Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 7 July 2024

AI based Education Tools from India



Teacher of the Year

( Eco Times / 07 July 2024 / Authors > Himanshi Lohchab and Aashish Aryan )


Extract :

Shalini Mehta, a primary school teacher in Pune, uses Google Docs on her smartphone to record questions for a test on agriculture. The worksheet featuring multiple-choice questions she’s looking to prepare is ready in less than 15 minutes. Mehta then inserts the school’s logo and the paper is good to be sent to her students

Meanwhile in Gurugram, Divya Dahiya, another teacher, is wondering how to explain a maths question to her class I students. She captures an image and posts a prompt on Chatgpt , which generates a play way method to solve the puzzle. Dahiya then asks Chatgpt, to generate 10 similar problems of varying complexity. Within seconds, a homework sheet is ready

Generative Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) tools such as Chatgpt have made inroads into Indian classrooms.

A survey by TeamLease EdTech , a learning and employability solution company, shows that nearly 60 per cent of educators are using such tools for interactive learning experiences, new testing and assessment methods, as well as to reduce time for class preparations

However, AI has potential downsides. It may diminish creative thinking among young learners due to an over-dependence on technology. About 10 per cent of educators believe that these tools can diminish human interaction and critical thinking. They are also worried about the accuracy of AI generated information

“ The learning system in several city schools is already digital, with either the Microsoft or the Apple ecosystem “, said Jaideep Kewalramani, head of employability and COO at Teamlease EdTech. “ Both are rapidly integrating AI into their Apps and peripheral OS. The penetration of AI in education, from a learning flow perspective ranges anywhere from 10 to 40 percent, and in some cases, peaking at 80 percent “

Educators are using AI to define pedagogy, create lesson plans, assessment and even evaluate student responses. On the other hand, students are using AI to summarize lecture notes,  create flash cards and solve problems

But first, learners need to be protected from potential misuse. “ I regularly communicate to all parents that they must oversee if their ward is copy-pasting home work from Chatgpt : , Dahiya said

Multimodal capabilities of large language models ( LLMs ) like OpenAI’s GPT-4o, Google’s Gemini, Meta’s Llama and Anthropic’s Claude have also started seeing early adoption of edtech platforms, schools and for home tutoring

Online learning platform upGrad is creating a “ Revision GPT “ , which will direct learners to the right component for revision and ask personalized questions. This ( revision, teaching and question ) will be used to generate the learner’s skill score, which has further use cases for upGrad , the company said

“ I use generative AI not as a disruptor but as an enhancer of existing educational frameworks “ , said Mayank Kumar, managing director of upGrad. “ What it will improve significantly  are aspects related to the dissemination of information, content summarization and revision, along with increased engagement with content. So, in that sense, the sector will be impacted, but it will still depend on strong teachers who motivate and guide students “

Coursera , which hosts educational content from companies and academic institutions, uses AI solutions to ensure well-rounded learning for users, the company’s India managing director, Raghav Gupta said. It has also developed an AI enabled tool called “ Course Builder “ for teachers and faculty members of academic institutions, Gupta said

“ Faculty members can write a series of prompts, such as the subject matter of what they teach, the target audience and the total duration of the class. What AI will then do, is create the full outline of the course along with the details “, he said, adding that with the help of the tool, teachers have been able to plan new teaching courses within two weeks , as opposed to six months that they took otherwise.

Separately, AI unicorn Fractal’s edtech offering is using gen AI to speed up content creation, which has upskilled 600 employees of a footwear retail company in record time. “ By mastering diverse prompt design strategies, we are able to produce high quality initial drafts with remarkable efficiency “, said Rashesh Shah, chief practice officer, EdTech

For instance, a finance team member applied the prompt strategy to develop a credit card usage policy , “ using ChatGPT. “ This process, streamlined by the tool, took only three to four hours – a task that would typically require at least a day “ , Shah said

Popular Youtube educator channel ThinkSchool is using image generation tools like Midjourney and Dall-E to create convincing story line for its videos, rather than using stock images

“ We created a video on French designer Louis Vuitton’s life “ , said Ganesh Prasad Sridharan, co-founder of ThinkSchool

“ You will not find images of a 13 year old Louis in Paris. But AI has helped us bring out emotions of story-telling which increases watch time , recommendations and revenue “

Vidyakul, a K-12 learning platform, is training 3 MILLION state board students in Bihar , Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat using the multi lingual tutor , “ Drone AI

“ The State Board curriculum  is known for its rigour and depth, and there is a dearth of learning material available on the internet tailored specifically for it . AI is helping us bridge this gap by creating content in Indian languages “ , said Raman Garg, co-founder and CTO , Vidyakul. “ Instead of merely dispensing direct answers, our AI engages students with probing questions related to their doubts “

Because when AI is utilized to provide direct answers, it risks fostering a superficial engagement with the material, Garg said, adding that students may resort to copy-pasting. To solve this, Vidyakul has implemented mechanisms to promote ethical use of AI , such as plagiarism detection.

