Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday, 9 December 2011

Corruption rises in India ?

Just when you thought that there was no room for corruption to rise any more , Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index shows, India has fallen by 8 places !

Here are corruption indices of various countries ( as reported in Economic Times / 02,Dec.2011 ) :

      [  Score:   0 = Highly Corrupt,        10 = Very Clean         ]

Ø  New Zealand………………………                     9.5

Ø  Denmark……………………………. 9.4

Ø  Finland………………………………9.4

Ø  Sweden………………………………9.3

Ø  Singapore………………………..      9.2

Ø  China…………………………………3.6

Ø  Sri Lanka……………………………..3.3

Ø  India………………………………… 3.1

Ø  Bangladesh……………………….     .2.7

Ø  Pakistan……………………………    2.5

Ø  Uzbekistan…………………………   1.6

Ø  Afghanistan……………………..       1.5

Ø  Myanmar…………………………… 1.5

Ø  N Korea……………………………. 1.0

Ø  Somalia………………………………1.0

Now you know why Team Anna wants a strong  LokPal  Bill, covering even those 57 lakh, Class “ C “ government employees
Do we hear Standing Committee saying :
“ Oh, but perceptions can be deceptive ! “

With regards

hemen  parekh

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


6 Dec 2011


If and when , Wal-Mart , Carrefour , Tesco arrive in India , who will be afraid of them ?

Certainly not all of the 50 million small retailers

There are many amongst them who are thoroughly transparent , honest and have a very high standard of business practices.

In fact , no foreign Super mart can even match their personalized service to their customers

The retailers who are afraid are the ones who engage in one or more of the following un-ethical practices :
·      Selling fake / duplicate goods

·      Selling sub-standard goods

·      Selling goods at a price higher than the M.R.P

·      Cheating on correct weights

·      Selling goods without bills / cash memos

·      Selling expired goods

·      Not subscribing to “ Packaged Commodities Act “

·      Not subscribing to “ Weights and Measures Act “

·      Selling same item at different prices, especially to poor illiterate customers

·      Refusing to accept genuine “ Returns “

·      Selling drugs without prescriptions

·      Passing off misspelled, poor quality “ Substitutes “

·      Selling PDS items for poor in black market

They are afraid because they will have to give up their un-ethical ways of making a fast buck by cheating their unsuspecting customers

As a customer , I support FDI in retail

But I will continue to patronize my honest corner grocery store !

With regards


Monday, 5 December 2011

Can someone please enlighten ?

FDI in retail will be allowed in only 53 cities – each with a population of 100,000 or more

Even if we assume that the average population of these 53 cities , is 2.5 million, it could add-up to approx 120 million people

That is just 10 % of India’s population of 1210 million

It is unlikely that more than 10 % of these 120 million people will shop at Wal-Mart , Carrefour, Tesco etc

That is 12 million people – no more than 1 % of India’s population !

And how many Super marts will foreign retailers open in those 53 cities ?

9/10 in each of these 53 cities ? – for a total of 500 ?

But , as per recent newspaper reports , we have 50 million small retailers in our country

That means, one Super mart must compete against 100,000 local retailers !

Is that a grave danger to the local retailers – having 99 % of the market share ?

Unless someone claims that those 1 % of the population make 50 % of the total purchases in the country !

If I am wrong , please enlighten

With regards

hemen parekh  /   05  Dec   2011

Friday, 2 December 2011

George Osborne : villain or hero ?

Recently, British Chancellor of Exchequers, George Osborne announced many measures to pull the British economy out of depression. Among others, these measures included :

Ø Starting 2013,  1 % cap on Public Sector pay for 2 years, once the current two-year pay freeze ends

Ø Plans to raise the state pension age from 66 to 67 would be brought forward by 8 years to 2026

Ø 1 billion pound scheme to subsidize work placements for the young unemployed

Despite these measures, unemployment is expected to rise from 8.2 % this year to 8.7 % next year
Job losses in public sector would nearly double to 710,000 , compared to earlier estimate of 400,000

Questions to be debated :

Ø If British Govt can impose a pay freeze for 4 years in Public sector, should British private sector follow suit ?

Ø To keep wage-costs under control, should employers be allowed to hire temporary / contractual staff on a fixed salary for , say , 2 years ?

