If only the
world learns not to waste food
Here are
statistics provided by United Nations :
Ø 935
million people currently don’t have enough food to eat
Ø Each year, some 6 million children
die , all over the world , due to malnutrition ( of which 1.6 million die in India
alone )
Ø One – third of the food produced
globally every year , does not reach human mouths – a staggering 1.3 Billion
tones / year !
Ø Per Capita per year, food wasted :
USA and Europe
………………….. 95 – 115 Kg
Africa and Asia …………………… 6 -
11 Kg
Ø Percentage of purchased food thrown
away by consumers :
In USA…………………………………………. 25 %
…………………………………………. 33 %
belonging to Jain religion in India
must ( apart from remaining strict vegetarian ),
around homes of parishioners, collecting food in wooden bowls ( but only once a
day )
everything served. Even water used for cleaning bowls must be consumed by
drinking !
store food
We don’t
have to become Jains in order to save the starving millions.
Just don’t
waste food
With regards
hemen parekh