Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Thank You , Shri Sisodiaji,

Thank  You , Shri Sisodiaji,

For what ?

For rolling out “ Entrepreneurship  Curriculum “ pilot project in Class 9 to 12 in Govt schools

As reported in :


Highlights :

Shri Sisodiaji said,

Unemployment is one of the biggest problems being faced by our country.

The problem with education is that in all schools and colleges, we are giving education to our next generation just to seek jobs.

Biggest question today is where are the job providers

I have seen entrepreneurship programmes being carried out at various levels in some Universities and Schools but they are treating entrepreneurship as a skill and not as a mindset

That is why, despite so many programmes at various levels, we have not been able to produce entrepreneurship mind set who will ultimately become job providers in the society. This is a big lacuna.

If we can produce large-scale entrepreneurs in our country then they will not only solve the problem of unemployment but also will help the economy grow very fast


Context :

On  19  Oct  2015 , I sent following email to Cabinet Ministers / NITI Aayog :

Extract :

Some naysayers are bound to say :

"   But entrepreneurship cannot be taught

    Either it is in your blood or it is not  "

Then they will try to support their argument by citing Bania communities

Accepting this argument , would be a defeatist attitude !

Here is how we can produce a generation of ENTREPRENEURS , 5 years from now ( if we start NOW ) :

·         Introduce " Entrepreneurship " as an mandatory subject in High Schools
     and Colleges

·         Each such School / College to be " Adopted " by a Corporate ( CSR ? )

·         Each adopting Corporate will bear the full expense of running this
     course ( Teachers' Salaries etc )

·         Such expense to be tax-exempt ( or offset as Corporate CSR obligation )

·         Exams to be in the form of presentation by teams of final year students

    " HERE   IS   A   BUSINESS   I   PLAN   TO   START "

·         Presentations to be judged by Panels of Venture Capitalists / Angel
     Investors / Incubators etc

·         Winning teams ( 1st / 2nd / 3rd  prize ) , to be offered funds by the
     Panel Members ( as seen in some TV programs )

·         Fund amounts should be small ( Max Rs 100 lakhs ) and preference to
     be given to projects involving healthcare / education / manufacturing /
     agriculture / food processing etc

·         Winning Teams , setting up Start Ups with these VC funds , to be
     encouraged to hire graduating students from the non-winning teams

·         This " encouragement " to be in the form of reimbursement of salaries of
     such hires ( only such hires ), under  " Employment Generation Subsidy "
     from concerned State Government , where this Start Up gets registered ,
     since , employment is a State Subject

·         Such Salary-reimbursements  will be for first 3 years of Start Up

·         To create an entire  GENERATION of ENTREPRENEURS , we need to start at the roots

·         Some years later , when this FIRST generation becomes parents of their own 10 year olds, those SECOND generation youngsters will have entrepreneurship in their genes

·         This is one way of preparing a GM ( genetically modified ) Generation , to which , there ought to be all round support


Dear Shri Sisodiaji,

Congratulations on this initiative to re-orient the very FOCUS of our Education System from producing “ Job Seekers “ to “ Job Generators

If adopted universally ( - with incorporation of my above-mentioned suggestions ) all over India ( by all the State Governments ) , we would have ready by 2025,


This blog is sent as email to :

Shri Prakash Javadekar ( Min HRD ) / Prakash.j@sansad.nic.in
Sh R Subrahmanyam ( Sec Edu ) / secy.dhe@nic.in
Shri Arvind Kejriwal ( CM – Delhi ) / cmdelhi@nic.in
Shri Sisodiya ( Dy CM – Delhi ) / msisodia.delhi@gov.in
Dr Sunita Kaushik ( Dir-SCERT ) / dir12scert@gmail.com
Dr Nahar Singh ( Dy Dir – SCERT ) / drnahar.singh@gmail.com
Sh M Ramamoorthy ( DCA ) / dcadelhiscert@gmail.com
Sh Sandeep Kumar ( Sec Edu ) / secyedu@nic.in
Sh Sanjay Goel ( Dir Edu ) / diredu@nic.in
Sh Binay Bhushan ( Sp Dir – Pvt Schools ) / add.dir.edu@gmail.com


30  Dec  2018

RSVP :  hcp@RecruitGuru.com

Friday, 28 December 2018

Astonishing Estonia

[ Became independent in 1991 / Population of 1.3 million as compared to 1.51 million population of Mumbai Suburb Andheri ]

Following news reports appeared recently :

Lessons  from  Estonia :

·         “Now we will register our child,” Andrejs Lunde says with gravity as he inserts his ID card into the card reader.
     And just like that, Oskar is Estonia’s newest citizen. No paper. No fuss.
·         Ambitious project to make government administration completely digital to reduce bureaucracy, increase transparency and boost economic growth

·         Estonia has created one platform that supports electronic authentication and digital signatures to enable paperless communications across both the private and public sectors

·         Citizens can monitor their data and see if any government or private institution accesses it

·         The platform is underpinned by software called X-Road, a decentralized data exchange system that links databases

·         The leadership looked for an industry where the country could compete. They decided on information technology and the internet

·         More than 99 percent of Estonia’s banking transactions now take place online

·         “If someone really wants my information, they will get it anyway,” said Lunde. “If they can get Hillary’s emails, they can get mine.”


