70 years after
India attained independence from the British rule , 79 children died in a Gorakhpur
Hospital , for want of Oxygen supply , within 72 hours
For their parents , Gorakhpur turned into Horrorpur !
And , as expected ( - literally “ scripted “ in government manual
in such crisis situations ) , CM Yogi Adityanathji announced following “ Exemplary
“ punishments :
Set up a high-powered committee
to investigate what caused these deaths - since UP government says : Deaths did
not occur due to lack of Oxygen !
Expect the
Committee to write a 300 page report in 3 months to say : Deaths occurred due
to stoppage of brain – due to stoppage of heart !
Announce a compensation of Rs 5
lakhs to the parents of each dead child
“ Suspend “ the Principal of
the Medical College ( to be reinstated when the report of the high powered
committee gets released ? )
I don’t think anyone expected Yogiji to resign like Lal Bahadur
Shastriji , who resigned by taking responsibility for a train accident !
Apparently , Yogiji was too busy to visit the hospital for next 2
days !
If readers want to know WHO, WHEN and HOW
can stop the recurrence of such “ Murder by Negligence “ , there is ONLY ONE
answer , viz :
When a Start Up invents ( - and the Supreme Court orders mandatory
implementation by all State and Central Government ) , a TECHNOLOGY whereby the
Electricity and Water Supply to the homes and offices of the Ministers ( of the
concerned / responsible government ) STOPS AUTOMATICALLY , the moment Oxygen Pressure in any
hospital falls below 50 % of the optimum level
And , please do not insult our Start Ups by saying : You cannot
find such a solution !
Till such time expect to see such headlines
in morning newspapers , every 2 years , covering varied incidences of “ Murder
by Negligence “
14 Aug 2017
/ blogs