Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday, 19 April 2021

Vehicle Fitness Test ? A 7 year wait ?



Context :

Any commercial vehicle can be scrapped if it fails fitness test   /   TOI – 17 April 2021

Commercial vehicles can be scrapped even before 15 years: Road Ministry's draft   / 19 April 2021


Extract :

Ø  Any commercial vehicle irrespective of its age and even before it attains 15 years would be phased out if it fails to pass the automated fitness test after two chance, the draft rules issued by the road and transport ministry said

Ø  The vehicle owners will have the last option to challenge the test results before the appellate authority seeking re-testing

Ø  According to draft rules for setting up of automated vehicle testing centres and testing procedures, the appellate authority may order re-testing within five days after receiving any complaint and this test result will be final

Ø  If vehicle fails in this test, then it will be considered as “ End of Life “ of the vehicle and it would be deregistered automatically from the Vahan database

Ø  The vehicle scrapping policy has been prepared keeping the automated fitness test result as the benchmark

Ø  But private vehicle owners don’t face this risk as such vehicles need to undergo fitness tests only after 15 years from their date of registration

Ø  In the case of Commercial Vehicles, fitness tests are mandatory once in two years till eighth year and then they need to for this testing annually

Ø   Currently there are ONLY 7 automated fitness testing centres including one each in Delhi, Rohtak, Lucknow, Odisha and Nasik

Ø  The Road Ministry will set up an online mechanism for appointment for testing of vehicles.

Ø  To prevent conflict of interest, the Automated Testing Station shall act as test-only facility and shall not provide any services related to repair of vehicles or sale or manufacturing of auto spares, said the Ministry.




Ø  An automated fitness testing centre needs 5 acre of land , costs Rs 15 crore and can test 80-100 vehicles in a day   , with construction period of one year . For specifications / requirements of a typical Vehicle Fitness Testing Centre, look up : https://aiactive.com/pages/transportation/automatic-vehicle-inspection-system.html

Ø  So, our current 7 centres can test 700 vehicles per day ( together, approx.. 2.5 Lakh in a year )

Ø  Now few days back, while announcing the Vehicle Scrapping Policy in Lok Sabha, Shri Gadkariji gave following estimates of OLD vehicles :

Light Motor Vehicles

#   Older than 20 years…………………………………………. ………………51  lakhs

#  Older than 15 years( but less than 20 years ).…………………34  lakhs 

      Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles

#  Older than 15 years without any valid FITNESS certificate…17  lakhs


TOTAL…………………………………………………………………………………………..102 lakh 


Hence those 7 centres will need approx. 7 YEARS  to complete testing of those 17 lakh OLD commercial vehicles  !

Assumptions :

           #    No new centres come up in near future

           #     These existing 7 centres devote themselves exclusively to testing

                   of only the Commercial Vehicles  and none of those 85 lakh OLD

                   private vehicles . If these too queue up, it would take 40 YEARS !


           #    No old commercial vehicle owner “  Challenges “ the first test result

                 and seek re-testing


Problems :




Ø  The above-mentioned figures are for the FIRST TIME testing- whereas commercial

     vehicles need testing every year after 8 years . That means those 17 lakh must

      be tested EVERY YEAR !


Ø  To this figure, we must add, the number of Commercial Vehicles celebrating their 8th Birthday.

In     In 2022 , that number would be 6.3  LAKH ( those produced in 2014 ) ! 

So , in 2022 , we are talking of testing 23.3 lakh ( 17 + 6.3 ) commercial vehicles

      And with increasing vehicle production, since this figure is steadily rising,

      year after year


          TOTAL NUMBER TO BE TESTED IN 2022 , will add up as follows :

         #  Cumulative Backlog till today………………………….. ……………. 17  Lakhs

         #  100 % of Cum Backlog ( each year after 8 years )………… 17  Lakhs

         #  2014 born reaching 8 year in 2022……………………………………6.3  Lakhs


      Total to be tested in 2022………………………………………………………… 40.3  Lakhs




Ø  Private vehicles have to be “ Fitness Tested “ for the first time after 15 yearsand then every 5 years thereafter .

