American spy-agencies , FBI and NSA , regularly " spy " upon , not only its own citizens ( - including
its Congressmen / Senators ), but also on foreign dignitaries such as ,
> Chancellor
Angela Merkel ( Germany )
> Prime
Minister Hollande ( France
> Prime
Minister Cameron ( Britain )
> Prime
Minister Kerzai (
Afghanistan )
> Sundry
Indian Politicians... etc
When revealed by whistle-blowers like Asange /
Snowden , American Secretary of State , John Kerry simply said ,
" All of
this spying is crucial for the security of America. We just cannot discontinue spying even if
persons being spied upon are our close friends. If anyone feels hurt , we
cannot help "
What Kerry left unsaid is ,
" Period . Put
up or shut up !
Every country spies on its own citizens .
If you don't know
about this fundamental fact of statehood , you must be
an ignoramus !
Those high and mighty kept quiet , since they are
guilty of the spying , themselves !
So , what is all this hoolaboolu about Gujarat police
spying on a girl , as requested for , by her own father ?
But since opposition politicians have run out of
serious election issues , they must clutch at the straw to remain afloat !
They know this is their only hope of appearing on TV
news channels !
What they seem to forget is :
TV anchors - and their businessmen owners - know too
well that people will stop watching a debate on a 5 year old " Non-Issue
" after just 3 days !
So , if they wish to continue to be invited on TV panel
discussions , opposition politicians must find another " Non-Issue "
- and fast !
Much ado about nothing !
* hemen parekh
( 22 Nov 2013 )