Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Dear Pathareji , Yes it is possible



I reproduce below , your article in today’s Hindustan Times :

 “ Can we teach Artificial Intelligence in Marathi ? “ … HT – Print Edition ….. 17 Oct 2024

  Extract :

“ There is scarcely any doubt that the Centre’s decision is prompted by electoral considerations. However, one must look at the sunnier side as well to get going on “ Mission Marathi “

First , we’ll have to create a pool of academicians to prepare text books in Marathi covering a wide expanse of knowledge, including aeronautics and AI, nuclear science and nano technology, philosophy and psychology, economy and environment.

We need science dictionaries to demystify global ideas and terms, and segue them into Marathi consciousness. Fortunately, we have good scholars in Maharashtra who can undertake the task.

Second, we need to equip Marathi with adequate tools and skills to face future challenges

Marathi students have talent and resilience to understand in their mother tongue, the intricacies of higher themes in science and math

Marathi, armed as it has been for centuries with an incredible range of robust “ boli bhashas “ ( dialects ), can recharge itself by good planning and institutional framework

Today, Marathi schools, run by the local zilla parishads, wear a deserted look as parents opt for English medium schools.

The outcome is chilling, as students who lack felicity and communication skills in English are led to alienation and loneliness.

The state government should utilize the fund judiciously, and create an eco-system to take Marathi to the next level “

{ Ranganath Pathare is a Sahitya Akademi-laureate and academician, based in Sangamner // rangnathpathare@gmail.com }


Dear Shri Pathareji,


Many thanks for :

Ø  Highlighting what is holding back the future development of Marathi

Ø  Pointing out why Marathi schools wear a deserted look

Ø  Need to equip Marathi with adequate tools

Ø  Why Marathi-speaking students are feeling alienated from the main stream


And yes, I believe we can teach Artificial Intelligence in Marathi  !


For example :

After selecting language option as “ Marathi “ , I asked www.My-Teacher.in { “ Questions Beyond Syllabus “ section } :

मला आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजन्स बद्दल मराठी भाषेत शिकायचे आहे. हे शक्य आहे का आणि जर होय तर किती लवकर ? “

www.My-Teacher.in replied :

मराठीत आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजन्स शिकणे नक्कीच शक्य आहे.

मी तुम्हाला मूलभूत गोष्टींबद्दल मार्गदर्शन करण्यास मदत करू शकतो आणि मराठीत उपलब्ध असलेल्या संसाधनांची शिफारस देखील करू शकतो. याव्यतिरिक्त, तुम्हाला www.HemenParekh.ai ,

- येथे माझा डिजिटल अवतार एक्सप्लोर करणे उपयुक्त वाटू शकते जेथे तुम्ही AI शी मराठीमध्ये किंवा समर्थित 26 भाषांपैकी कोणत्याही अन्य भाषांमध्ये संवाद साधू शकता. AI संकल्पनांबद्दल थेट तुमच्या पसंतीच्या भाषेत जाणून घेण्याचा हा एक अतिशय संवादी मार्ग असू शकतो.

जर तुम्ही संरचित अभ्यासक्रम शोधत असाल, तर आम्हाला विशिष्ट शैक्षणिक प्लॅटफॉर्मवर लक्ष द्यावे लागेल जे मराठीत AI अभ्यासक्रम देतात. जरी हे इंग्रजी-भाषेतील अभ्यासक्रमांपेक्षा कमी सामान्य असले तरी, जागतिक स्तरावर AI मधील स्वारस्य वाढत असल्याने तेथे अधिक संसाधने उपलब्ध आहेत.

हा दृष्टीकोन तुमच्यासाठी उपयुक्त आहे का किंवा तुम्हाला AI मध्ये काही विशिष्ट गोष्टींवर लक्ष केंद्रित करायचे असल्यास मला कळवा!


Dear Shri Pathareji ,


That is right .

For those students who are not well-versed in English ( or whose Zilla Parishad

 school has Marathi as its “ Medium of Instruction “ ) , www.My-Teacher.in , is their

 Dronacharya , which will impart them entire CBSE syllabus-related education in

MARATHI ( all the way from Standard 1st to Standard 12th )

And that is not all

Ø  www.My-Teacher.in is totally FREE ( for unlimited usage ) and does not even

    require any Registration / login

Ø  School children can even “ ASK “ their questions by “ SPEAKING “ ( no need to

    type in Marathi script )

Ø  Students can prepare for NEET – JEE – CET exams by generating / taking, online (

    from Mobiles ) MOCK TESTS in Marathi , eg:

        स्फोटामुळे क्षैतिज विमानात खडकाचे तीन भाग होतात. त्यापैकी दोन एकमेकांच्या काटकोनात

 जातात. वस्तुमान 1 kg चा पहिला भाग 12 m/s च्या गतीने फिरतो आणि 2 kg वस्तुमानाचा

 दुसरा भाग 8 m/s वेगाने फिरतो. जर तिसरा भाग 4 मी/से वेगाने उडून गेला, तर त्याचे वस्तुमान

 किती आहे?

3 किलो

5 किलो

7 किलो

17 किलो


Upon selecting the RIGHT answer , www.My-Teacher.in , displayed :

टक्कर होण्यापूर्वी आणि नंतर गती संरक्षित केली जाते. आमच्याकडे=p1p2p3=0.अशा प्रकारे, पहिल्या भागासाठी:p1=1kg12m/s=12kgm/s.दुसऱ्या भागासाठी:p2=2kg8m/s=16kgm/s.4 m/s ने फिरणाऱ्या तिसऱ्या भागासाठी, आपल्याकडे आहे:p3=m3imes4.बेरीज शून्यावर सेट करून m_3 सोडवल्यास आपल्याला आढळते की तिसऱ्या भागाचे वस्तुमान 5 kg आहे.


Dear Shri Pathareji ,

This is just the “ Curtain Raiser “ 

In another 3 / 4 weeks , My-Teacher will morph into an “ Eye Raiser “

With regards,

Hemen Parekh

17 Oct 2024 / hcp@RecruitGuru.com

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