Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tech startups can seek DoT


Tech start-ups can seek DoT nod directly for beta testing services




The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has proposed a new approach for tech start-ups to seek approval for beta testing services directly from the Department of Telecom (DoT).


This initiative allows start-ups with innovative products to bypass the traditional requirement of partnering with a telecom operator or company.


The government has emphasized the autonomy of start-ups in this process, eliminating the need for a mandatory partnership.


In a move to foster innovation and streamline the testing process, TRAI's suggestion highlights a shift towards empowering start-ups and reducing bureaucratic hurdles in the telecom sector.


By directly approaching the DoT for approval, start-ups can expedite the testing phase of their products without the constraints of mandatory partnerships.


This approach signals a conducive environment for tech start-ups to bring their products to market more efficiently and independently.



My Take:


Monetizing Geospatial Data…….16/02/2021


"Looking back at my past blog on monetizing geospatial data, the current move by TRAI to allow tech start-ups direct access to DoT for beta testing services resonates with the idea of empowering innovation.


By enabling start-ups to test their products without the need for unnecessary partnerships, the regulatory shift aligns with the essence of fostering entrepreneurial spirit and agility in navigating bureaucratic processes."




Strategy Inputs & Secondary Resources……..05/01/1989


"In my earlier blog discussing lengthy bureaucratic processes hindering innovation, the recent TRAI directive signifies a progressive step towards reducing red tape and accelerating the pace of technological advancements.


The emphasis on cutting down unnecessary steps and ensuring a swift response time echoes the need for a more agile approach in today's rapidly evolving business landscape."




Call to Action:


To all tech start-ups and stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem, seize the opportunity presented by TRAI's recommendation to directly seek approval from DoT for beta testing services.


Embrace this streamlined approach to accelerate your product development and contribute to the competitive landscape of the telecom sector.




With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



ACC manufacturing under PLI scheme


Context :


7 bids received for giga scale ACC manufacturing under PLI scheme





The Hindu BusinessLine recently reported that there have been seven bids for giga-scale manufacturing under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme. These bids were for the 10-GWh manufacturing of a significant 10 GWh, and they were submitted by the Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) on a particular Tuesday.


Notable bidders include ACME Cleantech, Amara Raja, and Lucas TVS. This surge in interest signifies a growing momentum and interest in scaling up manufacturing within the sector under the government's PLI scheme.


In essence, this development points towards a strategic push by the government to boost manufacturing capacities in the country, especially in critical sectors such as energy, to enhance self-reliance and competitiveness in the global market.



My Take:


Topmost Candidate for PLI ?........31/10/2023


Reflecting on my blog from 20th January 2022, where I highlighted the potential of innovative technologies like Organic Printed Solar Film in fulfilling energy commitments, it's fascinating to see the current bids flooding in under the PLI scheme for giga-scale manufacturing.


This aligns with the foresight I shared regarding expanding the scope of the scheme to embrace cutting-edge solutions for sustainable energy generation."


"In my earlier post, I emphasized the importance of considering advancements in renewable energy technologies, like Printed Solar, to meet ambitious targets set by our government.


The current scenario of multiple bids for massive manufacturing projects reflects a positive step towards diversifying and modernizing our energy production landscape."


"Looking back at my blog post concerning the invitation of Prof. Paul Dastoor to establish a significant manufacturing facility for Organic Printed Solar Film, it's encouraging to witness the interest and participation of prominent industry players in the PLI scheme.


This underlines the relevance of embracing innovative solutions for bolstering our manufacturing capabilities."




Call to Action:


To the Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) and all bidders involved in the PLI scheme for giga-scale manufacturing, I urge you to prioritize sustainability and innovation in your manufacturing processes.


Embracing cutting-edge technologies and renewable energy solutions will not only boost your competitiveness but also contribute significantly to India's long-term energy security and environmental goals.

With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Monday 19 August 2024

ICAI suggests tax Incentives


ICAI suggests tax incentives to encourage skill development, green projects




The Pre-Budget Memorandum 2024 by ICAI emphasizes the need to rationalize direct tax laws, reduce litigation, and create a favorable fiscal environment. It underlines the significance of offering tax incentives to promote skill development and green projects.


This move seeks to enhance the overall economic climate by encouraging investments in sustainable practices and fostering a skilled workforce.


By recommending tax benefits for initiatives focusing on skill enhancement and environmental sustainability, the proposal aims to align fiscal policies with long-term developmental goals.



