Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Congratulations , Shri Dharmendra Pradhanji



What for ?

For initiating a momentous reform , not attempted by any country in the entire World


Can you be more specific ?

Sure . Take a very close look at the following news report :

Just a few clicks away: Pan-India school data      


What if with a few clicks on computer, one could pinpoint :

Ø  why students in a particular school in Bihar are doing poorly in Mathematics or

Ø  why the attendance of girl students is consistently low in schools in a particular block in Maharashtra, or

Ø  whether a mid-day meal was served to all children in a district in Assam or not?


The education ministry's 100-day plan looks to answer these questions and several more to take stock of the true health of our schooling system through its pan-India Vidya Samiksha Kendra (VSK) network.

The aim is that
within 100 days every state will have its own VSK centre linked to the national VSK and parameters like student and teachers' attendance will be digitally available on a real-time basis across all states on a GIS dashboard.


Reason and benefit

The VSK is envisaged as a data warehouse of sorts, soon to be
linked from New Delhi to every single school over time - government to private, across states - so as to generate comprehensive and interactive data analytics that can enable data-driven policy interventions and customised decision-making in the schooling system.

"What this essentially means is that policy decisions taken at the state level or even central level can now be based on accurate, verifiable and real-time data parameters that can be interpreted for various policy interventions from administrative to learning levels.

For instance, a low student attendance in a particular district clearly points to a need for checking up.

A high absence of a science teacher can help understand lower STEM learning levels in a school," an official associated with the national VSK centre told ET.

The wheels are moving fast to keep the 100-day deadline.

So far, 29 states and Union Territories are already on board, either having
launched their own VSK centres or in the final stage of doing so, ET has learnt. The remaining states are being nudged continuously to join in by next month.

ET gathers that Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have recently came on board and Karnataka, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Ladakh and Lakshadweep will join next month, closing the loop.

The education ministry will be holding marathon orientation sessions and regional reviews through June and July in line with the August 15 deadline. But that is not all.

Attendance data apart, the government's VSK network is aiming at adding on several layers, including :

>  data on school enrolment/dropout from its U-DISE database to school accreditation, 

>  teacher training

>  student performance assessments,

>  NCERT's National Achievement Survey,

>  PM-Poshan mid-day meal scheme and so on.


How many Schools / Teachers / Students, will mark theirATTENDANCEevery morning ?

As per government data, as of 2022 , India had :

Ø  15 lakh schools ( of which 12 lakhs are located in 6.4 lakh villages )

Ø  96 lakh teachers

Ø  26 CRORE Students

All of them will mark their ATTENDANCE , every morning ( I suppose, using some BIOMETRIC ATEENDANCE DEVICE – BAD ) , linked to a CENTRAL NETWORK

This is a MIND-BOGGLING reform, whose many benefits are listed in the news report

Could this ( Centralized Attendance Marking System – CAMS ), be extended to all of the WORK-FORCE in India ( whether working in factories – offices – fields – homes – organizations – businesses etc ) ?


Emphatically YES . I recommended such a detailed CAMS in my following 8 YEAR old email :

Ø  From BAD to MAD   ………………………………………… 01 June 2016


If extended as suggested by you , what BENEFITS can accrue to our Economy ?


From my old email , I reproduce some of those benefits :


#   For employees , no need to file a separate annual Income Tax Return


#   Direct deposit of PF / TDS amounts into bank accounts of Govt Depts


#   Direct Benefit Transfer ( DBT ) to every Employer for Stipend Subsidy ,

     based on number of total trainees / apprentices employed


#   Total number of employees in India ( category / region / industry )


#   Employment Density ( Industry wise / Region wise / Skill wise etc )


#   Net Employment Growth Rate ( weekly - monthly / Industry-wise )


#   Co-relation with no of persons graduating at various levels


#   Data about those Unemployed ( " Graduating " less " Employed " )


#   Overtime Statistics ( Use / Abuse )


#   Work-hour Analysis ( Ave hours / week - month )


#   Wage / Salary Rates ( Rs per hour ) - Industry wise / Region wise

     ( of great interest to Foreign Investors looking to bring down

       manufacturing costs , by outsourcing to India / manufacturing in India )


#   Compliance with labour laws / tax laws / Apprentice Act etc


#   Job Market Forecasts through BIG DATA ANALYTIC ( region / industry )


#   Demographic  Profiles of employees  ( Rural to Urban migration )


#   Per Capita Income Growth for persons using MAD app  ( MOM / YOY )


#   Changing composition between Blue Collar and White Collar employees


Then there could be many other benefits not envisaged now



Here is an opportunity for :


 *  Manufacturers of Smart Phones

     To shrink stationary / bulky / common , bio-metric devices to mobile /

     small / personalized / hand-held devices

    { Remember ?  If you don't make yourself obsolete , someone else will  }




Tech Start Ups

     To come up with the Mobile App ( MAD ) / Technology Platform


NDA Government

    To implement what Shri Narendra Modiji said on 15 July 2015 :

   "  If China is like a manufacturing factory of the World , India should

    become the human resource capital of the World .

   That should be our target and we should lay emphasis on that . 

   We should have a futuristic vision and prepare plans for the next ten years "




   MAD  could well be an important element  of  that  " JAM PLAN "  !


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  19 June 2024


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