Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Wanted – a thousand Anna Hazares !

Not for fasting unto death but to live long and to fight unto death.

For fighting to liberate 50 / 100 million children working as bonded labor / slave workers in India’s factories and homes.

Home to the largest child labor workforce in the world, India has enough laws to prevent and regulate child labor.

What India needs are a thousand, self-appointed, Bal-Pals ( Child-Protectors ).

2011 census revealed that India has 159 million children in 0-6 year age group.

We must ensure that some of them don’t end up working for 12 hours / day , 7 days a week, for a few pieces of bread and a factory-floor to sleep on !

How many Moins must die before things will change ?

With regards

hemen  parekh

Monday, 11 July 2011

Domestic Workers - Use and Abuse

As per official estimates, some 4.75 million workers are employed in India, as domestic workers.

But some NGO estimates that this figure is more like 20 % of total Indian workforce. If true, that would number over 100 million .

Recently, under ILO ( International Labor Organization ), India and many other countries signed a convention to improve the lives of such domestic workers.

The Convention covers  :

Ø            Minimum wages payable

Ø            Working hours

Ø            Weekly rest day

Ø            Overtime wages

Ø            Terms of employment

Ø            Social security

Ø            Maternity protection

Ø            Regulation of private employment agencies

Ø            Complaint investigation

Ø            Special measures for migrant workers    etc.

Ravi Wig, president of Employers Federation of India, voted against the convention in Geneva, saying :

“ I think, the first requirement is employment generation in a country where 25 crore ( 250 million ) people are unemployed. The best social security is to give a man, a job. “

( as reported in Times of India / June 27, 2011 )

Baijnath Rai, general secretary of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, who was the Indian representative of workers at Geneva, says :

  Even if the government ratifies the convention fast, it would take the law at least one-and-half year to come into effect. Just think, of the 188 conventions that India has ratified, it has implemented only 43 so far. “

At this rate, domestic workers in India may not see much difference in their lot for the next few decades !

With regards

hemen  parekh 

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Innovative Bangladesh

As per finance ministry of Bangladesh, its citizens have hidden / stashed away, some $ 110 billion worth of black money.

That nearly equals 80 % of country’s GDP.

How to bring this black money into the mainstream economy and put it to productive use ?

With that objective in mind, Bangladesh parliament just passed a new law that would enable tax-evaders to invest such monies into local stocks / shares officially.

All they need to do is to pay 10 % of invested monies as tax.

And no questions asked as to the source of their funds !

While grappling with the monster of black money, it is a “ no holds barred “, as far as Bangladesh is concerned.

May be Indian parliamentarians can learn a lesson from their innovative neighbors !

With regards

hemen  parekh

Friday, 8 July 2011


8 July 2011


In “ Mint “ [ June 25, 2011 ], Liz Mathew and Ruhi Tewari, present following findings from the 66th round of NSSO [ National Sample Survey Office - India ] survey  :

 Ã˜            Number of Jobs generated

 #   Between 1999-2000  to  2004 / 05  ……..  62  Million

#   Between 2004 /05     to  2009 / 10  ……..    2  Million

 Ã˜            Growth in Employment Rate

 #   2004 / 05  ……………………………………………………42 %

#   2009 / 10   …………………………………………………..39.2 %

  Ø    Addition to workforce ( 2004 to 2009 ) …………..55  Million

  Conclusion ?

Since only 2 million Indians could get jobs out of 55 million added to the workforce , 53 million joined the ranks of  “ Un-Employed “ in 5 years between 2004 / 5  to  2009 / 10.

 It would be a safe guess to say that another 53 million will join this “ Army of Jobless ” in the next 5 years , ending with 2014.

When it starts marching, no border will be able to stop this army!

Let no one doubt that India is on its way to become another United States – a  “ United States of Unemployed – USU “ !

