Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday, 3 October 2016



Here is an idea for Phase2 : A product that sells itself : A Marketing Guy's Dream

ResumeSYNC will upload thousands of TEXT resumes daily ( onto Central Server ) , from hard disks of thousands of Employers

These will get parsed to create a " Structures / Searchable " database

But , as quite likely , in each such structured resume , values in some fields may be wrong and some fields may be totally missing ( Parsing extracts 23 fields ! ) . Could be a parsing error or an error inherently present in the original text resume

How do we correct these ?

By asking the Resume Owner himself  ( - who does not even know that we have his resume ! )

As soon as each resume gets " parsed / structured " , following email will go out ( automatically ) to each resume-owner ( fortunately , in parsing , email IDs get extracted accurately ):

Dear Ajay Krishna,

*  Your resume was uploaded on our web site by (registered User name)

*  But it is incomplete ( missing or wrong or obsolete data )

*  We urge you to EDIT ( hyperlink to edit page ) , using your following :

    #     User ID...........................
    #     Password........................

*  Editing will enable you to use our following FREE services :

    #   Job Search and Apply Online , against short listed job advts ( hyperlinks )

    #   Receive perfectly matching Job Alerts by downloading mobile app , " My Jobs / Resume Blaster "
         Apply directly from your mobile ( no need to waste time in job-searching ! )

    #   Online " Skype / Facetime " based Interviews being conducted by Employers in OnlineJobsFair
         You can appear for interview at the date / time intimated , from wherever you happen to be
         (  If selected , get Appointment Letter Email , in 5 minutes ! )

    #   At any time access full history of " Jobs Applied for / Interviews appeared in / Interview Outcome /
         No of times your resume got short-listed and by whom "

Do not postpone .  Visit www.ResumesandJobs.com  ,  NOW  !

with regards,


From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2016 4:05 PM
To: VS
Cc: kartavya.chitalia@gmail.com; Kartavya Chitalia


In IndiaRecruiter.net , we had one useful feature

As soon as an Employer posted a job and clicked " SUBMIT " , within 5 seconds , our software searched entire resume database , shortlisted " suitable / matching " candidates and displayed the search results in a tabulation below ( while asking employer to " Just Wait / Finding Suitable Resumes " )

I believe , now this feature is common on most job portals

Logic is simple

Take a look at the fields in " Post Job " form

You will find these are the SAME in " Resume Search " form ! Two sides of the same coin !

Incidentally , in your proposed site , just below the " Post Job " form , you will need to add following , before " SUBMIT " button  :

Pl activate this job posting for :

*  OFFLINE  interviewing ( after Job Search / Apply Online by Jobseekers ).... Check Box
*  ONLINE   interviewing  ( thru OnlineJobsFair virtual cabin )........................ Check Box
*  Both Type of Interviewing.........................................................................  Check Box




From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 7:01 PM
To: VS
Cc: kartavya.chitalia@gmail.com; Kartavya Chitalia; Nirmit Parekh


After reading this last mail , Kartavya will turn around and ask :

" How is this any different from RecruitGuru.com of 10 years ago ?

   There too , Users had to upload their TEXT resumes , in order to get these parsed ? "

Here are the differences :

#   Uploading of Text Resumes ( for parsing ) in RecruitGuru was " Voluntary "
     In proposed version , uploading will be " Mandatory " . In fact , it will be " Automatic " , without

    needing any action on the part of the Users , once he installs ResumeSYNC

    And he is not considered " Registered " user unless he " ACTIVATES " ResumeSYNC after downloading

#   In RecruitGuru , every user's database ( of parsed resumes ) was kept separate and can be accessed

     only by him ( partitioned ) . No other user can access / search it

    In current version , we plan to merge ALL parsed resumes into ONE SINGLE COMMON database , for

    ALL users to access / search  / short list / send out Interview Calls

    So , in return for sharing their own small personal databases , every user gets to access a HUGE
   database !  A classic case of " Network Externality "

   Those Employers who realize ( and that will be the main job of your Marketing Team ) that every single

   resume arriving in their mailbox , can also be found in mailboxes of hundreds of other Employers , will  

   be only too happy to give up on this " Perceived Unique Ownership " , and join us so that , henceforth   

   he has no need to pay Naukri  a hefty subscription ( Rs 6 lakh / year ) !

   He will find in our CENTRAL COMMON  database , all the resumes that he will ever need !

#   In proposed version , all registered / active users get to interview candidates " Online " , using
    OnlineJobsFair feature . This was not there in RecruitGuru .

