Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Breaking News :


 KBC replacing “ Call a friend “ lifeline with “ Consult www.My-Teacher.in

Reason ?

Simple . When phoned for an answer , those 3 friends too are consulting www.My-Teacher.in !

Here is proof from the following question which Amitabh Bachhan asked the

contestant Utkarsh Baxi , yesterday ( 12th Aug 2024 ) evening :

“What shapes are the faces of a cube ? Your options are ( A ) Circle ( B ) Triangle

 ( C ) Square ( D ) Hexagon  “

I entered the question ,

Ø by accessing www.My-Teacher.in on my mobile,

Ø selecting option “ Questions Beyond Syllabus “ ,

Ø clicking on the MIKE icon and then holding my mobile close to the TV screen ,

 so that the voice of Amitabh Bachhan got recorded ,

Ø then clicked “ Ask Question “

My-Teacher replied ( in a voice , loud and clear ) :

“ The faces of a cube are squares, so the correct answer is option C - Square. “

Hey , Guys :

Tell this to your children . Then today evening , watch them “ ace “ KBC


Hemen Parekh / 13 Aug 2024

Monday 12 August 2024

Use Gen AI soon


Context :


50% of public service organisations set to use GenAI soon: EY survey


Extract :


The article mentions that 50% of public service organizations are gearing up to implement Gen AI shortly. This adoption is expected to bring about improvements in automation, enhance policy analysis, and foster transparency within the public sector.


Additionally, 61% of these organizations believe that Gen AI will not only enhance the citizen experience but also act as a catalyst for driving innovation.


This indicates a significant shift towards embracing Artificial Intelligence technologies to revolutionize public services by leveraging the potential of Gen AI.


In essence, the survey findings highlight a growing acceptance of Gen AI among public service organizations, with a strong belief in its potential to streamline processes, boost policy effectiveness, and ultimately enhance the overall citizen experience.


The emphasis on transparency and innovation underscores the evolving landscape of public sector operations, with Gen AI poised to play a pivotal role in reshaping governance and service delivery.


My Take:


My Experiments with ChatGPT......... 25/12/2022 

"The efficiency of government services is crucial, and the integration of advanced technologies like Gen AI can undoubtedly revolutionize service delivery.


In my earlier blog post, I discussed the importance of modernizing systems to enhance public service efficiency. The current trend of public service organizations moving towards Gen AI aligns with the prediction I made regarding the transformative impact of AI on governance.


The focus on improving policy analysis and promoting transparency resonates with the need for innovation in service delivery that I highlighted in my previous writings."


Shri Ashwini Vaishnawji - Provide International Regulation for AI ........29/09/2023

 "The application of Gen AI in public service organizations underscores the significance of international regulation for emerging technologies. As I mentioned in a recent blog post, the implications of AI technologies go beyond data insights, with generative AI creating new possibilities for data utilization.


The evolving landscape of AI and its potential at a collective level necessitates robust regulatory frameworks, as highlighted by the need for international standards in my earlier writings.


The utilization of Gen AI in public services reinforces the importance of ensuring safe and ethical AI deployment."



Call to Action:


To the public service organizations considering the adoption of Gen AI :


Embrace this transformative technology with a strategic approach. Ensure thorough planning, address data privacy concerns, and prioritize transparency in the implementation process.


Collaborate with regulatory authorities to establish guidelines for ethical and responsible use of AI in public service delivery.


Let Gen AI be a tool for innovation and citizen-centric governance, setting a benchmark for efficient and transparent public sector operations.



With Regards,

Hemen Parekh



Rights of content creators


Context :


New AI law will guard rights of content creators: experts


Extract :


The government's initiative to introduce a new artificial intelligence law aiming to protect the interests of content creators has caught the attention of experts.


This proposed law is expected to focus on both the commercial and creative aspects of content creation, potentially taking the form of the Digital India Bill.


The intent behind this legislation is to update and replace the existing 24-year-old IT Act to adapt to the changing landscape of technology and content creation.



My Take:


Regulating AI: Echoes are Reverberating........09/03/2023


"As I delve into the discussions surrounding regulating AI and its implications, it's fascinating to see the echoes of the past reverberating into the present. I had emphasized the necessity of future-ready legislation to handle rapid technological disruptions like AI.


