Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

From UPI to UTI

Of late, UPI ( Unified Payment Interface ) is talk of the town

It is high time , we also start talking about UTI ( Unified Transaction Interface )

Without naming it as such , Income Tax Department has already started compiling and analyzing , high value sales / purchase transactions , to figure out instances of suspected tax evasions

IT recently sent out notices ( Emails ? ) to some 7 lakh parties involved in 14 lakh high value non-PAN transactions, asking them to furnish their PAN details

Under several laws / rules / regulations , IT requires various agencies / entities / individuals , to furnish a lot of information whenever money changes hands

Following are a few examples :

Who must report ?   :  Banks / NBFC / Post offices

What  ?                   :  Time Deposits ( if totaling Rs 10 L or more in a year )

Who must report ?  :  Companies / Mutual Funds

What  ?                  :  Purchase of shares / Mutual Fund units (if Rs 10 L or more in a year )

Who must report ?  :  Professionals / Businessmen

What  ?                  :  Cash receipts exceeding Rs 2 L from any person for sale of
                                goods / services

Who must report ?  :  Jewellers

What  ?                  :  TCS ( Tax collected at Source ) for sale of bullion exceeding Rs 2 L or
                                jewellery exceeding Rs 5 L in cash

Who must report ?  :  Any Seller

What  ?                  :  Sale of any other Goods / Service exceeding Rs 2 L

Who must report  ?  :  Property Buyers

What ?                    :  TDS ( Tax deducted at Source ) for purchase of property with a value
                                 exceeding Rs 50 L ( to be reported before paying the seller )

Who must report ?  :  Person making any payment

What ?                   :  Lottery / Game winning prizes exceeding Rs 10,000
                                ( to be reported before paying the winner )

Who must report ?  :  Buyer

What  ?                 :  Quote PAN while buying / paying / depositing ,

                               *  Property exceeding Rs 10 L

                               *  One time payment at hotels / restaurants, exceeding Rs 25,000

                               *  Depositing cash exceeding Rs 50,000 in a day with a bank

                               *  Purchase of Foreign Currency exceeding Rs 50,000

Who must report ?  :  Seller

What  ?                  :  Verify PAN and furnish a statement to IT department on


                                beyond a certain threshold

Who must report ?  :  Banks / Mutual Funds / Companies / Registrars

What  ?                  :  Annual Information Report ( AIR ) on high value 

{ Source : Maulik Madhu / Business Line / 05 Dec / Government on Data Trail }


Considering the effort involved in compiling / collating and analyzing such a massive data , coming in continuously from lakhs of sources , it was natural for the IT department to make use of computer based BIG DATA analytics , to narrow down those suspicious cases

In our goal to make India , a LESS CASH economy , UPI / AEPS ( Aadhar Enabled Payment System ) , was an important FIRST step

But UPI / AEPS , just does NOT cover those sale / purchase transactions which take place using Credit / Debit cards and private brand Mobile Wallets !

To ensure that these transactions too get into the database of the Income Tax department , I suggest following :

STEP  #  2

All other PRIVATE brand Mobile Wallets ( Paytm / MobiQuick / ItzCash / FreeCharge etc ), must be integrated with UPI, so that the sale / purchase TRANSACTION DATA generated through use of such private mobile wallets too gets integrated into the COMMON database of the Income Tax department

STEP  #  3

All Card-Swipe / PoS machines must be UPI / AEPS compliant, so that all sale / purchase TRANSACTION DATA generated through use of all CREDIT / DEBIT cards, too gets integrated into that COMMON database of IT

STEP  #  4

All sale / purchase transactions by all other Electronic Fund Transfer Network ( EFTN ), too must be also transmitted / deposited , into this COMMON DATABASE of TRANSACTIONS


All sale / purchase transactions of any kind ( goods or services ) , MUST all get into a COMMON / CENTRAL database , through introduction of a UTI ( Unified Transaction Interface )

UPI + UTI = " Less Cash " + " Less Evasion " + " Less Black "

I request Shri Arun Jaitley-ji to consider my suggestion


08  Dec  2016

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs


Conspiracy of the Cards ?

