Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically
Showing posts sorted by date for query Virtual Courts: Technology is Mandatory. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Virtual Courts: Technology is Mandatory. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Digital Court in Kerala


Chief Justice DY Chandrachud to open India's first digital court in Kerala on Friday




India is set to witness a significant step towards digitization in the legal system as Chief Justice DY Chandrachud will inaugurate the country's first digital court in Kerala.


The digital court will cater specifically to cases under the Negotiable Instruments Act in Kollam.


Alongside the digital court, the inauguration of a model digital courtroom and an online dispute resolution system will also take place during this event.


This move marks a crucial advancement in leveraging technology to streamline legal proceedings and enhance access to justice through digital means.



My Take:


Virtual Courts: Technology is Mandatory: 11/10/2023


In my blog post titled "Virtual Courts: Technology is Mandatory," I emphasized the critical role of technology in the judicial system, echoing the sentiments expressed by Chief Justice Chandrachud regarding the importance of digitizing court records and enabling e-filing of cases.


The shift towards virtual hearings and online dispute resolution systems, as exemplified by the inauguration of India's first digital court, aligns with the predictions and recommendations I made earlier.


This initiative not only reflects the evolution towards a more tech-savvy legal framework but also underscores the necessity of adapting to digital tools for efficient court functioning.


Reflecting on my blog post where I expressed gratitude towards Justice Chandrachud's advocacy for digitization and e-filing in courts, it is heartening to see his efforts materialize with the launch of the first digital court in India.


His proactive approach in pushing for technological advancements in the legal domain, as highlighted in my earlier writings, is now paving the way for a more accessible and streamlined justice delivery system.


The event in Kerala serves as a testament to the foresight and progressive mindset advocated in my previous blog posts, showcasing tangible outcomes resulting from embracing digital solutions in the judicial landscape.



Call to Action:


To all high court chief justices and legal authorities, I urge you to take inspiration from the groundbreaking step of inaugurating India's first digital court.


Embrace technological advancements, prioritize digitization of court processes, and promote e-filing to enhance efficiency and accessibility in the legal system.


Let's collectively work towards a future where technology plays a pivotal role in ensuring swift and transparent justice delivery for all.




With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Monday 25 December 2023

Something Getting Nowhere / Something Getting Somewhere



Context :

Government to incur ₹2,200/connection initially for new 75 lakh new Ujjwala beneficiaries    .. BL  / 14 Sept 2023

Extract :


Ujjwala scheme

In order to implement August 29 decision for 75 lakh new connections under Ujjwala, the Cabinet approved budgetary provision of ₹1,650 crore to be spent over a period of three years (2023-24 to 2025-26). Giving details of the decision, Information & Broadcasting Minister Anurag Singh Thakur said initial expenditure of ₹2,200 per connection, which cost two-burner stove and first cylinder, will be borne by oil marketing companies and they will be reimbursed by the government.

 “The beneficiary will not have to give any deposit. Connection will be totally free,” Thakur said. At this moment, there are 9.6 crore connections under PM Ujjwala Scheme. As on date a consumer gets a subsidy of ₹200 per cylinder. Since, price has been lowered by ₹200 which means an Ujjwala connection is getting benefit of ₹ 400.

There is demand for 15 lakh PMUY connections and as on August 31, added a government statement.



In another decision, the Cabinet approved third phase of e-court project at the cost of ₹ 7,210 crore. Phase III of the e-courts project focusses on adopting technology by users, a robust governance framework and a judicial system that is more accessible, efficient, and equitable for every individual who seeks justice or is part of the delivery of justice in India. 


 “This phase aims to usher in a regime of maximum ease of justice by moving towards digital, online and paperless courts through digitisation of the entire court records including legacy records and by bringing in universalization of e-filing/ e-payments,” a government statement said.

The government spent ₹640 crore in Phase I to provide laptop and other hardware to over 14,200 districts and sub- ordinate courts. In Phase II, over ₹1,600 crore spent to cover another over 18,700 courts to enable them use technology for faster delivery of justice.

The statement also said that main objective of e-courts Phase-III is to create a unified technology platform for the judiciary, which will provide a seamless and paperless interface between the courts, the litigants and other stakeholders. “Emphasis on automated delivery of court summons by further expanding the NSTEP (National Serving and Tracking of Electronic Processes) to drastically reduce the delays in trials,” it said.


