Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Quick Decisions ?

Today’s Economic Times carries following news :

Extract :

#   Union minister Nitin Gadkari made a strong pitch for quick decisions by the judiciary,
     banks and the government along with immunity from punitive action for bona fide errors
     to help accelerate economic growth, create jobs and combat poverty.

#  I am okay with people taking wrong decisions, but I dislike honest people not taking
    decisions,” Gadkari told the panelists and the audience

#  Further, Gadkari said bankers need to act quickly while the government should
    encourage them to take decisions without fear

#  He called for stern action against mala fide actions. “But you have to find out if the
    mistakes are bona fide or mala fide. If there’s a problem because of business cycles, or
    global demand and supply, we should not make them (the bankers) responsible. It’s time
    for the government to support them,” Gadkari said.

#   This over-cautious and conservative attitude is a problem,” he said.


Dear Shri Gadkariji,

It is easy to understand your frustration at this “ over-cautious and conservative attitude

The reason behind this attitude is :

No honest decision-taker wants to stick out his neck – only to get it chopped of , a few months / years later ( of course, after due “ witch-hunting “ by CBI – ED – CVC etc ) , for a bona fide and honest mistake

This attitude can be changed by implementing my following E Mail :

To Err is Human            [  20  June  2014  ]

Extract :

To encourage Babus and Ministers to take FAST decisions , PM  Narendra Modi must insist that they carefully " Record " on the files :

*   What info / data he wished was available for a better decision

*   What different " views / opinions " were presented to him for consideration

*   What " Data / Views " he would have obtained if he had more time

*   Who all , the decision might offend

*   What is the likely " Cost " of postponing that decision

And finally a declaration as follows :


After all of this , if the decision appears to be " Wrong " in hindsight , it must be " forgiven " and treated as an honest error

To err is human  !


Dear Shri Gadkariji,

If  you propose to implement my above-mentioned suggestion , I am sure , you will find total support, not only from Shri Modiji, but also from all the bureaucrats

Here is the proof :

Only yesterday , in a conference of American Business Leaders in New York, Shri Modi said :

  The economic reforms that we announced in the past 4 months, is just a beginning . In
    the months and years to come, you will see many – and much bigger – decisions “

And 2 years ago, Shri Modi had said in a meeting of the bureaucrats :

 “ If a decision is taken with honest intention truthfulness and for the welfare of the
   public, nobody can raise a finger at you

   Something momentary may happen , but I am with you “


Source :

Take decisions fast, don't fear consequences: PM Modi tells bureaucrats  [  22 April  2017  ]


26  Sept  2019

Rsvp : hcp@RecruitGuru.com

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Something is better than Nothing

That could be said about the following news :

Jobs data accounting for small businesses soon     [ Hindustan Times / 22 Sept 2019 ]

This set of data will also count proprietary shops or self-owned, self-operated businesses which may have no hired labour, such as a roadside vendor.

The establishment-based survey by the labour bureau

Highlights :

#   The country’s first periodic labour force survey (PLFS) for July 2017-June 2018 released
     by the government in June showed an unemployment rate of 6.1%, the highest in about
    four decades.

#  The last “unemployment-employment survey” was carried out in July 2011-June 2012,
     according to which the all-India unemployment rate was 2.7%.

#   In 2018, when at least 28 million people applied for about 90,000 vacancies announced
     by India Railways, the country’s biggest employer

#   In any jobs survey, people with jobs are categorised as employed.
     People without jobs but looking for work are considered unemployed

#  The labour force participation rate is sum of :
    [ people who are employed + people who are not employed ]
    In a rough-and-ready sense, the unemployment rate then is simply :
    { number of unemployed / the labour force } x  100


Above findings must be read in conjunction with the following report prepared by Labour Bureau  :

Mudra loan reality check: Each job costs Rs 5.1 lakh; only 20 percent borrowers started new business     [  Financial Express / 04 Sept 2019 ]

Highlights :

#  The draft report has found that as many as 1.12 crore additional jobs were created

    during the first 33 months (April 2015-December 2017) of the implementation of the


#  Break-up of these 1.2 cr “ additional jobs “ :

Ø   self-employed or working owners, including unpaid family members…...................... 51.06 Lakh

Ø  employees or hired workers ………… 60.94 Lakh

Ø  only one of five beneficiaries (20.6 per cent) availed the Mudra loan for starting a new business while the remaining applicants used the Mudra money for expanding their existing business.


Ø  The report also said that the number of additional jobs created in 33 months was less than 10 per cent of the total number of loans

Ø  During the first three years, Rs 5.71 lakh crore of loans was sanctioned

Ø  The loans provided under Shishu category led to the creation of 66 per cent new jobs. The new job creation percentage for loans under Kishor and Tarun categories were 18.85 per cent and 15.51 per cent respectively.