    With competition getting fierce by the second , who has time to ,

    *  Post a job advt on Naukri / Monster / Timesjobs

    *  Wait for 10 days for jobseekers to " discover " your ad and Apply Online

    *  Read / Rate / Rank the resumes ( Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor ) trickling into your mailbox

    *  Send out Interview Call emails and wait for confirmations

    *  Keep yourself ( and your Interview Panel Members ) , free on the day of the interview , only to

        find that 5 out of 10 candidates failed to turn up

    *  Conduct FINAL interview on another date / time

In short , as far as requirement of FRESH GRADUATES is concerned , I strongly believe , OnlineJobsFair would change the Rules of the Game

And do not forget one thing as far as persuading 4 million MSMEs , who have , so far , never used Naukri / Monster / Timesjobs , because they need to fill only 2 / 5 vacancies per year

Obviously , since they are practically unknown among the jobseekers , they are NOT receiving ANY unsolicited resumes in their mailboxes

But even then , they can download / install ResumeSYNC on their hard-disks

And even if morning after morning , they fail to contribute , a single resume , they are still eligible for full unrestricted access to COMMON database !

Today , these 4  million are ( in the words of Christensen ) , " NON - CONSUMERS " of online recruitment industry

Through our offering , we plan to make them " Consumers "  !


From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 5:06 PM
To: VS
Cc: kartavya.chitalia@gmail.com; Kartavya Chitalia; Nirmit Parekh


Here is a classic example of  " afterthought " !

Why should Resume Text Parsing Engine be built into the tool " ResumeSYNC " and the parsing of the text resumes ( arriving into the mail boxes of thousands of Users ) , be carried out on those thousands of hard-disks ?

Would it not be much better - and a lot easier - that tool " ResumeSYNC " only,

Reads the Inbox ( Inbox Reader designed by Kartavya's colleague , Vikram )

Separates incoming emails into  >  with attachments    >  without attachments

Opens / reads the attachments ( to confirm these are actually " resumes " )

   {  I have prepared a detailed LOGIC }

*  Next morning , uploads all of these TEXT resumes onto the CLOUD , where the parsing takes place

Am I goofing up somewhere ?


From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 12:50 PM
To: VS
Cc: kartavya.chitalia@gmail.com; Kartavya Chitalia; Nirmit Parekh


Take a look at the following " Draft " for the Functional Specifications " for,

www.ResumesandJobs.com ( or whatever ! )



FUNCTIONAL  SPECIFICATIONS   for.....  www.ResumesandJobs.com ( 30 Sept 2016 )

This site will have 2 main sections named : Jobseekers :  Employers

We need to keep provision to later insert a 3rd section named : Public

Main features will be as follows :

#   Jobseekers

*  Registration ( ie: Submit Resume )

 This will be same 5 stage form as in CustomizeResume

   After submission , outputs will be > A plain TEXT resume > A graphical set of Profiles

  After conducting a Job-Search and short listing a few jobs , before clicking " APPLY " button , a jobseeker will need to select :

*  Send my plain text resume ( FREE ) , or

*  Send my Graphical Profile , as well ( PAID / Re 1 per apply ? ) ( Payment thru online ccAvenue gateway / Recharge , as in B2B site )

In CustomizeResume , we have 2 different REGISTRATION FORMS ( Fresh Graduates and Experienced Professionals )

VS to decide whether he wants to keep both or just one

*  Job search and  Apply Online

More or less , this will follow the same structure as in CustomizeResume

This feature will incorporate " Job Recommendation System " , a very elementary version of which can be found in
CustomizeResume site

For logic of this advanced version , refer to my notes on > Job Recommendation System > Match Index System

Jobs will be displayed in the Descending Order of the Index

This will also determine the " Job Alerts " for any given jobseeker , delivered thru " My Jobs cum Resume Blaster " App

There will be no provision online for display of such Job Alerts or Apply Online

In CustomizeResume , we have provided for many different types of " Job searches "

VS to decide which ones to keep and which ones to discard


Existing source codes will need to be re-written , for combining these two currently separate Apps into ONE offering

This combined App will become a " Publisher " for InMobi Ad Network ( or any other similar ad network )

In Phase 2 , we will introduce , " Ad-Sharp " and " Ad-Compose " for which Concept Notes are ready

This is a key feature of the entire site , since it has a built-in Revenue Model thru delivery of Advts from InMobi

In current version , first 5 job alerts are delivered FREE to the App User

For fetching additional job alerts , he must CLICK on a delivered Ad , thereby earning money

On clicking " Apply Online " in this App , text resumes get emailed to the concerned job-advertisers ( FREE )

I think , we should NOT allow Resume Blasting online from the web site ( as in CustomizeResume )

#  OnlineJobsFair

This entire offering is explained in great details in my hand-written notes ( including User Interfaces and Page Write-ups )

VS to prepare a list of questions , if any , concerning this offering and send to me in advance ( before his visit to Mumbai ) , so that I can keep the answers ready

#   Job  Market  Analytics

We introduced this feature only a few weeks ago - only to discover that Job Advts RSS feeds ( from leading Job Portals ) have stopped working !

