Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Wireless Power Transmission ?

Context :
Extract :
Ø  A startup from New Zealand has now developed a safe method to wirelessly transmit electric power across long distances.

Ø  EMROD has produced the first long-range, high-power, wireless power transmission alternative to the traditional copper wire method by using the concept of electromagnetic waves

Ø  Emrod has convinced a power distribution company to try their innovation on a commercial scale. It might not be free, but it would be cheap, accessible, and scaled up with ease

Ø  The setup contains a transmitting antenna, a series of relays and a receiving rectenna — a rectifying antenna capable of converting microwave energy into electricity

Ø  The line of sight between each relay is the only limiting factor for the distance of transmission — thus greatly reducing infrastructure & maintenance costs & environmental impact, that a wired solution imposes.

Ø  This wireless transmission could be the key to harnessing renewable energy which is often generated in areas far from where it is needed



Even after successful commercialization, this invention of EMROD will not make DISCOMS obsolete

But it will, most certainly, disrupt the businesses of :

Ø  Manufacturers of ( current design ) Transmission Towers
Ø  Manufacturers of High Voltage transmission cables
Ø  Construction companies engaged in laying transmission lines

To fully appreciate how this invention will enable :

Ø  Transmission to Earth, power generated in space ( Solar or Magnetism based )

Ø  Getting rid of ALL fossil-fuel based ( dirty power ) generation ( in next 10 years )

Ø  Never a blackout / brownout ( supply matching demand 24x7, everywhere )

Ø  Power @ Re 1 / Kwh ( making for a LOW COST ECONOMY )

Ø  Storing of surplus power in grid-size Li-ion Battery Storage Installations

Ø  Doing away with need to lay expensive / time-consuming Power Transmission Lines to evacuate solar power expected to be generated at Rajasthan / Kutchh / Lahul and Spiti / Ladakh,

-       please read the following blogs ( earlier sent as emails to Cabinet Ministers )

I urge Shri R K Singhji ( Minister for Renewable Power ), to form a consortium of the following organizations, for an early COMMERCIALIZATION of EMROD invention :

Ø  NTPC / DISCOMS / EMROD / KEC / L&T / BHEL / ECIL / NHPC / ONGC / National Labs etc

Contact Details :

Greg Kushnir


Salvaging Life On Earth   ………………………………………………………………………..[ 24 Mar 2014 ]

Extract :

Now, suppose we find a way to ,

>  Construct a hollow cylinder of woven Copper wires  to envelope the earth , 100 miles
    above the earth's surface ( like those thin rings of Saturn )
>  Then , using small rocket thrusts , rotate this cylinder in the direction opposite of earth's

     rotation , to cut through its magnetic field

Will that generate electricity  ?

I think so

Unlimited Power : and round the clock ?   ………………………………………………[ 29 July 2016 ]

Extract :

But imagine if it was possible to export / import power , to and from , anywhere in the World , using a World Power Grid !

Then imagine this :

Sun is shining on some or other part of the World , during its local day-time

Nearly 20 % of the World's surface is receiving Solar Energy , at all times , including on vast tracts of sea / desert / forests or other un-inhabited regions , where there is no local demand / consumption of power

Installing Solar Power generating panels in such regions can generate, a huge amount of power

And, without bothering to " store " such power into storage batteries, it can be exported to other regions of the World , which are facing night and have no capacity to " store " whatever solar power it may have produced during its own day-time

All this can happen if we have a World Power Grid ! A power-sharing eco-system for the entire World !

In that case , all through 24 hours , regions in daylight will keep generating solar power and keep exporting to regions under night sky - without bothering to store !


Piyush Goyal is a Visionary !   ………………………………………………………………….[ 19 Mar 2017 ]

Extract :

Dear Piyush Goyalji :

Please expedite your approval of the proposal submitted by the Power Grid Corporation of India , to generate 315.7 GW of Solar power in the deserts of Rajasthan / Kutchh / Lahul and Spiti / Ladakh

Make a beginning with 10 GW  

That will enable you to provide power to homes / offices and factories all over India at Rs 1.0 per Kwh !


Liu Zhenya : The Visionary   …………………………………………………………………..[ 04 June 2018 ]

Extract :

By any measure, this super-grid would be an immense undertaking.

