Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 15 August 2024

Indic language AI model


Context :


The Economic Times - IIT-B project draws inspiration from Lord Hanuman for Indic language AI model



The Economic Times reports on the upcoming release of the Hanooman AI model in March, developed by the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay. This innovative model aims to generate text and speech in various Indian languages.


The fusion of technology and cultural heritage is evident in drawing inspiration from Lord Hanuman, a revered figure in Indian mythology. The project signifies a pivotal step towards advancing AI capabilities tailored to the linguistic diversity of India.


The project's focus on Indic languages aligns with the growing need for AI models that cater to regional linguistic nuances.


By incorporating elements from ancient narratives into cutting-edge technology, the Hanooman AI model symbolizes a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation.


The endeavor not only showcases technical prowess but also underscores the importance of preserving and promoting indigenous languages in the digital realm.

My Take: 


Next Generation NLP……17/11/2023 

"Reflecting on the emergence of the Hanooman AI model, I can't help but recall my musings on the potential of natural language processing (NLP) technologies years ago.


The strides taken in developing AI models for Indian languages echo the necessity I highlighted for embracing advanced algorithms tailored to linguistic diversity.


The Hanooman AI project serves as a testament to the foresight required to bridge the gap between technology and cultural context."




Hemen, Let's get started with Browse AI!.....04/10/2023 

"In envisioning the capabilities of AI models like Hanooman, the prospect of streamlining information retrieval through automation becomes increasingly relevant.


The integration of AI into language processing and information aggregation, reminiscent of my exploration into AI-assisted data extraction, underscores the transformative impact of technology on optimizing workflows.


The Hanooman AI model exemplifies the practical application of AI in enhancing accessibility to multilingual content."




LLMs vs SLMs…..02/01/2024 

"As I delve into the realm of language models such as the Hanooman AI, the strategic approach adopted by startups to develop large language models (LLMs) resonates with the discussions on scaling AI capabilities.


The endeavor to train models on diverse linguistic datasets mirrors the scalability considerations I previously highlighted.


The Hanooman AI project epitomizes the collaborative efforts required to harness AI for linguistic inclusivity and technological advancement."

Call to Action:


To the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay and developers behind the Hanooman AI model, continue pioneering initiatives that celebrate India's linguistic richness.


Embrace the fusion of traditional wisdom with technological innovation to empower communities through accessible AI solutions tailored to diverse languages.


Your commitment to advancing linguistic AI models is pivotal in shaping a more inclusive digital landscape.

With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Tesla's India plan


Context :


Elon Musk coming to India this month, may announce Tesla's India plan during meeting with PM Modi


Extract :


Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla, is set to visit India. Speculations are rife that during his upcoming meeting with Prime Minister Modi, Musk might unveil Tesla's plans for entering the Indian market.


This potential move comes after years of anticipation following Tesla's previous interactions with Indian officials and customers.


The Indian market, known for its growing interest in sustainable energy solutions, could be a strategic fit for Tesla's electric vehicles. The meeting between Musk and Modi holds the promise of significant developments in the renewable energy sector in India.



My Take:


Welcome Elon Musk……10/12/2017

In my blog from 2017, I discussed Tesla's potential entry into the Indian market, highlighting Elon Musk's interest in expanding the company's presence globally.


Now, with the news of his visit to India, it is exciting to see how my predictions from years ago are materializing.


The meeting with PM Modi could mark the beginning of a transformative journey towards sustainable transportation in India.



Let Us Go All Out To Welcome……11/12/2017

Back in 2017, I emphasized the importance of welcoming Elon Musk and Tesla to India with open arms.


The discussions around renewable energy and the potential partnership between Tesla and India align perfectly with the vision I shared in that blog post.


The upcoming interaction between Musk and Modi is a testament to the progress made in fostering sustainable energy solutions globally.



Call to Action:


To the Indian government and stakeholders involved in the meeting with Elon Musk, I urge you to seize this opportunity to collaborate with Tesla and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions in India.


Embrace this meeting as a catalyst for sustainable development and innovation in the country.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Wednesday 14 August 2024

Vocational Training



Context :

Class 6-8 kids to now get vocational training   …… TOI ………. 30 July 2024

Extract :

The Union education ministry on Monday notified guidelines for implementation of bag less days for classes 6-8 and making learning in schools more joyful, experiential and stress-free. The guidelines, developed by PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, a unit of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), were released on the fourth anniversary of the new National Education Policy (NEP), 2020.

The NEP, 2020, had recommended that all students in classes 6-8 participate in a 10-day bag-less period.

"The idea behind 10 bag-less days is to make them an integral part of the teaching learning process rather than an add-on to the existing scheme of studies of education from classes 6-8. It will not only reduce the boundaries between the bookish knowledge and application of knowledge but also
expose children to the skill requirements in the work areas, thus helping them to decide the future career path," the guidelines stated.

