Expected has come to pass
Narendrabhai Modi has been declared as the PM candidate
of BJP
On TV channels , experts are offering advice to BJP /
NaMo , on how they should conduct themselves PRIOR
to 2014 national elections
For the voters , what matters is :
“ If BJP were to be voted to power , how will it
conduct itself , AFTER the elections ? After NaMo becomes PM ? “
All that we have been hearing from NaMo and other BJP
leaders , over the last one year is :
Ø Congress
is corrupt
2 is incompetent
Ø All
of their policies are wrong , leading to price-rise , inflation , economic
downturn etc
Ø They
failed to do THIS and THAT
But not a word so far of what exactly / precisely , BJP
/ NaMo would do , if voted to power !
I certainly don’t mean distribution of free laptops ,
tablets , mobiles , cycles ! Forget the manifesto !
As a citizen , I would like them to declare NOW ,
their unambiguous stand on :
Ø Dis-allowing
“ convicted “ persons from contesting elections
Ø Bringing
political parties within the ambit of RTI
Ø Appointment
of a Lok Ayukt in Gujarat and passing of Jan Lok Pal Bill within 100 days of
coming to power
Ø Make
CBI independent of Government
Ø Passing
Women’s Equal Representation Bill, pending for 40 years
Ø Electoral
Reforms incorporating , “ Negative Voting / Right to Recall “
Ø Passing
of Delivery of Services Act
Ø Bringing
out Black Money ( both , foreign and local ) for investment in Infrastructure /
Health Services / Education / Housing for the poor etc , thru suitable “ No Questions Asked “
Amnesty Schemes
Ø Above
all , creating 15 million jobs every year
These are , just a few of the people’s expections
Are BJP / NaMo willing to treat these as voters’ “
Charter of Demands “ ?
We have had enough of rhetoric oratory
People are asking :
“ Forget what UPA failed to do . We know that.
What will YOU
do , and WHEN ?
parekh [ 14 Sept 2013 ]