That means, of the above-mentioned  85 ( 51 + 34 ) lakh which to be tested

AT ONCE right now for the first time, one-fifth of these ( ie 17 lakh ) will need

 to be tested EACH YEAR


Ø  Now in India we produced / sold 17 lakh Passenger cars in year 2007 . So in 2022,

     these will celebrate 15th birthday and require re-testing

Hence total passenger cars to be tested in 2022, will add up as follows :

#   Cumulative Backlog till today……………………… 85  Lakhs

#   20 % of Cumulative Backlog……………………….  17  Lakhs

#   2007 born reaching 15 years………………………  17  lakhs


TOTAL for 2022…………………………………………………….. 119  Lakh


Hence, the Grand Total Number of Vehicles needing immediate testing ( and quite

 likely, YEAR after YEAR testing, since vehicle production in India is rising rapidly, )

 add up as follows ;

Ø  Commercial Vehicles……………………………………………..   40.3    Lakhs

Ø  Passenger vehicles………………………………………………….119.0     Lakhs


 GRAND TOTAL to be tested in 2022 …………………..  159.3  Lakhs


This DEMAND ( for testing ) must be viewed against the available SUPPLY

One Fitness Testing Centre can test max 100 vehicles day . That means 30,000 / year ( in 300 working days )

That means we need 530 testing centres to satisfy this  DEMAND  ! Costing Rs 7,950 Crore  !

Just impossible  !


Is there an ALTERNATIVE ?

May be !

Install all kinds of sensors in each vehicle ( considering that latest vehicles need

 some 1000 – 1400 micro-chips , may be required sensors are already pre-

installed )

Then take help from our GPS-based NaVIC satellites to monitor all of our 240

 MILLION vehicles on Indian roads ( parked or moving ) , and determine their

 HARM QUOTIENT / TRANS-TAX , as described at :

Ø  Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ? ………………………[ 20 Nov 2018 ]


This system has following advantages :

Ø  It will cost much less than Rs 7950  Crore

Ø  In fact, it could well EARN the Governments ( State + Central ), Rs 8,000 crore PER DAY

Ø  It will take less than a year to implement  ( if in doubt, consult Dr Sivan – ISRO )

Ø  It will report the “ PASS – FAIL “ reports of all vehicles to a CENTRAL SERVER, on 24x7 basis

Ø  It will plot a GRAPH for each vehicle’s HARM QUOTIENT and alert the authorities / traffic police

Ø  It will collect TRANS-TAX , automatically ( without human intervention ) from prepaid RFID FasTag

Ø  It will show TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ( density ) for each and every road of India ( 24x7 )

Ø  It will be able to redirect / regulate traffic

Ø  It will motivate people to use Public Transport ( to avoid paying huge TRANS-TAX for private cars )

Ø  It will reduce air-pollution with buyers switching over to Electric Vehicles


Dear Shri Gadkariji,

I urge you to give an opportunity to our Scientists / Software – Hardware Engineers  / R&D engineers of Auto Industry / Start-ups in SPACE sectors etc

They will be happy to take up your challenge and come up with this MOON SHOT solution which will be copied by all the countries

With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  20  April  2021

Sunday, 18 April 2021

From E-Way Bills to Express-ways of Commerce ?




Context :

Real Time Data on Vehicles without E-Way Bills   /    MINT  -  19 April 2021

Extract :

Ø  The government is working on a system to soon provide report to GST officers on a real-time basis for those vehicles which are moving without e-way bills, to help intercept stuck trucks at toll plazas and check GST evasion.

Ø  The tax officers would also be provided analysis reports on identifying e-way bill EWB with no movement of goods as it would help officials identifying cases of circular trading. It would also provide reports on recycling of e-way bills for tax evasion prone commodities to help officers in identifying tax evaders.




Dear Shri Piyush Goyalji,


Congratulations on making a beginning to implement my suggestions in following 4 YEAR old E Mail :

Ø  A New Way to E-Way ? ………………………………..[ 15 July 2017 ]

Extract :


My request / suggestion to GST Council :

Ø  Aim to turn India’s highways into friction-less “ Conveyor Belts of Commerce “

Ø  Look up conveyor belts in the warehouses of Amazon / Flipkart / UPS / FedEx etc , which carry hundreds of packages per minute – with each package carrying dozens of different items ( can we replace “ packages “ with TRUCKS and “ conveyor belts “ with HIGHWAYS ? )

    Each item within each box , has RFID chip and QR code ( interlinked )