My Take:


RE: BUDGET IDEAS………08/02/2016


"In my earlier blog post, I highlighted the importance of offering tax incentives to promote job creation and economic growth.


The current suggestion by ICAI resonates with my past ideas as both emphasize the need for fiscal measures to incentivize positive outcomes.


By advocating for tax breaks in specific areas like skill development and green projects, the strategy aligns with the concept of encouraging proactive initiatives through financial benefits."





"The notion that 'something is better than nothing' holds true in the context of ICAI's proposal for tax incentives. Just as I had suggested incentives for job creation in my previous blog, the current focus on skill development and green projects reflects a similar intent to spur growth through targeted policies.


By acknowledging the importance of these initiatives in driving economic progress, the proposal aligns with the idea that incremental steps towards positive change can yield significant results over time."



Call to Action:


To the policymakers and authorities involved in budget planning, I urge a thorough consideration of ICAI's recommendations for tax incentives supporting skill development and green projects.


Implementing these measures can not only boost economic growth but also contribute towards a more sustainable and skilled workforce.


It is essential to prioritize long-term developmental goals by aligning fiscal policies with the principles of innovation and environmental responsibility.

With regards, 


Hemen Parekh




PSBs Can't Issue ' Look out Circulars' : HC


Bombay High Court ruling on Look Out Circulars




The recent ruling by the Bombay High Court has highlighted that public sector banks lack the authority to issue 'Look Out Circulars' against defaulters. This decision by the High Court would invalidate all such circulars issued by these banks against defaulters, preventing the Bureau of Immigration from acting upon them.


The verdict brings attention to the limitations and legal boundaries within which banks must operate when dealing with defaulters.


The High Court's stance on the issuance of Look Out Circulars against defaulters sheds light on the intricacies of the banking system's power and responsibilities when it comes to managing default cases.


This ruling not only impacts the immediate cases but also sets a precedent for how banks can pursue defaulters in the future, emphasizing the need for clarity and alignment with legal frameworks in such matters.



My Take:


NPA ? or is it NPB ?.........................08/03/2016


In my blog post years ago, I delved into the concept of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) and the idea of Non-Performing Bankers (NPBs). This discussion becomes relevant in the current context of defaulters and the banking system's challenges.


The need for transparency in revealing defaulters and their associated details, as I suggested in my earlier writing, aligns with the recent legal developments. Banks should consider adopting more open practices, akin to how cooperative housing societies disclose defaulters, to foster accountability and trust.



The Daily Fix: Vijay Mallya Case Shows............09/03/2016


Reflecting on the Vijay Mallya case, where loan default issues came to the forefront, it is evident that my concerns about transparency and timely actions by banks remain crucial.


The High Court's ruling further underscores the necessity for banks to proactively handle default cases and share comprehensive loan details.

By disclosing information about loan-takers, officers involved, and recovery processes, banks can enhance their credibility and accountability, ultimately benefiting both the financial system and the public interest.



Call to Action:


To the banking regulatory authorities and institutions mentioned in the article, it is imperative to reassess internal processes regarding the handling of default cases and the transparency surrounding them.


Implementing measures to enhance disclosure practices and aligning actions with legal guidelines can bolster public trust and contribute to a more accountable and efficient banking ecosystem.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



23 Going on 24


Context :



India's Tech Sector 2023 Review




In the bustling tech scene of India in 2023, significant milestones were achieved. The country witnessed the second-highest number of game downloads globally, underscoring the burgeoning gaming sector's robust growth.


The tech landscape showcased a dynamic shift, reflecting the country's increasing relevance in the digital realm.


The article delves into the top 23 pivotal moments that shaped the technological narrative of the year, highlighting the vibrancy and evolution of India's tech ecosystem, encapsulated by remarkable achievements and advancements.

My Take:


3 Laws of E-Commerce……..4/12/2017


Reflecting on the relevance of establishing Indian tech players in foreign markets aligns with the current scenario of India's tech sector expanding its global footprint.


The envisioned growth of the Indian e-commerce economy resonates with the trajectory witnessed in 2023. The emphasis on fintech and the development of digital hubs mirrors the strategic advancements aimed at fostering a robust tech ecosystem.


The initiative to capture foreign markets echoes the ambitious endeavors propelling India's tech sector towards international prominence.



Rajeev Chandrasekharji: How about a Big Bang?........20/01/2023


Union Minister Chandrasekhar's vision of a trillion-dollar digital economy finds echoes in the monumental strides witnessed in India's tech domain.


