Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday, 17 August 2020

Preventing ( illness ) is better than Curing

Our Health Minister , Dr HarshVarhanji would be happy if we don’t fall ill

He has been telling us :

Ø   Early to bed and early to rise

Ø   Eat only healthy food / No junk food with lots of spices-salt-sugar – fried food

Ø   Exercise regularly / Take regular walks in park / Do yoga – meditation

Ø   Do not smoke – chew tobacco – drink Sharaab  ( instead drink Ayurvedic Kadha )

Ø   Have dinner 3 hours before going to sleep ( - at least in this respect, practice Jainism )

Above are general / universal guidance for entire society

Despite observing as much of these as possible, people do get sick with diseases, from time to time .

Apart from a doctor / hospital trying to “ Cure “ them by administering tests / medicines, can they be advised SPECIFIC PREVENTIVE things they should do to avoid / prevent , future illnesses ?


Currently this is being done ( though on a very limited scale ) by very few Family Doctors , who have been continuously treating a family-member for say, 20 years and remember life-time Medical History of that person

But even a family doctor , - a human – cannot vividly remember / recall, life-time Medical Histories of hundreds of his patients  - histories spread over decades / histories comprising :

Ø  Each illness ( at what age and for how long and how severe )

Ø  Each pathological test / symptoms / measurements of body functions

Ø  Each medicine prescribed – taken ( brand and generic , with active ingredients )

Ø  Each surgical procedure

Ø  Each reaction / outcome

Forget about the doctor. Even the patients themselves do not preserve their following records :

Ø  X-ray plates / CDs / Reports of Radiologists

Ø  ECG charts / CT – PET Scans

Ø  Records of Blood Pressure / Oxygen levels / Pulse rates

Ø  Drug prescriptions given by doctors / hospitals

Ø  “Drugs sold “ bills , handwritten by chemists

Ø  Operating / Surgical procedures carried out ( may be in different towns / countries )

Ø  Long sessions with Psycho-therapists / Physio-therapists

Ø  History / records of doctor-prescribed Diets , over many years

This is a partial list

But , if such records were maintained / preserve immaculately and uploaded regularly on some online Central Server, such a comprehensive MEDICAL HISTORY , could be enormously helpful to a doctor / hospital that a sick person visits for consultation / treatment

Of course , that person would need to grant that doctor / hospital, an EXPLICIT ( - and limited for a given time period ) permission to online ACCESS his Medical History , wherever that doctor / hospital is located

Some online websites ( listed below ),have come up to allow you to upload your past medical records / documents and enable you to grant such “ Specific / limitedpermissions



In his Independence Day address to the nation, PM Shri Modiji announced the launch of :

National Digital Health Mission

Here is that announcement :

Extract :
Ø  “ From today, the national digital health mission will begin.
     It will revolutionise Indian healthcare sector.
     Every Indian will be issued a health ID that will act like a healthcare account,
     storing details of

    #  All the tests done,
    #  Existing diseases,
    #  Diagnoses,
    #  Medicines prescribed, ”

said Modi in his Independence speech from Red Fort.

Ø  It will also ease processes such as ,
  #   Booking appointments,
  #   Making payments, or
  #   Getting registrations done at hospitals, he said.

       Technology will be used to resolve various problems in the health care sector

Ø  The programme is a part of the government’s National Digital Health Blueprint aimed at using technology to improve health care delivery.

    The objectives of the mission are to,

   #  Establish a core digital health database,
   #  Create a system of electronic health records based on international standards, and
   #  Establish data ownership pathways ,
       so that a patient is the owner his / her health records, among others “
Ø  “A nationwide health ID will ensure three things – continuity, connectivity, and portability of treatment.
     If a patient goes to a different doctor or someone else fills in for their doctor, all the
     medical records will be available to them ensuring continuity of their treatment.
     When a patient has to go to a secondary or tertiary centre, all the basic information
     will already be there in the record.
     This is particularly helpful in the emergency department where knowing the blood
     group or what a person is allergic to can save a lot of time.
     It will also save cost of repeat tests.
     The third is portability, which will enable me to have my entire healthcare record
     when I move from one city to the other without carrying several files,”

    said,  K Srinath Reddy,( ksrinath.reddy@phfi.org ),
-        president of the Public Health Foundation of India.