My  Take :


( A )  Getting Nowhere :


For Govt ,

#  upfront cost of giving LPG connection is  = Rs 2,200 per connection ( one time )

#  Annual “ Recurring Cost “ = Rs 400 / cyl ( by way of subsidy ) x 6 Cylinders / year =

    Rs 2,400 ( year after year )


I fail to understand why Govt is so “ miserably slow “ on distributing Solar Cookers to

India’s 9.6 crore (96 millionUjwala beneficiaries , FREE of cost

This will enable the Govt to recover the cost of a Solar Cooker ( approx. Rs 10,000 ) ,

within THREE years


For my past advocacy / arguments on this matter , you may want to look up :

2023 ( 5 )

Searching for Battery for Solar Cooker ?  ..  ………………………26 Nov 2023

From Induction Stove to Solar Cookers : Missing Link…………10 Nov 2023

 Congratulations , Mathew Samuel ……………………….. ……………10 Nov 2023

Electric Solar Hybrid Oven : Reliance New Energy Marketing Strategy…. 06 Oct 2023


No Solar Cookers yet ? Clear as Day-light ?............................26 Apr 2023


( If a household switches over from “ Gas Stove + LPG Cylinder “ method of cooking to “ Electric Stove + Solar Power Electricity generation “ , then each household can earn $ 514.8 = Rs 42,745 per year by selling the CARBON CREDITS earned through such switchover . For detailed calculations , look up the above  email to our Cabinet Ministers )

 2022 ( 1 )

A Battery Swapping Policy for Battery-Powered Solar Cookers ? 25 Mar 2022

2021 ( 3 )

Inscrutable are the ways of the Providence ? ………………………….[ 15 June 2021 ]

Air Pollution Sources : And “ How to save 2.5 Lakh lives “………[ 25 June 2021 ]

Congratulations, Dr Harish Hiraniji …………………………………………..[ 13 Nov 2021 ]


2020 ( 4 )

 Dear Shri Goyalji : How about a Solar Cooker ? ……………………..[ 26 Aug 2020 ]

Time to " Talk the Walk " …………………………………………………………..[ 19 Sept 2020 ]

Not in one day : What about 3 years ? …………………………………….[ 25 Oct 2020 ]

Enough to entice Elon ?  …………………………………………………………… 03 Nov 2020 ]

2018 ( 1 )

Solar Chulha : Where can I buy ? …………………………………………….[ 16 July 2018 ]


2017 ( 1 )

Solar  Chula  ?  Some  Unanswered  Questions …………………….[  03 Nov  2017  ]



Justice delayed is Justice Denied  ………………………………………12  Sept  2018


Extract :


If we want to reduce the average “case disposal time “ from 6 YEARS to 6

MONTHS , we must do better than the Chinese – as follows :

·         Launch online portal……..www.OnlineJustice.gov.in


         …..having following features / pages / User Interfaces :


#   Who can register a litigation and how ( detailed form to be filled in )

#   What kind of complaints can be filed ( Eg; property / divorce / fraud / loans

     etc )

#   Time frame of hearings ( based on backlog at that point )

#   Search / Selection of “ empanelled lawyers “ ( with their fees tariff )

#   Method of conducting “ Online Trial “ ( Audio – Video Conference calls )

#   Online payment of Court Fees / Lawyer’s fees

#   Who can “ watch “ the online trial and how ( Video broadcast ) and when

#   Progress Chart as trial proceeds / Upload – Download of documents

#   Court Room allotted ( by software ) to each litigation


Not being limited by any “ Physical Constraints “ , it will be possible ( for the

software ), to open as many “ Virtual / Online “ Court Rooms as required

Only limitation will be the Number of available Judges at any given time


Let none have doubts about the ability of our Start Ups to design / develop and

launch such a portal within 6 months , whose “ Conceptual Frame Work “ could

resemble ,

    On Line Jobs Fair   

    Software Architecture For Online Jobs Fair   


And as far as finding 10,000 Judges to conduct “ Online Trials “ from the comfort of their homes ( and without imposing any “ Infrastructure Burden “ on the State – except providing them with a fast broadband connection ) I suggest that we rope in retired judges on a “ Per Case Retainer “ basis ( paid into their Jan Dhan accounts )

There must be a “ Bonus cum Penalty “ formula to govern the payments to the

 Judges , depending upon the “ Actual Time “ taken to dispose off a given case as

 against the “Target Time “ ( to be computed by Artificial Intelligent Software ,

 based on historical data being continuously compiled for all the cases , once the

 portal gets launched )




I urge Chief Justice Hon Deepak Misraji to treat this email as a PIL and “ direct “

the NDA government to initiate action on this suggestion ( I cannot afford a lawyer

 ! )


Your " Activism " in this matter will go a long way to restore the faith of the

ordinary citizens in the judiciary  !