The legislative frameworks discussed align with the imperative need for structured regulations to steer the digital landscape towards sustainable growth. The focus on data protection and the evolution of digital laws encapsulates the essence of fostering a conducive environment for tech innovation and economic expansion.


The discourse on balancing revenue streams mirrors the ongoing dialogues within India's tech realm to ensure equitable growth and sustainability.

Call to Action:


To the policymakers and industry leaders in India's tech sector, seize the momentum of 2023's achievements to drive innovation further.


Embrace collaboration and regulatory frameworks that nurture growth while ensuring inclusivity and sustainability.


Let's propel India's tech narrative towards a transformative trajectory that not only captures global markets but also fosters a vibrant and resilient digital ecosystem.

With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Sunday 18 August 2024

PLI Scheme


Context :




PLI Scheme: Cos Invest 13K cr to produce Green Vehicles, Parts



The Indian government has given the green light to the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme aimed at boosting the country's auto industry.


This scheme targets the advancement of electric vehicles and fuel-efficient automobiles. The government predicts that over the next five years, this initiative could result in the production of an additional 2.3 million vehicles, potentially creating more than 750,000 new job opportunities.


In a bid to support the growth of electric mobility and cutting-edge auto parts manufacturing technologies, the PLI scheme intends to encourage the production and export of electric vehicles, hydrogen-fuel cell cars, and sophisticated auto components.


Various components like high-voltage connectors, charging ports, hydrogen fuel cells, and advanced electronic parts are expected to be incentivized under this scheme.

My Take:




"The PLI scheme for the auto sector, as proposed two years ago, aligns perfectly with the recent government initiatives to boost electric vehicle production.


My recommendations regarding incentives for manufacturers to adopt advanced technologies and not just buyers receiving subsidies are now coming to fruition.


The focus on Lithium-ion batteries and the necessity to reduce barriers for EV commercialization are steps in the right direction as seen in the current PLI scheme."



"The recent approval of the PLI scheme underscores the importance of incentivizing technological advancements in the auto sector.


The emphasis on promoting the production and export of electric vehicles and cutting-edge auto parts aligns with my earlier suggestions for tax incentives to drive innovation and development in the electric mobility ecosystem.


The inclusion of components like electronic power steering systems and driver monitoring technologies mirrors the forward-looking approach advocated in the current scheme."

Call to Action:


To the policymakers and industry stakeholders involved in the PLI scheme for the auto sector, I urge you to continue focusing on innovation and sustainability.


Encouraging the development and adoption of electric vehicles and advanced auto parts is crucial for a greener and more efficient automotive industry.


Let's collaborate to realize the full potential of these initiatives and drive the nation towards becoming a global leader in electric mobility.

With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Support New Ideas


Context :


PM Modi Calls Upon Successful Startups to Mentor Youth, Support New Ideas



Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Startup Mahakumbh event in Delhi, highlighting how startups have influenced the mindset of the youth in India. He stressed the necessity for an improved funding system to support these startups.


The event, spanning three days, brought together numerous startups and investors, showcasing the vibrancy and potential in the country's entrepreneurial ecosystem.


In his speech, Modi emphasized the transformative power of startups in creating employment opportunities for the underprivileged and driving innovation across different sectors.


The event served as a platform for startups to connect with investors, fostering collaborations and driving economic growth through innovative ideas and solutions.



My Take:




"In my blog from December 2015, I outlined the essence of fostering a startup culture in India.


Modi's recent emphasis on startups aligns with my thoughts about empowering youth with new ideas to uplift the disadvantaged sections of society.


The call for better banking support for startups resonates with my suggestion for creating a conducive environment for young entrepreneurs to thrive."



SURROGATE COW FARMS?.........27/11/2015


"My blog post from November 2015 echoes Modi's vision of leveraging startups to drive economic growth in rural areas.


His focus on generating employment through startups mirrors the importance I placed on small businesses in villages for creating sustainable economic progress.


The idea of startups lighting up rural economies corresponds to the potential I saw in nurturing entrepreneurship beyond urban hubs."



Call to Action:


To the successful startups addressed by PM Modi, I urge you to heed his call to mentor youth and support new ideas. Your guidance can pave the way for the next wave of innovative solutions that benefit society at large.


Embrace this opportunity to contribute to the ecosystem by sharing your experiences and expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs, helping shape a brighter future for India's startup landscape.

With Regards, 


Hemen Parekh