Ø Will that encourage employers to hire more people ?

Ø Can inflation be better controlled thru a pay freeze ( less money in people’s pockets ), rather than thru hikes in interest rates ?

Ø Since salaries / wages are a major input-cost, can such freeze hold the production costs constant ?

Ø Will pay freeze lead to a “ low cost “ economy , making British products much more competitive internationally ?

Ø If this “experiment “ is successful, can it possibly lay the foundation of a National Wage Policy which pegs maximum annual wage-increase percentages  to 90 % of the rise in the Consumer Price Index of the preceding year, for both, the private and the public sector employees ? Can such mechanism , set in motion , a “ Virtuous Circle “ ?

Ø Can such a policy automatically control inflation without haphazard / half-cooked external interventions by Central Banks ?

Only history will decide whether George Osborne was a villain or a hero !

With regards

hemen  parekh

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


29 Nov 2011


E & Y and FICCI came out with a report :

“ Private Sector participation in Higher Education , 2011 “

Here are its findings , as reported in DNA ( 25 Nov 2011 ) :

·        Over 52 % students of India are studying in private higher educational institutes

·        14 million students are enrolled in 31,000 higher educational institutions across India

·        Central Govt targets to enroll 40 million students in higher education , by 2020

This will require :

·     25 million additional seats

·     Investment of Rs.10 lakh crores

·        Central Govt expects that 50 % of this investment ( ie : Rs. 5 lakh crores ) would come from private sector

Ground reality :

·        Govt will never find its share of Rs 5 lakh crores

·        Private sector can – and will – find the entire sum of Rs 10 lakh crore, if sufficiently “ incentivized “

What Incentives ?

·        Allow investing of black monies [ thru SPVs ], in higher education of only girls – especially girls from SC / ST / OBC / Dalit communities  

·        No questions asked as to the source

·        Tax-free income for 5 years

Outcome ?

·        India will overtake the entire world in creation of “ Intellectual Property “ and in creation of jobs

I hope , someone forwards this to Kapil Sibal / Pranab Mukherjee / Soniaji Gandhi / Behen Mayawatiji / Mamta Didi / Jayalalithaji etc

With regards


Thursday, 24 November 2011


 24 Nov 2011


India’s one time telecom giant Bharat Sanchar Nigam ( BSNL ) is facing some stiff competition

With a current staff strength of 277,000 , BSNL spends nearly Rs.13,791 Crores on annual salary bill

This is 46.5 % of its total income

So BSNL has come up with a Voluntary Retirement Scheme [ VRS ], thru which , it wants to reduce staff strength by 99,700

By paying , on an average , Rs 20 lakhs per person

That would cost it Rs. 18,181 Crores

No problem ! Central Government (ie: poor people of India), will foot the bill

After VRS is implemented , BSNL will outsource functions like

·      Transmission and Switching System Installation
·      Training
·      Civil Engineering
·      Architectural work

That is not going save BSNL from extinction

Only reason BSNL must suffer a painful slow death is that no one can revive it – so no one will buy it !

With regards


Wednesday, 23 November 2011


23 Nov 2011


When petrol prices are raised, a few million car – owners bear that burden.

When petrol prices are artificially kept low, hundreds of millions of middle class people end-up subsidizing those rich car owners !

Because oil companies / refining companies are mostly owned by Government of India

If they make losses, Central Govt subsidizes them – by raising taxes on everybody !

If in doubt , look at the following figures for FY 2011 ( as reported in Economic Times / 22 Sept 2011 ) :

  • Total Under-recoveries ………………………………. Rs.  78,190  Crores

Burden sharing :

  • Oil Bonds / Cash from Govt ………………………….Rs.   41,000  Crores

  • Discount by Upstream Companies………………..Rs.   30,297  Crores

  • Burden on Oil Marketing Companies…………….Rs.      6,893 Crores

Do politicians realize that, ultimately , it is the middle class and poor people who bear the entire burden of “ Under-recoveries “ – whichever way you look at it !

Coming to think of it , “ Under-recoveries “ are nothing but “ Inefficiencies “ of the oil companies !

As long as we try to keep alive these oil companies , poor will continue to bear the burden of this “ Life Support System “ !

Just pull the plug – or stop protesting .

With regards