In India , there are approx 73 crore Plastic cards in use , out of which , some 69 crore are Debit cards ( including RuPay cards )

90 % of the Debit cards are used for withdrawing cash from ATM

Of course , both type of cards can be used for purchases, by swiping on Card Swipe machines or Point of Sales ( PoS ) machines, of which , we have some 1.44 million in current use

To encourage non-cash transactions , NDA government , yesterday asked banks to order some 1 million ( 10 lakh ) card swipe machines and ensure that these are commissioned by end March 2017 ( next 100 days ? )

At an average price of Rs 10,000 each , this order will cost Rs 1,000 crore !

Even assuming that banks have no problem in respect of incurring such expenditure , there is just no way , companies manufacturing these machines can manage to produce 10,000 machines EVERY DAY , for the next 100 days ( when their current rate of production is barely 10,000 machines PER MONTH ) !

May be , they will manage to deliver in 300 days !

But that is not the issue .

The issue is :

Someone in the NDA government is working at " cross purpose " with the government's avowed goal to make AEPS ( Aadhar Enabled  Payment System ) integrated UPI mobile wallet , as THE FOUNDATION of going Cash Less ( or Less Cash )

This was stated by none other than Shri Amitabh Kant , CEO - NITI Aayog , 4 days back

He is working double-time to launch UPI based ( AEPS integrated ) mobile wallet by end of this month , as an ANSWER to mobile wallets of Paytm / FreeCharge / Mobiquick / PayU / ItzCash etc

No one knows it better than Shri Kant that the illiterate Indians in rural areas find it VERY DIFFICULT to use Credit / Debit cards , what with the accompanying complicated process , requiring remembering / typing of PIN and Passwords and changing now and then

In my earlier blog / email , I have suggested that UPI based mobile wallet be made UTTERLY SIMPLE , where , the Buyer and the Seller , only need to look into the smart phone camera ( for respective bio-metric identifications ) , then just SPEAK ( in their language of choice ) , their respective Aadhar Numbers and the PAYMENT AMOUNT

That's all !

It is time we leapfrog the Jurassic Age of Credit / Debit cards and straight away jump to the age of " Speech Enabled Mobile Wallets " , much in the way rural Indians bypassed the " Age of Landlines " and jumped to " Age of Mobiles "

Following is another example of someone / somewhere , working at " Cross Purpose "

A report in Hindustan Times ( 07 Dec 2016 ) says following , with regard to the forthcoming Union Budget :


INCENTIVES  are likely to merchants promoting use of PLASTIC money and TAX BENEFITS could be offered to those making electronic payments

" We will put in place, several measures to push the use of DEBIT and CREDIT cards and also encourage digital payments " ... a finance ministry official told HT

The ministry could also come out with a Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana-like scheme to spread the use of DEBIT cards , especially among the RURAL and SEMI-URBAN areas

Merchants , especially those running small businesses , would be encouraged to acquire PoS ( point of sale ) machines to facilitate payments 


Threatened with a certain " obsolescence " within next 2 / 3 years , at the hands of the privately branded Mobile Wallets as also, the soon to be launched , UPI / AEPS linked ( and Speech based ) Mobile Wallet , it is not surprising that the existing Card Issuing companies are working overtime to convince the Government :

#  To grant some " Incentives " to MERCHANTS , who accept card-based payments
    through use of Card Readers

#  To grant some " Tax Benefits " to those making electronic payments

I am all for granting such " Incentives " and such " Tax Benefits " , but I urge the government to do so only in respect of BUYERS and SELLERS , using UPI / AEPS based Mobile Wallets , and NOT to users of CREDIT / DEBIT card

My argument is simple :

If Government extends these Incentives / Benefits to Card Users , then UPI / AEPS based mobile wallet will never take off !

No competition is precisely what those Card Issuing companies want !

For them , such budget announcements , would be " Manna from the Heaven " !

