Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Saturday 15 June 2024

How to guide MPs in Lok Sabha ?



Context :

An AI Bot Is (Sort of) Running for Mayor in Wyoming

Extract :

Victor Miller is running for mayor of Cheyenne, Wyoming, with an unusual campaign promise:

If elected, he will not be calling the shots—an AI bot will.

VIC, the Virtual Integrated Citizen, is a ChatGPT-based chatbot that Miller created. And Miller says the bot has better ideas—and a better grasp of the law—than many people currently serving in government.

“I realized that this entity is way smarter than me, and more importantly, way better than some of the outward-facing public servants I see,” he says.

According to Miller, VIC will make the decisions and Miller will be its “meat puppet,” attending meetings, signing documents, and otherwise doing the corporeal job of running the city.

But whether VIC—and Victor—will be allowed to run at all is still an open question.

Because it’s not legal for a bot to run for office, Miller says he is technically the one on the ballot, at least on the candidate paperwork filed with the state.

When Miller went to register his candidacy at the county clerk’s office, he says, he “wanted to use Vic without my last name. And so I had read the statute, so it merely said that you have to print what you are generally referred to as. So you know, most people call me Vic. My name is Victor Miller. So on the ballot Vic is short for Victor Miller, the human.”


There’s an AI Candidate Running for Parliament in the UK      


Extract :

As the United Kingdom heads toward its elections next month, the country is seeing its first instance of a new kind of politician: an AI candidate.

AI Steve, an avatar of real-life Steven Endacott, a Brighton-based businessman, is running for Parliament as an Independent.

Voters will be able to cast their ballots for AI Steve, as well as ask policy positions or raise issues of their own. AI Steve will then incorporate suggestions and requests into its platform.

Endacott will be the in-person representative attending meetings and parliamentary sessions on behalf of AI Steve. He says that he sees AI Steve as a way to allow for a more direct form of democracy. “We are actually, I think, reinventing politics using AI as a technology base, as a copilot, not to replace politicians but to really connect them into their audience, their constituency,” says Endacott.

Currently, AI Steve is mistakenly listed on the ballot as Steve AI, which Endacott is working to correct.

AI Steve was designed by Neural Voice, an AI voice company of which Endacott is the chair.

According to Jeremy Smith, the company’s cofounder, AI Steve can have up to 10,000 conversations at once.

A key element is creating your own database of information,” says Smith. “And how to inject customer data into it.”


My  Take  :

Ø  VotersWill  …………………………………. 03 Nov 2018


Extract :

Dear Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadji,

Through your mobile app UMANG , in a short span of one year , you have

managed to deliver some 313 services , through 69 apps in 17 states

Very commendable  !

Now how about modifying UMANG in following way :

·         Links users’ Mobile phones with their respective MPs / MLAs

·         Flash on the voters’ mobiles , each proposed resolution requiring voting by MP

          / MLA

·         Enables each Voter to “ direct / instruct “ his / her MP , to vote “ for “ or

          “ against “

·         Aggregates “ FOR / AGAINST “ votes polled by UMANG from all voters,

   #  MP ( or MLA ) wise

   #  Party-wise

   #  Overall ( for all Members put together )


·         Publish these results on the web sites of Lok Sabha / Parties / MPs and MLAs

Irrespective of weather the majority of the voters desired “ FOR “ or “ AGAINST “

any given resolution, voters do not expect a MP / MLA to go against the whip of

the party to which he / she belongs

But at least this mechanism would provide the MPs / MLAs / Parties ,

QUANTIFIED MEASURE of the wishes of the voters and become “ sensitive “ to

their wishes

And the voters will get an opportunity to question their elected representatives !

Dear Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadji,

If it is not possible to modify UMANG as suggested above , I urge BJP to develop

such an App ( to be called , VotersWill  ?  ) on its own and launch it by next month

That will be a proof of BJP’s desire / willingness to concretize its concepts of :

·         From Main to Hum

·         Subka Saath, Subka Vikas

Immediate launch of VotersWill , will convince the 900 million voters that BJP

holds itself answerable / accountable to the people , whether in power or in


It is only through such conviction / trust that BJP can hope for 400 + seats in

2019  !


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  16 June 2024


Related Readings :

Ø  Virtual Parliament : a COVID bye-product ? .. ………………………02 June 2020


Extract :

Congratulations , Mr Naidu and Mr Birla :


For this “Out of the Box “ thinking to turn COVID threat into an opportunity , by

streamlining the running of the Lok Sabha / Rajya Sabha sessions


With Virtual Parliament sessions, you can do following :


Ø  Online broadcast of Virtual Session through a Mobile App ( LokRaj ?  )


Ø  Receive Questions / Answers / Notices , online ( as being done already )


    Decide ( and control ),  WHO will speak , WHEN and for HOW LONG .


 Ø  Display these “ Speaking Schedules “ on the Mobile App with a provision for the

     viewers to cast their “ Ratings “ online / instantly , as each speaker delivers his /

     her speech. Dynamically display “ No of Raters “ and “ Rating Score ( 1 to 5 ) “ .

    Such an “ Instant Feedback “ will dramatically improve , not only behaviour

    of each  Member of Parliament, but also improve the “ Relevance “ of his


    Ø  Turn-off the member’s mike if he refuses to stop or starts shouting / abusing


Ø  No question of anyone speaking “out of turn “ or rushing to the well of the house !


   Ø  Bar unruly members from attending a VIRTUAL SESSION


 Ø  Display ( as in case of Augmented Reality – AR ), following record of an MP as he is speaking :


#   Attendance percentage  /  Punctuality


#   No of questions asked


#  Number of minutes spoken during the session







How about having the Lok Sabha being “ attended “ by 3D VOLUMETRIC

 HOLOGRAMS of our 543 Members of Parliament ?


The phenomenal increase in the PRODUCTIVITY of Lok Sabha will pay for installing

the hologram generating equipment at the residence / office of each and every

MP  !



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