Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Model Code of ( Hypocrite ) Conduct ?

For many months now , NDA government had been discussing advancing of Union Budget to 01 Feb of each year

PM Shri Modi even told Chief Secretaries of the States re this in September 2016
Then finally confirmed it on 31st Dec

To be followed by Election Commission's announcement of holding polls in 5 states , starting with Goa on 04 Feb

Now 16 political parties ( opposition ) has asked EC to tell the government , not to offer any sops ( even to the poorest ? ) , in forthcoming budget

Or , postpone the budget after the polls are over in March 2017

Why ?

Opposition argues :

Model Code of Conduct ( which kicked in from 01 Feb ) , prohibits political parties to " bribe the voters " with goodies / freebies etc ( ostensibly to win votes )

I call this , a case of " Selective Amnesia " meaning ,

A case of conveniently forgetting following background :

[  A  ]

On 22 Feb 2014 , following Supreme Court directives , the Election Commission , revised , " Model Code of Conduct " , containing guidelines on what kind of poll promises , political parties can incorporate in their poll manifestos


*   Parties shall make only those promises which are possible to be fulfilled

*   It is expected that manifestos also reflect the rationale for the promises
     and broadly indicate the ways and means to meet the financial requirements for it

*   Party in power shall stop advertizing for publicity of achievements

[  B  ]

In its manifesto released on 24 March 2014 , Congress has promised to create 10 Crore ( = 100 million ) new jobs in next 5 years , if voted to power

No explanation / clarification in Congress Manifesto as to how they plan to find Rs 10 crore*crore , to create these jobs !

[  C  ]

During past few weeks ,

*  Akhilesh Yadav has promised to give away ( of course, FREE ) , Smart phones to all young people of UP.( How can he forget 10 lakh FREE laptops that brought him to power ! )

*  Captain Amrinder Singh has promised , not only Smart phones but also JOBS to 91
lakh young people of Punjab

Now , you may say :

Hey ! These promises were " OUTSIDE " of Manifesto and made  BEFORE  the Code of Conduct kicked in ! So that don't count !

[  D  ]

And if you ponder the following scenario, then it would appear that we would have Model Code of Conduct operating in some or other part of our country , ALL ROUND THE YEAR !

>  Out of 545 MPs , some 163 ( 30 % ) are facing criminal cases

I go on to assume that ,

>  Out of a total of 4131 MLAs , a similar 30 % are facing criminal cases

That is , some 1,239 MLAs

A grand total of 163 + 1239 = 1,402 " tainted " legislators  !

Now , let us further assume that , only 30 % of this 30 % , are facing " Serious " criminal charges , where , if convicted , they will get a prison term of 5 years or more

{  Supreme Court had requested the incoming government in 2014, to set up special court to dispose off, all these cases within ONE YEAR ! }

That is 1402 * 30 % = 420  ( believe me , a sheer coincidence ! )

Once convicted , they will be disqualified as MP / MLA , creating that many vacancies  

All of this ( simplistic ) arithmetic translates into following election scenario :


*   545 MPs

*   4131 MLAs


*  48  MPs  ( Serious Crimes - 30% of 163 )

*  372 MLAs ( Serious Crimes - 30 % of 1239 )

We will get to exercise our birth-right ( to Vote ) , EVERYDAY  ! Long live VOTE-CRACY !

Under such a scenario, the Central Government dare not present any benefits for the poor , in ANY YEAR's Budget, for fear of violating Model Code of Conduct !

[  E  ]

Now one more example of whatever is " MODEL ", in the CONDUCT of our Political Parties

( apart from anonymous CASH donations and failing to submit statement of income and expenditure to Election Commission )  :

*  Despite CIC ( Central Information Commission ) holding that

    *   Political parties fulfill the criteria of being " PUBLIC AUTHORITIES ", and

    *  Answerable to the public under the RTI ( Right to Information Act ) ,

    *  Must designate CPIOs / Appellate Authorities at their headquarters in six weeks,

In Sept 2015 ,

The NDA government has filed an affidavit before the Supreme Court (SC) backing immunity for political parties from making disclosures under the RTI Act.

With the government in solidarity with political parties resisting RTI at the cost of losing the trust of people, it may find it difficult to defend its stand in court but also to justify it.

Not to be left behind , in June 2016 , Congress told CIC ,

" To set aside its 2013 full bench order, saying it is neither a court nor a competent authority to exercise plenary jurisdiction and the order is “arbitrary and illegal.”

[  F  ]

Election Commission has asked NDA government to state its position , before 10th Feb , on the objections raised by the Opposition Parties

I presume , Shri Arun Jaiteleyji  will reply as follows :

Dear Sir :

I promise that in my Budget Speech on 01 Feb 2017 , all of my proposals / schemes , will be in respect of ONLY the following promises , which we made some 3 years ago in our 2014 Poll Manifesto , and these will cover ALL citizens.



