Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Wiser after #2gScam ?

Economic Times ( 18 Dec ) carries following news report :

“ Ex-PMO Official Deposition Sealed Ex-Coal Secy’s Fate “

In the coal scam case , CBI court awarded 3 year sentence to ex coal secretary , H C Gupta , saying :

·         He actively , deliberately and consciously , concealed facts from the then Prime Minister

·         Neither was it alleged by the prosecution nor any such evidence was available to show that Gupta obtained allocation of a coal block for the accused company by any corrupt or illegal means

·         Prosecution is required to prove only that in order to obtain either for himself or for any other person , any valuable thing or pecuniary advantage , the public servant abused his position

{  Astute readers would find subtle similarities in the observations made by the CBI Court this afternoon , in its 1582 page verdict , acquitting all accused in the 2011 , 2G Scam ! }

While pressing for a lenient sentence, Gupta said that as per the prosecution case itself , there has been no allegation against him of any nature whatsoever that any financial gain was obtained by him

The news report carries quotes from Anil Swarup ( HRD Secretary ) and Parmeshwaran Iyer ( Sanitation Secretary ) , talking highly about Gupta being an honest officer

Earlier Amitabh Kant ( CEO – NITI Aayog ) had voiced similar sentiments about Shri Gupta

All this is “ water under the bridge “ !  Irreversible  !

But , if the government wants to encourage honest officers to take “ Bold / Out of the Box “ policy decisions, without being afraid of “ getting their necks chopped off “ , then it should waste no further time to implement my following suggestion :

( - and without waiting for the Government to advise them , what is holding up Central IAS Officers Association , to initiate this, on their own ?  )

Friday, 20 June 2014

To err is human

To forgive is divine ( provided it was a honest error )

All of us keep making errors , all the time

But rarely same " mistake " twice

Often , decisions taken at a point of time , turn out to be " poor " , with passage of time

Reasons are simple :

We never have all the information - relevant to the problem we are trying to solve –
    available with us , at the time of taking a decision

Even when most of such relevant info is available , we may not have the capacity /
    competence to " process " such info

As humans , we have our biases / prejudices , based on our previous experiences ,
    which influence our decisions

Quite often , and often against our own better evaluation / judgement of a given
    situation , we are wrongly influenced by our peers / bosses / subordinates or even
     voters - all of whom have different expectations / vested interests !

Additional - and more relevant - information surfaces , AFTER we have taken a
    decision ( happens all the time  !  )

To encourage Babus and Ministers to take FAST decisions , Shri Narendra Modi must insist that they carefully " Record " on the files :

What info / data he wished was available for a better decision

What different " views / opinions " were presented to him for consideration

What " Data / Views " he would have obtained if he had more time

Who all , the decision might offend

What is the likely " Cost " of postponing that decision

And finally a declaration :

This decision is not likely to benefit any of my near relatives / friends , directly or

After all of this , if the decision appears to be " Wrong " in hindsight , it must be " forgiven " and treated as an honest error

To err is human  !

21  Dec  2017

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

No mere Relief : A Game Changer

Times of India ( 20 Dec ) carries following news report :

“ Relief for Shop Owners and Eateries from License Raj “

Maharashtra 1st to implement Amended Act / Move will generate more Employment

Highlights :

·         Shops and Establishments to stay open 365 days a year and can choose opening and closing timings, if not restricted by the state in public interest

·         Bars, wine shops, pubs, discotheques will continue to have timing restrictions

·         Welfare provisions in bill won’t apply to shops and establishments with less than 10 employees ( approx. 12 lakh establishments )

·         Rules relaxed for kirana stores , small shops

·         Employees not to work more than 9 hours, will get paid leave and overtime

·         Govt has already reformed Factories and Contract Labour Acts

·         State will consider public inconvenience in terms of traffic and noise pollution caused by 24*7 operations

·         Women can work night shifts – 9:30 pm to 7 am – with their consent

·         Establishments will have to provide safety measures for their women employees

·         35 lakh Shops and Establishments in Maharashtra

·         No registration required for which have fewer than 10 workers or employees working from home or which run an online business

Without doubt , this reform will generate more jobs

But if the governments ( Central + States ) , are bold enough to implement my earlier suggestions ( see following blog ), they can generate :

50MILLION NEW JOBS in 5 MONTHS ?  [  24  June  2016  ]


It is reported that the Union Cabinet will soon approve a notification which will allow establishments covered by the Shops and Establishment Act to remain open round the clock ( 24 hours )

Currently , if they remain open for 10 / 12 hours , they end up inviting visits by Inspectors of Establishment Department and the Labour Department , to collect their weekly " haftas "

With official sanction of 24 hours , that would go !