It would enable them to survive , riding piggy-back on government incentives ( - nothing more than a " life support system " for a terminally ill patient , who should be allowed a dignified EUTHANESIA ! )

Please remember ,

A UPI / AEPS integrated mobile wallet ( really , a mobile app ) can be easily configured for following functionalities ( apart from SPEECH and TRANSLATION ) :

#  Instant transmission of " Transaction Data " to servers of IT / ED / anyone else

#  Co-relation of total transaction values for a accounting year with IT return filed by a

#  Deduction of GST and depositing into appropriate accounts of Central / State

#  Crediting into the Jan Dhan accounts of the BUYERS and the SELLERS , those
    INCENTIVES / TAX BENEFITS ( expected to be announced in forthcoming budget )

#  As suggested by me earlier, crediting a small percentage of GST amount into,

    *   EPF account of the BUYER ( if he already has one )

    *   PPF account of the BUYER ( to be created automatically , by Mobile App )

    We have a work force of some 486 million , out of which only 30 million are working in
    the Organized Sector, with balance 456 million in Unorganized Sector

    I believe most of these 456 million , do not have any EPF / PPF account

   By implementing my suggestion, we will ensure that our entire work force gets covered
   by a POST RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY , without imposing any big financial burden on
   the government

   In itself , this suggestion would INCENTIVIZE all buyers ( no matter , how small a
  purchase value ) , to effect payment ONLY through UPI / AEPS mobile wallet !

  With every purchase made , using his UPI / AEPS mobile app , his EPF / PPF , keeps
  growing  !

  And the interest earned on PPF is TAX FREE !


*  All mobile wallets put together , are expected to grow from current 20 crore to 65 crore
   by 2020 ( 3 times )  , and mobile wallet based transactions will go up 5 times !

*  One million new e-Wallet users are joining EVERY DAY , since 09 Nov !

*  72 % of internet accessed in India, happens on Smart phones ( against world ave of 50
    % )

*  On Sept 29  2016 , RBI had issued a circular stating that Aadhar-enabled PoS terminals
   were to be mandatorily installed by January 2017

   Yesterday , RBI deferred this implementation to June 2017 , since " the capacity to
   produce such machines is scarce "

   Manish Patel , founder of Mswipe ( which deploys mobile PoS terminals ) says :

   "  There is no clarity as to how the transaction will flow . Will the customer need to swipe
   his card or punch in the Aadhar number ?

   Or , will biometrics act as the second factor of authentication ?

   Unless these intricacies are cleared, PoS manufacturers cannot develop Aadhar-enabled
   PoS machines within the deadline "

Dear Shri Kant :

Please help the CARDS fade gently into the night !


08  Dec  2016

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs

Monday, 5 December 2016

For Want of a Nail

We have all heard the story of a king who lost a battle for want of a nail - the nail that came off the horse-shoe and stranded the king , in the middle of the battle

That entire saying goes like this :


For want of a nail the shoe was lost.

For want of a
shoe the horse was lost.

For want of a
horse the rider was lost.

For want of a
rider the message was lost.

For want of a
message the battle was lost.

For want of a
battle the kingdom was lost.

And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.


Let me reconstruct this in the current context :

The Kingdom :     Indian Economy

#  The Battle     :     Black Money

#  The Enemy    :    Tax Evader

#  The  Horse    :     Demonetization

#  The Rider      :     NDA Government

#  The Message :     Return OLD notes 
#  Horse Shoe   :     Rs 2000 Currency Note

#  The Nail        :     RFID micro-chip ( one fiftieth thinner than hair ) , costing

                              30 paise



Just open your morning news paper or your favorite TV Channel , to listen to the tales of sufferings of poor people - and forecasts of a dark Economy , in respect of :