Elimination of  Black Money   
Special Courts to stop Hoarding / Black-Marketing

Set-up a Price-Stabilization Fund

Develop Labour-intensive Manufacturing   

Empowering Youth for Self-Employment   

Transforming Employment Exchanges to Career Centers

Eliminating Corruption thru E-Governance   

Rationalization / Simplification of Tax-Regime  

Insulate Intelligence Agencies from political intervention   

Strengthening Physical Infrastructure  

Expediting work on Freight and Industrial Corridors

Setting up Gas-Grids  

Optical Fiber Network up to the village level

*  Quadrilateral project for Bullet Trains       

*  Establishment of National  " E - Library "     

*  Implementation of National Education Policy

*  Evolving further the PPP model to PPPP model  

*  Building 100 Mega-Cities  


In yesterday's BJP convention , Shri Modi asked party members , not to get distracted by opposition criticism, not recommend relatives for election tickets and work for the POOR

We will know by afternoon of  01 Feb 2017


08  Jan  2017

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs

Friday, 6 January 2017

Dear Sundar Pichai

06  Jan  2017

Challenges   Worthy   of   Google  ?

Dear  Sundar  Pichai :

During your interview last evening with Vikram Chandra ( NDTV ) , you said :

I like to work on finding solutions to challenging problems . I like to find solutions that millions of people around the World can use to simplify their lives and empower them

I believe, through use of Aadhar based apps , such solutions can make a huge difference to Education , Healthcare , Economy etc

At Google , we are committed to come up with innovative technologies in the area of AI / Machine Learning / Language Translation / Speech Recognition etc , for incorporating into our innovations

We are actively helping Indian Government in extending the reach of internet to farthest corners of India . Someday , we hope to bring out Google Pixel smart phone at $ 30 , which will incorporate bio-metric recognition / Google Translate / Google Assistant / Google Action etc  "

All of this was very heartening  !

Here are my suggestions for solving some of those  "



A  ]    

To eliminate  MAL-NUTRITION  which claims lives of  1.2 MILLION  children in India , each year

    "  BAN-MALI is the Total Solution " ( Ban Mal Nutrition in India )


B  ]   

To provide an end-to-end , comprehensive  HEALTH CARE  solution to  1.3 BILLION  Indians


C  ]   

 To ensure " REDRESSAL OF GRIEVANCES  "  to citizens

  "  I SIN    U  SIN  "  ( I Seek It Now , You Solve It Now )


D  ]   

 To enable  SIMULTANEOUS POLLS  ( Lok Sabha + States ) , on a single day

  "  VotesApp "


E  ]   

 To save thousands of lives in  CAR ACCIDENTS ,  caused by drunk drivers :

     "  Incorporate into steering wheels of cars , a sensor that reads the level of  ALCOHOL  in the blood
     stream of the driver's hands and shuts it down ( or refuses to start ) , if level exceeds permissible limit

     May be , this sensor can also detect presence of banned  DRUGS  in the blood , besides pulse rate


F  ]   

 Simplification of  MOBILE WALLET  , which requires  NO TYPING  into the App  /  ONLY SPEAKING


G  ]  

  How  to  catch  BLACK  MONEY  ?

  "  Fak-e-Mon

H  ]   

REDUCTION OF POLLUTION  caused  by  Petrol / Diesel  Vehicles


Dear Sundar :

I hope this email does not land in your " junk mail " box

It would definitely reach you , if Google were to implement :

IT Notice : What will it say ?

Newspaper reports say that IT department is in the process of sending notices to some 60 lakh citizens who have deposited in their bank accounts , more than Rs 2 lakh each , since demonetization announcement on 08 Nov

Aggregate deposits are Rs 7 lakh*crore

Apparently , IT department thinks that BLACK MONEY holders have used these accounts of poor people to convert their BLACK into WHITE

What will this notice say ?

Here is my guess :


Dear Mango Man / Woman ,

Since 08 Nov , you have deposited Rs 2 lakh in your bank account

*  From our records, we find that you have not filed any Income Tax return , in past 10

*  Please show cause why a case should not be filed against you for


Yours Truly ( tormentor ) ,

XYZ Officer / ABC Circle

PS :

There is no need to hurry with your reply since we are sending this notice to 60 lakh persons like you , of which , we will select the top 10 % ( ie , 6 lakh ) for filing a case

With our present capacity to file 6,000 cases per year , your turn may come after 100 years

You are requested to stick around till then or keep your heirs informed about the following

fact :

