Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Thank You, Shri Ratan Tata :


Thank You, Shri Ratan Tata :

[ rntata@tata.com / coffice@tata.com / srtt@tatatrust.org ]


What for ?

For recognizing the “ loneliness “ of Senior Citizen and for supporting a solution

Context :

'You don't know what it's like to be lonely': Ratan Tata invests in sr citizen companionship startup


Extract :

Former Tata Group chairman Ratan Tata, who has been an active backer of startups, has announced an investment in startup Goodfellows.

The startup offers companionship to senior citizens as a service. Goodfellows was founded by Shantanu Naidu [ shantanu@tatatrust.org ]

At the launch of Goodfellows, Ratan Tata said, “You do not know what it is like to be lonely until you spend time alone wishing for companionship."

Speaking at the launch, Ratan Tata said no one cares about getting old until they actually get old.

Addressing Ratan Tata as a boss, a mentor and also a friend, founder Shantanu Naidu said there are 50 million old people who are living by themselves and have no one to share their lives with.


Goodfellows [ +91,87795,24307 / contact@goodfellows.in ],

-       hires youngsters who have the skills of empathy and emotional intelligence to work as the companions of senior citizens. They are also required to ease their day or help them with any task.


Shantanu Naidu said it wants to scale up across the country but would prefer to go slow without compromising on the quality of the companions it hires

Ratan Tata said he would be delighted for this service to grow and mature into something which innovatively changes people’s lives.


From website of Goodfellows :


How do you choose Goodfellows?

All applicants are vetted for empathy using psychometric tests and background verification checks, followed by rounds of personal interviews. We spend a lot of time with the applicants getting to know their intent, personality and characteristics. This is a stringent process and only the best, most caring graduates are chosen.

Will someone be checking in on the status?

Yes, besides gaining constant feedback from you via your Goodfellow, our founder will be in constant touch with you to ensure you are at ease and happy. You can use these conversations to provide any feedback you want.





Dear Shri Tata,

Given your empathy for the elderly, I urge you to pass on to Shantanu , my following 6 YEAR old blog / email :


Ø  Share - Your - Soul / Outsourcing Unlimited …………………….[ 24 July 2016 ]


Extract :

I believe , thousands of educated / unemployed Indians are well placed to render such " Listening " services to needy persons all around the World , remotely , using Skype / FaceTime


Here is an outline of my suggestion , re how young / educated / unemployed Indians can offer such service :





    This strictly " Online " service will have a platform called ,  www...COUCH...com  ( supported by a Mobile App )





    There will be two kinds of users who will register on this site , viz:

    *  " Talkers " , who want to engage someone who will listen to them / sympathize with them

    *  " Listeners " , who will  listen patiently / ask occasional question / offer advice - sympathy - empathy





For both type of users , the Registration Form will require to submit following details :


*  Personal Details ( Name / DOB / Gender / Nationality / Bank Account No /  Photo / Short Video etc )


*  Family Details  ( Who are members of immediate family ? )


*  Contact Details ( Address / Mobile No / Email ID / Skype - FaceTime ID / WatsApp..etc )


*  Social Media Footprint  ( Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter : No of Friends - Contacts - Connections - Followers )


*  Cultural Exposure ( Countries visited / lived-in , with stay-periods / Foreign friends )


*  Educational Details ( Degrees / Colleges ) . Listeners having degree in Psychology will get ranked higher !


*  Language Details ( Languages spoken / fluently - reasonably well )


*  Experience Details ( Where worked / for how long ) . Retired / Worldly Wise , Listeners get ranked higher !


*  Availability Details ( Available from - to / GMT- Local time )




Based on the completeness of the Registration Form Details , a software will rate and rank the Listeners , which will

 be visible to the Talkers


There will be facility to update / edit the data submitted


Upon registration , users will be assigned USER ID and PASSWORD


In addition , Listener will be assigned a unique COUCH / INTERVIEW-CABIN number






    Talkers will be able to search the database of the registered Listeners , except for their " Contact Details "


    Talkers can , then select / shortlist , a few listeners of their preference






    Talkers will pay $ 2 per hour to the portal , which will credit this amount to the Bank Account of the concerned

    Listener , after deducting 10 % as its own commission






    Using online payment gateway , Talkers will deposit a minimum of $ 20 , on the portal as PRE-PAID amount


    As Talker continues using the service , credit balance will get displayed ( in $ and in " Hours " terms )


    There will be facility for online ( or through Mobile ) re-charging of the account






    A Listener can login anytime and occupy his own virtual COUCH / CABIN ( " I am now available for listening " )


    As soon as he does , a GREEN light will shine on the CABIN , showing the online availability of the concerned

    Listener .