On-demand English tutoring platform Clapingo is generating reports that evaluate learners’ conversation on grammar, accuracy, fluency, pronunciation and vocabulary

“ Only two percent of Indians speak fluent English, while 30 per cent manage with “ broken English “  and a staggering 97 per cent of Indian engineer lack the necessary English skills for high-end jobs “, said Abhishek KG, co-founder , Clapingo. “ Our on-video AI teaching assistant helps professionals practice English conversations in real time, but we also preserve the effectiveness of one-on-one coaching “, he said

Even government schools are embracing AI. The Apprentice Project ( TAP ) , a non-profit organization which has built an AI chatbot, “ TAP Buddy “ , is powering 34,000 students between classes IV and X across 240 government schools in India, for self-learning

“ Our chatbot utilizes AI and video-based content to engage with students, and based on their pace and rigor , it prompts them to participate in the activities “, said Anand Gopakumar , co-founder and CEO, TAP. “ Students are given personalized AI-based nudges and content, including clearing doubts submitted either as text or voice messages. At the end of each activity, the students upload videos / photos via the bot, showcasing their learnings “

How Ed-Tech Firms are Upscaling with AI :

Ø  UpGrad is creating “ Revision GPT “, to direct learners through problem solving

Ø  Coursera is using AI to generate course outline in record time

Ø  Fractal is creating course material in record time

Ø  Youtube educator ThinkSchool is using AI images for story-telling

Ø  Vidyakul app can train three million State Board students in multiple languages

Ø  Clapingo’s AI voice assistant is training professionals to converse in English

Ø  The NGO TAP is is taking its AI bot to 240 government schools


My Take :


Comparative Tabulation prepared by ChatGPT :

Here's the table with desired information :



For School Students

For Teachers

Requires Registration

Requires Payment

User Friendliness


Revision GPT for personalized questions and skill scores




Yes, varies by course



AI-enabled Course Builder for creating course outlines




Yes, varies by course



Gen AI for speeding up content creation




Yes, custom pricing for enterprises



AI images for storytelling in educational videos




Free (ad-supported)



Multilingual tutor Drone AI for state board students




Yes, nominal fee



AI voice assistant for English conversation practice




Yes, subscription-based



AI chatbot TAP Buddy for self-learning in government schools







Personalized lesson plans and interactive learning tools







Comprehensive learning app with video lessons and interactive content




Yes, subscription-based



Digital infrastructure for knowledge sharing and teaching







AI-based personalized learning paths and assessments




Yes, subscription-based



Online courses for professional skills and certifications




Yes, varies by course



Digital learning solutions for K-12 education




Varies by product


Genius Teacher

Personalized learning with AI-driven recommendations




Yes, subscription-based



Test preparation platform for government exams




Yes, subscription-based


Ekagrata Eduserv

Personalized coaching and mentoring




Yes, varies by course



Doubt-solving app with video solutions






Happiest Minds

IT services and solutions for education




Custom pricing



Online learning platform with live classes




Yes, subscription-based


Techno Services

Digital education solutions for schools




Custom pricing



Online platform for competitive exams




Yes, subscription-based



Personalized learning platform with AI tools




Yes, subscription-based



Summary of  Platforms:

·                     UpGrad: Requires registration and payment, cost varies by course.


·                     Coursera: Requires registration and payment, cost varies by course.


·                     Fractal: Requires registration and custom pricing for enterprise use.


·                     ThinkSchool: No registration required, free with ads.


·                     Vidyakul: Requires registration and a nominal fee.


·                     Clapingo: Requires registration and a subscription fee.


·                     TAP: Requires registration, free for government school students.


·                     My-Teacher.in  : 


      No registration or payment required, unlimited free

      use for any visitor.


·                     Byjus: Requires registration and a subscription fee, offers excellent

     user experience with comprehensive video lessons and interactive



·                     Diksha: Requires registration but is free to use, provides good user

      experience with a digital infrastructure for knowledge sharing.


·                     CherriLearn: Requires registration and a subscription fee, offers

      good user experience with AI-based personalized learning paths.


·                     SimpliLearn: Requires registration and payment, cost varies by

      course, provides excellent user experience with a focus on

      professional skills and certifications.