*  In a written reply in Lok Sabha last week , Minister of State for Finance , Santosh Kumar
   Gangwar said that , as of Oct 31 , 2016 , 238 prosecution complaints have been filed and
   and properties worth Rs 18,866 cr have been attached

*  Based on the information submitted by Indian Authorities to the US as part of
   cooperation , the INSCR ( Integrated Network for Societal Conflict Research ) states ,

   " ... the government has not won any court cases involving money laundering or
    confiscations ... Money laundering investigations without a predicate offense are rarely
   successfully prosecuted in the Indian judicial system and even if they are , the resulting
   punishment is often minimal "


In light of the forgoing, I advise the recipients to reply as follows :

Dear Tax Tormentor,

At the outset , my thankful gratitude for taking cognizance of my existence !
Here is WHY , you should NOT file any case , as suggested by you

*  My annual income for the  past 10 years , has always been less than Tax-Exemption limit

*  Every year , I have been saving Rs 20,000 from my meager income and keeping the cash
   in a cupboard . Now , any economist will confirm that a Domestic Savings Rate of 10 % is
   highly desirable ( you know , " Saving for the Rainy Day " ! )

* When our PM announced demonetization , I was left with no alternative , other than
  depositing my hard-earned savings into my bank account

*  My neighbour tells me ( - I cannot afford a CA or a Lawyer ) that there is no law against
   holding any amount of legitimate / hard earned / non-taxable CASH in house !

*  By limiting the monthly withdrawals , of my own hard earned money, from my own bank
    account , you have already made my life miserable !  Even without filing a case and
   waiting for the Hon Judge to find me guilty , you have succeeded in punishing me !

*  We , the sufferers are asking YOU to show cause , why WE should not try you in the
   Court of the Election Commission, in the  STATE ELECTIONS  about to be held in Feb /
   March, for

      OF POWER "

with regards,

Yours Hatefully,

Mango Man ( A Jan without Dhan )

07  Jan  2017

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Challenges Worthy of Google ?

Dear  Sundar  Pichai :

During your interview last evening with Vikram Chandra ( NDTV ) , you said :

I like to work on finding solutions to challenging problems . I like to find solutions that millions of people around the World can use to simplify their lives and empower them

I believe, through use of Aadhar based apps , such solutions can make a huge difference to Education , Healthcare , Economy etc

At Google , we are committed to come up with innovative technologies in the area of AI / Machine Learning / Language Translation / Speech Recognition etc , for incorporating into our innovations

We are actively helping Indian Government in extending the reach of internet to farthest corners of India . Someday , we hope to bring out Google Pixel smart phone at $ 30 , which will incorporate bio-metric recognition / Google Translate / Google Assistant / Google Action etc  "

All of this was very heartening  !

Here are my suggestions for solving some of those  " CHALLENGING  PROBLEMS " :

A  ]    To eliminate  MAL-NUTRITION  which claims lives of  1.2 MILLION  children in India , each year

    "  BAN-MALI is the Total Solution " ( Ban Mal Nutrition in India )

    { http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/11/banmali-is-total-solution.html }

B  ]   To provide an end-to-end , comprehensive  HEALTH CARE  solution to  1.3 BILLION  Indians

   { http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2015/10/3-d-digital-delivery-of-drugs.html }

C  ]    To ensure " REDRESSAL OF GRIEVANCES  "  to citizens

  "  I  SIN   U  SIN  "  ( I Seek It Now , You Solve It Now )

    {  http://www.hemenparekh.com/2013/08/i-sin-sin-that-could-be-name-of-android.html  }

D  ]    To enable  SIMULTANEOUS POLLS  ( Lok Sabha + States ) , on a single day

  "  VotesApp "

  {  http://www.hemenparekh.in/2013/08/votesapp.html  }

E  ]    To save thousands of lives in  CAR ACCIDENTS ,  caused by drunk drivers :

     "  Incorporate into steering wheels of cars , a sensor that reads the level of  ALCOHOL  in the blood
     stream of the driver's hands and shuts it down ( or refuses to start ) , if level exceeds permissible limit

     May be , this sensor can also detect presence of banned  DRUGS  in the blood , besides pulse rate

F  ]    Simplification of  MOBILE WALLET  , which requires  NO TYPING  into the App  /  ONLY SPEAKING

   {  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/12/google-can-read-your-mind.html  }

G  ]    How  to  catch  BLACK  MONEY  ?