This green light will tell the Talkers : " Welcome ! I am ready to listen "




    The light will turn RED , as soon as a Talker walks into Listener's CABIN ( " I am engaged right now " )


    Any time a Talker logs in , he will find if any Listeners ( that he had previously shortlisted ) are available online


    If he finds one , he simply CLICKS on the CABIN icon and enters that VIRTUAL cabin !



    Simultaneously , both the Talker and the Listener , turn on their Skype ( on Mobile or Tablet ) to start the talk


    Remember , Skype ID of neither the Talker , nor the Listener , is ever visible to each other !



    All conversation / transaction , can ONLY take place through www...COUCH...com ( no bypassing ! )



    The entire conversation will get recorded ( Video + Audio ) and can be downloaded by the Talker ( but not by

    the Listener ) , if he so desires



   Portal will be obliged to make this recording available to a Court of Law , in case of any litigation


   Portal will carry a WARNING that it reserves the right to remove any Talker or a Listener , if it finds that its

  service is being misused / abused ( will need defining , in detail )






    At the end of each " talk / conversation " ,  Talker will be obliged to " Rate " the concerned Listener

    on a 5 point scale ( Excellent > Horrible ) .


Cumulative / Average " Rating " will be prominently

   displayed for guidance of all Talkers .


Of course , a Listener can see his own rating as soon as he logs in



   At some future date , it should be possible ( through appropriate software ) , to introduce following variations in


   pricing of the service ( ie ; Hourly Rates ) :


   *  Surge Pricing ( depending upon the DEMAND  of any given Listener ) ie: No of Talkers waiting for a given

       Listener at a given point of time



   *  Reputation Pricing , based on points accumulated by a given Listener from all past ratings






    For each user ( Listener or Talker ) , there will be a Usage History page of all the past transactions / talks ; as

    also Credit Balance ( for the Talker ) and the Earnings ( for the Listener )






    The portal will NOT reveal any info / data ( including Audio-Video recording ) of any user to anyone else.


    However , portal will reserve the rights to subject those Audio recordings ( but not Video recordings ) to

    an Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) software , which can , over a course of time , come up with a SOFTWARE ROBOT

    that can take over the role of the HUMAN listeners !  If you have any doubts , ask Ray Kurzweil  !




    When that happens , this portal may morph into a PPO ( Psychology Process Outsourcing ) !



    The portal will also reserve the rights to use the Audio recordings for offering Voice-to-Voice language

     translation mobile app for the benefit of world-travelers






     To an extent , the portal may affect the jobs of local Psychologists / Psycho-Analysts who offer low level

     consulting in any country. They will be in danger of being " Bangalored " ! So , it is bound to face resistance

     from those vested / threatened interests !



     But foreign Hospitals / Educational Institutions / NGOs / Medical Colleges , etc could be targeted for promoting






    Business Model will be in the nature of " Sharing Economy " , where those owning / possessing " Idle / Spare /

    Under-utilized " assets / resources , will offer the same to those in need / when in need , for a price





    Millions of private car-owners use their cars for ( may be ) two hours per day . Uber aggregates this spare

    capacity and makes it available to travelers who do not own ( or wish to own ) their own cars


    Both parties benefit . Economy also benefits by fuller utilization of the spare/surplus capacities of millions of



All in all , I think this is a great opportunity for some Indian Start Up to seize




With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  18  Aug  2022

Monday, 8 August 2022

Heal in India



Context :

Govt set to launch 'heal in India' plan


Extract :


The Union health ministry is giving final touches to a new initiative - heal in India and heal by India - a new portal which is likely to be announced by the prime minister (PM) on August 15. The new portal aims to give impetus to medical tourism.

Developed under the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, the portal will have :


#   a repository of healthcare professionals,


#   hospitals services to help overseas patients seeking medical help in India.



"India is the pharmacy of the world. The new initiative aims to make India the medical hub of the world," said a senior government official on the condition of anonymity.



Dear Shri Mansukh Mandaviyaji,



Congratulations on this long over-due initiative .


Your proposed portal should not just remain an exhaustive DATA-BASE of :


#  Doctors  


#  Hospitals ( Allopathic – Ayurvedic  -  Homeopathic etc )  


#  Charges for various “ treatments / procedures “ etc.,  




#  should enable booking / online payments / progress reports ( only viewable by

    relatives authorized explicitly for viewing / including CCTV observations )


 #  Feedback – Rating by patients


#  Nearby facilities for staying ( for persons accompanying the patients )



I strongly urge you to convince ONDC ( Online Network of Digital Commerce ) CEO , Shri Koshy to explore linking of this portal with ONDC



Please do grant FREE access to these databases / searches , for anyone without having to login



With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com /  09 Aug 2022 ( August Kranti Din )





My  Take  :

Ø  OUTSOURCING HAS MANY NAMES  …………………………[ 01 Oct 2010 ]


Extract :

…a US citizen saves a lot of expense if he / she obtain such a treatment in an Indian hospital as compared to a US hospital.

