Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Trying to unravel the Gordian Knot ?

Today’s Eco Times carries following news :

Fresh talks likely as most departments express concerns over provisions; only Indian experts to be involved.

Highlights :

“There is wide divergence on the proposed bill,” one of them said. “Most ministries have expressed concerns and want a thorough examination.” 

The IT ministry will again hold consultations on the bill with representatives of civil society, tech industry executives, lawyers and scientists to seek their views 

“However, all the members will be Indians who will discuss how to guarantee privacy of Indian users.

The consultations will not have any representation from any of the global tech giants or anyone representing any foreign interest, 


As a “ Representative of civil society “, so far , I have  sent more than 40 emails to Cabinet Ministers / NITI Aayog etc , some of which are listed below :

Privacy ? Perish the Thought !                                 [ 18  July  2017  ]

PrivacyForSale                                                     [  26  Aug  2017  ]

7  Pillars  of  Data  Protection  Law                          [  27 Nov 2017 ]

                                      [  20 Mar 2018 ]

Trade  Off  :   Privacy  vs  LiveEasy  ?                     [ 25 Mar 2018 ]


27  July  2019
Rsvp :  hcp@RecruitGuru.com

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Cash Deposit Machine [ ATR = ATM V 2.0 ]


Harihar Subramanian,

Everest Palraj,

S Venkatesh

{  all from Life Tel  }

For developing Cash Deposit Machine [ CDM ], as reported in :

Extract :

A Chennai-based start-up, Life Tel Communication, has come out with a cash-deposit machine (CDM) that accepts cash from customers of all banks.

If you have an account in bank ‘A’, you cannot deposit cash in another bank’s CDM. You can do that only in the CDM of bank ‘A’.

This is really a hurdle for people in many locations, particularly in rural areas, where customers may not have their bank’s branch in close proximity. 

Life Tel’s new CDM promises to remove this hurdle

“I think this is the first time in the country a CDM has come up with these kind of features. Our machine can be installed in any place in the country. It will be really useful in places where cash transactions are very high,” he said.


And this is how Life Tel web site describes CDM :

Cash Deposit For Any Bank Account

  Investor will get a minimum charges from the user compared to other kiosks

  For making cash deposit for all the banks and as far as the RBI approval concerned, we have got an API from a bank through which the interbank transfer will happen.

 we are very keen on the sensor to read the new notes introduced by RBI. All the necessary steps are taken every now and then and update our systems accordingly


Some 3 years back , I emailed to Cabinet Ministers,  as follows :

Don't Expect This in Budget  …………………………….[  28  Feb  2016  ]


*  Come out with ATM V 2.0 ( call it , " Automatic Taker Machine " ? )

*  Install one in every bank branch and at 145,000 post offices ( India Post's Payment Banks )

ATM V 2.0 does  NOT  " dispense" cash .  It only " accepts " cash  !

*  Cash depositor will enter personal details ( Aadhar No / Jan Dhan Bank A/C No etc ) and amount being deposited

*  ATM V 2.0 will count the cash ( much like currently used CASH COUNTERS at most bank branches )

*  It will print out a RECEIPT , giving full details

*  All ATMs ( V 2.0 ) will be inter-connected in a Network having a CENTRAL server

All cash deposited ( by every user ) will be used for Infrastructure SPV

*  Depositor will earn annual interest @ 5 % on CASH deposited ( Receipt wise )

*  Cash Receipts can be en-cashed upon maturity of 10 years ( like FIXED DEPOSIT receipts )

*  Interest will be TAX FREE and get directly deposited in depositor's Jan Dhan Bank A/c

No questions ( as to the source of the cash deposited ) will be asked ( Perpetual Amnesty Scheme )

I understand , Jan Dhan Yojana managed to garner deposits of approx Rs 30 thousand crores in 18 months

ATM V 2.0 , will bring back those Rs 34.4 lakh*crores of undisclosed assets that are lying in foreign banks ,


Rs 340 lakh*crores of unaccounted BLACK MONEY lying in domestic bank lockers ( or locked up as gold / land )

In deep space , there are BLACK HOLES which suck in all matter . Even light cannot escape from a black hole

ATM V 2.0 will be our WHITE HOLES which will suck in all black money Indians have stashed anywhere  !

Let us use this INNOVATION , which is simply re-configuring  well-established and straight forward HW / SW !

Dear Shri Jaitleyji ,

There is no need to worry about how to raise revenue to fund those Infrastructure Projects to generate jobs

No need to widen tax net ( from 4 % to 23 % ) or borrow money from market or abroad

No need to announce in your budget speech this morning  ! No passing of any BILL in Rajya Sabha !


Dear Madam Sitharamanji,

To kick start the slowing economy , we need to pump in BILLIONS of dollars into our infrastructure projects

Sure, we can borrow some from abroad through Sovereign Bonds

But , surely, we don’t want to be like PIGS [ Portugal- Italy – Greece – Spain ] or Pakistan , which are reeling under Foregn Debt which they cannot repay !