  "  Fak-e-Mon "  {  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/07/fak-e-mon.html  }

  "  March  of  Algorithm " { http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-march-of-algorithms.html }

H  ]    REDUCTION OF POLLUTION  caused  by  Petrol / Diesel  Vehicles

  {  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/08/a-radical-radial-revolution.html  }


Dear Sundar :

I hope this email does not land in your " junk mail " box

It would definitely reach you , if Google were to implement :

{ http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/03/next-generation-newspaper.html }

with regards,

hemen  parekh

Mumbai / hcp@RecruitGuru.com

06 Jan  2016


Tuesday, 3 January 2017

A Matter of Time

Hindustan Times carries following news reports :

* Jan 03 2017
BHIM downloaded 3 million times, top app in India: Kant

Indigenous digital payments app BHIM has been downloaded 3 million times and enabled over 5 lakh transactions since its launch, Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant has said.

Bhim App - 3 million download since launch, No 1 on Playstore in India amongst all apps, over 500,000 transactions since launch. #MakeinIndia,” Kant said in a tweet.

In a bid to further push adoption of e-payments in the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 30 launched the BHIM app that will enable fast and secure cashless transactions using mobile phones.

Named after the architect of the Indian Constitution, Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar, the Bharat Interface for Money ( BHIM ) is a simplified payment platform designed to make Unified Payment Interface ( UPI ) and USSD payment modes simpler and usable across feature phones and smart phones.

Developed by National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI), BHIM is supported by host of banks, including State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, Bank of India, Canara Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce and Punjab National Bank, among others.

The app, which can be downloaded from Google Playstore, is currently available in Hindi and English, and support for more languages is expected soon.

BHIM is interoperable with other Unified Payment Interface ( UPI ) applications and bank accounts.

*  Jan 04 2017

BHIM joins the digital Dangal

Where BHIM lags ................... 6 issues

*  Where BHIM is ahead.............. 5 issues

*  No of Users............................ Paytm ( 150 mn ) / MobiKwik ( 40 mn ) /
BHIM ( 3 mn )


Yesterday's Proverb  :  Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Today's Mantra        :  Competition is the Mother of Innovation

So , just wait to find out which Mobile Wallet comes up with the following " innovations " FIRST :

All bank accounts of a person ( in different banks ) become inter- operable / fungible ,
   through seamless interlinking , using Aadhar / UPI Interface in a Mobile Wallet
   No need to " select " a particular bank name

*  All transactions using a Mobile Wallet, automatically entered in BLOCK-CHAIN database
   commonly shared by ALL banks

*  Wallet based algorithm will  move funds across different bank accounts  for best yield ,
   constantly searching for best interest rates offered by banks on Fixed Deposits
   This will happen automatically , much like algorithm-based share trading , taking
   advantage of price differences in two bourses located 300 km apart ( in one thousandths
   of a second ! )

{  Above link added on 19 May 2020  }
   No rocket science here considering availability of " BEST PRICE " apps for thousands of
   goods and services

   And since computing power of mobiles are doubling every 18 months ( Moore's Law ),
  nothing will stop algo-trading through a Mobile Wallet , as well ! ( Demat A/C on Wallet ? )

  If you have any doubts , read DNA ( 04 Jan ) report :

 " Samsung's upcoming flagship Galaxy S8 smart-phone can be connected to a screen with
   a keyboard and mouse, to give a desktop experience , and create a multi-tasking
   interface, presumably running on Google's Android mobile operating system "

*  And the day is not far when your Mobile Wallet will " read " the Serial Numbers of high
   denomination currency notes lying in your pocket / purse and total up the value ( - and
   inform the IT / ED ?

   {  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/12/to-catch-black-money-ask-google.html }

*  Of course , future Mobile Wallets will subsume within itself , ALL AUTOMATIC PAYMENT
    APPS , using which ( individually ) , currently I make following digital payments :

     #  Property Taxes / Locker Fees / Housing Society Charges / MTNL 

     #  Mahanagar Gas / Tata Power / YOU broadband / Vodafone / TATA Sky TV etc

   I expect , a future Mobile Wallet to take care of ALL my periodic dues, automatically

*  Without doubt , a future Mobile Wallet will need to serve all major regional languages

Equally important, all future Mobile Wallets will have to be SPEECH ENABLED

   Read :

   {  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/11/how-to-go-cash-less.html }

   The party introducing this feature first , will be the WINNER ! Rest will remain followers !

*  Then of course , as soon as Government introduces new plastic notes of Rs 500 / 1000 /
    2000 , duly embedded with RFID chips , a future Mobile Wallet will help tracking  of

   Read :

   {  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/11/embrace-inevitable.html  }

    Here is a hint :

    New one pound British coin " has a high security hidden feature built into the coin to
    protect it from counterfeiting in the future " ( Busi.Line / 04 Jan ) : May be RFID chip  ?

Let there be no doubt

Paytm / MobiKwik / FreeCharge / Itzcash / SBI Buddy and a dozen other Mobile Wallets , are not going to take it " lying down " from BHIM !

The jury is out !


04  Jan  2017

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs