Dear Friend ,
It is easy to be a cynic and say :
* Things are
never going to change
* Do those
Government Babus bother about us ?
* They are
inaccessible . How to reach them ?
* Will they care
to listen ?
Now think positive and say ( even though difficult ) :
* I am going to
speak up and make myself heard
* I am going to
raise my voice above the din
* I will make those
Ministers listen to me
* I will not
give up till I get an answer
* I will
persevere and make a difference
* I will
persuade thousands others to do like-wise
* I will stop
* I will send to
MPs / MLAs / Ministers ( all 2300 + from Central
and State
Governments ) , my Positive / Constructive /
Concrete /
Actionable suggestions from ,
Future does not " happen " on its own: I will
make it " happen "
Luck does not " arrive " : I will go and
" meet " it
Will you too , please
with regards,
hemen parekh
( - at 82 , I refuse to give up ! )
> Blogs
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