Digital Delivery of Drugs                                                                 [ 11 Oct 2015 ]

Extract :

WHO ( which doctor ), prescribed  WHAT drug ( drug name ), made by WHO (
name of drug manufacturer ), to WHOM  (patient name ), and WHY ( disease
diagnosis ), and WHEN ( date ), and sold by WHICH ( drug store )

Modicare : A Game Changer                                                                 01 Feb 2018 ]


Medicalchain, on the other hand, uses blockchain technology to store and share health records securely, allowing for easy and safe transfer of information between providers and patients.


AI  for  Healthcare   ……………………………………………………………………………………….[ 17 June 2018 ]

Extract :


How to go about collecting / compiling into a CENTRAL DATABASE , health records of
millions of sick Indians , using Electronic Health Record Standards  ?


Here is what I blogged in Jan 2018. I urge the Task Force on Healthcare  to consider :

 2024 ! – V 2.0 of Orwellian 1984 ?


There are 7,000 million people on the earth

It is possible that , at any given time , some 7 million of these are lying in ICU , connected with :

*   Electroencephalogram ( Brain Monitor )

*   Electrocardiogram      ( Heart Monitor )

*   Pulse Rate Meter

*   Oxygen Level Meter

*   Glucose Level Meter........etc

As soon as these instruments get embedded with 
Internet of Things ( IoT ), a central server could collect all of these  " measurements / readings "  on 24*7 basis, for all 7 million persons

Then it will 
combine these readings with following data about each of those 7 million persons :

Country / Region / City  /  Language 

Race /  Religion  /  Gender /  Age

Height /  Weight  /  Colour  /  Biometrics 

Blood Group / DNA  / Past Medical History.....etc

It will also record , who died / when  !

Using such massive data base, can BIG DATA / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning , figure out what " 
Customized healthcare Medical treatment Supplementary diet " should be " prescribed " for each human on this earth ?

Shall we support such " Invasion of Individual Privacy " , in the larger interest / benefit of entire mankind ?

I think , we should


Healthcare : The Unfolding Story                                                       [ 19  June  2018 ]

Extract :


Using such massive data base, can BIG DATA / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning ,
figure out what " Customized healthcare Medical treatment Supplementary diet "
should be " prescribed " for each human on this earth ?


Ayushman Bharat : Think Big  ………………………………………………………………………[ 23 Sept 2018 ]

Extract :

Consider this :

·         Doctor takes the readings of the patient using these internet connected devices

·         Devices transmit these data to the smart phones of both, the doctor and the patient

·         These phones transmit these data to the Central Health Care Server of Ayushman
          Bharat and update the LIFE TIME MEDICAL HISTORY of that person

·         This history can be accessed only by the “ Authorised “ health centres / hospitals /
          nursing homes, which are official partners of the Ayushman Bharat scheme

     Imagine all the Medical Devices ( including ECG / EEG / PET Scan ,  located in private
     clinics / health centers / hospitals / nursing homes / Path labs / Diagnostic centers  etc

      ), transmitting to a Central Server ,

         #   medical diagnosis

         #   treatment

         #   administered drugs

         #   surgical procedures 

    for all 50 crore citizens covered by this scheme

   And imagine such petabytes of health data being subjected to BIG DATA analysis using
   AI  !

  Ayushman Bharat has the potential to usher this Health-care Revolution


Will “ Ayushman Bharat “ listen ?                                                          [ 14  Nov  2018 ]

Extract :


When that happens , expect the AI to do the following :

 #    Offer
 Customized healthcare / Medical treatment / Supplementary diet

      #    Guide your family doctor to prescribe the best-suited medicine for each member of
            Your family

     #    Recommend some “ preventive “ medicines before a disease manifests itself !


Health Data Vault                                                                                 16 June 2019 ]

Extract :

“ All the Health Data of all 50 crore beneficiaries to be stored on a Central Server for BIG  DATA analysis , in order to “ Predict “ WHO might become susceptible to WHICH ailment
 and WHEN  “


No need to be secretive !  ……………………………………………………………………………[ 14 Nov 2019 ]


Corona Patient Case Histories : a Fragmented Database  ………………………..[ 30 March 2020 ]


Tele-Medicine / Tele-Health : a COVID gift ?  …………………………………………..  20 May 2020 ]



