Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

A Tale of Ten Cities ?

No, Shakespeare did not write it.

Here are the people who did :

Ø   Tunisia……………………….Ben Ali

Ø   Libya………………………….Muammar  Gaddafi

Ø   Syria………………………… Bashir Assad

Ø   Egypt…………………………Hosni Mubarak

Ø   Yemen………………………Bin Saleh

Ø   Iraq………………………….Saddam Hussein

Ø   Iran………………………….Ahmedinejad

Ø   Afghanistan……………..Osama Bin Laden

Ø   Sudan……………………..Omar al-Bashir

Ø   India…………………………Many Contenders !

But since India is the only democracy in this list, let people decide by voting / electing, who  authored the “ Ravan Lila “ in Ramlila Maidan  on the mid-night of June 04, 2011 !

With regards

Hemen  Parekh

Monday, 16 January 2012

A People’s Home ?

If India’s TATA group can deliver a People’s Car for Rs 100,000 ( Euro 1700 ), then why not a People’s Home for Rs. 32,000 ( Euro 500 ) ?

That is the question that Sumitesh Das – Chief of Tata Steel’s global research program – must have asked his colleagues.

As per DNA Money ( 16 July, 2011 ), the answer was, “ Yes of course ! Why not ? “

So, they came up with following specifications for People’s Home :

Ø   Flat roof with an area of 20 square meter for Rs.32,000

Ø   Upgraded 30 Sq Meter model to cost Rs 44,000 ( Euro 700 )

Ø   Pre-fabricated kit containing all parts

Ø   Kit to have significant amount of “ non-steel “ components

Ø   Kits to be manufactured ( under license ), all over India, in order to generate local employment

Ø   People’s Home must last about 20 years

Ø   Buyer should be able to assemble himself within 7 days

For India, with a current shortfall of 25.7 million dwellings, this is nothing short of a technological breakthrough !

Deliveries are expected to start within next few months.

Congratulations, Sumitesh !

With regards

Hemen  Parekh

Friday, 13 January 2012

A drop in the Ocean ?

India’s Health Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad wants Indian medical students to sign a bond , before going to USA , that they will return to India after finishing their higher studies

Why ?

Because India is short of doctors

He is right. Here are figures for numbers of doctors per 10,000 population ( 2000 – 2010 ), published in World Health Statistics – 2011:

Ø   India  …………………… 6.0

Ø   China  …………………. 14.2

Ø   UK  ………………………. 27.4

Ø   USA  ……………………  26.7

Question :

Will forcing 1,000 medical students [ who do not return after higher studies abroad every year ], make a drop of difference to our Ocean of Ill-health ?

No doubt , Minister of Health knows best !

With regards

hemen  parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

if I were you

Dear Executive

If it is a matter of 9-to-5  thankless / demeaning drudgery  Vs  getting a challenging dream – job, I would not take a risk.

In that case, I would

Ø   First download  Resume  Rater  tool

     ( without login / free from  www.IndiaRecruiter.net )

Ø   " Rate " my resume and find my  Raw Score

Ø   Rewrite my resume with relevant  keywords

Ø   Re-rate it to see if my  Raw Score  improves

Ø   Finally post it on  www.CustomizeResume.com

When 13,000 + recruiters are using   Resume  Rater software  to decide ( based on unbiased / objective Raw Score ), whether to call a candidate for interview or not, I would not take a risk if I were you !


hemen  Parekh

Monday, 19 December 2011


19 Dec 2011


How much money has flowed out illegally from the developing countries over the last 10 years ?
DNA [ 16, Dec. 2011 ] sourced following figures from a report titled, “ Illegal financial flows from developing countries over the decade ending 2009 “, published by Global Financial Integrity – GFI :
       Country                              $  Billion

  • China…………………………………………..2,740

  • Mexico…………………………………………….504

  • Russia……………………………………………..501

  • Saudi Arabia……………………………………380

  • Malaysia………………………………………..350

  • UAE………………………………………………….296

  • Kuwait……………………………………………..271

  • Nigeria…………………………………………..  182

  • Venezuela……………………………………..  179

  • Qatar………………………………………………  175

  • Poland…………………………………………….. 162

  • Indonesia………………………………………… 145

  • Philippines…………………………………….   142

  • Kazakhstan………………………………….. 131

  • India……………………………………………….. 128

Poor people of India are telling Finance Minister ,Pranabda :

“ Sir, we don’t need your white paper. We need our black money back” 

With regards


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Case of Missing Mentors

As reported by DNA ( 10 May,2012 ), following are the findings of The Standing Committee on Human Resource Development – Government of India :

Ø  % age of Faculty positions lying vacant in

          *   24 Central Universities ..........................  35  %

          *   39 Central Universities …………………………….  39  %

>  %  age of Professor level vacancies
                         [ in 16 Central Universities  ]…………………………… 55  %

Ø  %  age of Faculty positions lying vacant
                  In 77 State Universities………………………………………50+ %

But why are faculty positions lying vacant ?

Here are ( educated ? ) guesses of the Committee :

Ø  Young students were not attracted towards teaching profession

Ø  Recruitment process was a prolonged one

Difficult to digest when India’s colleges are churning out some 3.5 Million graduates every year

Did it occur to the Committee that may be these graduates are simply “ Not Employable “ ?

Proof :

When AMCAT ( Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test ) was conducted in 20 colleges of Mumbai University, only 1 % of the final year students appearing for the test ( 50 out of 5,000 ) were found “ employable “ !

We are in a vicious circle !

With regards

hemen  Parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth


Monday, 12 December 2011


12 Dec 2011


If figures published in DNA [ 29, Nov. 2011 ] are any indication, there is a perceptible improvement in India’s judicial system.
Here are those facts :

·             During 5 year period ending Dec 31, 2011(?)
·             No of new cases filed……… ………… 111.60  million
·             No of cases disposed off……………..107.70 million
·             No of cases pending………………………..3.79 million

Assuming that the courts worked for an average of 200 days / year, ( ie: 1000 days in 5 years ), this translates to disposal of nearly 107,700 cases per day !
So , each of those 12,600 judges disposed off ( on an average ), 8.5 cases daily

While admitting 8.85 cases every day !

A total of 17.3 cases in a 4 hour period ! That is some productivity !

Of course ,with the arrival of e-governance, it is anybody’s guess what would happen when 120 million citizens having internet connections can lodge a corruption related complaint against 12 million Government servants , on Lokpal’s web site

With regards