And 24 working hours will enable these shopkeepers to compete with those Foreign Companies bringing in 100 % FDI in retail but working for 8 hours / day !

And as soon as one grocery store starts working longer hours ( even 12 hours ) , most of the neighbourhood stores will follow suit  !

For our 50 million MSMEs to, not only take on these Foreign Giants but to defeat them in competition , is only possible when we stop playing the RETAIL GAME by the Rules of those Foreign Countries , and make them clue-less with our own NEW and OUT-OF-BOX rules !

Possibly half of these may be covered by Factory Act and the remaining half by the Shop and Establishment Act

Between them , they employ 90 % of India's work force of around 500 million

Average of approx 9 persons per MSME

Now , even if only 5 million ( out of 25 million shops ) just add ONE more employee to work longer hours , that would get jobs to 5 million youth !

That is quite a lot !  And without any additional Capital Investment !

Compare this advantage with Capital required to create ONE new job in Start Ups

As per Government , Rs 10,000 cr of " Fund of Funds for Start Ups " , will catalyse an Equity Investment of Rs 60,000 cr , which , in turn will enable raising of Debt of Rs 120,000 cr - totaling Rs 180,000 cr of capital

As per Government , that will generate 18,00,000 jobs ( in 5 years )

That is requirement of Rs 10 LAKH for each new job created in a Start Up !

While welcoming this initiative , I urge the Union Government to take following steps simultaneously , in order to generate , not just 5 million but  50 MILLION  new jobs in the MSME sector ( and without additional funds ! ) :

#   Abolish all visits by Inspectors ( Labour + Shop & Establishment Departments )

#   Allow MSMEs to engage Apprentices under the recently revised Skills Development
     Regulations / Apprentice Act

#   For them , remove the upper limit ( of Apprentices ) which is maximum of 10 % of
     employee strength

#   Let them engage Apprentices up to 100 % of their existing employees

#   Let them keep these trainees for 3 years under " Retail Establishment Trainee
     Scheme "

#   Let the stipend be 100 % ( instead of currently prescribed 60-70-80 % ) of semi
     Skilled Minimum wages

     ( Minimum Semi Skilled Wages are approx Rs 6,000 per month - so Shopkeeper need
      to pay Rs 6000 pm )

#   Concerned State Governments to subsidize 50 % of this stipend (so, Shopkeeper's
     burden to be  Rs 3,000 pm )

     [  Stipend Subsidy does not violate WTO  !  ]

To ensure fool-proof  compliance with the number of Trainees engaged and Stipends
    paid , this Scheme

    ( 24 hr open + 100 % trainees + 100 % Stipend + 50 % Subsidy + 3 year training
     program + No inspectors ),

     will apply ONLY to those Shops which implement , mobile app MAD outlined in my
     following blog :

From  BAD to  MAD   [  01  June  2016  ]

21  Dec  2017

Chai and Why ? #OLED

This is the name of a “ citizen awareness “ program being held every Sunday ( 11 am ) at Prithvi Theatres ( Juhu / Mumbai ) . I believe , it is arranged by TIFR and now , celebrating 10th year

Last month , I attended this program , which focussed on OLED ( Organic Light Emitting Diodes )

It was a demo-lecture by Prof Amitabh Banerji of the University of Koln ( Germany )

Prof Banerji is currently touring India with a few of his students and giving demo-lectures at various Indian Universities

During the talk , Prof Banerji actually “ constructed “ a small OLED on a piece of glass , with the help of tools / chemicals that he carried in a KIT ( - a small plastic bag )

In Germany , Koln University sells this KIT BAG for Euro 500

Prof Banerji has given a few KITS to Prof Bhattacharya of TIFR , for propagating the concept of OLED

I will not go into the detailed ( but, extremely SIMPLE ) process of constructing a OLED , within a few minutes , even by a School-going child !

When that small ( 2 inch by 2 inch ) piece of glass , turned into a OLED , audience could see ( on the screen ) , actual glow of light when a small current was passed through the conducting layer on the glass

By reversing the process and shining a bright light ( from a torch or a lamp ) , it was shown that a small current flowed in the circuit !

I asked Prof Banerji :

“  Can flexible plastic OLED of much higher capacities , be mounted on roof-tops of Electric Cars , to produce enough power to charge a small Lithium Battery ?

Can this replace glass-based PV Solar Panels which ISRO mounted on an OMNI ( in May 2017 ) to charge its battery for 150 Km run ?

