Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday, 20 April 2018

#AI #NLP #NeuralNetwork #Language

Not  a  day  too  soon  !

More than 20 years ago ( in Dec 1996 ) , I sent following notes to my colleagues :


Artificial Resume Deciphering Intelligent Software ( ARDIS )



ARDIS - Some further thoughts !






where I wrote :

ARDIS will ,

*   Recognize " Characters "

*   Convert to " WORDS "

*   Compare with 6,258 key words  which we have found in 3,500 converted Bio Data (
     using ISYS ) . 

If a " Word ",

has not already appeared ( > 10 times ) in those 3500 bio data , then its " chance " ( probability ) of occurring in the next bio data , is very very small indeed

But even then ,

ARDIS software will store in memory , each " Occurrence " of each Word ( old or new / first time or a thousandth time ) ,

And ,

will continuously calculate its " Probability of Occurrence " as :

P =  [ No of Occurrence of the given word so far ]

       divided by,

      [ Total No of occurrence of all the words in the in the entire population so far  ]



So that ,

By the time we have SCANNED , 10,000 bio data , we would have literally covered ALL the words that have , even a small PROBABILITY of OCCURRENCE !

So , with each new bio data " scanned " , the " probability of occurrence " of each word is getting , more and more accurate !

Same logic will hold for,



The " Name of the Game " is : Probability of Occurrence

As someone once said :

If you allow 1000 monkeys to keep on hammering keys of 1000 type-writers , for 1000 years , you will , at the end  find that , between them , they have " re-produced " , the entire literary works of Shakespeare  !

But  today , if you store into a Super Computer ,

*   all the words appearing in English language ( incl Verbs / Adverbs / Adjectives ..etc )

*  the " Logic " behind construction of English language ,

then ,

I am sure , the Super Computer could reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare , in 3 MONTHS !

And , as you would have noticed , ARDIS is a " SELF  LEARNING " type of software !

The more it reads ( scans ) , the more it learns ( memorizes words , phrases & even sentences )

Because of its SELF LEARNING / SELF CORRECTING / SELF IMPROVING , capability , ARDIS gets better & better equipped to detect , in a scanned bio data ,

*   Spelling  Mistakes  (  wrong WORD )

*   Context  Mistakes  ( wrong Prefix or Suffix )

*   Preposition  Mistakes  ( wrong PHRASE )

*   Verb / Adverb  Mistakes ( wrong SENTENCE ),

With minor variations ,

-  ALL Thoughts , Words ( written ) , Speech ( spoken ) and Actions , keep on " repeating " again and again and again

It is this  REPETITIVENESS  of Words , Phrases , and Sentences in Resumes , that we plan to exploit

In fact ,

by examining & memorizing the several hundred ( or thousand ) " Sequences " in which the words appear , it should be possible to " Construct " the " Grammar " ie: the logic behind the sequences

I suppose , this is the manner in which the experts were able to unravel the " meaning " of hierographical  inscriptions on Egyptian tombs .

They learned a completely strange / obscure language by studying the " Repetitiveness " & " Sequential " occurrence of unknown characters

Today , I came across the following :

How Google’s ‘smart reply’ is getting smarter


A significant new hierarchical approach to machine intelligence

May 24, 2017

Extract :

How does it work?

“The content of language is deeply hierarchical, reflected in the structure of language itself, going from letters to words to phrases to sentences to paragraphs to sections to chapters to books to authors to libraries, etc.,” they explained.

So a hierarchical approach to learning “is well suited to the hierarchical nature of language. We have found that this approach works well for suggesting possible responses to emails. We use a hierarchy of modules, each of which considers features that correspond to sequences at different temporal scales, similar to how we understand speech and language.”*

21  April  2018


Most people wouldn't understand the significance of your work it's amazing 👌

Thursday, 19 April 2018

#Robots #AI #Economy #DigitalIndia

A  Robotic  Invasion  ?