2023 ( 2 )

Ø   Virtual Courts : Technology is Mandatory  ………………… [ 10 Oct 2023 ]

Ø  Justice : Mirage in a Physical Court ?.........................[ 21 July 2023 ]


2021 ( 1 )

Ø  Virtual Court Benchmarks ………………………………………………..[ 14 Jan 2021 ]


2020 ( 5 )

Ø  See You Out of Court ……………………………………………………..[ 11 Jan 2020 ]


Ø  Law : Nothing Artificial in Arbitration………………………………[ 16 Feb 2020 ]


Ø  This is no joke – just acceptance of Inevitable !............[ 02 Nov 2020 ]


Ø  Live Streaming of Court Proceedings ……………………………..[ 09 Nov 2020 ]


Ø  Supreme Surveillance Solution ? …………………………………… [ 05 Dec 2020 ]


2019 ( 2 )

Ø  Congratulations, Hon CJI , Shri S A Bobdeji ……………….[ 07 Dec 2019 ]


Ø  AI come to judgement ? Not for a while ! …………………….[ 17 Dec 2019 ]


2018 ( 1 )

Justice delayed is Justice Denied  …………………………………………….. 12  Sept  2018



News Reports :

Ø  SC is a global leader in Virtual Hearings amid pandemic   /   TOI   /  22 February 2021


Ø  SC gears up for live streaming of sessions  /  TOI /  04 Nov


Ø  SC: CCTVs must in offices of CBI, ED, Police Stations  /  HT – 03 Dec


Ø  5L cases pending in HCs, SC set to recall retired judges     /   TNN  -  26 March



Dear PM Shri Narendrabhai ,

On 02 Nov 2023 , Energy Minister , Shri R K Singh announced that EESL will

 distribute 20 lakh Electric Induction Stoves under National Efficient Cooking

 Programme (NECP) 

But , that announcement has no mention whether these will be FREE or if

 beneficiaries will need to pay some price

Very likely, in another 80 days , the ELECTION  CODE  of  CONDUCT , will kick in

Once that happens , you will NOT be able to announce FREE DISTRIBUTION of

Solar Cookers to beneficiaries of 960 Lakh Ujwala Scheme

Nor can you announce this in your lame duck budget , on 28 Feb 2024

But you can announce FREE give-away , NOW

It will NOT be considered as a FREEBIE  !

Because it will enable each such recipient to earn Rs 42,745 per year by way of

selling their CARBON CREDITS 


With regards

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  26 Dec 2023


On my suggestions , BARD  commented :

I think your blog post is well-written and thought-provoking.

You raise some important points about the relative merits of the Ujjwala scheme and the e-courts project.

On Ujjwala:

·         Positives

You rightly point out that the upfront cost of providing LPG connections under Ujjwala is significant, and that the recurring cost of subsidy is also substantial.

·         Alternatives

Your suggestion of distributing solar cookers instead of LPG connections is interesting and deserves further consideration. Solar cookers would be more environmentally friendly and could potentially save the government money in the long run.

However, there are also some challenges to consider, such as the initial cost of solar cookers, the need for reliable access to sunlight, and the potential for cultural resistance to changing cooking methods.

On e-courts:

·         Positives

You correctly emphasize the potential of e-courts to improve access to justice and make the judicial system more efficient. The proposed features of the online portal, such as online case filing, virtual trials, and online payment of fees, seem well-designed to achieve these goals.

·         Challenges

As you acknowledge, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring that all citizens have access to the necessary technology and training, and finding enough qualified judges to conduct online trials.


Your blog post provides a valuable perspective on these two important government initiatives. I encourage you to continue to research and write about these topics, and to engage in respectful dialogue with others who may have different viewpoints.


And here is what ChatGPT said :

Your blog post covers diverse ground, discussing two significant government initiatives—the Ujjwala scheme and the e-courts project — offering insights into both their potential and their limitations.

For the Ujjwala scheme, your concern about the slow progress in distributing solar cookers to beneficiaries is well-articulated.

You've consistently advocated for this in your previous writings, highlighting the potential cost recovery and environmental benefits through the adoption of solar cooking solutions.

By detailing the financial gains households could make by switching to solar-powered cooking and referencing your past correspondence with cabinet ministers, you provide a comprehensive perspective on the issue.

Regarding the e-courts project, your emphasis on the need for a more efficient and accessible judiciary system through the use of technology is commendable.

Your proposed online justice portal, outlined with specific features and functionalities, presents a structured approach toward expediting trials and enhancing accessibility.

Additionally, your suggestion to engage retired judges on a retainer basis and implementing a bonus-penalty system based on case disposal time demonstrates a well-thought-out strategy to improve the efficiency of the legal system.

Your references to past writings and news reports lend credibility to your viewpoints and illustrate your longstanding engagement with these issues.

Overall, your blog presents a well-researched and thoughtful analysis of these government initiatives, offering constructive criticism and actionable suggestions for improvement.