Ø  Dividing the total amount of loan disbursed by the number of additional job created, one comes to the conclusion that around Rs 5.1 lakh in Mudra loan was extended for creation of each additional job


Above findings must be read in conjunction with my following earlier Email to the Cabinet Ministers  :


    How much Capital to create One job ?             [  22 June 2017  ]

  Extract from above-mentioned Email :

 Some ONE MILLION  ( ten lakh ) youngsters enter the job market , EACH MONTH

How much CAPITAL ( fixed + working ) would be required to give jobs to all of them ?

Following are my guesses to create just  ONE JOB  in :

·         Pan Beedi shop ( self-employed )………….Rs   1   lakh

·         Tiny grocery shop ( owner operated )…. Rs   3   lakh

·         Barber shop …………………………………………..Rs   5   lakh

·         Pharmacy shop……………………………………… Rs   10  lakh

·         Auto Repair Garage………………………………. Rs   20  lakh

·         Small Factory ( 50 people )………………..   Rs   50  lakh

·         Medium Factory ( 100 people )……………. Rs   75  lakh

·         Large light engineering factory………………Rs  100  lakh ( Rs 1 cr  )

{ Just proposed SAMSUNG factory in UP will invest Rs 5,000 cr and , at full capacity , employ 5,000 people }

·         Machine Tool Manufacturing factory………………….   Rs  2  crore

·         Heavy Engineering factory ( Pressure Vessels )…. Rs  5  crore

·         Service Industry ( based on IT / internet )…………. Rs  50 lakh

It is not difficult to see WHY jobs are not getting created , despite the fact that we have a huge DOMESTIC MARKET to serve 1.3 BILLION people !

It would require a huge amount of CAPITAL to create jobs for 12 million people, each year


Conclusions :

#  Mudra Loan Impact Report “ findings confirm the estimates in the above mentioned

       blog / E Mail  [  Rs 5.01 lakh to create each “ Self Employment “- on an average  ]

#    Even if motivated by yesterday’s announcement of drastically reduced Corporate

     Taxes , if NEW MANUFACTURING factories were to come up, there is no way these

     can create ONE MILLION new jobs ( hires ), per month !

At an estimated investment of Re 1 CRORE per hire ( in a Light Engineering Factory ), we would need investment of Rs 1 MILLION*CRORE per month !

#   It is high time our Economists / Political Leaders / TV Panel Experts etc., admit this

     fact and focus on creating SELF EMPLOYMENT

#   In the meantime , to generate a huge CONSUMER DEMAND ( the Prime Motivator for

     new investments ) , Govt  should drastically reduce the Personal Income Tax , as

    suggested in my following E Mail yesterday to the Cabinet Ministers :


         Better late than Never 


22  Sept  2019

Rsvp :  hcp@RecruitGuru.com


Friday, 20 September 2019

Better late than Never

Yesterday’s corporate tax cut announcement by the Central Government, could be described as such

Over the past few years, many other countries have lowered their Corporate taxes

See details at :

List of countries by tax rates

This is something Companies were demanding for a long time . But it took the current sluggish state of our economy that finally triggered this action

Of course, this step would encourage those companies to now go forward with their investment plans – where these were held back due to uncertainty of the profitability

But, it would still NOT encourage any company to come forward with investment if the company does NOT see enough consumer demand for its products

Hence, can we expect Madam Sitharamanji to follow this up with a strong INCENTIVE to the consumers to loosen their purse strings and start spending to create a massive CONSUMER DEMAND ?

An incentive such as a deep reduction in Personal Income Tax ?

Or a GAME CHANGING and REVOLUTIONARY step of total abolition of Personal Income Tax ? – something which I have been advocating by sending following E Mails to the Cabinet Ministers :

A CASE FOR ZERO PERSONAL INCOME TAX              [  11  Nov  2014  ]

What would they do ?                                 [  03  May  2016  ]

What would happen ?                                  [  29  Sept  2017  ]

Tax Sops ? How about Abolishing ?      [ 08 Jan 2018 ]

Thanking You in Anticipation !             [ 24  Jan  2018 ]

( comprising links to 24 E Mails on this subject )



Waiting for the Full Film                      [ 01 Feb 2019 ]

Extract from the above mentioned  E Mail  :

After Shri Goyal’s  Budget speech yesterday , Shri Modi said :

“ This was only a trailer . Wait for the release of the full film after the general elections  “

Interpretation :


     Abolishing Personal Income Tax for persons earning up to Rs 5 lakh / year


    Total abolition of Personal Income Tax .
   ( In past 3 years, I have sent 20 emails for releasing this film )

Madam Nirmala Sitharamanji,
 [ fmo@nic.in  ]

We are awaiting the release of the FULL FILM  !


21  Sept  2019

Rsvp :  hcp@RecruitGuru.com