Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 10 June 2024

125 Days Roadmap – Part F



Context :

Priority Is Farmer Welfare..." Shivraj Chouhan On Being Appointed As Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare Minister  ..  11 June 2024

Extract :

On being allotted the portfolio of Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Minister of Rural Development, BJP leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan on June 10 said that the priority of PM Modi and the priority of the government is farmer welfare and that is why today he signed the first file, the decision taken by the Cabinet today to release Kisan Samman Nidhi

"Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, work is going on for agriculture and farmer welfare and rural development work is also progressing rapidly...There is continuity. Better work in the last 10 years and our manifesto, whether it is farmer welfare or rural development, we have prepared a roadmap for it and we will take these works forward. 


My Take :


Dear Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhanji :

contact@shivrajsinghchouhan.net / info@shivrajsinghchouhan.org / chauhansr@sansad.nic.in

Over the past few months, our PM Shri Modiji has exhorted entire Government

machinery to focus on GYAN ( Gareeb – Youth – Anndata _ Nari )

It was , therefore highly laudable that the very first order that you signed last

evening was to release the 17th instalment of Kisan Samman Nidhi , amounting to

Rs 20,000 crore , to 93 million farmers

Well begun is half done

NDA govt could not double the income of the farmers ( as promised ), during past

5 years

I suppose, renewal of this commitment is at the top of your “ 125 days Road-

mapPart F

F stands for “ Farmers “

Here is “ How “ :

By notTelling “ them your “ already taken “ decisions re MSPs for various crops

( " take it or leave it" attitude  )

By notSelling “ them your “already taken“ decisions ("  Hey, this is why my

decision is good for you " attitude )


By asking Farmer Unions to “ participate “ in the Government’s decision-making

process in deciding what should be the MSPs for various food-crops.

By asking THEM to figure out the CONSEQUENCES ( burden ) of THEIR decisions

 and what would be it’s Financial Implications on the Government’s budgetary

 allocations for other Social Benefit Schemes for the poor population of our


Dear Shri Chouhanji :

Coalition Dharma should not be confined to government ( cabinet ) formation by

 asking NDA parties to join in “ Decision Making “

Today, you are in the enviable position of extending this Dharma to Farmer

 Unions. Your “ Out of the Box “ radical departure from “ Groove Thinking “, could

 herald an INFLEXION POINT in the history of Indian Democracy

This is no time to engage in some futile endless ANALYSIS ( leading to PARALYSIS


This is time to say , “ It is in MY DESTINY to write a new chapter – and I will do

 it “

Details of my proposal are in the following earlier e-mail


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  11 June 2024


Point : Counter-Point // MSP : MPQ  …………………..  28  Nov  2021

Extract :

Dear Kisan Netas / Shri Tomarji,

Here too a Compromise Solution is possible in the spirit of Give and Take

It is : MSP linked with MPQ

Where, MPQ = Maximum Purchase Quantity ( separate figure for each of those 23

 crops )

This means, in each year, Government shall not be obliged to purchase more than

 the MPQ ( at its MSP ), for any crop

The MSP and MPQ shall be worked out and announced by the govt. 6 months in

 advance of the coming year

As suggested in my following earlier blog-email, it is possible to automate this

 entire process of computation of MSP, by using Geo-Spatial Technology :

Agri Reforms : an Ongoing Process…………………….[ 20 Nov 2021 ]


Using same technology, it is possible to also calculate ( automatically and without

 human intervention ), the MPQ for each of those 23 crops for the upcoming year

 Both, the Government and the Farmers should be happy with such an


 process, which announces its results on a Govt website within a specific

 time - frame

 This way, Govt will know in advance, the total amount of FUNDS that will be

 required for the coming season

And, knowing in advance, the MPQ / MSP for each crop, farmers will decide

 WHICH crop to plant and HOW

MUCH to plant ( Demand / Supply / Price, dynamics in regulated manner )

On Govt web site, each purchase ( at MSP ) will be published ( individual and

 cumulative ) for each crop

This will show, how much total has been purchased ( for each crop ) and how

 much still remains to be purchased

When Govt purchase for an MSP crop reaches its stipulated MPQ ( for a given

 season / year ) , the Govt will stop buying and declare in all media

Irrespective of this provision, farmers will be free to negotiate with any trader /

 middleman / business , any SALE QUANTITY at any negotiated price ( whether

 higher or lower than published MSP )

Based on State-wise distribution ( of production ) of any particular crop, Central

 Government will work out State-wise QUOTAS of purchase quantities for each



 msp_1 x mpq_1  =  Funds needed for Crop 1………..( insert data for all 23 crops, one by one )


 (  Formula based on INTEGRAL CALCULUS )


Related Readings :

2021 ( 7 )

 Agri Reforms : an Ongoing Process………………………………… …..[ 20 Nov 2021 ]

 “ Tractor-Pulled “ to “ Technology-Pushed “ ………………………..[ 20 Sept 2021 ]

Finally Announced : Agri Infra Fund to APMC ……………………….[ 08 July 2021 ]

Agristack: The New Digital Push in Agriculture  …………………..[ 26 June 2021 ]

Digital Farming ? ……………………………………………………..[ 15 April 2021 ]

Kisan Sabha gets Constructive ………………………………………………[ 20 Feb 2021 ]

Monetizing Geospatial Data ……………………………………………………[ 16 Feb 2021 ]



2020 ( 6 )

Congratulations, Shri P K Purwarji  ………………………………………[ 21 Dec 2020 ]

 e-NAM ; reimagined to resolve farmer agitation……………………[ 10 Dec 2020 ]

 How about introducing a PLI for agricultural produce ?.........[ 08 Dec 2020 ]

Production Linked Incentive for Rice ( Paddy ) ……………………..[ 09 Dec 2020 ]

Thank You, Shri Tomarji ………………………………………………………..[ 28 Sept 2020 ]

Selling Farm Laws before selling Farm Crops………………………. [ 24 Sept 2020 ]


2019 ( 1 )

Influence farmers and win Votes ? ………………………………………….[ 04 Feb 2019 ]








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