"Every student will take a
fun course during classes 6-8 that gives a survey and hands-on experience of a sampling of important vocational craft such as carpentry, electric work, metal work, gardening, pottery making, etc, as decided by states and local communities and as mapped by local skilling needs," they added.

The ministry said all students would participate in the 10-day bag-less period sometime during classes 6-8 during which they would intern with local vocational experts such as carpenters, gardeners, potters, etc.

"Ten bag-less days activities can be accommodated in any number of slots in an annual calendar. But it is advisable to keep two or three slots. While developing an annual work plan, all subject teachers may be involved. If necessary, indoor and outdoor activities may be clubbed in a day," the guidelines stated.

Visit and survey of vegetable markets; charity visits; survey and report writing on pet care; doodling, kite making and flying; organising a book fair; sitting under a banyan tree; and visiting a biogas plant and solar energy park are among the recommended activities in the NCERT guidelines.

Among other initiatives launched on the NEP anniversary were dedicated TV channels to facilitate learning of various Indian languages; a Tamil channel;
primers for early graders in 25 Indian languages; career guidance guidelines; National Mission for Mentoring and National Professional Standards for Teachers in braille and audiobooks; school innovation marathon by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and a book on graduation attributes and professional competencies.

Four books and lecture notes aimed at promoting Indian knowledge systems among students and teachers were also launched.

"The four-year journey of NEP, 2020, has been about bringing in transformative change in the country's education system for nurturing a new generation of learners. NEP, 2020, stands as a symbol of hope for transforming the learning landscape, harnessing the country's demographic dividend, empowering the population and driving socio-economic development," Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said in a message.

"Implementation of NEP has made learning more vibrant and guided in
making the country's education more futuristic, rooted, global and outcome-oriented," he added.

The Akhil Bharatiya Siksha Samagam has been conceptualised as an event to celebrate the adoption of NEP, 2020, to reinvigorate the commitment of various stakeholders for its effective implementation and to realise the collective strength for achievement of shared goals through collaborative efforts.


Dear Shri Modiji ,

Just a few minutes ago , in your address to the nation on the 77th anniversary of

 our Independence , you said ( in essence ) :

  We are in the process of implementing a New Education Policy , which will help

 our youth to acquire skills and not only serve the local industries but even

 companies in foreign countries 

It is heartening that this NEP – 2020 , is in the process of implementing one of the

key suggestions contained in my following REPORT , sent to Prof. Ashok Chandra ,

Ministry of Education , in 1985 :



With Regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in / 15 Aug 2024

Related Reading :

From  the report >  CHALLENGE OF EDUCATION    




NOVEMBER 4, 1985


Professor Ashok Chandra
Educational Advisor (T)

Ministry of Education

Government of India

New Delhi- 110 001


Dear Sir,



Kindly refer to your letter dated September 4, 1985. Along with a copy of the report “ challenge of education- A policy Perspective.


I have pleasure in sending herewith some preliminary thoughts on Education Policy.


These have been compiled by me along with two of my colleagues, Mr. I.R. Sethi & Mr. V.K.Mahajan.


The Thoughts expresses herewith are personal view of the authors and not of our organization.


In case you find that some of the thoughts expresses in this folder are worth pursuing by developing a sharp, time-bond ACTION=PLAN. And if you like me to associate with such an exercise, please feel free to write to me.


I think I should also mention my association with education institutions. At present I am a member of the Governing Councils/ Board of Governors of :


-     Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute          - Bombay

-     Fr. Agnel Polytechnic                           -  Bombay

-     L&T Institute of Technology (LTIT)          -  Bombay

-     Regional Engineering College                 -  Surat



I am happy to enclose herewith a booklet on LTIT- which, I hope, you will find useful.


With kind regards,

Yours faithfully,









==================================== ==========================

MSME apprenticeship


Context :



MSME apprenticeship may become shorter, better-paid


Extract from the article:


The article discusses the potential transformation of the MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) apprenticeship program into shorter, better-paid opportunities.


This shift aims to enhance the attractiveness of apprenticeships, providing improved compensation to apprentices. The proposal includes incentivizing MSMEs to train at least two apprentices annually under the Apprentice Act by subsidizing the stipend paid to trainees by 50%. Moreover, there would be no obligation for MSMEs to absorb the trainees after their training.


The primary goal is to significantly increase the number of apprentices trained annually, addressing the current limitation in funding and time for constructing new training centers.


The focus is on revolutionizing the apprenticeship landscape by making it more lucrative and efficient, ultimately aiming to boost skill development, productivity, and employment opportunities within the MSME sector.



My Take:


Training Shortcut - Online Virtual Reality…….11/01/2024


"Reflecting on my past blog, I emphasized the importance of VR-based training for apprentices, an aspect now gaining traction in the proposed MSME apprenticeship changes.


Offering VR headsets to MSMEs for training could be a game-changer in enhancing skill development and engagement."


