Economic Times ( 18 Dec )
carries following news report :
“ Ex-PMO Official Deposition Sealed
Ex-Coal Secy’s Fate “
In the coal scam case , CBI court awarded 3 year sentence to ex
coal secretary , H C Gupta
, saying :
He actively , deliberately
and consciously , concealed facts from
the then Prime Minister
Neither was it alleged by the
prosecution nor any such evidence was available to show that Gupta obtained
allocation of a coal block for the accused company by any corrupt or illegal
Prosecution is required to prove only that in order to obtain
either for himself or for any other person , any valuable thing or pecuniary
advantage , the public servant abused his position
Astute readers would find subtle similarities in the observations made
by the CBI Court this afternoon , in its 1582 page verdict , acquitting all
accused in the 2011 , 2G
Scam ! }
pressing for a lenient sentence, Gupta said that as per the prosecution case
itself , there has been no allegation against him of any nature whatsoever that
any financial gain was obtained by him
The news report carries quotes from Anil
Swarup ( HRD Secretary ) and Parmeshwaran Iyer ( Sanitation Secretary ) ,
talking highly about Gupta being an honest officer
Earlier Amitabh Kant ( CEO – NITI Aayog )
had voiced similar sentiments about Shri Gupta
All this is “
water under the bridge “ !
Irreversible !
But , if the government wants to encourage honest officers to take “ Bold / Out of
the Box “ policy decisions, without being afraid of “ getting their necks chopped off “ , then it
should waste no further time to implement my following suggestion :
( - and without waiting
for the Government to advise them , what is holding up Central IAS Officers Association , to initiate this,
on their own ? )
Friday, 20 June 2014
To forgive is divine ( provided it was a honest error )
All of us keep making errors , all the time
But rarely same " mistake " twice
Often , decisions taken at a point of time , turn out to be " poor " , with passage of time
Reasons are simple :
* We never have all the information - relevant to the problem we are trying to solve –
available with us , at the
time of taking a decision
* Even when most of such relevant info is available , we may not have the capacity /
competence to " process " such
* As humans , we have our biases / prejudices , based on our previous experiences ,
which influence our decisions
* Quite often , and often against our own better evaluation / judgement of a given
situation , we are wrongly influenced by our peers / bosses /
subordinates or even
voters - all of whom have different
expectations / vested interests !
* Additional - and more relevant - information surfaces , AFTER we have taken a
decision ( happens all the time
! )
To encourage Babus and Ministers to take FAST decisions , Shri Narendra Modi must insist that they carefully " Record " on the files :
* What info / data he wished was available for a better decision
* What different " views / opinions " were presented to him for consideration
* What " Data / Views " he would have obtained if he had more time
* Who all , the decision might offend
* What is the likely " Cost " of postponing that decision
And finally a declaration :
* This decision is not likely to benefit any of my near relatives / friends , directly or
After all of this , if the decision appears to be " Wrong " in hindsight , it must be " forgiven " and treated as an honest error
To err is human !
21 Dec 2017
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