Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Samudra Manthan [ Ocean Churning ] V 2.0

10,000  B C  (  Ancient  Legend  )

I am reminded of an ancient Indian legend of “ Samudra Manthan “ [ Ocean Churning ]

It seems Devas ( Good people ) and Asuras ( Bad people ) got together to churn the ocean , both desirous to get their hands on AMRUT ( Nectar of Immortality ) , hidden within the ocean

They picked the mountain MERU as the churning tool  and the huge snake WASUKI ,as the rope with which to rotate the tool , with one end of WASUKI held by the DEVAS and the other by the ASURAS

After a lot of churning , many things surfaced , some good and some bad

Then came out VISH ( Poison ) !

No one wanted that !  It would , instantly kill who-so-ever came anywhere near it

So , both the parties jointly petitioned Lord Shiva to drink it , in order to save them from complete annihilation by the poison

Being a generous and mankind loving God , Shiva drank the poison and held it firmly in his throat and became known as NEEL-KANTH ( God with green-coloured throat )

I have forgotten if the legend makes any mention of finding that AMRUT and who benefitted by drinking it

But I do find some striking similarities between this legend and our Information / Data driven society of today  !

Just substitute as follows :

*  Ocean ( SAMUDRA )    =    Database of past-present-future “ THOUGHTS “ of entire

*  Churn ( MANTHAN  )     =   Big Data Predictive


*  Mountain (  MERU  )      =   Internet Connected  Devices ( IoT )

*  Rope   (  WASUKI  )       =   Artificial Intelligence ( AI )

*  Good  People ( DEVAs )  =   Scientists finding solutions to human misery

*  Bad People  ( ASURAs )  =   Greedy / Selfish / Power-hungry politicians

*  Poison  ( VISH  )            =   Malware / Spiders / Hackers / Evil software / Terrorists

*  God    ( NEEL-KANTH )   =   Central Server storing all “ Thoughts “ of mankind

02  May   2018  (  Today’s  Legend  )

Now, customers with no prior credit score can easily get loans

The burgeoning online lending segment in India is also giving rise to a new kind of challenge on sourcing credit score data.

To solve this problem, several fintech companies are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to create alternate lending data score for more than 80 per cent of the Indian population who have no credit scores.

From the place where people live to the restaurants they visit to their digital footprints on social media, ML captures it all.

2020  A D  (  Tomorrow’s  Legend  )

Following news snippet appeared in Times of India ( 29 April ) :

Misbehaviour on-board one of China’s high speed trains ( 20,000 km built in past 10 years ), can hurt a citizen’s credit score

The warning should not be taken lightly because, come 2020, a state backed  Social Credit Scheme “ will become mandatory

A loan default by a friend or a snide comment on social media could affect creditworthiness

Government will profile citizens based on their Commercial , Social , Trust and Judicial Credibility

Even refusing state incentives, say, by not having two kids, could be held against a citizen



Chinese  Surveillance  is  getting  into  Workers'  Heads 


Here’s how it works. Lightweight sensors embedded in workers’ hats or helmets wirelessly transmit the wearer’s brainwave data to a computer — it probably works a bit like an electroencephalogram (EEG), as MIT Tech Review notes

Then, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms scan the data, looking for outliers that could indicate anxiety or rage.


Question :

How can we use our ANCIENT LEGEND to save the Mankind from the Poison and find that elusive AMRUT  ?

By substituting :

*  Nectar  (  AMRUT  )        =   ARIHANT-  the Saviour

02  May  2018

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