these gas stoves should be replaced with Solar Cookers / Chulhas .

#  All tables / chairs required for the Dining Area ( No food shall be allowed to be taken out )

#  All Storage equipment, including Refrigerators ( for Cereals  and for cooked food ) 

#  All Ancilliary equipment ( including cleaning equipment )


Downside of my above-mentioned suggestion :

Ø  Creation of such a huge infrastructure is very difficult in a short time

Ø  Once created ( at a huge Capital and Recurring Expense ), it is very difficult to administer

Ø  There will be leakages and corruption ( in Supply Chain )


I urge the group of Secretaries to also consider following alternative :

NGO serves up free meals for kin of poor patients at JJ hospital    /   TOI   /   28 Nov 2021

Highlights :

I found that an NGO distributes free food here,” said Patil. 

He is among 600 people , all relatives of patients, who benefit from the scheme of Fazlani Aishabai and Haji Abdul Latif Charitable Trust. ( info@aishabaitrust.com )

“ Relatives of many patients eat a vada pav for lunch or dinner. Two square meals a day in Mumbai costs Rs 150 – 200, and the poor cannot afford this “, trust Chairman
Abdul Kader Fazlani (roc.fazfoundation@sopariwala.com)

 had said earlier

Procured from an ISO-certified caterer, the free meals are given twice a day.

“ As per our Chairman’s instructions, the food should be NUTRITIOUS and there should be no compromise on QUALITY. We have kept it VEGETARIAN so that nobody has any hesitation in accepting it “ , said Trust CEO Shabir Mushtaq Mir, adding that they often make surprise visits to the caterer’s kitchen to ensure QUALITY and HYGIENE

Beneficiaries get food coupons a day ahead so that the trust’s VOLUNTEERS know the NUMBER of FOOD PACKETS they need to arrange for that day. We ensure ZERO WASTAGE for the FOOD “, said Mir


Dear Secretaries :

While drafting your Community Kitchen Scheme , irrespective of its proposed structure, I urge you to incorporate the following provisions :

Ø  Hungry person who queues up to collect COUPONS  or FOOD PACKET, will NOT be asked  ANY QUESTION, whatsoever . Please do not HUMILIATE a poor hungry human !

Ø  He / she will not be asked :

       #    Domicile – Nationality – Name – Address – any Identity Card /

             Document – Community – Religion –Caste –Age – whether employed /

             jobless etc


Ø  Although you may recommend installation of a FACIAL RECOGNITION system at each kitchen, it will be for the sole purpose of keeping count ( of the numbers served each lunch / dinner ) and to avoid DUPLICATE issues to same person.

Ø  No beneficiary will be allowed to take the FOOD PACKET, outside the kitchen. It must be consumed inside the kitchen’s  Dining Area only

Ø  However, your scheme should provide for taking home the Food Packets, in cases of OLD-SICK-INVALID-BED RIDDEN, poor humans who just cannot walk up to the nearest kitchen. In such cases, relative / family member / friend or an NGO volunteer may be allowed to take out the food packet, after entering  full “ SICK BENEFICIARY  DATA “ in a centrally computerized system

Incidentally, all over India, religious trusts are running FREE " Bhojanalaya " , serving meals to thousands of devotees every day. One such Community Kitchen is at Sarangpur in Gujarat which claims to be running this service for past 100 years ( 24 x 7 ) , with 30 lakh ( 3 million ) being served every year


With regards,

Hemen Parekh /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 02 Nov 2021


Related Readings :


Thank You, Smt Smriti Iraniji ………………………………………. [  08 Nov 2021 ]

BANMALI arrives : Named as Poshan Tracker…………………[ 17 Apr 2021 ]

A Mobile App named " BANMALI "………………………………….. [ 15 Sept 2016 ]

BANMALI is the TOTAL SOLUTION …………………………………..[ 14 Nov 2016 ]

Can Akshay Patra Banish Malnutrition ? ………………………….[ 05 June 2017 ]

Thank You Madam Maneka Gandhiji ………………………………..[ 21 Dec 2018 ]

Saving 1.2 million Kids …………………………………………………… [ 29 June 2016 ]