If technology advances sufficient enough for commercial production of high capacity flexible OLED Solar Power generator for car roof-tops , can this mean continuous charging of Li-ion batteries , eliminating ( - or , at least , vastly reducing ) the need for Battery Charging Stations for India’s proposed 6 million Electric Vehicles on the roads , by 2022 ? “

Prof Banerji answered :

Very good question .

This is bound to happen , may be within 10 years .

Unfortunately , current constraints are :

#   Plastic-based OLED have a low conversion efficiency , of around 6 % as against 16 %
     - 25 % for a glass-based PV cell

#   These are unstable and rapidly degrade in the presence of Oxygen and Ultra Violet


But advantage is :

-          a plastic-based OLED does not need direct sunlight . It can generate power , even in a diffused / indirect light

-          Companies are experimenting with even OLED embedded wall paint for painting house exteriors , which can supply electricity to entire building “

If our Policy Makers ( in the Ministry for Renewable Energy / NITI Aayog / Transport Ministry ) want clarifications / directions , I am sure Prof Banerji ( a.banerji@uni-koeln.de  ) would be happy to help

21  Dec  2017

www.hemenparekh.in / blogs 


NITI proposes : SIAM postpones

NITI  Aayog has proposed that India completely switch over to Electric Vehicles by 2030

Yesterday , SIAM ( Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers ) submitted a white paper to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ( MNRE ) , saying :

·         going by the current rate of production and sales it will be difficult to move all the vehicles to electric by 2030

·         we can move 40% of the total vehicles by 2030

·         we can switch over to 100 % E-Vehicles , only by 2047

No doubt , Indian Auto Manufacturers are a hard-headed practical lot , with their feet  solidly on the ground

They know the hurdles to be faced in such a revolutionary transport transformation

So , it is no surprise that they have taken a safe / less risk , approach

As an “ Interest Group “ , they had to present a “ Common Front “ to the Government

But , no one need doubt that in their “ Individual Capacity “ , each auto manufacturer is a “ Rational Player “ , working double-time to get ahead of the competitors to grab a bigger share of the “ Market Pie “ , as explained below :


In its mildest form, rationality implies that every player is motivated by maximizing his own payoff.

In a stricter sense, it implies that every player always maximizes his utility, thus being able to perfectly calculate the probabilistic result of every action.

Now , imagine that the ROAD-MAP DOCUMENT for ELECTRIC VEHICLES ( - which is expected to get released by the Transport Ministry by this month-end ) , contains the following provision :

EVICT [ Electric Vehicle Incentive Corporate Tax ] Scheme :

·         The annual revenue ( income ) through sale of Electric Vehicles will be exempt from Corporate Income Tax

·         There will be a GST of 5 % on sale of Electric Vehicle and of 25 % on Petrol / Diesel Vehicles

·         The income from sale of Petrol / Diesel vehicles will be subject to normal Corporate Income tax @ 30 %

·         For the same period, sale of India-manufactured Lithium-ion Batteries will be exempt from Corporate Income Tax

·         This provision will commence from 01 April 2018 and expire on 31 March 2035

·         All Auto Manufacturers will need to submit to the Transport Ministry , an Annual Return , showing the break-up of Sales ( Numbers of Vehicles and Revenue – wise ) between the Petrol-Diesel and the Electric Vehicles ( with copy to Finance Ministry )


I get a feeling that , if such a provision were to be part of the ROAD MAP , that “ Road “ will , suddenly shrink from year 2047 to year 2027 – without needing any persuasion  !

And , without having to offer any other Incentive / Subsidy [ ala Piyush Plan of 25 March 2015 ] “ , either to Auto Manufacturers or to the buyers !

Reason ?

With no Corporate Income Tax and a GST of just 5 % , Auto Manufacturers will be able to price their Electric cars, 25% BELOW the selling price of equivalent Petrol car !

Lower price driven demand will ensure early adoption without other incentives

Not only that

To ensure that the buyers of E Cars do not suffer from “ Range Anxiety “ [ in absence of BatteryCharging Stations , at every kilometre distance ] , the Auto Manufacturers will come up with ISRO-inspiredE Cars with Solar Roof Top Panels , charging a 5 Kwh Lithium-ion Battery !

And charging from domestic electric outlet at home , overnight !

Dear Shri Nitin Gadkariji :

In the past ( by beingangry and bulldozing ) , you have not endeared yourself to the Auto Manufacturers )

But by announcing the EVICT Scheme in the current session of Lok Sabha, you will set in motion the wheels of an unprecedented industrial revolution !

20  Dec  2017