Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday, 10 December 2018

Trans-portability Theory

Trans-portability  Theory

{  From   Special   to   General   }

Einstein's came up with “ Theory of Special Relativity “ in 1905

Then , he proposed  “ Theory of General Relativity “ in 1915

Context :

Highlights :

In a report titled ' Transforming India's Mobility ' NITI Aayog had suggested ,

#    using the feebate mechanism to incentivize the use of green mobility

#    identifying potential mechanisms

#    develop a regulation for incentivizing green mobility technologies with a
       feebate mechanism.

Proposed Methodology :

NITI Aayog wants to levy a " Penalty " on 2 wheelers ( 2 crore getting sold per year in India - and almost all use Petrol  – a polluting fuel )


Use this money ( Rs 500 per 2 wheeler = Rs 10,00 cr / year ) to give " Subsidy " to Electric Vehicles ( non - polluting )

For calculating that

·         Penalty  for the polluting 2 wheelers , and

·          Subsidy , for the Electric Vehicles ,

NITI Aayog proposes to use the following “ factors “ of usage :

#  " Energy Used "         (  Polluting Petrol vs  Non polluting Electricity )

#    TIME of usage         (  Weekday Working Hour   )

#    LOCATION of use    (  Vehicles entering City Centre )

Also envisaged in another report of NITI Aayog ( Goods on the Move ) :

#  Charging trucks to enter the city during congested periods while incentivising them to
    enter during night time ( with both, costs and savings being passed through to the
    receivers of those goods )

Let us call this proposal of NITI Aayog ,    Theory of Special  Transportability 

So , why is Heavy Industries Ministry objecting ?

·         There is already a 16 per cent Feebate in place as EVs attract 12 per cent GST whereas the IC-engine vehicles attract 28 per cent

·         NITI proposal could lead to a hike in prices 

·         Practical challenges associated with the collection of the tax , once introduced

·         Who will collect it as now all cesses have been subsumed under the GST ?


My  Take  :

·         NITI Aayog proposal is more of a “ Special Theory “ which takes into account only 3 factors ( Energy type / Time / Location  )

·         It ignores the following factors :

Ownership – Purpose – Age of Vehicle – Capacity – Where used – When used

·         Despite a 2 wheeler using “ dirty petrol “ , if ALL of the above mentioned factors were taken into account , there will be scenarios when a 2-wheeler is causing less HARM to the environment than even an Electric car !

·         All of these factors ( of usage ) do not cause “ identical “ impact on the environment . It is therefore  essential to assign different “ Weightages “ to each factor , depending upon it’s “ Harm Potential “

·         Since ALL vehicles are causing at least “ some and VARYING amount “ of HARM to the environment , throughout the day ( and night ) , there is no case for penalizing “ some ( by permanent “ branding “ as bad vehicles ) and subsidizing others ( by permanent branding as good vehicles ) . This is a flawed argument  !

·         No proposal must depend upon “ human intervention / discretion “ , which will , not only  make it difficult ( more likely, impossible ) to implement ,but will invariably lead to increased corruption !

·         A proposal must be seen as “ just – impartial – unbiased “ and must get implemented consistently and automatically without fear or favour “ ! Only then it will be respected even if it is “ disliked “

My proposal :

Envisages a technology-based platform which collects a “ TRANSPORT  TAX “ from ALL vehicles , 

  Automatically - Consistently

  Every Hour

  Without human intervention

-        based on integrated  Pigouvian  approach to transport tax pricing

You might even want to call ,

Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ?   ,

-        a “ Theory of General  Transportability


11  Dec  2018

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Peter’s WEB 3.0

Here is what Peter Diamandis expects in  WEB 3.0 :

[ source :

Extract :

  Virtual Training, Real-World Results

·         Then in September 2018, Walmart committed to a 17,000-headset order of the Oculus Go to equip every U.S. Supercenter, neighborhood market, and discount store with VR-based employee training

·         VR educational facilities with exact replicas of anything from large industrial equipment to minute circuitry will soon give anyone a second chance at the 21st century job market

·         Want to be an electric, autonomous vehicle mechanic at age 15  ?

Throw on a demonetized VR module and learn by doing, testing your prototype iterations at almost zero cost and with no risk of harming others

·         As tomorrow’s career model shifts from a "one-and-done graduate degree" to continuous lifelong education, professional VR-based re-education will allow for a continuous education loop, reducing the barrier to entry for anyone wanting to enter a new industry

  Rise of the Virtual Workplace & Digital Data Integrity

·         In addition to enabling an annual $52 billion Virtual Goods marketplace, the Spatial Web is also giving way to “virtual company headquarters” and completely virtualized companies, where employees can work from home or any place on the planet


·         Delocalize with VR, and you can now hire anyone with Internet access ( right next door or on the other side of the planet ), redesign your corporate office every month, throw in an ocean-view office or impromptu conference room for client meetings, and forget about guzzled-up hours in traffic.