Way to imbibe those lessons in India :

·         No paper. No fuss

           [     VotesApp     //       I  SIN  >  <  U  SIN   ]

·         Reduce Bureaucracy

          [   GSTIN on Sign Boards ? How about other 16 ?   ]


·         Increase Transparency

          [  Thank You , Shri Hardeep Singh Puriji   ]


·         Boost Economic Growth

         [  Foundation of Economy  ]


·         Electronic  Authentication

          [  #Aadhar-the-Irreversible   ]


·         Citizens can monitor their data

         [  Only Answer : a Statutory Warning  ]


·         X-Road  

         [  Break-down the Silos !   ]


·         Information technology

          [  Can Indian IT Re-invent itself ?  ]


·         Internet

          [   BACK FACTORY " OF THE WORLD ?  ]


·         They can get mine   

          [  Alice in the Wonderland of Privacy !  ]


Related  Readings :

·         Estonia : Our Gateway to World ?                  [  13  March  2018 

·         #Reliance Jio : the Mighty Start Up                 [  21  May  2018  ]

29  Dec  2018


Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Thank You , Shri Hardeep Singh Puriji

[  Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs  ]

Eco Times ( 26 Dec 2018 ) carries following report :

Extract  :

·         The Ministry of housing and urban affairs, which is spearheading the highest number flagship programs , is developing the app and is likely to open its data platform to public in Jan 2019

·         The app will involve geotagging of all infrastructure created and then uploading the unique address with videos and photographs……..

·         The biggest challenge is being posed by Swachh Bharat Abhiyan , under which 6.2 million individual household toilets and about 500,000 community and public toilets have been constructed. Geotagging all of them with photographs is a tedious task but ultimately it is creation of asset from government funds so it will happen gradually


In my blog / email ( 04  Dec  2015 ) to the Cabinet Ministers , I had urged :

[  Nothing prettier than PERT !  ]


·         When any Ministry submits any Project Proposal for Cabinet approval , it must be accompanied by a PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique ) chart , clearly showing all the " Activities " lying along the CRITICAL PATH

     ( earlier known as the CRITICAL PATH METHOD )

·         Insist that all the government departments / contractors, responsible for execution of any of these "activities", update the PERT chart status online on the web site of the Project Monitoring Group

·         PERT charts for all the projects should be made visible to the general public

·         If there is any " slippage " in any activity lying on the CRITICAL PATH , the name of the department or contractor responsible , must appear in bold RED letters , against that activity

·         This is the only INNOVATION that we need , to ensure that the projects get completed in time and within budget

         [ Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bmaDMSQe04 ]

PERT network chart for a seven-month project with five milestones (10 through 50) and six activities (A through F).

The program (or projectevaluation and review technique (PERT) is a statistical tool used in project management, which was designed to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project.


And 5 months after my first email to the Policy Makers , following is what I wrote to NITI Aayog, on , 07  May  2016 :

Dear  Sir  :

Economic Times (  05 May  ) talks about a PMO letter to NITI Aayog , as follows :
"  NITI Aayog is requested to undertake monthly monitoring of the implementation of decisions taken, create a dashboard for constant Monitoring, Evaluation and Review, and fix up outcome targets for all major schemes of infrastructure and social sectors for FY2016-17 and submit them to PMO by May 21, 2016  "
As you would have noticed in my earlier suggestion , the best results would be achieved , when department / ministry proposing the project is , itself made responsible for :
#   Preparing a comprehensive list of Project Activities and their " sequences " ( parallel or
     consequential )
#   Estimating " Time " , each activity will take to complete
#   Defining ( by name / designation / mobile number / email ID ) , those responsible for
     each activity
#   Uploading all of these DATA , in the PERT INPUT page on web site of NITI Aayog
#   Updating  the PERT CHART on daily basis
Entire idea is to put the ball in the court of these departments / ministries !

If created / maintained by NITI Aayog , the chart ( Dashboard ) would become an instrument of endless arguments !

Dear  Shri  Puriji,

As far as geotagging of those millions of toilets is concerned, I suggest adopting the technology platform of www.What3Words.com , who are in the process of adapting their unique / simple tech for HINDI language

All we need to do is to feed this “ location database “ of 6.2 million toilets in 3 HINDI Words, to an army of DRONES , which will precisely locate each of those toilets , take a photo and create a geotagged database – all within weeks  !

Following correspondence with the support team of  What3Words  shows how this can be done , with least human intervention :


On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 11:18 AM, "hcp@recruitguru.com" <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

How do I find address for a small hut in the middle of DHARAVI SLUM in Mumbai ?

Support team replied :
“ Using our map site, which you can find here :

you can locate the location you wish to find.

I have set the 3 word address to Dharavi, Mumbai so finding the location you wish will be easier.

Drag the map around to find the location you wish, and there you may see the 3 word address for that location “


27  Dec  2018