I urge you to give a serious consideration to my suggestion

24  July  2019

Rsvp :  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Health Data Vault

Times of India reports :

Extract :

Ø  Moving towards complete digitisation of health records of all citizens, the government has mooted an ambitious plan to introduce interoperable electronic health records ( EHR ) , based on consent which will enable all citizens to access their health records within 5 clicks

Ø  The plan is part of the National Digital Health Blueprint unveiled by the Health Ministry

Ø  The key objectives include establishing and managing the core digital health data and the infrastructure required for its seamless exchange ; creating a system of personal health records based on international standards, which is easily accessible to citizens and service providers based on citizen-consent  

Ø  It also aims to use it for health data analytics and medical research


Congratulations , Dr Harsh Vardhanji,

(  Minister for Health  /  hfwminister@gov.in )

Your initiative will change the face of Health-care for our citizens

I wish to thank you for considering the following suggestions emailed ,earlier :


Extract :

     The scheme must cover,

        #    Supply of Medicines / Medical Devices ( both , preventive and curative )

        #    Delivery of Services ( Diagnostic /  Nursing  /  Hospitalization )

        #    Pregnancy / Delivery related medicines / investigations / hospitalization

        Prices for each / all of these must be fixed and published , not only on the web
        site of the Health Ministry but at ALL places where medicines or services are
        getting delivered

·         Each eligible family member to be issued a “ Ayushman Card “ ( linked to Aadhar ID )

Ayushman card will have inbuilt memory capacity to store that person’s health data from “ Cradle to Grave “ ( Privacy advocate need not worry ! )

All the Health Data of all 50 crore beneficiaries to be stored on a Central Server for BIG DATA analysis , in order to “ PredictWHO might become susceptible to WHICH ailment and WHEN

As an alternative , a GPS enabled / NFC capable Smart Phone pre-loaded with AYUSHMAN MOBILE APP , could be considered to replace the card

Ayushman Eco System shall consist of :

#    50   crore poor beneficiaries

#    All Medical Practitioners of India  ( Allopathic - Ayurvedic – Homeopathic )

#     All Medical Shops of India  ( including  E – Pharmacies  )

   #     All  Nursing Homes / Hospitals / Diagnostic Centres / Health Centres etc

   #     All Pharma Companies

   #      Health Ministry

   #       All India Medical Association

   #       All India Organization of Chemists and Druggists ( AIOCD ) 

    #       Drug Controller General of India

    #       All  Medical  Colleges /  Medical Research Centres

    #       Any other entity which I might have missed out


·         Beneficiary getting AYUSHMAN Card after authentication from nearest Health Centre

·         Beneficiary approaching any Registered Medical Practitioner ( RMP ) for ailment

·         RMP entering Diagnosis / Prescription in Mobile App ( or in Card using Card Reader )

·         Beneficiary presenting card at the premises of delivery of Medicines / Devices / Services as prescribed by RMP

·         Person delivering medicines / service , entering the details in Card and delivering service ( including no of items / unit price / GST etc )

·         Beneficiary “ sign off “ ( in Card ) for having received medicine / service

·         Person delivering service ( or medicine ) , uploading data on Central Server of Health Ministry

·         Health Ministry updating PATIENT HISTORY in the database and effecting DIGITAL PAYMENT to person delivering medicine / service [ DBT ]

·         There will be NO CASH TRANSFER to a beneficiary ( to avoid fraud / fake cases )


·     If meticulously designed and aggressively / speedily implemented as outlined above , AYUSHMAN has the potential to,

    #   Save millions of premature deaths annually

    #   Save billions of man-hours lost due to preventable illnesses

    #   Bring down the cost of Healthcare / Medicines / Services

    #   Vastly improve the quality of life for 50 crore persons

    #   Invigorate many industries and generate huge employment

    #   Enable BJP to return to 2019 Lok Sabha with 400 + seats


Ayushman Bharat : Think Big  [  23  Sept  2018  ]  

Extract  :


What is in it for Ayushman Bharat  ?

Consider this :

·         Doctor takes the readings of the patient using these internet connected devices

·         Devices transmit these data to the smart phones of both , the doctor and the patient

·         These phones transmit these data to the Central Health Care Server of Ayushman Bharat
          and update the LIFE TIME MEDICAL HISTORY of that person

·         This history can be accessed only by the “ Authorised “ health centres / hospitals /
          nursing homes , which are official partners of the Ayushman Bharat scheme

Imagine all the Medical Devices ( including ECG / EEG / PET Scan ,  located in private clinics / health centers / hospitals / nursing homes / Path labs / Diagnostic centers  etc ), transmitting to a Central Server ,

·         medical diagnosis

·         treatment

·         administered drugs

·         surgical procedures  

for all 50 crore citizens covered by this scheme

And imagine such petabytes of health data being subjected to BIG DATA analysis using AI  !

Ayushman Bharat has the potential to usher this Health-care Revolution

When that happens , expect the AI to do the following :

·         guide your family doctor to prescribe the best-suited medicine for each member of your

·         recommend some “ preventive “ medicines before a disease manifests itself !


Personal Health History : NHS  [  11  Aug  2018  ]

Extract  :

 But some critics of the NHS say :

“ This is invasion of privacy of the citizens. Why should citizen’s Medical History get recorded in a Central Computer ? “

Those critics should be told :

“ Look , we all share our most private medical data with our family doctor . In many cases, he keeps this record in a file ( hard copy or a computer ) , and refers to it before prescribing further medication

Unknown to us – and subconsciously even to himself – that doctor mentally compares your symptoms with hundreds of similar cases he may have attended earlier for his other patients , what medicines he had prescribed for them and which / how many patients responded to which medicines and how well

At the end of a few seconds , he reaches a conclusion as to which medicine will work best for you in the present instance and prescribes it

But even the most popular / successful doctor , has no more than a few hundred patient-histories to “ recall “ mentally ( - how many can he remember over 30 years of practice ? )

NHS will change this dramatically !

It will compile “ cradle – to – grave “ medical histories of a billion Indian citizens and subject this massive data to some BIG DATA ( AI ) algorithm , which will process it in a matter of seconds and guide your family doctor to prescribe the best-suited medicine for each patient

In many cases , AI software may even be able to recommend some “ preventive “ medicines before a disease manifests itself !

And , in any case , no doctor / health centre / hospital etc will be able to access your ( individual ) personal data , without your express permission

All that they can access will be your “ anonymized / aggregated “ data


16  July  2019

Rsvp :  hcp@Recruitguru.com