Perishable articles rotting / Aggregate Consumer Demand getting depressed / CPI - Inflation reducing /  Money Supply shrinking / Transport coming to a Standstill / Real Estate prices dropping / Commodity prices deflating / Interest Rates likely to be lowered by 25 bps / Bulk Deposit rates being reduced / Huge liquidity in Banks becoming a burden /  CRR and MSS to help out with excess liquidity in banks / GDP growth to come down for next two quarters / GDP growth to drop by 2 percentage point , next year / Note printing rates too low / It will take 12 months to replenish the Rs 500 / 1000 notes / Mfg PMI tanking / ATM re-calibration just too slow / Withdrawal limits are draconian / Farmers are committing suicides / Mobile Wallets are ushering a CASH LESS economy / Credit - Debit cards being used by poor / UPI is the only long term salvation / Black Money will flow to Gold and property / Marriages getting postponed / Patients suffering after denial of emergency aid / Healthcare in shambles / Auto-Tractor - Car sales down / Retail sales down by 50 % / Jobs getting lost....etc

Surprisingly , in all of these sufferings , only a few people are saying :

" Earlier , it was difficult to carry Rs 10 lakh in your shirt pocket because it took 1,000 notes ( of Rs 1000 each ) , weighing a total of 1000 grams ( 1 kg )

Now you need to carry only 500 grams ( of Rs 2,000 notes ) !

In less than a year , Tax Evaders will start " Corrupting " the economy with Rs 2000 notes and we will be back to square one of a new parallel economy - credit cards / debit cards / mobile wallets / PoS - Card Readers , notwithstanding ! "


Most certainly !  By putting the NAIL in the HORSE SHOE !

{  http://myblogepage.blogspot.in/2016/11/embrace-inevitable.html  }

Dear Shri Narendrabhai :

It is NOT too late !

with regards,

hemendra parekh

06  Dec  2016

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs

Message from Moradabad ?

NDTV.com ( 03 Dec 2016 ) , carries news report titled :

" Your Phone Is Your Wallet, Says PM Narendra Modi In Moradabad "

The report quotes Shri Modiji to have said at a rally :


" If we can give power to the poor, poverty can end tomorrow. This is my country's strength, the poor don't beg, they give.

The rich are now pleading the poor. They say, the kids are grown up now. You have been so nice to us. Why don't you deposit my 2-3 lakhs in your Jan Dhan account.

The powerful, the honest are queuing outside banks. The rich are secretly queuing up outside the houses of poor, requesting them to deposit their money in their Jan Dhan accounts.

Whoever's money you have put in your accounts, don't withdraw a penny. See how they will make rounds of your houses. Plead you. Fall at your feet.

If someone threatens you, say do not, or else I would write a letter to Modi.

Promise me that you will not withdraw and give that money. If you don't, I promise I will find a way. A way to send these people to prisons and the money to your houses. "


I have no doubt that those listening to Shri Modi , got the message , loud and clear !

Those listeners are unlikely to be waiting for Shri Modi till he " finds a way " to send money to their houses, not knowing how long that might take !

Those Jan Dhan account holders ( out of a total of 25.78 crore , including those 4 lakh NEW accounts that got opened in past 27 days ) , who deposited the Black Money of those " rich " into their Jan Dhan accounts , have started asking of themselves :

"  If and when , RBI allows me to withdraw the entire deposit , that " rich " man will give me only 25 %  as my commission , even as I run the risk of being put behind the bars for 7 years , under the new BENAMI Act

On the other hand , Shri Modiji is clearly " hinting " that I should declare this deposit as MY OWN  UNDISCLOSED  INCOME , pay 50 % tax , keep 25 % for immediate personal use and get another 25 % after for 4 years , locked up in Gareeb Kalyan Yojana

In long term, Shri Modiji is giving me 50 % against rich man's 25 % !

And 25 % of the deposit becomes MINE , right now , officially , legally and without going to jail  !

And  that " rich " guy dare not threaten me , because if he does , I can report him to the IT dept / Enforcement Directorate "

Dear Shri Narendrabhai :

Please , ensure that the IT / ED too , interpret your " Message " as you have intended !

If they do , there is a good chance that , out of those Rs 28,685 cr deposited in Jan Dhan accounts since 09 Nov , Govt will get

#   Rs 14,000 cr by way of taxes , right away

#   Rs  7,000 cr in Gareeb Kalyan Yojana bonds

and , you will be " sending to the houses of those poor " , Rs 7,000 crores !


06  Dec  2016

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs