Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Roof Top Solar : Stuck at Plinth Level ?

Here is  how :

·         Government target for 2022 …………………………………………  40,000   MW

·         “ Bridge to India “ consultancy Estimate for 2021………… 13,200   MW

·         Actual reached by March 2017………………………………………..   1,396  MW

·         Expected Addition in 2017 – 18………………………………………    1,232  MW

Dear Shri Piyush Goyalji :

I am afraid , things will not be very different in case of Land-based Solar Power parks either , for which your target is 100,000 MW by 2022


You convince Shri Narendra Modiji and Shri Arun Jaitleyji , to at least CONSIDER my following suggestions ( sent earlier as emails ) :

14  July  2017

Noise Complaints ?

DNA ( 14 July ) reports :

The Bombay High Court on Wednesday , directed the State government to immediately set up a GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM , before the festive season begins, for citizens to complain about violation of noise pollution rules by mandals and pandals , via email , telephone calls , and text messages

Had the Hon Judge read my following suggestions , he would have simply said :

“ Dear Shri Chief Minister ,

You are , hereby directed to launch before 30 July , following mobile app :

Further to eliminate police intervention ( - and consequent ‘ hafta ‘ ) , you are directed to implement a technology-based infrastructure , which automatically switch off all those loud speakers , the moment they exceed 80 db , as explained in ,

14  July  2017

An Appropriate Response

Two days back , newspapers reported Principals of some Maharashtra schools advising their students to boycott Chinese stationary items , in view of skirmishes with the Chinese troops on India-China-Bhutan border

That prompted me to write :

Today’s DNA carries following news report :

Chandigarh to China : Schools to teach Mandarin

Chinese is to be introduced as one of the four optional languages for students of senior secondary in Punjab’s government schools

Said an official :

“ This is to augment more employment opportunities for the youth from the State, which witnesses a high rate of youth migration to different countries “

Congrats !  Captain Amrinder Singhji :

No one can forget your :

Yours is an appropriate response to the Chinese Invasion !


14  July  2017

Hypocrisy : to the Nth degree

In past 2 days , following news reports got me thinking :

·         Boycott “ Made in China “ : Andheri residents , activists plan protests

( Hindustan Times / 11 July )

·         Boycott Chinese goods, principals tell students( A small step to evoke Patriotism )

( Times of India / 10 July )



·         Silent protest against conflict with China on Bhutan border

·         Create awareness ( ? )

·         Send a message of patriotism among masses

·         Show support to Indian soldiers on the border

·         Students must be made aware about problems the country is facing

·         Even if we are able to hurt the economic gains China makes through our country by a little , it will mean we are doing our bit


·         India-China trade ( $ 2.9 billion in 2000 / $ 71.6 billion in 2015 )

·         In same year , our imports from China exceeded our exports to China, by $ 53 billion ! What would our Principals want us to stop importing from China ?

·         From China , India buys : Toys ( 95 % of all the toys sold in India ) / Furniture / Building Hardware / Crackers / Lighting and Electric Fittings / Furnishing Fabric / Office Stationary

·         Look at Machinery for Power Projects : Of the 117 GW of projects ordered for the 12th Five year plan , almost 45 % were bagged by foreign players led by the Chinese

These Chinese Power Plants cost HALF of locally manufactured plants , enabling cheaper electricity tariff

·         One more reason , our Electricity Tariff are going down is due to surge in Solar Power generation . Here again , nearly all solar PV modules are imported from China – and their prices are dropping by 22 % year after year after year !

·         More than 90 % of the Electronic Appliances / Devices , in the homes of those protesting Parents and Principals , are Chinese Imports !

·         Using these “ criteria “ ( of border skirmishes ) , shall we also stop imports from Pakistan / Myanmar / Bangladesh etc ?

·         Despite UN sanctions , most of the World continues imports from Libya / Iraq / Iran / Syria etc

·         Even USA continues to import Chinese Goods despite fighting over those artificial islands created by China in South China Sea

·         Ditto - for US imports from Mexico / Cuba

·         What if China decided to stop import of Iron ore from India ?

·         What about components for smart phones being imported from China – then assembled in India , with 10 % local value addition ? Are those phones , “ Made in China “ or “ Made in India “ ?

·         And when Chinese company , FoxConn assembles these in India and ( re- ) exports all over the World , do we pride ourselves on OUR exports ?



·         HowChina makes Cheap ?

·         When 2is greater than 7 ?



·         The  Chinese are  coming !


·         WholeTruth , Please





·         A  Welcome Problem




·         Poor  Zhou YongKang



·         A  Tale of  Two  Countries

13  July  2017

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

GSTIN on Sign Boards ? How about other 16 ?

Business Line ( 11 July ) carries following report :

Businesses must display GSTIN on sign boards

Traders and businesses will have to display the GST registration number on their business sign boards and the registration certificate in their premises.

 “Every taxable person is required to display his GSTIN number on name board or sign board of business and is also required to display his registration certificate in business premises so that a citizen can easily find out whether a person is registered or not,” a tax official said.

The Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN) is a 15-digit number which taxpayers get after registering with the GST network portal.

Just wait till those other concerned “ Government Authorities “ enact laws that require you to display on your business sign board , following numbers as well !

#   Corporate Identity Number...........................................   ( 21 digits )

#   Tax-payer Identification Number for commercial taxes......  ( 11 digits )

#   Service Tax Number...... ( Alpha-Numeric ) ....................  (  15 digits )

#   Permanent Account Number - PAN  ( Alpha-Numeric )........ (  10 digits )

#   Central Excise Number..................................... ( PAN + 2 Characters )

#   Provident Fund Number .................( Alpha-Numeric )...... (  11 digits  )

#   Profession Tax Registration Certificate ( Numeric )...............  ( 9 digits )

#   Profession tax Enrollment Certificate    ( Numeric ).............    ( 9 digits )

#   Income tax Deduction/Calculation Number ( Alpha-Numeric ) ( 10 digits )

#   ESIC Number ( Numeric )................................................  ( 17 digits )

#   Labour Department Registration(State specific alphanumeric) (13 digits )

#   Importer-Exporter Code  ( Numeric )................................. ( 10 digits )

#   Shops/Establishment Reg Number ( alphanumeric )............  ( 20 digits )

#   Contract Labour Registration ( alphanumeric ).................. ( 15+ digits )

#   Labour Welfare Board ( Numeric ).....................................   ( 5 digits )

#   Higher Court Case Number ( Alphanumeric ).....................   ( 12 digits )

Dear Shri  Jaitleyji :

I urge you to consider :

An  Aadhar for  Corpotates  (  12  May  2016  )

12  July  2017