Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Following the Footsteps of the Famous



When you visit the “ Prepare for JEE – NEET – CET “ section of www.My-Teacher.in , you come across following statement :

“ Over 294 Quintillion Unique tests. Yes , our system can generate more than 294 Quintillion unique Test Papers from our extensive question bank , ensuring no two tests are ever the same “

How do we conjure up this ( seemingly similar ) Magic ?

Our clever team member ( developer ) Kishan explains as follows :

Here's how the LLM's intelligence is leveraged:

When generating questions, the LLM was instructed to determine the difficulty based on factors such as the complexity of the concept, and the potential for confusion among students.

For example, simple recall or basic concept questions may be classified as 'Easy,' questions requiring multi-step reasoning as 'Medium,' and questions involving advanced concepts or tricky interpretations as 'Hard

Now , I was vaguely aware that Microsoft uses some similar process for generating UNIQUE test papers for its online exams of MCSE . So I asked ChatGPT to compare our feature with that of Microsoft . It came up with the following tabulation ( - a vindication of my request to NTA to adopt this technology for administering NEET ) :




MCSE Certification Tests


To generate unique tests for students, ensuring consistent difficulty across different sets.

To ensure test integrity by providing unique questions with consistent difficulty across test-takers.

Technology Used

Utilizes LLM (Large Language Model) to determine question difficulty based on concept complexity and confusion potential.

Uses adaptive testing technology and a large question pool to maintain consistent difficulty.

Difficulty Determination

Questions are classified as 'Easy,' 'Medium,' or 'Hard' based on the complexity and reasoning required.

Questions are tailored in difficulty, maintaining an overall balanced difficulty level across different test versions.

Test Composition

Each test includes 2 easy, 2 hard, and 6 medium-level questions, selected from the database.

Each test is generated from a large question pool, with questions dynamically selected to match the required difficulty level.

Purpose of Question Variation

Ensures that even though all questions vary, the test difficulty remains consistent for all students.

Prevents cheating by ensuring two test-takers cannot receive identical questions, while maintaining consistent difficulty.


Designed to be scalable for different students across various subjects and grades.

Scalable for different candidates globally across various certification tracks.

Both systems aim to provide a fair and consistent assessment experience by dynamically adjusting the test content to maintain a consistent level of difficulty.



With Regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  www.HemenParekh.ai  /  04 Sept 2024


A Swiss Army Knife ?



Following advt appeared on the front page of Hindustan Times ( 03 Sept 2024 ) . It was inserted by a leading Education Institute :


In the photo above , you get to see only 2 out of a total of 12 questions posed – each ( except for the 12th question ) , offering a reader , 9 options to choose from – presumably implying that the readers who have school going children , would know – and choose – the name of the advertising institute

Among those 9 options , there is no mention of >  www.My-Teacher.in

That is understandable, considering that www.My-Teacher.in , is barely 2 months old

An infant among giants

Then there is one more reason .

 www.My-Teacher.in does not claim to be a Swiss Army Knife , which offers 12 different tools which are routinely used by :

Ø  An Electrician

Ø  A  Carpenter

Ø  A  Mistry

Ø  A  Housewife

Ø  A  Mason

Ø  A  Tailor ………… etc etc


www.My-Teacher.in , offers only 3 sharply focused tools for  school going children , viz :

     >   Answers for Syllabus related Questions ( from 1st Standard to 12th Standard )

Ø  Answers for "Questions Beyond Syllabus" ( for developing an inquisitive mind )

Ø  Prepare for JEE - NEET – CET ( 294 Quintillion Mock Tests with MCQ answers )


Dear Parents / Students :


Some of you may be wondering why the advertiser missed out ( on purpose ? ) following option :

   Mock Test generation of which of the following Educational Institutes, is TOTALLY FREE – and can be accessed on your mobile browser , without need for registering / login ? Which service gives you instant feedback ( Correct or Incorrect ) along with explanation of why your chosen option was right or wrong ? “

That would have forced the advertiser to add to the list of those institutions > www.My-Teacher.in  !

But of course , “ One has to make right choices for one’s career and life “


With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  www.HemenParekh.ai  /  04 Sept 2024

National Guard Involvement


U.S. Security Council and National Guard Involvement





The U.S. National Security Council has maintained control over the U.N. Security Council for over three decades. Moreover, the National Security Service has been actively engaged with U.N. security services for an extended period.