Here is “how much“ :

Angioplasty………………………………..79 % - 82 %

Bypass Surgery………………………….92 % - 93 %

Tummy tuck……………………………….67 % - 89 %

Facelift………………………………………..44 % upwards


Ø  Outsourcing Health-Care ?..................................... [ 14 Dec 2010 ]


Extract :

You may want to call it  “ Medical  Tourism “.


Here are some interesting findings from a report by Frost & Sullivan :


       #   No. of Medical Tourists  ( 2009 )…………………………. 3  millions


       #   Value of Medical Tourism ( 2010 ) ……………………$ 78.5 billion


       #   Value of Medical Tourism ( 2012 ) ……………………$ 100  billion


       #  Annual Growth Rate  ………………………………………….20 % - 30 %



Ø  Where do sick people go for health-care ?


-      Germany

-      Rest of Europe

-      Thailand

-      India

-      Malaysia


Ø  What are the main reasons for outsourcing health-care ?


-      To avail latest medical procedures ………………40 % tourist


-      To acquire better health ………………………………32 %    “


-      For immediate medical treatment ………………15 %     “


-      For cheaper health care (as much as 80 %)   9 %    “




Ø  OUTSOURCE TO INDIA, SAVE UK’S NHS ………………………..[ 06 Jan 2011 ]


Extract :

According to this report, John Neilson, the Managing Director of Britain’s National Health Services (NHS), said millions of pounds could be saved by outsourcing more NHS administration to India.

NHS is responsible for leading healthcare efficiency reforms in the UK.

As pressure on NHS budgets intensifies, Neilson suggested that the alternative is cuts to services.



Ø  MEDICAL TOURISM TO INDIA ……………………………………… [  20 June 2011 ]


     Extract :


      In 2009, 2.2 % of the total tourists who came to India, came for medical treatment

      India now handles 500,000 foreign medical tourists annually, compared to 1,200,000 tourists to Thailand


       The latest Medical Tourism Climate Survey-2011, conducted for the European Medical Travel Conference, has revealed India to be the most popular destination for health travel in the world


       The Indian Medical Tourism industry is growing at a rate of 30 % annually and is expected to reach $ 2.3 billion by 2012


       Cost effectiveness of treatments in India are as follows 

( as a % of US costs ) :


#   Heart bypass…………….. 7.2 %    (  $ 7,200  / 100,000)


#   Angioplasty ………………..4.3 %    (  $ 7,000 /  160,000)


#   Hip Replacement ………..16.5 %  ( $  7,100 /  43,000)


#   Spine Fusion ……………….12.1 %  ( $  7,500 /  62,000)


#   Gastric bypass …………… 26.3 %  ( $  9,200 /  35,000)


#   Tummy tuck ………………. 45 %     ($  4,500 /  10,000)


#   Dental Inplant ……………..15 %    ( $  1,500 / 10,000)






Sunday, 7 August 2022

Congratulations , Aditya Swamy










At the outset, congratulations on the launch of Street View

About this feature, Hindustan Times ( 28 July ) reported following :



#  15 YEARS    to develop this functionality


#  220 billion   street view images collected


#  100 +         countries and territories data collected from



There is no mention of the Number of Vehicles equipped with roof mounted cameras, and the number of kilometres these vehicles had to travel


Obviously, this gigantic project must have cost Google, billions of dollars



How about getting 400 billion street views in 1 YEAR ? and at insignificant cost ?



Here is how :


#   Miniaturize that ( vehicle mounted )  camera


#   Integrate such miniaturized cameras in the next version of

     Google Glass




#   Give away Google Glasses FREE to poor people all around the World


#   For every hour these poor people walk around their respective towns

     , capturing Street Views , pay them ($ 1 per hour of Video

      Upload onto Google Server, time stamped and with person wearing

      also recording in His / her voice , details of what he / she sees )




Since my past e-mails to Sundar Pichai seems to have landed in his SPAM folder, I request you to forward my above suggestion to him


With regards


hemen parekh



hcp@RecrutGuru.com  /  08 Aug 2022


Added on 04 Sept 2022 :

Google's immersive Street View could be glimpse of metaverse

5 G will enable earning Carbon Credits


Context :

5G and the future of sustainable technology   /  Eco  Times  /  29 July 2022


Extract :


5G enables a network that is created to connect everyone and everything virtually together including machines, objects and devices


5G can assist several industries to become smarter and more effective by providing the connectivity that technologies like Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence need to run optimally and at scale


The Internet of Things particularly help analyse, monitor and decrease the consumption of power and resources by creating systems smarter