Ø  Sensors placed along the conveyor belt “ reads “ each package and each item inside each package . No need to stop the flow of the packages

Ø  E-way Bill too , will have all the QR Codes / RFID data , of each item loaded onto the truck ( Price / Origin City / Destination City / Supplier with GSTN registration number / Recipient with his GSTN registration number / GST – ISGST – SGST amount for each item / Date of Dispatch / Validity of E Way Bill etc )

Ø  Just like today’s Mobile Apps of UPS / FedEx enable online tracking of each package and of individual items within each package , that “ high technology interface “ being proposed by the Government should incorporate the following technologies :

                   #   QR code / RFID chip

                   #   GPS based NaviC .......................  (  30 Mar 2017  )

                   #   Internet of Things ( IoT )

                   #   Internet of Vehicles ( IoV )............ (  04 Mar 2017  )

                   #   BlueTooth / NFC


Dear Members of GST Council :

Ø  Here is YOUR opportunity to lead the way ( - in this case , the HIGHWAY ! )

Ø  There is no technical reason why Software Super Power India, cannot lead the world in ,

              Ease of Doing Business

Ø  If you guarantee the business / industry that “ NO INSPECTOR “ will stop the truck along its journey , they will willingly implement ANY / ALL technologies to serve the purpose of E Way Bill

Ø  Remember, all corruption starts by permitting HUMANS to “ interpret “ whether a given process was “ correct / incorrect “ as prescribed – and collect their “ hafta “ for offering to interpret it in favour of the Business / Industry , violating the process !

Ø  By implementing my suggestion  " Fast  Forward to IoV ? " ( 03 July 2017 )  ,


technology will SHUT DOWN the truck engine , upon detection of a violation !

And automatically unlock the engine when the violation gets corrected by EDITING the E-Way Bill , on GSTN web site !



With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  19 April 2021



Saturday, 17 April 2021

BANMALI arrives : Named as Poshan Tracker



Dear Smt Smriti Iraniji,

( Minister of Women and Child Development / min-wcd@nic.in )

Congratulations on launch of mobile app POSHAN TRACKER , which I had earlier named ,

BANMALI  (  Ban Mal-Nutrition in India  )


Context :

To give people Poshan, Govt prescribes a Tech Diet    /   Eco Times /  17 April 2021

Extract :

Ø  Last month, the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the Ministry of electronics and IT launched an ambitious data-driven platform called POSHAN TRACKER, to daily monitor the activities of more than 1.1 million Anganwadi workers

Ø  These workers – spread across the country- are responsible for making sure that pregnant women, infant as well as young children get adequate hot meals, rations, vaccine doses and medication

Ø  They are also responsible for ensuring early intervention in case of disabilities or flagging other developmental concerns

Ø  Close to 1 million Anganwadi workers have downloaded the Android App on their smartphones and are using it DAILY, to key in EVERYDAY STATISTICS

Ø  The project was launched in JANUARY ( 2021 ), and it went live in MARCH

Ø  Since then, 10 LAKH workers have been registered and more than 3 CRORE end beneficiaries have been registered

Ø  EACH DAY, data about vaccines and children’s height, weight, MALNUTRITION along with details of whether infrastructure such as toilets are present, is being uploaded

Ø  Anganwadi workers have to download the APP, which can even e integrated by States for their own programs in this area

Ø  The DASHBOARD shows,

#   Real time data of the attendance of workers

#   Number of vaccines

#   Hot cooked meals

#   Take-Home Rations that are provided

It can be broken down state and district wise

Ø  Every day, a VIDEO-CONFERENCE is held to address any issue faced by these workers or authorities while using the TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM



In June 2016 , I sent following e-mail to our Cabinet Ministers :

Ø  Saving 1.2 million Kids ……[ 29 June 2016 ] , where I suggested as follows :


How can we ensure that they get some nutritious food every day ?


     link above )


     *  Each NEUTRA-KID bar wrapper will have a bar-code ( till such time inserting

         RFID sensors become a reality )


     *  Bar code will carry all normal instructions + Delivery Destination ( Post

         Office )


