Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 2 October 2023

The More things Change , the More they remain the Same



Context :

L&T's new Chairman Subrahmanyan asks staff to be ready for 'massive changes' in ecosystem

( Money Control  /  01 Oct 2023 )

Extract :

S N Subrahmanyan, in his first letter to the employees of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Group after assuming charge as chairman and managing director of the engineering major, said the world is going through massive changes in terms of ,

Ø  ecosystem,

Ø  energy change,

Ø  sustainability as a way of life ,


-      and they must speed and scale with the change to fulfil their customers’ demands.

“We cannot afford to rest on our laurels for our customers will continue seeking excellence from us every day. Our focus cannot waver from Performance, performance, performance”, Subrahmanyan said in his letter to the employees after taking charge of L&T on October 1.


The letter mentioned that digitization is rapidly becoming a huge aspect of business and there is a need to harness the power of technology to keep improving productivity and efficiency of the company.

My  Take  :


Some 34 years ago [ on 05 Jan 1989 ], I submitted to L&T Corporate Management, a report titled :

Quo Vadis ?  (  Wither thou Goeth ? )

Following is its covering letter :


Mr. S.R.Subramaniam

                                                                  January 5, 1989




20th Century saw two world-wars between super-powers.


The aim of both was territorial expansion.


21st Century will witness a similar war of global dimensions - but with a difference


It will be


-    a war of expansion of economic -territory involving nations, large and


     -   fought by mega-corporations

     -   employing world-wide network of space-age technologies/    


     -   unrestrained by national boundaries

     -   without an end      


It will be a business-war in which the unprepared will be wiped-out and even those who have made definite survival-plans will find going tough.


I am happy to enclose a report which goes beyond survival.


For many thousand L& T-ites, it will offer hope for growth in the 21st Century. 


I suggest that the Corporate Management sets aside one full day during the forthcoming Strategic-Plan Meetings, to debate this report and take necessary decisions.


With kind regards,



CC : Mr. N.M.Desai



With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai  /  03 Oct 2023


Related Readings :

Letters  To  L&T  Employees      

Amazon E-Book     

L&T Switchgear & Other Stories  

L&T  Story


I could not resist consulting BARD and ChatGPT about their observations :




Quo Vadis? (1989)

S. N. Subrahmanyan's letter to employees (2023)


"L&T must harness space-age technologies to expand its economic territory."

"L&T must embrace digitization to keep improving productivity and efficiency."


"The 21st century will witness a war of economic expansion involving nations and mega-corporations."

"L&T must be ready for massive changes in the ecosystem."

Need to change

"L&T must go beyond survival and plan for growth in the 21st century."

"L&T must speed and scale with the change to fulfil its customers’ demands."

Focus on Performance

Not mentioned

"L&T cannot rest on its laurels and its focus cannot waver from Performance, performance, performance."



ChatGPT  :


It's interesting to compare the observations made by L&T's Chairman S N Subrahmanyan in 2023 with your report titled "QUO VADIS?" from 1989. While there are some differences due to the time gap and the specific focus of each communication, there are also some noteworthy similarities:


1.     Adaptation to Change:

Both Subrahmanyan and your 1989 report emphasize the need for L&T and its employees to adapt to changing circumstances. In 1989, you mentioned the importance of being prepared for the economic war of the 21st century, which implies a need for adaptation to new economic realities. In 2023, Subrahmanyan highlights the massive changes in the ecosystem, energy, and sustainability, emphasizing the need to "speed and scale with the change."


2.     Technology:

Both communications emphasize the significance of technology. In 1989, your report mentions "world-wide network of space-age technologies," while in 2023, Subrahmanyan talks about digitization becoming a huge aspect of business and the need to harness technology for improved productivity and efficiency.


3.     Globalization:

Although not explicitly mentioned in your 1989 report, the idea of mega-corporations engaging in a global economic war implies a form of globalization. Subrahmanyan's observations also suggest the importance of L&T operating on a global scale to fulfill customer demands, which aligns with the concept of global economic expansion.


4.     Focus on Performance:

In both communications, there is an emphasis on performance. Subrahmanyan mentions that L&T's focus cannot waver from "Performance, performance, performance." Your 1989 report suggests that being unprepared in the 21st century's economic war will result in being wiped out, implying that superior performance is essential for survival.


1.     Timeframe:

The timeframe differs significantly, with your 1989 report looking ahead to the 21st century and Subrahmanyan's letter addressing the present (2023). The specific challenges and technologies have evolved over these decades.


2.     Nature of Challenges:

Your 1989 report focuses on the potential global economic war and the dominance of mega-corporations, while Subrahmanyan's letter touches on a broader range of challenges, including ecosystem changes, energy transitions, and sustainability.


3.     Communication Style: The communication styles differ, with your 1989 report taking a more speculative and visionary tone, while Subrahmanyan's letter is more immediate and directive, addressing the current realities faced by L&T.

In summary, both communications recognize the importance of adaptation, technology, globalization, and performance in the context of L&T's future success. The differences in timeframe and the specific nature of challenges highlight how the business landscape has evolved over the years, but the fundamental principles of staying competitive and relevant remain consistent.


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