This will need to be re-started and thereafter , this feature should be enlarged to incorporate my latest emailed specifications to Shuklendu

Rest of this feature ( covered by my emails to Rohini and T C Anant ) to be taken up in Phase 2


The following are the main services / features for the Employers

#  Registration

By and large , this can be same as in CustomizeResume but do take a look at the Registration Form in B2B

#   Post  Jobs

This too can be same as in CustomizeResume , with a provision ( for Phase 2 ) , to enable Employers to be able to post their " PRODUCT / SERVICE " advertisements as well ( to take care of Ad-Sharp )

#   Resume  Search

Only last week , I said , we should not have " Resume Search " feature on this web site

Today , I say , " we should provide for this " !

Here is why :

#   ResumeSYNC

As envisaged in my handwritten notes , ResumeSYNC was supposed to carry out the Synchronization of the Resume Databases of thousands of Users ( Employers who have downloaded and installed ResumeSYNC on their hard-disks ) , by " downloading " ALL resumes from the CENTRAL SERVER , every morning - and then enable such a User to be able to search his ( rapidly growing ) resume database , OFFLINE , using search-tool " Guru-Search " built into ResumeSYNC

Of course , every morning , as soon as such a User ( of ResumeSYNC ) goes online , all the parsed resumes of the preceding 24 hours , get automatically UPLOADED onto the CENTRAL SERVER , before the DOWNLOADING starts
But now I realize that this ( downloading in order to synchronize ), is entirely unnecessary !

Those millions of parsed resumes can continue to remain in the CLOUD ( Central Server ) !

All that we need to do is to enable a User to conduct Resume Search , online on our site , using Guru-Search engine ( developed by Kartavya , in RecruitGuru.com )

And , as done in our tool " Resume Rater " , enable that User to short list suitable candidates and send out Interview Calls , from the web site itself !

In any case , such a provision has  also  been made in " OnlineJobsFair " feature

What does this lead to ?

*  One type of " Interview Calls " going out AFTER conducting Guru-Search and short listing by the User,  is strictly for OFFLINE ( on the ground ) interviews in the BRICK and MORTAR cabin of the Interviewer ( where he must , not only spell out date / time / physical address , but also things such as > You will be reimbursed first class return air-fare / may be required to stay overnight etc

*  Second type of " Interview Calls " , in  OnlineJobsFair  feature where .

   >  there is no prior " Online Resume Search " by the Recruiters

   >  jobseekers who are Online , look up what jobs are listed by Recruiters exclusively for " Online Interviewing "

   >  jobseekers submit their resumes ( again and again ) for being interviewed by different recruiters

   >  Recruiters book ( any numbers ) Virtual Interview Cabins and display list of Interviewer for each cabin

   >  Recruiters assign " Interview Schedule " ( date / time / virtual cabin number ) to each candidate selected for

  >   Many other features listed inOnlineJobsFair


In my opinion , an  IDEAL  FUNCTIONAL   SPECIFICATION   for any web site , would consist of a comprehensive set of  User Interfaces / Page Write-ups / Result Displays ( after each action by a Jobseeker or an Employer )

I have always followed this practice in all of my earlier web sites , starting with www.3pJobs.com ( 14 Nov 1997 )

As a result , the Developer / SW coder , does NOT need to " guess " , what I have in mind when I " write " specs

This also meant , speedier , more accurate and faithful development at minimum cost ( because the developer does not need to build into his quotation , certain amount for " afterthoughts " by the customer )

This also leads to minimum disputes and maximum satisfaction with the final outcome

And , above all , such COMPREHENSIVENESS , will result in immediate FUNDING by VC  !

Incidentally , I suppose , the site will need to be Mobile Friendly

I suggest VS quickly discuss this note with his colleagues and forward his views / comments / questions to , both kartavya and me . by 2nd Oct 2016


hcp / 30  Sept  2016


Sunday, 2 October 2016

Constitutional Coalition Aftershocks !