Additionally, the National Guard has been on duty in the United States since 2007, highlighting the significant role of security agencies in the country's governance and international relations.


The involvement of these key security bodies underscores the complex interplay between national security interests and global diplomatic efforts, shaping the strategic landscape of international relations and ensuring the safety and stability of nations.



My Take:


From Inter-Pol to Inter-Mil?........16-09-2015


Reflecting on the transition from global police cooperation to the potential rise of international military alliances seems eerily relevant in today's context of heightened security concerns.


The evolution from Inter-Pol to Inter-Mil signifies a shift in addressing global threats, mirroring the current discussions around the role of security councils in managing international crises.


The notion of combating terrorism and maintaining global peace resonates with the contemporary discourse on national security dynamics.



MetaVerse Morphs to Meta-Worse……..24-10-2023


Just as the Metaverse undergoes transformations leading to unforeseen challenges, the political nomination dynamics also experience shifts that demand adaptive responses.


The need for agility in navigating evolving security landscapes parallels the agility required in the digital realm.


Adapting to existential crises, whether in the virtual or political sphere, calls for foresight, collaboration, and decisive action to safeguard interests and maintain stability.



Call to Action:


To the U.S. National Security Council and relevant authorities: Embrace the evolving security landscape with a forward-looking approach that balances national interests with global cooperation. Prioritize strategic alliances and diplomatic initiatives to address emerging threats effectively and ensure the resilience of security structures.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



A Mocking Bird ?



Dear Parents / Students ,


How about following example of a Mock Test ( JEE – NEET – CET ) generated by : www.My-Teacher.in  ?

Let me assure you that even if you or your child picks the wrong option while attempting to solve this question paper, no one mocks you

If anything, in such a case, www.My-Teacher.in , will go out of its way to tell why your option is incorrect and what is the correct option – and why !

This is a matter of “ Self Education “ – a matter of “ Programmed Learning “ at its best


Dear Parents :

www.My-Teacher.in  is designed to increase your child’s self Esteem

And that is not all  !

When she picks the correct option, www.My-Teacher.in , flashes following message :

“ Brag To Your Classmates “

Hey there ,

If you want your child to feel proud, tell her about www.My-Teacher.in

Regards /  hemen Parekh

PS :

Since My-Teacher generates 294,000 BILLION , unique Question Papers , it is just impossible that you will ever come across the very same following Quiz , no matter how many times you try !



Question No 1 :



An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 10,000 V. Its de-Broglie wavelength is, (nearly):


Your Options are :


1.2 × 10^-12 m

1.2 × 10^-14 m

1.2 nm

1.2 × 10^-13 m


Question No 2 :

An inductor of 20 mH, a capacitor of 50 μF, and a resistor of 40Ω are connected in series across a source of emf V = 10340 sin(t). What is the power loss in the AC circuit?


Your Options are :


0.67 W

0.76 W

0.89 W

0.51 W



Question No 3 :

The energy of a photon ejected when the electron jumps from n=3 state to n=2 state of hydrogen is approximately?


Your Options are :


1.5 eV

0.85 eV

3.4 eV

1.9 eV



Question No 4 :

What is the formula for kinetic energy?


Your Options are :


KE = 1/2 mv²

KE = mv

KE = mgh

KE = 2mv



Question No 5 :

A point mass m is moved in a vertical circle of radius r with the help of a string. The velocity of the mass is 7gr at the lowest point. The tension in the string at the lowest point is


Your Options are :








Question No 6 :

What is the velocity of B when angle α = 60° if A is moving at 10 m/s?


Your Options are :


9.8 m/s

10 m/s

5.8 m/s

17.3 m/s



Question No 7 :

The energy of ground electronic state of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. The energy of the first excited state will be?