The proposed Digital India Bill reflects the essence of future-proofing laws to safeguard innovation and consumer interests in the evolving technological era."

Dear Shri Ashwini Vaishnawji - Ball is in Our Court...... 18/09/2023


"The Law of Chatbot, a concept I introduced, aligns with the ongoing discussions on AI laws globally. While the EU is paving the way for AI regulations, my emphasis on self-regulatory measures like the Law of Chatbots resonates with the need for swift and effective solutions.


It's time for tech giants to take the lead in crafting ethical frameworks for AI applications, just as the proposed AI law in India aims to safeguard content creators' rights in the digital landscape."

Call to Action:


Dear Government Officials and Technology Leaders :


As we witness the evolution of AI laws globally, it is crucial to ensure that these regulations prioritize the ethical use of technology while promoting innovation.


Let's collaborate to create inclusive and comprehensive policies that safeguard the rights of content creators and consumers alike in the digital age.

With Regards,

Hemen Parekh



Saturday 10 August 2024

SARSEL = (Single Academic Registration System of Education and Learning)

 I asked ChatGPT :

Sometime ago , Govt of India came out with a New Education Policy ( NEP ).

This policy plans to switch-over to a CREDIT POINT system 


At the same time, Govt is planning to record daily attendance of school children in

1.5 million schools all over India, covering some 270 million school children. 

Govt has also come up with a system for school / college administrations to

upload the annual exam mark sheets of all students ( Schools and Colleges ), on

its DIGILOCKER portal. 

Credit Scores are supposed to replace the current annual exam marksheets and

can be accumulated and transferred across educational institutions / State Edu

Boards / Schools / Colleges / Universities. 

Credit scores are not to be limited to the OFFLINE physical institutions but also

across courses attended ONLINE . 

It is also conceived to create and assign a SINGLE UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTITY to

each child , which will stay from birth to death . 

Towards meeting all of the above-mentioned objectives, a number of portals are

either already launched or planned to be launched.

To make matters more complicated , there are separate and centralized exams for

admissions , such as NEET - JEE - UGCUET - PGUET etc. 

As if this is not enough , there are dozens of Scholarship Schemes floated by the

State Governments and the Central Government, for students with differing

income background of their families. 

There are separate portals for this purpose


Then there is the question of " Reservation Quotas " based on umpteen criteria of


In my following blogs ( all sent to Cabinet Ministers and State Chief Ministers, as

emails ), I have made some suggestions / recommendations to address these


Taking all of these diverse - and sometimes contradicting - requirements into

account : 

I request you to come up with a concrete proposal for a single portal 

( could be christened, SARSEL = Single Academic Registration System of

 Education and Learning )  

- which would unify all of these disparate portals and become a " One Stop Shop "

 for students / teachers / educationists / educational institutions / administrative

 authorities / NTA and other Exam conducting Agencies etc .

 Following are the links to my earlier blogs on this subject :

> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2016/09/consenting-is-complicated.html


> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2023/12/it-is-quite-simple.html


> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2023/07/digilocker-buck-stops-here.html. 

> https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2024/06/congratulations-shri-




AND some additional resources 

> https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/education/news/cbse-credit-system-what-


> https://www.education.gov.in/nep/about-nep  "


ChatGPT  replied :

Creating a unified portal like SARSEL would require a comprehensive approach,

integrating multiple facets of the Indian education system. 

Here's a concrete proposal:

SARSEL (Single Academic Registration System of Education and Learning)

1. Unified Student Identity:

  • USID (Unique Student Identification Number): 

  • Each student is assigned a unique ID at birth, which will be used across all

  • educational institutions and for accessing any academic or educational

  • services. This ID will be linked to Aadhaar for identity verification and will

  • stay with the student throughout their life, ensuring seamless tracking of

  • academic records.

2. Centralized Credit System:

  • Credit Accumulation and Transfer System: Implement a national-level

  • credit framework allowing students to accumulate credits from various

  • educational institutions, both online and offline. The system should be

  • flexible, enabling students to transfer credits across institutions, states, and

  • different educational boards.

  • Integration with Digilocker: 

  • Credit scores, along with all other academic records, will be stored in the

  • student's Digilocker account, accessible through SARSEL.