This has reference to my yesterday's blog : Constitutional  Coalition Government :

{  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-constitutional-coalition-government.html  },

where I suggested ,

#   Expand Union Government cabinet to 100 Ministerial positions ( 20% of Lok Sabha membership )

#   Allot Ministerial positions to ALL parties in proportion to their number of seats in Lok Sabha

As my friend Gurudatta had earlier pointed out, this arrangement will do away with the concept of OPPOSITION

Since this suggestion is bound to send shocks through the Political Fabric of India , here are some aftershocks :

#  Without any danger of a " Vote of No Confidence " , every government will last its full 5 year tenure

#  Government will not need to " reach out " to opposition members. Being part of Collective Responsibility , each
    Minister will go out and " sell " a Cabinet decision to other MPs belonging to his party

#  Budget provisions will be easy to get approved

#  Bills will cease to be controversial and get passed quickly

#  Debates in Lok Sabha will get much shorter, to the point - and much more polite ( no name calling ) !

#  There will be fewer Zero Hour questions and fewer " Points of Order " needing ruling by the Speaker

#  Lok Sabha attendance - and consequent productivity - will improve vastly

 Along with this suggestion , we must also introduce mobile app ," ROMP : Recall OurMember of Parliament "

{   http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2015/08/romp-panacea.html  }

If a MP fails to come up to the expectations of the Voters of his constituency , he will get " Re-called " and lose his seat in the Lok Sabha !

Horror of horror !

If that happens , his party's share ( percentage ) in Lok Sabha will come down , with consequential loss of a Minister-ship  !

Would not that be a strong incentive for every party to insist / demand , the highest standard of " Performance " of its elected MPs ?  I think , each party will set up an internal process to evaluate performance of its members

Now couple this with my earlier suggestion whereby every candidate must sign ( e-Signature ) and accept to implement , a voters' " Charter of Demand " , uploaded on the web site of the Election Commission , making it easy for the voters of his constituency to judge / evaluate / rate , his performance

{  http://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/09/filtering-candidate-information.html  }

This will be one Earth-Quake which will change the factors in our Governance Equation !


03  Oct  2016

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs


A  Constitutional  Coalition  Government  ?

Yesterday , my friend Gurudatta suggested renaming of the OPPOSITION in Lok Sabha to " FACILITATING " parties

Idea is to get these parties to change their mindset from simply " opposing " anything and everything that the GOVERNING ( Gurudatta thinks this a better way to describe RULING ), party proposes / suggests

Apparently , he wants the FACILITATING parties to look for " Areas of Agreement " on various issues rather than harp on " Areas of Disagreements "

And then tell the GOVERNING party :

" Let us , for the moment , leave aside issues where we do NOT agree.  Let us move ahead and implement where we do agree "

I would like to suggest how such a  ATTITUDE CHANGE  can be brought about

Here is how :


By a Constitutional Amendment whereby MOST ( if not ALL ) political parties get Ministerial positions in proportion to the percentage of seats won in the Lok Sabha

Of course , among many other things , this would require increasing the size of the Cabinet from current 15 % to ( say ) , 20 % of the Lok Sabha strength

That means , we can have  108  Ministers in Lok Sabha of  543  members

Should we decide to keep this at a round figure of 100 Ministers , then party-wise distribution ( of Ministers ) would be , approximately as follows :

#     BJP............. 52

#     INC.............  9

#     AIADMK......   7

#     AITC..........   6

#     BJD..........    4

#     SS.............  3

#     TDP..........   3

#     TRS..........   2

#     Rest.........  14 (  They would require some Rotation Principle )


Total................ 100


I strongly feel that this arrangement would give ALL parties a " Sense of Enlarged Participation " , making them feel far more responsible and constructive

We have all heard : Yathaa Raja , Tathaa Praja ( Citizens follow the examples set by the Ruler )

It is time we set an example to 1.3 Billion Indians , by implementing " Subka Saath , Subka Vikas " , in Lok Sabha which we call our " Temple of Democracy "

There is need for some truly " Out of Box " thinking and show the World , a 21st Century way of governing !

On this birthday of Mahatma Gandhi , let us unite once again , as we did in 1942 ( Quit India )


02  Oct  2016 ( Gandhi Jayanti )

with regards,

hemen  parekh
Marol , Mumbai , India
 ( M ) +91 - 98,67,55,08,08

A Constitutional Coalition Government ?