Robots are far from invading India’s factories , even though their installation rate is steadily rising , as can be seen from following data


*      2015………………. 2065

*      2016………………. 2625

*      2017 ( E )…….…3000

*     2018 ( F )………..3500

*     2019  ( F )……… 5000

*     2020  ( F )……… 6000

But other countries seem to be going all out to install robots in their factories as can be seen from following figures :


*    South Korea…………………… 631

*    Singapore………………………  488

*    Germany…………………………..309

*    Japan……………………………..  303

*    USA………………………………..  189

*    UK…………………………………….. 71

*    China………………………………..  68

*    Brazil…………………………………  10

*    Russia………………………………     3

*    India……………………………….      3

[  Source  :  Times of India  /  25  March  2018  ]

The main reason why industrialists in developed countries are very keen to replace human workers with robots , is HIGH WAGES ( in USA , minimum wage is $ 7.25 per hour = approx. Rs 470 per hour ! )

And , every few years , these wages keep climbing with rising Cost of Living Index

It has reached a stage where ( in countries like China ) , cost of an industrial robot is just the same as the annual wage paid to a Semi Skilled worker !

In India , we have still not reached that kind of a PAYBACK PERIOD , but Indian industrialists are acutely conscious of the following advantages of robots :

Robots which work 24 hours/day and do not ask for a salary

Robots that do not " go slow "or go on a strike

Robots that do not demand " Quotas / Reservations "

Robots that do not take holidays or take " Sick Leave "

Robots that do not resign / demand promotion

Robots that neither envy other robots nor sabotage 

Robots that do not complain against unpleasant work

Robots that do not get tired and need rest

Robots whose production does not drop after working for 8 hours

Robots that do not demand " Overtime Pay " @ 200 % of normal

Robots that perfectly co-ordinate their tasks with other robots

Robots that willingly " retire " at any age , whenever required

Robots that do not demand 

Unemployment/Retirement Benefits

 Robots which may , some day , provide you with 
emotional support when you are sick / depressed  !

The  “ writing is on the wall “if we fails to turn India into a  LOW  COST  ECONOMY  !

Remember : 


Automation is Inescapable

20  April  2018


Added on 24 April 2022 :

Extract :

This week, the Beomni robot will appear at Explorers Club Headquarters and at the annual dinner on Saturday April 23rd in New York City. At the same time, across the country in Beverly Hills, CA, attendees at the Abundance360 Annual Summit will be able to remotely pilot the robot from 2,800 miles away.

Beomni is the world's most sophisticated general-purpose humanoid robot, capable of performing an almost unlimited number of tasks. Beomni's AI Brain learns from its human pilots and becomes increasingly autonomous over time.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

#EWaste #Recycling #Sustainability #CircularEconomy

A   Sahaj  Solution  ?

Indian Express ( 10 April ) carries following news :

An Indian-origin scientist in Australia has launched the world’s first micro factory that can transform the components from electronic waste items such as smartphones and laptops into valuable materials for re-use.

According to Veena Sahajwalla,

a professor at the University of New South Wales, the e-waste micro factory has the potential to reduce the rapidly growing problem of vast amounts of electronic waste causing environmental harm and going into landfill.

It can also turn many types of consumer waste such as glass, plastic and timber into commercial materials and products, she said.

For instance, from e-waste, computer circuit boards can be transformed into valuable metal alloys such as copper and tin while glass and plastic from e-devices can be converted into micro materials used in industrial grade ceramics and plastic filaments for 3D printing.

“Our e-waste micro factory and another under development for other consumer waste types offer a cost-effective solution to one of the greatest environmental challenges of our age,” said Sahajwalla, who earned her BTech degree in metallurgical engineering from IIT Kanpur in 1986.

“Using our green manufacturing technologies, these micro factories can transform waste where it is stockpiled and created, enabling local businesses and communities to not only tackle local waste problems but to develop a commercial opportunity from the valuable materials that are created,” she said.

