Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

A case of the Missing Argument

Context :


Ø   Facts :

            #  Around 52 lakh hectares of land is currently under sugarcane

            #  Agricultural experts predict there will be an opening stock of 112 lakh tons of
                sugar at the beginning of the crushing season, which begins in October and ends
                in March. It is expected that the closing stock at the end of the season will be
                around 93 lakh tons

           #   Maharashtra produces around 33 % of sugar in the country. The sugarcane is
                the most important cash crop in the state with around 30 lakh farmers engaged
                in sugarcane farming

           #   Out of 33 Cabinet Mnisters in the State, 15 own and control one or more sugar
                factories in their district , both in private and cooperative sector

Ø  Recommendation of NITI Aayog

#  Centre should give incentive of Rs 6,000 per hectare to farmers to divert their
    land to other crops

Ø  Arguments by NITI Aayog

#   Total area under sugar cultivation can be brought down by 3 lakh hectares over
     the next 3 years, provided farmers were given cash incentives

#   Sugar factories should also be allowed to buy only 85 % of sugarcane from
     farmers to discourage them from bringing more and more area under sugarcane

#  The Central Government should stop maintaining buffer stocks of sugar … under
    the ( buffer stock ) scheme, 12 percent of the overall stock is left unsold in factory
    warehouses, which artificially raises the price of the commodity. The government
    bears the carrying cost, storage cost and insurance premium on the stock


Shri Prakash Naiknavare, managing director of the National Federation Cooperative Sugar Factories , says :

Ø  One way of reducing production of sugar is to divert more and more sugarcane towards producing ethanol.

     The factories will do it happily as they get payment for ethanol from petroleum
     companies in only 21 days , whereas otherwise they have to hold onto their stocks
     for minimum 7 to 8 months, before it is sold

Is Nitin Gadkariji likely to support Shri Naiknavare ? – and overrule NITI Aayog ?

Most likely . Here is what he said in Feb 2017 :

He said at present ethanol is derived from molasses which is barely 119 crore litres as against a minimum requirement of about 500 crore litres.

"We get hardly 3 % ethanol whereas we can mix 22 % in petrol. There is shortage of 19 per cent..

Promotion to green fuel like ethanol will not only arrest migration of people from villages to town but using bio technology production of biomass could be enhanced and more people could be roped in for employment, he said.


So, what is wrong with cultivating MORE sugarcane to produce more ethanol ? ( Missing Argument ? )

Ø  It takes 1700 gallons ( 6426 litre ) of water to produce one gallon of ethanol .

    Assuming a 30 gallon gasoline tank in a SUV, we calculate 51,000 gallons of water
    for the corn ethanol fill up ( Prof David Pimentel of Cornell University )

Ø  Each time someone fills up an SUV with corn Ethanol, he or she uses as much water as the average American residential user consumes in 16 months !

        [ source : What are “ side effects “ of Ethanol ?  / 29 Apr 2018 ]



So , how much water do other crops need to produce 1 kg ?

Here are some facts :

Ø  Rice ……………………….. 3.000 / 5,000 litre

Ø  Cotton………………………22,500 litre

Ø  Sugarcane………………..1500 / 3000 litre

Ø  Soya…………………………   900 litre

Ø  Wheat………………………   900 litre

Hence, at 3000 litre / kg , sugarcane crop would need :

3000 litre / Kg x 1000 kg = 3,000,000  litre per ton, of sugarcane  ( 3 million litre  / ton )

Now, in India, we harvest 76 tons of sugarcane per hectare

That would require :

3 million litre / ton x 76 tons / hectare = 228 million litre of water required / hectare

Hence , by reducing 3 lakh hectare of Sugarcane crop, we can save :

3 lakh hectare x 228 million litre / hectare = 684 million*lakh litre of water / year 

I leave it to you , how many extra tons of wheat we can produce each year, from these 3 lakh hectare of “ freed land “ , using 684 million*lakh litres of “ freed water “

And whether this “additional production “of wheat can help us save 1663 children ( under the age of 5 ), who meet a “ premature death “ in India EACH DAY, due to “ Starvation “

How much will this cost the Government if NITI Aayog recommendation ws accepted ?

Rs 6000 / hectare x 3 lakh hectare = Rs 18,000 lakh / year ( Rs 180 Crore )


Related Reading :

How much water is needed to produce food and how much do we waste?

Cabinet nod to increase in sugarcane price

hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  20 Aug 2020

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

The Drones are Flying !

Many years ago , there came a movie called, “ The Cranes are Flying “

That expression in the movie was all about the joy of a person, when a long war ends and the sky is once again filled with flying cranes, heralding the return of peace

Following news will bring ( somewhat ) similar joy to the hearts of Drone Manufacturers of our country :

Extract :

Nearly 70% of India’s airspace has been greenlit for compliant drones to fly in, as of August 15, said Amber Dubey,
  joint secretary at the Civil Aviation Ministry, and head of the drones division.

Drones compliant with the “ no permission, no takeoff ” (NPNT) protocol will be able to fly in airspaces demarcated as green ( free airspace ) and yellow zones ( controlled airspace ).

With this, NPNT compliant drones will be able to seek automatic clearance from the Digital Sky portal to fly over allowed airspaces, as the platform gears up for its phase one launch on October 2, nearly two years after being first imagined.
Once live, the platform will
Ø  integrate with other government entities,
Ø  allow management of airspace workflows,
Ø  plan drone flights, and
Ø  log post-flight data submission, among other things.

