Yesterday, Google’s AlphaZero AI software
learned all the moves of chess within 4 hours and defeated all earlier chess-playing algorithms
There was also the news ( I hope , it was
fake ! ) that someone just developed an AI software that can write its own ( -
and , better ) child software !
So , in order to decide how far Google AI has come to replicating “ Human Creativity “ (
supposedly , beyond the capability of any AI software so far ? ) , I decided to
carry out following simple test ( - feel free to name it , “ Hemen Hurdle “ – with
apologies to Turing Test
Below , you will find 3 versions of my poem “ Winds of Time “
The original English version was written by me on 10 Oct 1988
That is followed by my own transliteration
( in HINDI ) of
Right below that is how GOOGLE
TRANSLATE , rendered it from the original English version
I leave it to the readers to decide which
one is “ creative “
Of course , I must admit that it took me close to 20 minutes to
translate my own poem , whereas Google took less than one second !
Pasting both
the “ Hindi “
versions in Google Translate and asking it to translate
back to English , will convince you that Google has still , a long way to go !
The Winds of Time
Before the fragrance leaves the
And the sky gives up its colors ,
Let us leave this world
The two of us
Leaving behind, a few
Shrunken , shriveled memories
Shrunken , shriveled memories
Like the yellowed leaves of
The Pippul tree –
Like the yellowed leaves of
The Pippul tree –
Will get scattered
Far and wide
By the winds of Time.
Far and wide
By the winds of Time.
The leaves cannot tell
That the Pippul was barren,
That the Pippul was barren,
Nor can memories echo
The emptiness
Of our lives.
The emptiness
Of our lives.
So let us leave,
While we can still
Hear the wind sing
And feel the softness
Hear the wind sing
And feel the softness
a feather.
समय के समीर !
ना रहे फूलों मे खुशबू
और आसमान मे रंग ,
इससे पहले
छोड़ के इस जहां को
चलो , हम चले
साथ साथ ;
पीछे छूट जायेगी
रूखी सूखी स्मृतियाँ ;
पिप्पल के पत्तो की तरह
दूर दूर उड़ जायेगी
समय की सीमाओं के पार !
पत्ते क्या बता पाएंगे
पिप्पल मे फूल
कभी न आएंगे ?
हमारे जीवन के
अधूरेपन को
स्मृतिओं से भर पाओगी ?
तो चलो चले
जब तक हवाओं मे
तेरे मेरे
गीत लहराते है ,
घु घु करते कबूतर के पंख की
तेरे गालों से
शरमाती है !
समय की हवाएं
सुगंध फूलों को छोड़ने से पहले
और आकाश अपने रंग को छोड़ देता है,
आइए हम इस दुनिया को छोड़ दें
हम दोनों
साथ में,
पीछे छोड़कर, कुछ
श्रुंकन, सूखा यादें
कौन कौन से
पीले रंग की पत्तियों की तरह
पिप्पल पेड़ -
बिखरे हुए होंगे
दूर और व्यापक
समय की हवाओं के द्वारा
पत्ते नहीं बता सकते
कि Pippul बंजर था,
न ही यादें गूंजती हैं
हमारी ज़िन्दगियों का।
तो हमें छोड़ दें
जबकि हम अभी भी कर सकते हैं
हवा गाओ सुनो
और कोमलता महसूस करें
एक पंख में