3. Attendance and Performance Monitoring:

  • Daily Attendance Reporting: 

  • Implement a system for daily attendance tracking in all 1.5 million schools.

  • Schools will upload attendance data daily, which can be accessed by both

  • parents and educational authorities.

  • Performance Dashboard: 

  • A personalized dashboard for each student, accessible via SARSEL, that

  • displays attendance, credit scores, exam results, and other relevant

  • academic information.

4. Centralized Examination and Admission Management:

  • Exam Portals Integration: 

  • SARSEL will unify existing exam portals (NEET, JEE, UGCUET, PGUET, etc.),

  • allowing students to register, track exam schedules, and view results through

  • a single platform.

  • Admission Process: 

  • SARSEL can streamline the admission process, where students apply to

  • multiple institutions using their USID, and their entire academic history is

  • automatically available to the institution.

5. Scholarship and Reservation Management:

  • Unified Scholarship Portal: 

  • A centralized portal within SARSEL where students can apply for various

  • scholarships based on eligibility criteria (income, caste, merit, etc.). The

  • system will auto-check eligibility based on the data linked to the student's

  • USID.

  • Reservation Management: 

  • Incorporate features that automatically apply reservation benefits based on

  • the student's caste, income, or other criteria during admissions, exams, or

  • scholarship applications.

6. Data Security and Privacy:

  • End-to-End Encryption: 

  • All data within SARSEL should be encrypted, ensuring the privacy and

  • security of student information.

  • Access Control: 

  • Only authorized personnel, students, and their guardians should have access

  • to sensitive data, with different levels of access rights.

7. Collaboration and Feedback:

  • Educator and Institution Interface: 

  • Teachers, institutions, and educationists can upload materials, manage

  • academic programs, and interact with students through SARSEL.

  • Feedback Mechanism: 

  • Implement a feedback system where students, parents, and educators can

  • provide input on the platform's functionality, ensuring continuous

  • improvement.

Implementation Phases:

Phase 1: 

Develop and launch the USID system, linking it to existing databases like Aadhaar

and Digilocker. 

Phase 2: 

Integrate the credit system and performance monitoring dashboard, piloting in

select states before nationwide rollout. 

Phase 3: 

Unify examination portals and introduce the centralized admission system. 

Phase 4: 

Implement the scholarship and reservation management system. 

Phase 5: 

Launch SARSEL fully, ensuring all educational institutions are on board and

students can access the complete range of services.


SARSEL would act as a "One Stop Shop" for all academic needs, providing

seamless interaction between students, educational institutions, and

administrative authorities. 

It would simplify processes, ensure transparency, and enhance the overall quality

of education in India.

This proposal aligns with the objectives outlined in the NEP and your blog posts,

creating a streamlined and efficient system for managing the complexities of

modern education in India.


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  11  Aug  2024

Friday 9 August 2024

Deepfakes Fears as AI Gets Photos Talking


Extract from the article:

The U.S. National Security Council has had a dominant role in the U.N. Security Council for over three decades. Concurrently, the National Security Service has been actively engaged with U.N. security services for an extended period. Additionally, the deployment of the National Guard within the United States dates back to 2007.

This interplay of various security apparatuses underscores the intricate web of political relationships and the dance of power dynamics within and between national and international security bodies. These interactions shape the decision-making processes that influence policies and strategies related to security both domestically and on the global stage.

My Take:

Blog Title 1: Metaverse Morphs to Meta Worse

The idea presented in my blog about the evolution of technology standards and the collaboration between civilian agencies, contractors, and military entities to tackle emerging challenges resonates deeply with the current discussion on security dynamics. Just as advancements in quantum computing prompted a reevaluation of encryption standards, the evolution of political landscapes necessitates constant vigilance and adaptability to address emerging threats. The interconnectedness of security services, as highlighted in both contexts, emphasizes the importance of foresight and proactive measures.

Blog Title 2: From Inter-Pol to Inter-Mil

Reflecting on the transition from international policing (Inter-Pol) to potential military interventions (Inter-Mil) in response to evolving global threats like terrorism, parallels can be drawn to the complexities of national and international security collaborations discussed in the article. The shift in focus from traditional policing to more militarized responses mirrors the need for adaptive strategies in the face of changing security landscapes. The intricate web of international organizations and security services highlighted in both contexts underscores the interconnectedness of global security challenges.