     *  Each NEUTRA-KID bar will pass thru a Bar Code Reader on the Assembly

         Line , before dispatch


     *  Info collected thru this reader will get transmitted to the Central Server of

         concerned Ministries


     *  After taking his / her weight and entering in an online Database , hosted on

        the Central  Server of the concerned Ministries, each targeted child will get

        registered at the  nearest Post Office


      *  Each registered child will be issued a blue tooth enabled Smart phone, duly

          pre-installed with a Mobile App called " BANMALI " ( Banish Malnutrition in

          India ) , in which Child's data / Aadhar No will be entered


      Every day, the concerned child ( and parent ) will visit the post office to

          collect the NEUTRA-KID bar


     *  Before handing over bar, child will be weighed on a weighing machine and

         the weight  entered in BANMALI


         The weight record graph will appear on the screen of the PC located at the

         Post Office  ( Blue Tooth )


     *  This record will also get transmitted ( of course , automatically ) to the

         COMMUNITY  HEALTH CENTRE where the concerned child is " registered " (

         this will be compulsory in order to be eligible for this Scheme )


     *  Every time , a child is taken for his/her monthly HEALTH CHECK UP ( also

         compulsory  in order to receive next month's NEUTRA-KID bars ), concerned

         doctor will examine the child and enter his findings in BANMALI



         Doctor will be required to enter medicines prescribed as also , increase /

         decrease in the QUOTA of NEUTRA- KID bars recommended for the next




·   All of these data will get relayed to the Central Servers of the concerned Ministries


      As to the roles to be played by various agencies involved , I conceptualize as

      follows  [ find details at link above ] :



      #   FOOD  MINISTRY

      #   POST OFFICES





Ø  A Mobile App named " BANMALI "………………………………….. [ 15 Sept 2016 ]

Ø  BANMALI is the TOTAL SOLUTION …………………………………..[ 14 Nov 2016 ]

Ø  Can Akshay Patra Banish Malnutrition ? ………………………….[ 05 June 2017 ]

Ø  Thank You Madam Maneka Gandhiji ………………………………..[ 21 Dec 2018 ]

Extract :

            #   For what ?

                 For accepting my suggestions ( all sent as above E Mails to Cabinet

                 Ministers )

             #  How  ?

           By launching “ Poshan Abhiyan “ at the hands of Shri Modiji

           on 08 March 2018



Ø  Poshan Tracker – Helping make India malnutrition free by 2022  

Extract :

#   National Nutrition Mission named as the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s

     Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition (POSHAN) Abhiyaan

     was launched in 2017, as a multi-ministerial  convergence mission,

      with the overarching vision to make India malnutrition free by 2022.



    The Ministry of Women and Child Development has rolled out Poshan

     Tracker application

    The Poshan Tracker is built using centralized data architecture, that

     also aligns with the digital  technology systems of other ministries and



    The system provides a digital identity to each beneficiary through a

    digital card, and allows convergence of call centre with the technology



    The system generates automated alerts to the critical last-mile


Ø  Poshan Tracker Update: Find Out Why You Are Unable To Login To The App      [  30 March 2021 ]


With regards,

Hemen Parekh   /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  17  April  2021


Copy To :

National Nutrition Resource Centre - Central Project Management Unit (NNRC-CPMU) 

Ms. Aditi Das Rout   /  adrout@nic.in

Dr. Harmeet Singh  /   hs.grewal@nic.in

Shri Sanjiv Gajraj  /   sanjiv.gajraj@gov.in

Shri Parimal Karan   /  p.karan67@nic.in

Shri Sunil Kumar Choudhary   /  sk.choudhary75@nic.in

Shri Umesh Kumar Motish  /  u.motish@nic.in

Shri Manish Kumar Singh  /  manishks.rth@nic.in

Shri Amal Mazumdar  /  amal.mazumdar@nic.in

Ms. Stakshi Taryon  /   stakshi.taryon87@nic.in

Shri Ravi Jain  /  ravi.jain85@nic.in

Shri Amit Gupta  /  amit.gupta81@gov.in

Shri Yogesh Sharma  /  yogesh.sharma97@nic.in

Ms. Mamta Singh  /  mamta.singh90@gov.in

Ms. Shivani Sharma  /  shivani.sharma91@nic.in

Ms. Neha Sharma  /  neha.sharma26@nic.in

Ms. S. Sindhu  /  s.sindhu92@nic.in

Shri Shyamvir Singh Verma  /  shyamvir.singh55@nic.in