Yesterday , my friend Gurudatta suggested renaming of the OPPOSITION in Lok Sabha to " FACILITATING " parties

Idea is to get these parties to change their mindset from simply " opposing " anything and everything that the GOVERNING ( Gurudatta thinks this a better way to describe RULING ), party proposes / suggests

Apparently , he wants the FACILITATING parties to look for " Areas of Agreement " on various issues rather than harp on " Areas of Disagreements "

And then tell the GOVERNING party :

" Let us , for the moment , leave aside issues where we do NOT agree.  Let us move ahead and implement where we do agree "

I would like to suggest how such a  ATTITUDE CHANGE  can be brought about

Here is how :


By a Constitutional Amendment whereby MOST ( if not ALL ) political parties get Ministerial positions in proportion to the percentage of seats won in the Lok Sabha

Of course , among many other things , this would require increasing the size of the Cabinet from current 15 % to ( say ) , 20 % of the Lok Sabha strength

That means , we can have  108  Ministers in Lok Sabha of  543  members

Should we decide to keep this at a round figure of 100 Ministers , then party-wise distribution ( of Ministers ) would be , approximately as follows :

#     BJP............. 52

#     INC.............  9

#     AIADMK......   7

#     AITC..........   6

#     BJD..........    4

#     SS.............  3

#     TDP..........   3

#     TRS..........   2

#     Rest.........  14 (  They would require some Rotation Principle )


Total................ 100


I strongly feel that this arrangement would give ALL parties a " Sense of Enlarged Participation " , making them feel far more responsible and constructive

We have all heard : Yathaa Raja , Tathaa Praja ( Citizens follow the examples set by the Ruler )

It is time we set an example to 1.3 Billion Indians , by implementing " Subka Saath , Subka Vikas " , in Lok Sabha which we call our " Temple of Democracy "

There is need for some truly " Out of Box " thinking and show the World , a 21st Century way of governing !

On this birthday of Mahatma Gandhi , let us unite once again , as we did in 1942 ( Quit India )


02  Oct  2016 ( Gandhi Jayanti )

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Beginning of the End ?

If not that , what would you consider the following :

#  BCCI tells Supreme Court , " We are Supreme . Do not mess with us "

#  Vijay Mallya says : " Who is Supreme to judge me when powerful politicians / bureaucrats let me fly away ? "

#  Subroto Roy says : " Can't you see that for last 2 years I am trying to raise money by selling off my assets ? "

#  CM Siddaramaiyah says : " I have just enough ( bottled ) drinking water left for Supreme Judges "

#  Nitish Kumar tells Patna HC : " If I find one bottle of liquor in a village , I will put all villagers in jail "

#  Congress Party says : " National Herald is a private property , inherited by Rahulji . You can't take it away "

#  Haryana ( or was it Punjab ? ) says : " Blocking Sutlej Waters by refilling canal , is our Birth Right ala Tilakji "

Among all this cacophony , the only silver lining is the " Mook ( Silent ) Marches " of the Marathas through cities of Maharashtra , demanding reservation

Without burning a single bus / looting a single shop / stone pelting the police / disrupting traffic / killing innocents !

On Mahatma Gandhi's birthday today , I get a feeling that if the Marathas were to appeal to the Supreme Court in this regard , then , before giving its order , its judges would ask themselves :

:  What would have Bapu done in such a case ?  Would he have said ,

   " Transfer to these  peaceful / non violent / democratic satyagrahis , 30 % 

reservation quota from those communities who got it by violent means " :

And then refuse to admit their appeal , knowing that no political party or the government in power, would want to lose their " Vote Banks " by implementing such a " moral " decision !

I wonder what the Supreme Court judges would do next :

*   Forward their resignations to the President , or

*   Sit on a silent " dharana " before Bapu's statue ?


02  Oct  2016 ( Gandhi Jayanti )

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs      



My colleague Hetal did tell me that you were not keeping well , earlier this week

I hope you have fully recovered by now

As far as those files are concerned , I hope you will have these delivered to our office today ( we are working )

As far as the Documentation of both the web sites is concerned , I hope Nitin is making good progress to meet the target date of 15th Oct

Please ensure that this also covers the Source Codes / Documentations of mobile apps :

My Jobs

Resume Blaster

Kindly also include ALL required Passwords for InMobi / ccAvenue / Netcore etc , as also for RSS feeds from job portals .

To best of my recollection , for delivering job advts on My Jobs , we had also registered on one more Ad Network , which I do not remember

You had some thoughts on combining My Jobs with Resume Blaster , for which , you had also made some sketches of U/I

If you are able to locate these , I would appreciate passing on

In case of My Jobs , it stopped working because HP withdrew its support from its USA based server

We had planned to " transfer " that support to our own server . Pl explain this so that future revival becomes easy