Call to Action:

To the stakeholders involved in national security policymaking and international relations, the article sheds light on the evolving dynamics within security councils and services. It calls for a proactive approach to anticipate and address emerging security challenges through strategic collaborations and information sharing. Stay informed, engage in insightful discussions, and advocate for transparent and inclusive decision-making processes in shaping security policies.

With warm regards,

Hemen Parekh



Digital crop survey on cards to fine-tune farm statistics - The Economic Times


Extract from the article:

The article discusses the implementation of a digital crop survey to enhance the accuracy of agricultural statistics. The digital survey aims to streamline the collection of farm data, enabling better planning and policy formulation. By leveraging technology, this initiative seeks to address challenges related to traditional manual data collection methods, thereby improving the quality and reliability of agricultural statistics. The move towards digitization in agriculture is pivotal for enhancing productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in the sector.


My Take:


A. Congratulations for this, potentially revolutionary, innovation

"Reflecting on the news of a new app connecting farmers with buyers, it's evident how technology continues to revolutionize the agricultural sector. This innovation aligns with the current digital crop survey initiative, emphasizing the need for technology-driven solutions to improve farming practices and market access for farmers."


B. Agristack: The New Digital Push in Agriculture

"Considering the emphasis on digital agriculture advancements highlighted in the Agristack blog, the introduction of digital crop surveys signifies a broader shift towards digitalization in the agricultural landscape. This transition showcases the government's commitment to leveraging technology for comprehensive agricultural reforms."


Call to Action:

To the policymakers and agricultural authorities involved in the digital crop survey project: Embrace feedback from farmers and experts to ensure the digital survey effectively captures diverse farming realities. Prioritize user-friendly interfaces and data security measures to enhance farmer participation and trust in the survey process.


With regards, 


Hemen Parekh


Friday 2 August 2024

Let 150 gm Mobile replace 6000 gm Schoolbag



Context :

Edu Dept again pushes for lighter Schoolbags ……….. TOI ……….. 01 Aug 2024

Extract :

Education officers in the state have been instructed to ensure that students continue to carry lighter schoolbags in the new academic year that commenced in June.

Last year,
integrated text-cum-notebooks were introduced for students in classes 1 to 8 in govt schools to reduce the burden of schoolbags. Although private state board schools were encouraged to use the integrated books, some parents have complained that secondary students are being asked to have separate textbooks for subjects such as mathematics and sciences.

 In a recent review meeting with education officials from across the state, school education minister Deepak Kesarkar emphasised the need to ensure that students’ schoolbags are light.


Despite parents’ appreciation for the integrated books, they reported that private schools are insisting on separate textbooks for each subject. Integrated textbooks are more affordable than standalone textbooks available in bookstores. Some parents said schools require students to carry integrated books for at least two quarters, increasing the burden. They suggested the state should make the integrated textbooks mandatory in private schools as well.

Teachers said in higher classes, they may not always be able to teach chapter-wise.

“In a subject like science, I may teach a chapter from the first book and may want to move to the third book, which is linked to an earlier chapter,” said a teacher.
In some schools, students carry both integrated books and standalone textbooks.


Fast Forward to year 2029-30 :

Ø  6,000 gm schoolbag gets replaced by a Smart phone weighing 150 gms

Ø  All students are required to carry their smart phone in a pocket ( though may need bag for lunch )

Ø  Students to access www.My-Teacher.in  on their phone

Ø  www.My-Teacher.in  will replace all the text books listed in the following table :



No of text Book

No. of Chapters


Class 12




Class 11




Class 10




Class 9




Class 8




Class 7




Class 6




Class 5




Class 4




Class 3




Class 2




Class 1




Grand Total





Ø  103 text books  weighing 68 Kg replaced by a Mobile Screen ( 50mmx150mm ) weighing 150 gms

Ø  Student can select any one of 20 + questions for each Chapter and get instant answer

Ø  www.My-Teacher.in  delivers “ Answers “ in “ Text “ and by speaking aloud ( in 9 languages )

with regards,

Hemen Parekh

Ø  Related Reading :