Priorities for AI [ Artificial Intelligence ] portal ……………………………………………. [ 31 May 2020 ]


The Changing Face of Healthcare System   …………………………………………………….[ 01 Aug 2020 ]


Dear Dr HarshVardhanji,

Over the past few years, a number of websites, listed below, ( for storing Medical Records / Consultations ) have come up, which might need to morph and become “ Mirror Images “ of the Government Portal . I urge you to reach-out to them and persuade them to form with your Ministry, a PUBLIC – PRIVATE partnership

With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  18 Aug 2020

These are :


Vendors for Electronic Medical Records ( EMR ) in India


And this is the “ Personal Health Record Holder of Govt of India “ :



Related Readings :

Friday, 14 August 2020

Congratulations , Smt Varshaji,

What for ?

For making Maharashtra the first state to launch VIRTUAL CLASSES

How ?

By tying up with Google , as reported below :

Extract :

Ø  Students and teachers will get access to Google Classroom and G Suite for Education that will provide solutions to support remote learning.

Ø  The tools allow interactive sessions, which will allow teachers to explain lessons, and students can also ask their doubts while sitting at home. Homework can be uploaded, and teachers can check them online
Ø  The project…. will cover over 1.09 lakh government, private, aided, and unaided schools, and benefit over 22.03 million students

Ø  “Coronavirus has forced us to adopt the changes that were supposed to come in the future,” Thackeray said while launching the project online.

Ø  Google Classroom and G Suite, which will be available free of cost, are the tools that allow the education institutes to conduct interactive sessions. Around 250 participants can attend it at a time.

 Teachers can make their audio or video presentations; students can clear their doubts, and upload homework and assignments. Even parents can submit their complaints or suggestions through the system,” said Dinkar Patil, director, Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training (MSCERT) [ dir.mscert@gmail.com ]

Ø  “We are beginning with the training of the teachers. As many as 40,000 teachers will be the master trainers for the remaining 2 lakh teachers. Once, training is completed, students will be asked to register their mobile numbers, and will get notifications with details of each session,” Patil added.

Ø  School education minister Varsha Gaikwad said,
“We have got responses from 1.34 lakh teachers within 48 hours after floating an invitation link for Google Classroom training. The process of teacher training is going to be started on August 7. We are turning the crisis into an opportunity.”  gaikwad.varsha3@gmail.com ]


Just a month back, I sent following E Mail to CM Shri Uddhav Thackereyji :

Digitized India ?  ………………………………………………………………………………….[  12  July  2020 ]

Extract :

Ø    27 crore ( 270 million ) students are unable to attend classes due to lockdown

Ø    20 crore ( 200 million ) Indian households have TV sets

Ø  Hence, all Indian States should follow the example set by Maharashtra and launch TV channels for each SUBJECT taught at each STANDARD class

Ø  Disadvantage of TV Channel-based “ lectures “ is that these are one-way monologues.

Ø  There is no “ dialogue “ between teacher and students ( No questions / answers
    ensuring that TV watching students understood the subject being taught )

Ø  This is why ZOOM / GOOGLE MEET / JIO-MEET are preferred ( since interactive )

Ø  But, to use these platforms ( for online education purpose ) require :

    #   Internet-enabled device ( a Computer / Tablet / Big Smart phone )

    #   Internet connection ( Broadband Cable / Fibre or Wi-Fi )

Ø  The Union Human Resource Development ministry…… plans to launch a
     Rs 60,900 crore scheme to provide laptops/devices to over 4 crore college students
     over the next five years, to bridge the digital divide. [ 80 lakh / year ]

Ø  The ministry proposes to start with distributing laptops / tablets of about Rs 15,000
     each to 1.5 crore students in 2021-22 at a cost of Rs 22,500 crore

Ø  I urge Shri Prakash Javdekarji ( HRD Minister ) to consider my following proposal as a much cheaper alternative to the above-mentioned plan :
Ø  Let Central Government float a global tender for pre-owned desktops ( in working condition and less than 5 years old ) for 100 million units ( 10 crore ).

     I think we could get for Rs 2500 each ( at total cost of Rs 25,000 crore ).


What makes this initiative of VIRTUAL CLASSES , extremely significant right now ?

