Hindustan Times ( 07 Dec 2016 ) carries following
news reports :
" Developers will get to run townships for 10 years "
[ Developers building PRIVATE
TOWNSHIPS on 100 acres of land or more in state will be allowed to build
and look after infrastructure — internal roads, water supply, electricity
distribution and local transport — for the first 10 years, after which its
governance will be handed over to a civic body.
Under its Special Township Policy for Integrated Development,
the state has decided to grant permission to build private
townships on at least 100 acres of land. The developers, however, will
have to build the townships following norms of the Centre’s smart cities
The government has
also made it mandatory for the developers to provide 20%
of the built-up area for affordable housing, including 5% for rental
housing. ]
A Year on, Maha State govt's towering ' housing for all ' claims fall flat
[ Not even a single tenement is ready or even
close to completion , against an ambitious deadline to create 19 lakh affordable houses by 2022
Even the number of
houses sanctioned on paper is a far cry from the 2.71 lakh houses the
government needs to approve and build under the scheme EVERY
YEAR , to meet its stated aim of 19 lakh units
in 7 years ]
Congratulations , Shri Ravindra Waikar-ji , on
this pioneering initiative which, finally holds out hope for a " roof over
the heads " , for millions of middle class citizens
But , in the past , many good-intentioned policies have
floundered during implementation for want of clearly spelt-out DETAILS
In this regard , I request you to consider
incorporating in the policy , my following suggestions , sent to you last year ( 01
Sept 2015 ) :
HOUSE BY 2020 ?
Shri Ravindra Waikar
, Minister for Housing , Maharashtra Government , says ( DNA / 16 Aug 2015 ) :
" We want to provide a dream house to everyone by 2020 . We won't compromise on the quality
of construction . It will be at par with that of private builders . We are
working on a mission mode "
He is referring to planned construction of 5 lakh " affordable " houses ( flats ? ) , by 2020
No doubt , this is a very daunting task but it is possible if
there is " Political Will " - which is evident from above statement
of Shri Waikar
Here are my few suggestions that Shri Waikar may want to consider :
* Carpet Area = 400 sq ft
* Selling Price = Rs 10 lakhs (
Rs 2,500 / sq ft )
* Building Clusters to be located
on the outskirts of cities ( important )
* 100 Clusters of 50 buildings (
each with 10 floors*10 flats/floor )
* A Special Purpose Vehicle ( SPV ) , named,
Dream House Private Limited ( DHPL )
* Infrastructure Industry with 100 % FDI thru automatic route
* 10 % equity by Maha Govt ( in lieu of land )
Maha Govt to pass on this equity to land-owners
* 90 % equity by WinSun
Decoration Design Engineering Co ( China )
* Rs 10,000 Crores
* Acquire land ( under
modified Land Acquisition Act ) / hand over to SPV
* Comprehensive Town
Planning of each Cluster like a Smart City
* Building Design /
Drawings / Material Specs
* Quality Control / Material Testing Lab at each site
* A Project Monitoring Team at
each site / Use of PERT
* Site surveillance using
CCTV cameras
* Make available land for setting up 3D House Printing factories
* Interconnection of site
offices with HQ , thru VPN
* Blanket permissions ( IOD / NOC etc ) issued in advance
* OC based on certification
from Site Project Manager
* Maintenance of flats thru
Coop Societies of each cluster
* Neither SPV , nor Maha
Govt to pay any royalty to WinSun
of technology
* Maha Govt to act as the agency for allotment of flats to eligible
in Maharashtra thru a " Lottery System "
once a year , based on a pre-agreed cost - escalation
formula, which
will be explained in detail on SPV web site
Calculation of each upward revision shall be made public
* SPV to hand over possession of
flat to the allotee upon receipt of
full payment
* SPV shall not be permitted direct selling of any flat in
* SPV would be free to set up factories
in other States and be free to
sell flats built
there, thru Open Market Sale
OF WinSun
* Setting up of 20 factories for
3D Printing of flats
* Assembling of 3D printed flats
at sites
* Transfer of 3D house printing
technology to Indian project managers /
site engineers
/ construction workers
* 3D ( house ) Printing Technology developed / patented by WinSun
WinSun ?
# On
29 March 2014 , WinSun constructed TEN , 3D printed houses ( 200 sq meter each ) in
Shanghai, each
costing $ 4,800 ( approx Rs 3 lakh ! )
# On
17 July 2015 , using its 3D printing technology , WinSun built a 2 storey villa
, in just 3 HOURS
# WinSun holds 98 patents for construction materials
# For 3D printing of houses , WinSun , mostly uses
recycled construction materials
# 3D
house-printing technology saves,
* 30% -60 %
of building materials
* 70 % of
production time
* 80 %
of construction cost
# Egypt Government has placed on WinSun , an order for
supplying 20,000 pre-fabricated , 3D printed houses
# In Egypt , WinSun will establish 12 Dream Factories ( to build pre-fabricated
houses ) , within 2 years
These factories will mostly use desert sand as its main construction
material , which was found ideal for 3D
printing of houses !
# In next 3 years , WinSun will set up ( in JV with
local parties ) , similar factories in 20 countries , including
Saudi Arabia , UAE ,
Qatar , Mexico , S. Korea , Russia , Morocco , Tunisia , and USA
As someone has said :
" It is OK to build castles in the air , as long as you
know how to put foundation underneath , later on "
Even if you are dreaming of building 5 lakh castles !
11 Dec 2016
www.hemenparekh.in / blogs