IT services company, Happiest Minds has been tasked with developing the Digital Sky platform.

As per data maintained by the Digital Sky platform, a total of 31 drones have been granted a Unique Identification Number (UIN), which is akin to a license plate for NPNT compliant drones.

In contrast, over 20,000 drones have been granted a Drone Acknowledgement Number, which is given to legacy drones that are not compliant with the NPNT protocol.

It remains to be seen whether legacy drones, a majority of which are made by China’s DJI, will still be allowed to fly once the Digital Sky platform is fully functional. 


Drone – a – Charya    ……………………………………………………………………….[ 02 Sept 2018 ]

Extract :

     Drone Federation of India [ info@dronefederation.in  / http://dronefederation.in/ ]

to invite comments from all the stakeholders on my following suggestions by publishing on their respective web sites :

#  Just like today car manufacturers stamp , CAR ENGINE NUMBER and CAR CHASIS
    NUMBER , each drone ( coming out from the manufacturer’s factory ) , will have a
    UNIQUE , “ Drone Number “ ( which , manufacturer would obtain online from the
    web site of the Drone Regulator by registering each “ Model “being shipped out )

#  Each drone would be embedded with GPS and Internet Connection ( Internet of
    Things ) and will confirm to the ( planned ) protocol of the ( proposed ) National
    Trusts Centre for “ Machine-to-Machine “ communication / certification , in respect
    of  “ Security by Design 


   This will ensure that no drone can take to sky unless the owner logs into the web
   site of the Drone Regulator ( using a Mobile App ), and files its FLIGHT PLAN /
   Regulator Web site grants clearance for take off

#   Web site of the Drone Regulator will continuously track / monitor the flight of
     each and every drone ( all over India ) on a monitor screen ( similar to tracking
     of Airplanes in an Air Traffic Control ( ATC ) room . Constant contact is the key !

     Call this :  Drone – A – Charya  [  Drone Traffic Controller - DTC  ]

     Controllers ( sitting in DTC ) will have facility to immediately “ Ground /
     Immobilize “ any drone at any time , if security is about to be compromised or if
    any drone is flying outside of its “ Geo Fence 
Context :

#   One real serious concern is with regard to thousands of drones flying all over the
     sky of a metropolis and colliding with one another 

     I urge the ( proposed ) National Trust Centre , to develop a software and make it
     mandatory for all drone manufacturers to pre-install this software into the drones
    , before shipping out . 

This is described at :

    This condition will require all drone manufacturers ( local and foreign ) , to give an
    appropriate “ Undertaking “ to the Drone Regulator

    Failure to give such an undertaking will ensure that such drones are grounded /
    confiscated !

   Permission will not be granted to manufacturers of drones meant for war-like
   activities ( dropping of bombs etc )

#   Frequent violation of the Flight Rules , should lead to “ Black-listing “ of any
     particular drone and it should be “ immobilized “ ( for varying periods , depending
     upon the frequency / severity of violation )

     Context :

   After all, many elements of “ Traffic Control “ on the roads , are also relevant to
   traffic control in the Sky ( especially when , say, 10 milion drones are flying )

#   Drone Regulator should announce clear rules in respect of :

·         Insurance [ crashing / hurting / damaging ]
·         Scraping / re-selling / transfer / gifting of drones
·         Registration by new buyer

   #   Registration Form ( filled online through mobile app ) should require following data :

Ø    Buyer category ( Individual / Commercial Company / Organizations etc )

          >    Aadhar No / PAN No / Mobile No

  #   Since most drones would be deployed by E Commerce companies for delivering of
       goods, govt may consider  “ pre-installing “ ( in the mobile app ), an ADDRESS
       MAP , based on the technology developed by 

- which will
       enable better traffic control based on TRAFFIC  DENSITY on different locations ,
       apart from ensuring precise delivery to 3 meter x 3 meter squares of India’s land

    #   There will be many applications in which drone-mounted SENSORS ( including
          cameras / mikes etc ) will be collecting / compiling , “ Personal / Private “ data of
          persons or things ( eg : Photos / Videos / Images etc )

          Strict law must be enacted that the owners of the drones cannot sell / share /
          transfer such data to any third party other than a party which has “ contracted “ for
          such data collection / compilation

          A very important “ Security Feature “ must ensure that the device ( drone ) by itself
           on its own , does not transmit any data to the drone manufacturer nor to any
           owner / licensee of an Operating System ( eg : Google’s Android / Apple’s iOS etc )

           All Mobile Apps which interact with a drone hardware or its embedded software (
           including Drone Operating System ), will need to be approved by Drone regulator

            All such “ Data Collection Contracts “ would require prior registration with the Drone
           Regulator , providing full details of the contract ( especially the nature of the data )

       #  Drone Policy must take into account that within the next 5 years , there will be in
            our skies , “ Person Carrying Vehicles “ which may fall short of being classified as “
            Aircraft “ . 

Such vehicles must be classified as “ Drones “ and be subject to Drone
            Policy  ( eg : Uber Lite aerial taxies )


Related Readings :

A Swarm-O-Drone is born   ……………………………………………………..[ 16 Nov 2017 ]

Flock Dynamics   ……………………………………………………………………….[ 04 Sept 2018 ]

Drones Need Mid-Air Re-fueling   ……………………………………………..[ 06 Sept 2018 ]

hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  19 Aug 2020