For Attn Smt. Sitharamanji - For Budget………31/10/2023


"In my earlier blog addressed to the Ministry for implementation of MaanDhan Scheme, I highlighted the need for incentivizing MSMEs to train apprentices.


The current proposal aligns with my suggestion of subsidizing trainee stipends and eliminating the obligation to absorb them post-training, fostering a more dynamic and sustainable apprenticeship ecosystem."



Apprentices - Hire Any Number Without………………28/01/2022


"Proposing a change in the apprentice-to-worker ratio, I emphasized the potential for increased demand for ITI-trained students.


The extended retention period for ITI-trained workers under the amended Apprentice Act aligns with the objective of making MSMEs more competitive by reducing labor costs.


This could lead to a paradigm shift in the supply chain dynamics, enhancing the overall competitiveness of Indian products in the global market."



Call to Action:


To the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and MSMEs: Embrace the proposed changes in the apprenticeship system to drive skill development, enhance productivity, and create more inclusive employment opportunities within the MSME sector.


Invest in innovative training methods like VR-based programs and consider the long-term benefits of nurturing a skilled workforce through revamped apprenticeship initiatives.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



EU targets TikTok


Context :


EU targets TikTok, other apps over AI risk to elections

Extract from the article:


The Indian School of Business (ISB) has introduced a professional certificate programme in digital marketing aimed at enhancing professionals' skills in the ever-evolving field of digital marketing.


The curriculum, crafted by industry experts, is tailored to meet the demands of the industry and equip participants with the necessary knowledge and expertise. This program stands out for catering specifically to industry professionals seeking to advance their careers in digital marketing.




My Take:


Proposal for Franchisee from College of Digital Marketing……07/08/2014


In my blog discussing the expansion of educational institutes into digital marketing programs, I emphasized the importance of offering programs that cater to various segments of society.


The initiative taken by the College of Digital Marketing aligns with the current trend observed at ISB, where specialized programs target professionals. This showcases the growing importance of digital marketing education across different levels of expertise.



Hemen For What It's Worth, It's Never………03/05/2015


Back in one of my blogs, I highlighted the increasing relevance of digital marketing in today's scenario. The need to capitalize on digital marketing skills before it becomes a necessity resonates with ISB's initiative to upskill professionals in this domain.


ISB's focus on comprehensive training aligns with the notion of mastering all aspects of internet marketing, emphasizing the urgency to adapt to the digital landscape.



Call to Action:


To the professionals seeking to excel in digital marketing, I urge you to consider the professional certificate programme offered by the Indian School of Business.


Embracing continuous learning and adapting to the digital era is vital for career growth.

Enrolling in specialized programs like the one at ISB can provide the necessary skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic field of digital marketing.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Tuesday 13 August 2024

PNG Adoption

Context : 

Preparations for Modi regime 3.0: To fire up PNG adoption, govt may hand out free connections

Extract :


The article from The Economic Times discusses the government's potential strategy to boost the adoption of PNG (Piped Natural Gas) by providing free connections to the economically disadvantaged.


With an aim to stimulate the adoption of PNG, the government is contemplating distributing free connections to the poor. This move is part of the preparations for what is being referred to as "Modi regime 3.0." By offering free connections, the government intends to make clean energy more accessible to those who might otherwise struggle to afford it. This initiative aims to have a cascading effect on both the environment and the economy.


Amidst various strategies to enhance the reach of PNG, such as expanding the network and encouraging more consumers to switch to PNG, the provision of free connections is poised to be a significant step.


By making PNG accessible to a broader segment of the population, the government is not only promoting clean energy but also potentially spurring economic growth and development in the long run.


This proactive approach towards PNG adoption demonstrates the government's commitment to sustainability and inclusive growth.



My Take:


Digitized India ?...........................12/07/2020


In my previous blog post titled "Digitized India," I proposed the distribution of laptops or tablets to students with the aim of digital empowerment.


This idea resonates with the current government's plan to provide free PNG connections to economically disadvantaged households. Just as technology can empower individuals, access to clean energy like PNG can uplift households and communities.


The synergy between digitization and energy adoption underscores the holistic approach needed for comprehensive development.



Thank You, Bombay High Court………………………10/08/2021

Reflecting on my blog "Thank You, Bombay High Court," where I addressed the importance of governmental initiatives and policies, the current move to provide free PNG connections aligns with the idea of proactive governance.


By taking steps to enhance energy access, the government showcases its commitment to improving the quality of life for its citizens.


This initiative not only addresses environmental concerns but also underscores the government's focus on social welfare.



Call to Action:


To the policymakers and authorities involved in the initiative to provide free PNG connections, I urge you to ensure transparent and efficient implementation of this plan.


It is essential to reach out to the intended beneficiaries effectively and monitor the impact of this initiative closely.


Additionally, I encourage fostering awareness campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of switching to PNG and the importance of sustainable energy practices.

With regards, 


Hemen Parekh