It also allows businesses to design GRANULAR  OPTIMIZATIONS with the highest impact


For example, participants in the 5G ecosystem can help reduce power consumption through various software and hardware adjustments


MY   TAKE  :


Ø  Carbon Finance through Carbon Credits …………………………..[ 12 Mar 2021 ]

 Extract :

     Here is a partial list of domestic appliances which consume electricity ( apart from LED bulbs ) :

TV sets – Refrigerators – Air Conditioners – Fans – Deep Freezers – Ovens – Electric Stoves – Mixers – Computers – Cloths Washing Machines – Dish Washers – Radios – Tablets – Robotic Floor Sweepers – Massagers – etc

Ø  By 2030, all of these must be made “ Energy Efficient Appliances “ , certified by Bureau of Energy Efficiency [ BEE ]

Ø  Just as was done in respect of ICE vehicles ( BS IV > BS VI compliance ), all electric Appliance Manufacturers must be mandated to switch over to manufacture of only BEE certified appliances in 4 phases ( April 2022 – 24 – 26- 28 )

Ø  Each such appliance MUST be pre-installed / integrated with SENSORS which will continuously monitor its,

#   State of Usage ( ON or OFF )

#   Rate of Consumption of electricity ( Units )

These INTERNET-CONNECTED appliances will continuously relay / transmit these data to the SMART ELECTRIC METER installed in each home

In turn, each SMART METER will relay / transmit to concerned DISCOM ( and to any other specified govt agency servers ), such usage / consumption data, through Internet ( IoT / Internet of Everything ).

These data-transfer will be separate for EACH INDIVIDUAL APPLIANCE

This will enable DISCOM / concerned Agencies, to know / monitor, IN-EFFICIENT appliances, operating above the CERTIFIED THRESHOLD for each type of appliance

Appliances operating “ above “ the threshold, will be assigned / allotted “ CARBON DEBITS “ , whereas those operating “ below “ the threshold, will be assigned “ CARBON CREDITS “

If the NET of these two is POSITIVE ( + ), that home will be incentivized by a lower tariff – and vice-versa

This model ( of INCENTIVIZATION ) must be further strengthened by measuring the amount of ROOF TOP Solar Power , flowing into the SMART METER , with appropriate linkages to CARBON CREDIT

This linkage will motivate a large number of households to install ROOF TOP solar panels

This scheme will enable us to take the CARBON MARKET / CARBON CREDIT / CARBON FINANCE concept, right inside our 290 MILLION households !

      All manufacturers of House-hold Electric Meters must be told to manufacture only SMART ELECTRIC METERS , starting April 2022

      All DISCOMS to replace existing meters in each and every home, with a SMART METER, by April 2024

This is only a CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK whose details are not difficult to work out


Dear Shri R K Singhji

During past 3 years, you have initiated many reforms to replace FOSSIL-FUEL power with RENEWABLE power

If implemented, my above-mentioned suggestion will ensure that we exceed our commitment given in Paris Agreement


With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  08  Aug 2022



Related Readings :


Thank You, Shri Bhupender Singh Yadavji …………………………[  29 May 2022 ]

Thank You, Shri Tarun Kapoorji ………………………………………….[ 15 Apr 2022 ]

National Carbon Market : Suggested Action Plan  ……………. [ 28 Jan 2022 ]



     FAME II > FAME III > FAME IV ……………….[ 05 Mar 2019 ]

 [ B ]     COOKING

 Solar  Chula  ?  Some  Unanswered  Questions ………………[03 Nov  2017  ]

Solar Chulha : Where can I buy ? …………………………[ 16 July 2018 ]

Dear Shri Goyalji : How about a Solar Cooker ? ….[ 26 Aug 2020 ]

Time to " Talk the Walk " ………………………………………[ 19 Sept 2020 ]

Not in one day : What about 3 years ? …………………[ 25 Oct 2020  ]

Enough to entice Elon ?  …………………………………………[ 03 Nov 2020 ]

Inscrutable are the ways of the Providence ? …………[ 15 June 2021 ]

Air Pollution Sources : And “ How to save 2.5 Lakh lives “[ 25 June 2021 ]

Congratulations, Dr Harish Hiraniji ………………………….[ 13 Nov 2021 ]

A Battery Swapping Policy for Battery-Powered Solar Cookers ? [ 25 March 2022 ]




MY 163  BLOG'S  ON  SOLAR  POWER……………….  ………[ 10 Mar 2022 ]

Procuring Technology for “ Printed Solar Film “……………..[ 18 Feb 2022 ]

Topmost Candidate for PLI ?...................................... [ 19 Jan 2022 ]



 A Brief History of Electric Vehicles in India………………………[ 30 Jan 2021 ]