Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 28 August 2015

Time to Re-Think ?

Time  to  Re-Think  ?

Among many problems being faced by India these days ,are :

>  World - wide slowing down of economy

>  Rapidly rising workforce / unemployed

>  Resistance to Labour Reforms by Unions

>  Chinese currency devaluation

>  Rapid decline in our Exports

Even as Central Government Ministers sit down today, to listen to ,and address the Charter of Demands of Labour Unions , may be they need to articulate , in no uncertain terms , what the Unions must " Give " , in return for what they expect to " Take "

At this stage , the only thing that can save our country going the way of Greece , is :

Make India , a " Low Cost Economy "

I hope what I wrote to 7,500 employees of L&T Powai Works , some 31 years back , provides some clues

with regards,

hemen  parekh

27  Aug  2015



16 AUG 1984

To: All Employees at Powai Works

Dear Friends :

In Brazil they call it......    Indexation

In America they call it...... COLA  ( Cost of Living Adjustment )

In Italy they call it ......... Scala - Mobile  Escalator.
 In India we call it..........  D.A.  ( Dearness Allowance )

But everywhere,  it means  the same  thing to  the employees.
Whenever  inflation pushes  up  prices  in  the  market,  some index  published  by  the  Government  will  also  rise. 
In India, we call it   Consumer Price Index  (  CPI  )
Whenever C.P.I, goes up, D.A.  goes up, putting more money in the hands of an employee.

The  idea is that  even though  the prices may  have gone  up , with  the  extra  D.A.  in  his  hands,  he  can  continue  to purchase the same quantity  of articles as before.

Rising prices raise the " Cost of Living " .

So the experts  thought :

"Let us put  more money in the  hands of  an employee - to   take care  of  the  rising  prices  -  to neutralize the rise in the ," Cost of Living "

Fine idea ! 

In fact, originally this is an Indian idea 

We, in India, introduced it  40  years ago. 

Americans and Italians introduced it only a few years ago.

Italians call  it " Scala - Mobile  Escalator ".  

Seems like  they borrowed the  idea  from our own " Escalator-culture " !

Except that they  seem to have discovered  something within 5 years  (1979-1984) which we have  still not  discovered after 40 years .  Or do not wish to discover !

And that is :

Every time D.A. goes up, " Cost of Production" also goes up !

And if  " Cost of Production "  goes up, " Selling Prices " must also go up. 

( We were forced to  raise the selling  prices of our Switchgear  Standard products a few days ago )

If we do  not raise our selling prices,  our profits will  go down

But  nobody   likes  profits   to  go  down   -  neither   the shareholders nor the employees.

So  what is  the problem ?  Just keep  raising  the selling prices, whenever costs go up.

But the Italians are thinking :

"No that won't  work. 
If we  wish to  sell fertilizer plants in India, our  selling prices must be  lower than the selling prices of the  Japanese manufacturers  ( who last month gave a YEN 6 billion  loan to India, to buy  a fertilizer plant from Japan )
And our  selling prices  must be lower than those of an Indian company  called L&T
But we cannot force L&T to raise its selling  prices. 
All that  we can do  is  to reduce  our costs, by slowing  down the " Scala Mobile Escalator  "— Down with D.A. ! "

If our Mr. V.G.Desai (Divisional Manager -Chemical Division ) could hear the  Italians thinking, he would  jump-up and say:
 " Very dangerous thinking ! "
He means  dangerous  for us - for  L&T

Let me  assure you, VGD  has  no love  lost for  the Italian   workmen !

And  with all  the  affection he  has  for our  own employees  he  keeps gazing at the following chart.


And he wonders :

How  the Italians  ( even Japanese ) would  love to  get a copy of this chart  !

Does  Indian  Industry  have  the  "Italian Option"   ( of stopping or slowing down the D.A.) ?

If not , can   people   of   Powai,   possibly   increase   their productivity quickly enough  to neutralize the following increases in the wages ?

Increase/ Employee
Rs / Month
Jan. 1979 Settlement   (Average)
D.A.Increase (Jan1979 -July 1984)
475 to 1114
April 1984 Settlement (Average)
1225 to 1864

How shall we respond to these questions ?

h c parekh


Make    Yourself    Heard

Dear Visitor :

It is time for YOU to speak up - and demand that YOU are heard

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