The GEIDCO plan involves building nine latitudinal and nine longitudinal lines, linking every continent on Earth except Antarctica.

“Like a river with many tributaries, it will connect over 100 countries and 80 per cent of the global population, with a total length of 180,000 kilometers,” Liu said in April 2018 .

The benefits could be immense, as well.

The GEI would improve reliability and, he predicted, even ultimately reduce the average cost of electricity. 

Most importantly, interconnecting grids and power sources over larger distances can facilitate greater penetration of renewable powersmoothing out the inevitable geographic and temporal variability in solar and wind power production by balancing supply with distant loads.

The GEI could thus turn the 12-hour time difference between New York and Beijing into an advantage, sending power in one direction or the other as those cities’ demand peaks at different times.

“It is a radical solution for overcoming the world’s energy dilemmas,” Liu said.



With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  28 Aug 2020


Added  on  01  May  2023  :

Extract :

Relays in the form of long-endurance drones and satellites will play a crucial role in the future. These drones, hovering at high altitudes, will transmit laser energy to each other over extended distances before delivering it to a U.S. military base. Similarly, satellites will perform the same mission in space.

“POWER is developing stratospheric platforms with small apertures ranging approximately 100 kilometers between nodes. With larger apertures and a more benign environment like space, distances between nodes of up to 1,000 kilometers are reasonable,” Calhoun added. The result would be a “globally scalable energy distribution network.”

As with all of its projects, once DARPA has demonstrated the POWER project's viability in theory, it will turn it over to other government organizations for actual implementation. Additionally, there are clear uses for POWER in the commercial sphere, such as supplying energy to far-flung communities, research facilities, and other challenging locations. Additionally, the energy could come from renewable resources, making it both environmentally friendly and widely available.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Dear Shri Goyalji : How about a Solar Cooker ?

Context :

Extract :

Ø  Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal on Wednesday said India needs to find viable and fast electric cooking systems so that it can replace cooking gas which is an imported product.

Ø  We need to develop a viable electric cooking system which does fast cooking. So far we have induction cooking which takes long. Can we have fast cooking mechanisms to replace cooking gas because that is an imported product ?,” Goyal said at a virtual event organised by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water.

Ø  “I urge you to look at storage systems at least during peak hours that will be a leg up for the renewable sector. That will give sustainable business models at cheap price which can be fixed for 25 years,”’ he said.


Dear Shri Goyalji,

I am afraid this is a classical example of “ a Solution in search of a Problem “ !

3 years ago ( on 03 Nov 2017 ) , ONGC announced a challenge for development of a SOLAR CHULA

One year later , winner of this  competition was declared to be :

( Read : Solar Chulha : Where can I buy ?   /   16 July 2018  )


-      where I wrote :


Dear ,

Shri Dharmendra Pradhanji  (  min.png@nic.in / d.pradhan@sansad.nic.in )

Shri Shashi Shankerji – CMD - ONGC ( cmd@ongc.co.in  )

At the outset, hearty congratulations on this initiative having a revolutionary potential

This solar chulha is the answer to save the lives of millions of women in rural India

It is possible that private sector industries may not think of getting into the manufacture / distribution of this product , since it may not be adequately profitable

But , if government can give subsidies for Electric cars ( FAME ) and Electricity connections to villages ( SAUBHGYA ) , then why not for Solar Chulhas ?

Would that not be far better than giving subsidy for LPG ?



What was the last anything that ONGC has said about this ( Solar Chulha ) project ?

Extract :

Supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call for a domestic solar revolution, ONGC recently launched a nationwide Solar Chulha Challenge.

Shanker said that through this initiative and with the help of IIT-Mumbai, 86 Solar PV cooking stoves were installed at Bacha and Jamthi in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh. The entire village of 74 households has benefitted at Bacha village.


Has IIT-B , followed up the COMMERCIALIZATION of this solar cooker ?

I don’t think that could be a responsibility of IIT – B winning team

But they did help out a village as reported below :

Thanks to IIT-B’s Invention, MP Gets India’s First Village With All-Solar Kitchens! ( 10 June 2019 )


Has any private sector party come forward to manufacture Solar cooker ?

