Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 12 May 2024

Building ( Sun ) Castles in the Air ?



Context :

Rooftop solar scheme: 100,000 hands to be trained to put solar panels in homes    ..   ET .. 12 May 2024

Extract :

The government is working on readying a 100,000-strong workforce skilled in installation and management of solar panels to support its plan of helping 10 million homes run on solar energy.

People aware of the development said the ministries of renewable energy and skill development and entrepreneurship have jointly framed a “skilling plan” for the ‘PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana’, a government rooftop solar project that aims to help households generate 300 units of electricity through grid-connected solar panels.

The scheme, launched in February this year, offers subsidies of up to Rs 78,000 to those willing to install the solar power generating units. “The number of people to be trained may be increased, depending upon the requirement,” one of the persons cited earlier, said, adding that state-owned 
REC Ltd, which is also the nodal agency for the revamped rooftop solar programme, is likely to collaborate with centres like the National Power Training Institute and the National Skill Development Corporation for this.

Besides trained manpower, another challenge for such a scale of implementation would be the need for a large number of vendors. An official said the government is also looking to train 50,000 vendors for entrepreneurship.

According to the official, more vendors are expected to register on the
national rooftop solar portal, unlike the current system of registering with the distribution companies.

The renewable energy ministry recently shifted to a new portal and will soon start the national vendor registration process.

The PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana, which has an outlay of Rs 75,021 crore, entails implementation through power distribution companies and vendors with rationalised subsidies and collateral-free loans. Registrations under the scheme crossed the 10-million mark within a month of its launch.

Of the registered consumers, almost 800,000 have applied for installations.


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Outstanding news! In about a month since it was launched, over 1 crore households have already registered themselves for the PM-Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana. Registrations have been pouring in from all parts of the nation. Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh have seen over 5 lakh registrations. Those who haven’t registered yet should also do so at the earliest. https://pmsuryaghar.gov.in

My Take :

( A )   A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma ?

       On PM SuryaGhar portal , even today , there is NO MENTION of :

Ø  No of people who have already “ Registered “ ( Step # 1 )

Ø  No of people who have “ Applied “ for installation ( Step # 2 )

Ø  No of these “ Applications “ which are “ Accepted ( found OK , having submitted all required documents ) “ ( Step # 3 )

Ø  No of such “ Accepted Applications “ for which concerned DISCOM has carried out “ Feasibility Study “( Step # 4 )

Ø  No of Applicants for whom “ Feasibility Study “ is Okayed by the DISCOM ( Step # 5 )

Ø  No of Applicants for whom a Vendor has actually COMPLETED the installations ( Step # 6 )

Ø  No of such “ completed installations “ for which DISCOM has installed “ Net Metering “ by connecting to the GRID ( Step # 7 )

Ø  Upon receipt of “ Commissioning Report “ , No of applicants who have submitted bank details ( Step # # 8 )

Ø  No of such installations in respect of whom, subsidy has been CREDITED in their banks ( Step#9 )


( B )  Buiding Castles in the Air ?  


#   Despite their very best intentions, I do not see any way in which those

     Ministries concerned can  train 100,000 persons in

     Installation/Management of Solar Panels , even by March 2027 ( when

      the Scheme ends )


#   As of now , we have only 2979 Solar Panel installers in India. It is

     unlikely to raise this number to 50,000 vendors by March 2027


            #   Entire current process ( consisting of 9 steps listed earlier ) is TOO

                 ELABORATE and TIME  CONSUMING.


                  This will become clear if SuryaGhar portal was to publish step-wise

                  data of the STATUS of the scheme, as suggested by me above . I

                 cannot escape the feeling that the completion of the whole process

                  would take , on an average , 6 MONTHS from registration


            #    These considerations made me to predict that , as against the target

                   of 30 GW and 10 million  households , we may end up with no

                   more than 10 % of this target by March 2027



( C )   Is there any alternative way by which we can achieve this target ?


