Privacy-seeking Alice ,
a paltry first time investment of $ 30,000 [ Rs 22.5 lakh ] and a “ recurring annual
maintenance cost “ of $ 15,000 [ Rs 11.25
lakh ], ( not counting a few months of
giving up your job / business ) , you can set up your ( near perfect ) PRIVACY PLATFORM , to :
# Mitigating real-time location tracking
# Protect your phone
# Protect your residence
# Protect your snail mail
# Protect “real property”
# Protect your real name
# Keep a low profile
# Protect your internet privacy
# Protect your PC
# Protect online accounts
# Protect communication channels
# Protect your financial data
# Protect your purchases
# Protect your driver’s license data
# Traveling and crossing borders
# Voting
# Crime
# Protect your family
# Leave false trails
# Data cleanup
# Stress-test your setup
begin your “ Alice
in the Wonderland of Privacy “ adventure
, be prepared to spend 31 minutes to read following article by ,
Jameson Lopp ,
infrastructure engineer at ,
Modest Privacy Protection Proposal
, if you have neither money nor time nor inclination, then read alternatives listed at :
Matter of Motive [ 04 Aug 2018
Privacy Law : a Pandora’s Box ? [
15 July
2018 ]
Dear Shri RaviShankar Prasadji,
is quite possible that the members of Shri B N ShriKrishna Committee did not get an
opportunity to read Jameson’s article ( which got published only last week )
I urge you to find 31 minutes to read it so that while piloting the proposed
DATA PROTECTION BILL through Lok Sabha , you are not
embarrassed with questions from the members of the Opposition Parties , some of
whom may find time to read it ( since I am sending this blog to all members of
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha )
Oct 2018 / blogs