Yes , Unesar is one but there is no clear indication of either the selling price or the availability date


How can Govt help to accelerate a RAPID ADOPTION of Solar Cookers ?

By providing a DBT ( Direct Benefit Transfer ) of 75 % of the Sale Price of a Solar Cooker ( meeting very specific performance criteria – and having obtained a prior ISI certificate ) , into the Jan Dhan Account of the buyer ( subject to max of Rs 7,500 )

This subsidy would be available to a HOUSE-HOLD ( and not to each person in the family ), and can be availed only ONCE per family

Aadhar details would be mandatory

Subsidy would be available for only DIRECT PURCHASE from govt approved Authorised Dealers – and not from Re-Sellers


Dear Shri Goyalji,

This is one SUBSIDY which no one will oppose ( within Govt or from Opposition ) – nor would it take much “ selling “ , since PM himself is so keen about it

With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  27  Aug 2020

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Ideas are “ Dime - a – dozen “

It is said :  On internet, ideas are “ Dime - a – dozen “

In my case, ideas are absolutely FREE – to search & find / develop into a working prototype / even convert into a patent

That is what a team of researchers from PENN STATE UNIVERSITY seem to have done

Who are these researchers ?

Ø  Saptarshi Das, assistant professor of engineering science and mechanics.

Ø  Darsith Jayachandran, graduate student in engineering science and mechanics,

Ø  Aaryan Oberoi, graduate student in engineering science and mechanics.

Ø  Amritanand Sebastian, graduate student in engineering science and mechanics

Ø  Tanushree H. Choudhury, assistant research professor,

Ø  Joan M. Redwing, professor of materials science and engineering

Ø  Balakrishnan Shankar, associate dean for the School of Engineering [ Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham ]

Which of your idea have they converted into a patent ?

Swarm-O-Drone  =  A Drone with built –in “ Swarm Algorithm “ for collision avoidance

When / where did you publish ?

A Swarm-O-Drone is born ………………………………………………………………..[ 16 Nov 2017 ]

How did you describe this idea ?

Ø  Look out for this headline in Media within 2 / 3 years , by which time , millions of drones would be flying overhead

Ø  Drones flying over city buildings and over distant deserts / jungles / rivers / mountains / in-accessible places

Ø  How can we ensure that , in such a “ free for all “ scenario, drones do not keep colliding with each other ?

Ø  But how come, birds never (or rarely ) collide, without communicating with each other ?

Ø  A software which enables birds to “ communicate their intentions “ to each other , without internet

Ø  This software must be ensuring that there is no collision despite the entire swarm rapidly changing the “ flying parameters “ in unison

Ø   Only thing that can work is to ban any drone that does not have embedded into it , the Swarm Algorithm ( copy the nature ) , described above

How do PENN STATE researchers describe their invention ?

Following news report, describes it as :

 Locust Swarm Could Improve Collision Avoidance …………………[ Aug 25, 2020 ]

Ø  Now a team of engineers is creating a low-power collision detector that mimics the locust avoidance response and could help robots, drones and even self-driving cars avoid collisions.

Ø  The researchers developed a compact, nanoscale collision detector using monolayer molybdenum sulfide as a photodetector

Ø  They report in today’s (Aug. 24) issue of Nature Electronics that this “is a leap forward towards the development of smart, low-cost, task-specific, energy efficient and miniaturized collision-avoidance systems.”

Ø  The researchers’ collision detector responds in two seconds

Ø  “While locusts can only avoid collisions with other locusts, our device can detect potential collisions of a variety of objects at varying speeds,” said Das.



Locust swarm could improve collision avoidance …………………………..[ 26 Aug 2020 ]

Drone – a – Charya   ………………………………………………………………………..[ 02 Sept 2018 ]

Flock Dynamics   ………………………………………………………………………………..[ 04 Sept 2018 ]

Drones Need Mid-Air Re-fueling   ……………………………………………………..[ 06 Sept 2018 ]

Locusts are invading !   ……………………………………………………………………..[ 24 May 2020 ]

Once Upon a Time   ……………………………………………………………………………[ 08 June 2020 ]

The Drones are Flying !   …………………………………………………………………..[ 18 Aug 2020 ]


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  26  Aug  2020