·         Throw in the Spatial Web’s fundamental blockchain-based data layer, and now cryptographically secured virtual IDs will let you validate colleagues’ identities or any of the virtual avatars we will soon inhabit


·         While converging technologies slash the lifespan of Fortune 500 companies, bring on the rise of vast new industries and transform the job market, Web 3.0 is changing the way we work, where we work and who we work with.

·         Life-like virtual modules are already unlocking countless professional training camps, modifiable in real-time and easily updated




·         There are around 15,000 skill training centres in the country right now, which are inadequate for India’s size.


·         We need to train at least 2 crore people every year, but right now we’re training only 1.05 crore. We need to double our capacity


·         Each year, some 12 million youth join the work-force, looking for jobs


·         Of these , no more than 2 million manage to find jobs , with private / public sector


·         Capital investment required to create just ONE JOB, could range from Rs 10 L – 100 L


·         Private sector or the public sector do not have funds to create so many new jobs – nor such a huge domestic market which would justify hiring all 12 million


·         Our only hope is to turn India into ,

               " BACK FACTORY " OF THE WORLD ?  [  09  Sept  2015  ]

·      This is NOW possible, if our Policy Makers decide to leverage WEB 3.0 , for skilling 2 crore youth each year , right from their ( internet connected ) homes , eliminating need for setting up another 15,000 ITIs ( buildings – machineries – teaching staff etc ) . Virtual Training courses will need very little investment and very quick implementation !

·         Such Virtual Training courses ( using VR headsets ) can be configured around the needs of other countries which are facing shortage of skilled manpower for specific jobs ( Eg : Japan just passed a law to allow thousands of Skilled Migrants from abroad for construction, nursing, farming, transport and tourism — new categories of jobs to be added to the current list of highly skilled professionals.

         source :



·         Such Virtual Training courses can be sourced from those Foreign Companies themselves which are facing such manpower shortages , or from Professional Bodies representing such industries in those foreign companies


·         Our very own Start Ups would flourish by supplying millions of VR headsets ( to be purchased by the Central Government and then given away FREE to trainees who register on NSDC web site for specific courses , after verification of internet availability at their homes ). Other Start Ups may even design VR courses

·         Exams – Tests – Certification of VR TRAINEES will be online from their homes ( no fixed date / time for appearing in online exams ) and without human intervention

·         Foreign Employers would interview these ( passed out ) trainees using a portal such as :

        ONLINE   JOBS   FAIR

Related  Reading :

Will Holograms beat H1B Visa Ban ?   [  31  Jan  2017  ]

Can Indian IT Re-invent itself ?          [  03  Feb  2017  ]

Idea whose time has come ?              [  16  Feb  2017   ]

Wormholes Across the World ?           [  03  Mar  2017   ]

Brain Inc 2.0                                    [  21  Aug  2017  ]

National Jobs Policy : Treasure Hunt   [  15  Dec  2017  ]


10  Dec  2018


Added  on  11  Dec  2018 :

Very recently, Jaguar teamed up with Gorillaz to create a reality app. This app gives and teaches the candidates how to handle electric vehicles and in turn engaging in code breaking puzzles. Jaguar claimed that this will test their cognitive and lateral thinking.

source : 

How VR is changing the world of Recruiting ?  


Saturday, 8 December 2018

Clean Energy pumping Dirty Fuel ?

It is certainly better than “ Dirty Energy pumping Dirty Fuel



·          Oil companies are planning to install Solar Panels on Petrol Pumps , to replace Dirty Electric Power coming from Coal-based Stations

·          Indian Oil   ……………………………………… 27,377  pumps

·          Hindustan Petroleum………………………. 15,287  pumps

·          Bharat Petroleum……………………………  14,500  pumps

·          Indian Oil target …………………………….    1,140  pumps PER MONTH ( all in 24 months )

·          Cost of 25 Kw PV installation…………   Rs 13.5 Lakh

·          Reduction in Power cost per year…..  Rs  7  Lakhs  ( 50 % of current cost )

This is a great news , not only because it has a pay-back period of only 2 YEARS but also because it heralds a “ re-inventing “ of energy-retailing business for these Oil giants which have , as of now , enjoyed a near monopoly of the Energy Distribution market

I get a feeling that they asked of themselves :

“ What business are we in ?

  Are we in the business of pumping liquids in the tanks of petrol / diesel vehicles ? 

  Or , are we into energizing  Electric Vehicles by re-charging their Lithium-ion batteries  ?

  Can we take the first step by installing Solar Panels at our pumps  ?

  Then gradually convert these pumps to pump Electricity ( invisible fluid )  ?


Time to Reinvent for Hindustan Petroleum - Bharat Petroleum ?     [  25  May  2017  ]

Carbon  Conspiracy  ?  ……………………………………………………………………   [  13  Nov  2017  ]

Solar Power Based Charging Station ? ………………………………………………[  06 June 2018  ]

Roof Top Solar : Better Alternative  …………………………………………………..[  24  May  2018  ]


25,000 New Petrol Pumps ? Why ?  …………………………………………………….[  18  June  2018  ]


Every Building : a Battery Charging Station ?  ………………………………….. [  26  Oct  2018  ]



09  Dec  2018