  • Schoolnet: Requires registration and payment varies by product. Offers digital learning solutions for K-12 education. User-friendliness is good.
  • Genius Teacher: Requires registration and a subscription fee. Provides personalized learning with AI-driven recommendations. User-friendliness is good.
  • Adda247: Requires registration and a subscription fee. Specializes in test preparation for government exams. User-friendliness is good.
  • Ekagrata Eduserv: Requires registration and payment varies by course. Offers personalized coaching and mentoring. User-friendliness is good.
  • Doubtnut: Requires registration but is free to use. Focuses on doubt-solving with video solutions. User-friendliness is good.
  • Happiest Minds: Requires registration and custom pricing. Provides IT services and solutions for education. User-friendliness is fair.
  • Unacademy: Requires registration and a subscription fee. Offers an online learning platform with live classes. User-friendliness is excellent.
  • Techno Services: Requires registration and custom pricing. Provides digital education solutions for schools. User-friendliness is good.
  • StudyIQ: Requires registration and a subscription fee. Specializes in online platform for competitive exams. User-friendliness is good.
  • Veeksha: Requires registration and a subscription fee. Offers a personalized learning platform with AI tools. User-friendliness is good.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Ten years of Tinkering – What Next ?



Context :

New vision. Modi pivots to welfarism, free private sector growth    Business Line   .. 03 July 2024

Extract :

“I have a conviction and I believe that it is the need of the hour that there should be least State intervention in the lives of our citizens. It should not be sarkaar, sarkaar, sarkaar in everyday life. Now we are headed in a direction where, yes, those who need the government, in whose lives the government is relevant and is necessary – they should not feel the lack and absence of the government,” said the PM, underlining the necessity for State intervention for those who need it.

At the same time, he stressed that the government should create an environment and step away where individual entrepreneurship is thriving.

“...But those who want to strive ahead on their own strength, the government should not intrude or influence their path.

Therefore, I urge all State governments to come forward and create the kind of society and governance structure wherein there is least interference in people’s lives,” said the Prime Minister.


Dear Prime Minister :

Over the past 10 years, no doubt , NDA government brought in many reforms to

unshackle the businesses and industries

But the fact remains that , despite huge investments by the Governments (

Central + States ) , generation of new jobs ( - I mean , salaried jobs ), has just

not kept pace with the addition of 12 million youth to our work force each year ,

year after year

From your above statement, I get a feeling that , at long last , there is recognition

of the fact that there is just NO WAY , 12 million new ( salaried ) jobs can be

created each year, by Public Sector and the Private Sector, put together

After 10 years, it is clear that the ONLY SOLUTION for unemployment, is SELF


In this context your declaration ( “ … step away where individual

entrepreneurship is thriving…. But those who want to strive ahead on

their own strength, the government should not intrude or influence their

path .. “ ), is very heartening

Now that 140 crore citizen have heard your DECLARATION of INTENT , they are

eagerly waiting to see how exactly you plan to translate that INTENT into ACTION

For that ACTION , I urge you to consider my following 9 YEAR old e-mail :

 A NEW ECONOMIC ORDER ? aka " Start Up Act - 2015 "…………….. 12 Sept 2015


Dear Sir :

People who plan inter-stellar / inter-galactic travel, using a “ Space Ship “ , are

never going to make it

Space is not some kind of  a very finite, earth-based SEA , which can be crossed

in a SHIP !

If they wish to travel across the Universe, they must change their “ Terms of

Reference “

It is no different when it comes to tackle the “ Universe of Un-Employment “ . We

must change our “ Terms of Reference “ , from employing youth to enabling

individual entrepreneurship

With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in  /  04 July 2024




Monday 1 July 2024

Teach Your Child To Think


Dear Parents – School Principals :



Today, ask your child / student, following question :


“   What can we expect if an hour was divided into one hundred minutes ? "

Chances are she does not know the right answer


Why ?


Because this topic is NOT covered by CBSE school syllabus


But then, School Syllabus cannot possibly cover every topic on the earth


That is understandable


Your child / student not knowing that answer need not worry you much


But ,


If your child / student does not “ Know “ how to ask such a question, then that should be a cause of deep concern for you !


It goes to show that your child / student is not :






 Capable of “ thinking out of box “



Stop worrying.


Tell your child / student , to “ learn “ to ask such questions by :


  Visiting   www.My-Teacher.in 

  Select “ Questions Beyond Syllabus “

  Just keep asking ( even absurd sounding ) questions by just looking at things around her


        ( Eg : Why have tables and chairs always 4 legs and not 3 ?  )

  Listen to what  www.My-Teacher.in SPEAKS aloud ( in any of 9 languages selected )

  Repeat this “ Mental Exercise “ for 10 minutes, every day


Teach your child / student to  THINK . It is as ( or more ) important as passing exams





Hemen Parekh