Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 12 June 2024

A legal Sex Determination ?



Context :

Dairy industry ‘mooing’ to Aatmanirbharta with indigenous bovine sex-sorting technology   ..  Busi Line.. 27 May 2024

Extract :

Meenesh Shah, Chairman & Managing Director, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) at an interview with businessline, in Chennai on Monday

It’s now Aatmanirbhar in the dairy industry in the form of sex sorting technology for bovine. Field trials of indigenously developed technology on this are underway and the results are expected by August.

Currently there are two technologies – both from USA – by which the sorting happens with samples sold to farmers at around Rs 1,000 a piece

However the indigenous technology will cut the cost to nearly one third, and help raise milk production due to the higher number of female calves

In the total artificial insemination process, the sex-sorted semen used is less than 1 percent

With this indigenous technology, more female cows will be produced, leading to increased milk production

“ It is a 100 per cent Atmanirbhar story and we would like to dedicate it to our farmers. We want to give them at Rs 300 to Rs 500 per sample, that is at one third the price of what is available in the market “ , he said


My Take :

Ø  SURROGATE COW FARMS ?  ……………………………… 26 Nov 2015


Extract :

Speaking at a Start-Up event at San Jose ( California ) on 27th Sept, PM Shri Modi said :



"  When each of the 500 odd towns produce 10 Start-Ups and each of our 600,000 villages produce six small businesses , on a regular basis , we will create an enormous economic momentum and generate a large number of jobs in our country


I want to see the idea and spirit of Start Ups light up the economies and the fortunes of people in rural India  "



Entirely doable . Consider the following suggestion :



*  Chinese biotechnology firm BoyaLife and South Korea's Sooam Biotech , are constructing in China, World's largest animal cloning factory


*  Production will start next year , with an initial capacity for one lakh cattle embryos a year , growing to one million per year


*  Dog , racehorse and COW embryos  will be produced



Obviously , BoyaLife will need to " rent out " cow-wombs , to grow / nurture these embryos


And that is THE OPPORTUNITY , to be seized by our rural Start-Ups  !


By setting up , " Surrogate Cow Farms " of 10 cows each


Then renting out these cow-wombs to BoyaLife , for $ 1,000 per surrogacy ( In city of Anand - Gujarat , human wombs can be rented out for $ 15,000 )


One million cow-wombs will earn these rural Start Ups , $ 1,000 million / year  !


At 10 cows per Start Ups , 100,000 Start Ups will be born  !


Raising our EXPORT earnings by $ 1,000 million  !


And nothing should stop these rural Start Ups from importing embryos of Dogs and Racehorses , and then re-exporting fully grown pets to Europe / America  !


I only hope , some MORAL POLICEMEN do not start a controversy by shouting :


"  How can we allow our holy Indian cows , to bear the unholy Chinese cattle embryos in their wombs , when we just banned our surrogate human mothers to carry the embryos of Foreign citizens  ? "



Of course , it is another story that these very same " moralists " have no love lost for the prostitutes who are forced to " rent out " their very human bodies , in order to survive  !


One last request to the concerned Ministers / Secretaries in NDA government :


Please , include these " Surrogate Cow Farms " in your definition of Start Ups in your proposed 


" Start Up Policy Document "


It is another matter that , each and every jobless individual ( not earning a salary from some other individual or organization ) , and struggling to become self-employed , qualifies as a Start Up




With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  12 June 2024



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