With regards


Thursday, 7 July 2011


7 July 2011


Central Bureau of Investigation – India ( CBI ), submitted following score-card recently ( DNA / June 27, 2011 ) :

Ø      Age-wise analysis of all pending cases :
·        Cases pending for more than 20 years ……….   381

·        Cases pending for more than 15 years ………   1000

·        Cases pending for more than 10 years ………   2300

Ø      Cases pending for more than 10 years – State wise :

·        Delhi ………………………  458

·        West Bengal …………….338

·        Uttar Pradesh ………… 282

·        Maharashtra  …………  264

·        Gujarat ………………….. 156

·        Jharkhand  ……………….150

If this is the situation when only a handful of persons ( Chief Ministers of 28 Indian States + High Courts ? ), can demand / order a CBI inquiry, what would happen when millions of ordinary Indian citizens, start demanding a Lokpal / Lok Ayukta investigation against 12 million government servants?

May be, we should prepare ourselves to seeing Lokpal investigation statistics in terms of :

Ø      Cases pending for  1  Century  ………….

Ø      Cases pending for  2  Centuries ……………

With regards



7 July 2011


Writing in Economic Times ( 7 July,2011 ), Saumya Bhattacharya highlights following :
·        In 125 countries, there are laws to protect women

·        Globally, 53 % of 600 million working women are in vulnerable jobs

·        On average, women are still paid 10 % - 30 % less than men across all regions and sectors

·        117 countries outlaw sexual harassment in the workplace

·        311 million women continue to work in countries without legal protection against sexual harassment

·        Out of 126 countries, in more than a third, women are prohibited from working in the same industries as men

·        There are less than 30 % women in parliament in the vast majority of countries

Obviously, there are more “ wrongs “ than “ rights “ for women in most countries !
With regards



7 July 2011


Times of India [ July 05,2011 ] reports following re: wealth of various temples of India:

·     Padmanabha Swamy  …Rs. 100,000 crores ($ 25 billion)

·     Tirupati  ……………………Rs. 42,000  crores  ($ 10 billion)

·     Puri Emar Math  ……………Rs.      90 crores

·     Shirdi Sai Baba Temple ………Rs.     32 crores

·     Siddhi Vinayak Temple  ………Rs.   125 crores

·     Vaishnodevi Shrine  ……………Rs.   500 crore/yr  (income)

·     Guruvayoor Temple  …………….Rs.    125 crores

·     Satya Sai Trust ………Rs.   40,000  crores ($10 billion)

Then, Times of India lists a no of “ Social Benefits “ which can be effected with this “ Wealth “.

No doubt, putting this wealth to productive uses can,

·     build a lot of badly needed infrastructure

·     give jobs to millions of unemployed

·     lift millions above the “ Poverty Line “ ( Rs 20 / day )

·     save the lives of 3 million children dieing of starvation annually

In fact, some temple trusts ( Satya Sai Baba / Tirupati Devsthanam etc ), have been, regularly putting their income to such socially beneficial uses.

We must encourage all temple trusts to deploy their wealth for the educational and medical help of the poor.

We must not be tempted to set up some Central Body to take over and (mis) manage the temple treasures !

As far as “ Ancient / Antique / Heritage “ items are concerned ( Statues / Coins / Artifacts etc ), let these be displayed in museums, next to each temple.

With regards



7 July 2011


Crimes [ whether against women or men or children ], must be deplored , irrespective of where / when they take place. They are indicative of a breakdown of law and order situation.

But obviously, in present day India, crimes against women are not a monopoly of any particular state, as can be seen from the following statistics reported in DNA ( mid June, 2011 ) :

Ø      Crimes against women per 100,000

  • Andhra Pradesh  ……………………..  30.7

  • Rajasthan   ………………………………   26.2

  • Delhi  ……………………………………….  23.9

  • Madhya Pradesh  …………………….. 22.3

  • Haryana  ………………………………….  21.9

  • Gujarat  …………………………………..  13.9

  • Maharashtra  ……………………………  13.8

And what is the response of the politicians to this sad state of affairs ?

Play a blame game. Play to the galleries. Blame the state government if it is managed by an opposition party.

Politicians who live in glass houses, should not throw stones at others !

With regards