 Sahajwalla said micro factories present a solution to burning and burying waste items that contain materials which can be transformed into value-added substances and products to meet existing and new industry and consumer demands.

The modular micro factories can operate on a site as small as 50 square metres and can be located wherever waste may be stockpiled.

A micro factory is one or a series of small machines and devices that uses patented technology to perform one or more functions in the reforming of waste products into new and usable resources. The e-waste micro factory that reforms discarded computers, mobile phones and printers has a number of small modules for this process and fits into a small site, said Sahajwalla.

The discarded devices are first placed into a module to break them down. The next module may involve a special robot for the identification of useful parts, she said. Another module then involves using a small furnace which transforms these parts into valuable materials by using a precisely controlled temperature process developed via extensive research. These transformed materials include metal alloys and a range of micromaterials, Sahajwalla said.

These can be used in industrial-grade ceramics while the specific quality plastics from computers, printers and other discarded sources can be put through another module that produces filaments suitable for 3D-printing applications. The metal alloys can be used as metal components for new or existing manufacturing processes, she said.


     In 2014, approximately 41.8 million tons of e-waste was generated worldwide.

     The amount of worldwide e-waste generation is expected to be 49.8 million tons in 2018

     Only 6.5 million tons of total global e-waste generation in 2014 was treated by national electronic take-back systems

Currently, only 15-20 per cent of all e-waste is recycled.

According to a recent report by EPA, every day, we are to get rid of over 416,000 mobile devices and 142,000 computers either by recycling or disposing of them in landfills and incinerators.

Another EPA report reveals that by recycling one million cell phones, we can recover more than 20,000 lbs of copper20 lbs of palladium550 lbs of silver, and 50 lbs of gold.

Cell phones contain very high amount of precious metals such as silver and gold. Americans throw away approximately $60 million worth of silver and gold per year.

Each year, globally, around 1 billion cell phones and 300 million computers are put into production.

The amount of global e-waste is expected to grow by 8 per cent per year.

Roughly 80 percent of e-waste generated in the U.S. is exported to Asia, a trade flow that is a source of considerable controversy.


Can , at least 5 million Indian youth get self employed , repairing / recycling ”  E Waste “ generated globally ?


*   Obtain micro-factory technology from  Ms Sahajwalla (veena@unsw.edu.au )

*   Give away this design for free to any start up which wants to manufacture it

*   Provide special MUDRA loans to Self Employed who want to get into this e – waste
     recycling business , using this micro-factory process

*   Donations made to such “ Self Employed “ by manufacturers of Electronic Devices ,
    be adjusted against their CSR obligations

I do hope Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadji will consider my suggestion

19  April  2018

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

#ATM #CashCrunch #CurrencyNotes #DigitalIndia

#ATM   running  dry  ?

Over the past 2 days , various parts of the country have reported that there are no currency notes in ATMs

For over 2 years now, I have been sending emails to our Policy Makers to consider embedding RFID micro-sensor in Rs 2,000  / Rs 500 , denomination currency notes

Had this suggestion been implemented , there would be no need to fill up those ATMs with Rs 2000 / 500 notes !

INTENTION of my suggestion :

*   To be able to trace / track , huge piles of these notes anywhere ( min amount value to be fixed )

*   To be able to draw up “ Currency Map of India

*   To reduce cash transactions ( large value only – mostly for purchase of gold / land / property etc  )

*   To reduce future generation of BLACK MONEY

*   To reduce CORRUPTION through taking / giving of bribes in high denomination currency notes

*   To give a push to digital payments

*   With huge decrease in usage, no need to print Rs 2000 / Rs 500 notes in large numbers ( who
     wants IT dept to come knocking at the office / resi , seeking explanation re: that huge pile ? )

*  No need to worry about ATMs running out of these notes ( the hue and cry of past 2 days )

*  No need to worry about corrupt politicians carrying suitcase full of Rs 100 notes for distribution
    among the voters

It is still  not too late ! 

18  April  2018