Here is why :


·         Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)
·         13 Aug 2020
·         Ankita Bhatkhande ankita.bhatkhande@htlive.com
Some of the key reasons behind a large number of students not being able to take part in online learning are migration of parents due to loss of livelihood, unavailability of android phones, not being able to afford internet connection and schools not having updated contact details of parents.

In a circular released on Tuesday, the education department has asked schools and teachers to take measures to ensure that 100% students are able to access online learning.

“It is worrying to see that some students are not able to join online learning due to several challenges. While the situation is unprecedented, it is also important for us to ensure that not a single child is left out,” said Mahesh Palkar, BMC education officer.


One in two youths subject to depression, anxiety, says ILO survey on effects of COVID-19

Extract :

Over 12,000 responses were received from 112 countries, with a large proportion coming from educated youths with access to the Internet.

The survey found that one in two (i.e., 50 per cent) young people across the world are possibly subject to anxiety or depression, while 17 per cent are probably affected by it.

The report said 73 per cent of the young people, who were either studying or combining study and work before the onset of the crisis, experienced school closures though all of them were not able to transition into online and distance learning.

The coronavirus has left one in eight young people (13 per cent) without any access to courses, teaching or training -- a situation particularly acute among the youth in low-income countries and one that serves to underline the sharp digital divide that exists between regions.

It added that despite the best efforts of schools and training institutions to provide continuity through online delivery, 65 per cent of the young people reported having learnt less since the pandemic began.

hcp@RecruitGuru.com    /   15  Aug  2020 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

How to build Houses / Shelters, super-quick ?

And also super-cheap ?

That was the challenge that our Central Housing Ministry had thrown to the Construction Industry of the World, some 2 years ago

There is till date, no news which Construction technology of which company got selected as winner

That made me send following e mail to our Housing Minister , Shri Hardeep Singh Puriji

In that e-mail, I listed my earlier e mails ( list below ) where I had drawn attention of the Housing Ministry to a number of technologies

Today , I came across another source described below :

-          Which lists 45 different Design / Construction concepts for rapid / cheap buildings

List of my earlier mails :

     BuildingCastles in Air ?                            [  25  July  2015 ]

DREAM  HOUSE  BY 2020 ?                      [  01  Sept  2015  ]

FutureHome is Here !                               [  02 March  2017  ]

A Roof Over Every Head ?                         [  07  March  2017  ]

Plastic Skyscrapers ?                                 [  15  March  2017  ]

Claim is Credible , but ….                            [  11  Aug  2017  ]

Shelter@ Speed of Snail ? [ S 3 ]                 [  21  Sept  2017  ]

Did You Say “ Mission Mode “ ?                    [  11  Dec  2017 ]

How many will get ready by 2022 ?              [  01  Jan  2018  ]

    Construction Technologies From Everywhere    [25 Feb 2018 ]

Related Reading:

45 innovative solutions for beautiful, easy-to-build housing to help cities with the homelessness crisis 

Incidentally :

During the past 4 months , Central Government and various State Governments have managed to “ convert / re-purpose “, hundreds of open grounds and unused / sparsely used / occasionally used , buildings into temporary QUARANTINE CENTRES

Between them , these Centers might be capable of accommodating, a million persons ( just a bed )

I urge Shri Hardeep Singh Puriji to consider turning these into NIGHT SHELTERS for our millions of homeless / poor people ( with their small children ), who sleep on footpaths of our city streets, on rainy nights or during freezing cold nights ( of course, after Covid pandemic is under control and these Centers are no more required ) 

Before worrying about getting each such homeless street-dweller, a pucca house of his own ( is that target 2022 ? ) , why can’t we turn these quarantine centres into Night Shelters ?

For maintenance / security of these Night Shelters , please consider a " NIGHT SHELTER ADOPTION SCHEME " under which big companies can come forward and " adopt " a shelter

To motivate them , permit them to set-off / adjust the expenses incurred for maintenance / security, against their CSR obligation ( or as TAX DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES ) - with an upper limit of Rs 12,000 per " Shelter Bed " per year 

Just imagine the nation-wide impact of PM Shri Modiji making this announcement from the ramparts of Lal Killa , in his address to the nation, tomorrow , our 73rd Independence Day ? 

With regards

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  14  Aug  2020