Leakages of exam papers – especially for SSC exam – are
decades old
But these are set to go up dramatically !
Indian Express ( 06 March ) carries following news :
Highlights :
What is the so-called “SSC scam”?
Students from various parts of the
country have been protesting since February 27 against the alleged leak of
questions of the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exams conducted by SSC from
February 17-22.
What kind of exams does the SSC
The body was constituted in 1975 as Subordinate Services Selection Board [ SSC
]under the Department of Personnel and Training of the central
government, and re-designated as Staff Selection Commission in 1977.
recommends candidates for recruitment to various Class III ( now called Group C )
posts in Ministries/Departments of the central government and in subordinate
How many of you remember that the Government had
totally “ done away / eliminated “ job interviews for Group
B / C / D , vacancies , starting Jan 2016 ?
Now , if there are no job interviews , what will decide
issue of an appointment letter ?
Obviously , it will have to be the “ Percentage of
Marks “ obtained in those exams conducted by the Subordinate Services Selection Board [ SSC ] !
So , a candidate’s chance ( of lending a
job in B / C / D groups ) solely depends on how well they answer those
questions in that exam paper !
In our country where for each vacancy in
Group C / D , some 1,000 youth apply, this ( getting your answers perfectly
right ) , is a matter of “ Life and Death “ !
Any doubt that , as long as your
mark-sheet constitutes the ONLY qualifying attribute for getting a job , exam
paper leakages will thrive ?
For more on this subject, read :
NOINTERVIEWS FOR B / C / D ? [ 25 Oct 2015 ]