           I have described in detail my proposal in this regard at :

       Ø  Dawn of a Solar Economy : SETI  ……………06 May 2024


      My proposal consists of enabling 10,000Co-operative Solar Farms “ to

      come up , as originally  Proposed in my following e-mail to our Cabinet

      Ministers :


     A Tale of Two States ……………………………………….. 28 Oct 2020


    Is there any working example of your proposal ?

   Yes .  Take a look at 

   >     https://www.sundaygrids.com/     

   >     https://www.sundaygrids.com/how-it-works


   How long does it take to REGISTER on Sundaygrid – and start getting CREDITS

   for “ Your Booked Capacity “ of Solar Panels ?


   No more than 10 MINUTES 


  I registered at around 6 PM on 02 May 2024 ( from my mobile ) for 1.7 Kw , for

  an investment of Rs  84,000 ( ie: approx.. Rs 50,000 per Kw )


  By morning of 12 May 2024 ( ie: 9 Solar days ) , I have earned :

Ø  #   Credit ……………. Rs. 322.64

Ø  #   Kwh  ……………….. 62.648 ( ie; ave of 7 Kwh / day = 210 Kwh / month )

Following is a copy of Sundaygrid Dashboard today ( 12 May 2024 ):

Capacity Reserved.........1,707 W


Energy Produced..........64.637 KWh


Credits Earned.............₹332.88


Credits Estimated ( for month )....₹1,158 - ₹1,567

 ( assuming ave of Rs 1200 / month, this amounts to credit of Rs 14,000 / year )

And this data pertains to a 30 days FREE trial ( - at the end of which, I may make

online payment if happy with the solar power generation statistics )

This means I recover my investment ( Rs 84,000 ) in approx. 6 years


How would these figures look if I were to book 3kwh capacity ?

Ø  Initial investment ……Rs 1.2 lakh

Ø  Ave Kwh …………………10 Kwh /day(300 Kwh / month : same as Suryaghar Yojna )

Ø  Credits……………………  Rs 51 / day ( approx.. Rs 19,000 / year )

Ø  Payback Period ………120,000 / 19000 = About 6 years


However , in my e-mail of 06 May 2024 (  Dawn of a Solar Economy : SETI ) , I

have suggested that the subsidy must also be made available to those consumers

who ( because of constraint of insufficient roof area ) are “ booking “ generation

capacity in “ Co-op Solar Farms “ ( Sundaygrid type )

If this suggestion gets accepted then , against my investment of Rs 120,000 ( for

3 Kw capacity ) , I should get subsidy of Rs 78,000 , bringing down my own cost

to Rs 42,000

If so , my payback period will be > Rs 42,000 / Rs 19,000 = Approx 2  YEARS only  !    


Do you see what makes my proposalUNBEATABLE – IRRESTIBLE “ ?

Ø  Payback period ……………………………. 2    YEARS

Ø  Online “ Capacity Booking “ ……….. 10   MINUTES

Ø  Power ( credits ) start flowing……..  15   MINUTES

Ø  Subsidy receipt in ………………………   48  hours

Ø  Roof Area required …………………….   NIL  sq. ft

Ø  Maintenance Issues……………………… NONE  ( taken care by Co-op Solar Farm )

Ø  Production / Credit Data……………… Instant ( through online app / dashboard )

Ø  Donating power under CSR…………  Possible ( Corporates invest in Farms for poor

                                                                      recipients )

Last – and the most important :

10,000  Co-op Solar Farms “ will come up within ONE year – and each will train

 / employ 100 “ Panel Installers “ ( 10 lakh persons ) . No need for Ministries to

 undertake any training


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  13 May 2024


Related Readings :

Ø  Net metering key to rooftop sunshine  .. ET Editorial ……. 13 May 2024


Ø >        https://www.mercomindia.com/first-solars-thin-film-modules-dcr 


Ø  Modi govt's new solar scheme has three big hurdles









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