Your Options are :


-54.4 eV

-27.2 eV

-6.8 eV

-3.4 eV



Question No 8 :

For protecting a sensitive equipment from the external magnetic field, it should be


Your Options are :


placed inside an aluminium can

placed inside an iron can

wrapped with insulation around it when passing current through it

surrounded with fine copper sheet



Question No 9 :

The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has radius R, one end of which has n fine holes, each of radius r. If the speed of the liquid in the tube is v, the speed of the ejection of the liquid through the holes is


Your Options are :


v R \frac{n}{r^2}

v R \frac{n}{r^2}

v R \frac{n}{r^3}

v \frac{R}{n r^2}



Question  No 10 :

The number of translational degree of freedom for a diatomic gas is


Your Options are :










List of Blogs relating My Teacher


Ø  Teach Your Child To Think  ………………………………….. ………………………………………..01 July 2024

Ø  AI based Education Tools from India………………………………………………………………. 07 July 2024

Ø  Yes , Your Company can Donate an Interactive Panel to a Village School  …… 07 July 2024

Ø  Teach your Child to ask “ Why “……………………………………………………………………….. 08 July 2024

Ø  For a Creative Child : Questions Beyond Syllabus.. …………………………………………..11 July 2024

Ø  Getting Your Children ready for Computer based NEET- JEE……………………………. 12 July 2024

Ø  At Home Practicing for NEET – JEE – CUET – SAFAL ?.................................. 28 July 2024

Ø  SARAL : For Students without Teacher / Text Book…………………………………………… 31 July 2024

Ø  Let 150 gm Mobile replace 6000 gm Schoolbag…………………………………………………. 02 Aug 2024

Ø  Breaking News …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Aug 2024

Ø  Why should Your Child ask " WHY " ? ………………………………………………………………… 20 Aug 2024

Ø  Is Your Child Ready for the New 12th Exam Rules? Start Today!"  …………………. 28 Aug 2024

Ø  The USP of www.My-Teacher.in................................................................. 29 Aug 2024

Ø  Past Years’ Question Papers ? No Way !...................................................... 30 Aug 2024

Ø  Hallucinating Hemen ?  .. ……………………………………………………………………………………..01 Sept 2024

Ø  Mid Term Monster ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 03 Sept 2024

Ø   A Mocking Bird ?  ...................................................... 03 Sept 2024

         A Swiss Army Knife ?  ,,.... ...........................................03 Sept 2024

        Following the Footsteps of the Famous ........................... 03 Sept 2024

Digital Court in Kerala


Chief Justice DY Chandrachud to open India's first digital court in Kerala on Friday




India is set to witness a significant step towards digitization in the legal system as Chief Justice DY Chandrachud will inaugurate the country's first digital court in Kerala.


The digital court will cater specifically to cases under the Negotiable Instruments Act in Kollam.


Alongside the digital court, the inauguration of a model digital courtroom and an online dispute resolution system will also take place during this event.


This move marks a crucial advancement in leveraging technology to streamline legal proceedings and enhance access to justice through digital means.



My Take:


Virtual Courts: Technology is Mandatory: 11/10/2023


In my blog post titled "Virtual Courts: Technology is Mandatory," I emphasized the critical role of technology in the judicial system, echoing the sentiments expressed by Chief Justice Chandrachud regarding the importance of digitizing court records and enabling e-filing of cases.


The shift towards virtual hearings and online dispute resolution systems, as exemplified by the inauguration of India's first digital court, aligns with the predictions and recommendations I made earlier.


This initiative not only reflects the evolution towards a more tech-savvy legal framework but also underscores the necessity of adapting to digital tools for efficient court functioning.


Reflecting on my blog post where I expressed gratitude towards Justice Chandrachud's advocacy for digitization and e-filing in courts, it is heartening to see his efforts materialize with the launch of the first digital court in India.


His proactive approach in pushing for technological advancements in the legal domain, as highlighted in my earlier writings, is now paving the way for a more accessible and streamlined justice delivery system.


The event in Kerala serves as a testament to the foresight and progressive mindset advocated in my previous blog posts, showcasing tangible outcomes resulting from embracing digital solutions in the judicial landscape.



Call to Action:


To all high court chief justices and legal authorities, I urge you to take inspiration from the groundbreaking step of inaugurating India's first digital court.


Embrace technological advancements, prioritize digitization of court processes, and promote e-filing to enhance efficiency and accessibility in the legal system.


Let's collectively work towards a future where technology plays a pivotal role in ensuring swift and transparent justice delivery for all.




With regards, 


Hemen Parekh

