Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Centre launches ‘Jan Poshan Kendras’


Ration shops to get makeover as Centre launches ‘Jan Poshan Kendras’



The government has taken a significant step by initiating the transformation of ration shops into Jan Poshan Kendras. This pilot project targets 60 ration shops across four states to revamp them into food centers for consumers.


This move aims to enhance the shopping experience for customers and potentially improve the accessibility and quality of essential food items available through these outlets.


The conversion of these traditional ration shops into modern Jan Poshan Kendras reflects a proactive approach by the authorities to modernize the distribution system for essential goods.


By identifying specific locations for this pilot project, the government is testing the feasibility and effectiveness of this new food center model.


The ultimate goal is to streamline the process of distributing essential food items to the public and ensure a more efficient and consumer-friendly experience.

My Take:


Let Not History Repeat…..09/04/2020


The transition of ration shops into Jan Poshan Kendras echoes my earlier blog's emphasis on transforming traditional setups into modern, customer-centric facilities.


The government's initiative aligns with the need to adapt and evolve the retail landscape to meet the changing demands of consumers.


By revamping these ration shops, the authorities are addressing the long-standing issues of accessibility and quality in the distribution of essential goods, as I highlighted in my previous blog.



India Post Morph to India Retail….12/04/2020


The concept of Jan Poshan Kendras resonates with the idea of ensuring the availability of essential items while promoting social distancing measures, as discussed in my blog post about India transitioning to India Retail during the lockdown.


The transformation of ration shops into modern food centers reinforces the importance of innovative solutions to cater to consumer needs effectively, especially during times of crisis.



Congratulations Shri Pawan Kumar Agarwal….13/04/2020


The government's collaboration with FMCG companies and the focus on public-private partnerships in the conversion of stores into Suraksha Stores align with the approach suggested in my blog congratulating Shri Pawan Kumar Agarwal.


This partnership model is crucial for the success of initiatives like Jan Poshan Kendras, emphasizing the significance of collective efforts in transforming the retail landscape and ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers.

Call to Action:


To the concerned officers involved in the pilot Jan Poshan Kendras project, I urge you to closely monitor the implementation of this initiative and gather feedback from consumers to continuously improve the transition process.


Engage with local communities and stakeholders to ensure that the converted ration shops effectively meet the needs of the public.


Collaborate with experts in retail management to optimize the functionality and customer experience of Jan Poshan Kendras for a sustainable and successful transformation.

With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Rollout of jobs schemes


Centre-states meets soon on rollout of jobs schemes


The article "Centre-states meets soon on rollout of jobs schemes" published by The Economic Times discusses the upcoming discussions between the central and state governments regarding the implementation of various job schemes.


The focus is on the collaboration between the center and states to roll out initiatives aimed at boosting employment opportunities across the country. The meeting is anticipated to address key issues related to job creation, skill development, and economic growth through collaborative efforts between different levels of governance.


The article highlights the importance of such meetings in ensuring effective coordination and implementation of policies to address the employment challenges faced by the nation.



My Take:


Ditch Historical Baggage…..24/12/2015


In my blog dated December 25, 2015, I emphasized the need for a significant increase in funding to support the creation of new startups and generate a substantial number of jobs.


The current discussions between the center and states align with this idea of boosting the economy through job creation initiatives.


My proposal to abolish personal income tax and introduce measures like Black Money Investment SPVs could offer innovative financing solutions to support job schemes at a larger scale.



This Will Transform India……20/12/2017


In December 2017, I acknowledged the importance of initiatives like the Labour Utilization Fund proposed by NITI Aayog to save jobs from automation.


The focus on upskilling the workforce and enhancing their cost competitiveness resonates with the discussions on job schemes at the upcoming center-states meet.


By emphasizing the need for skilled labor and social security provisions, the proposed fund aligns with the objectives of creating more job opportunities and maintaining workforce relevance in the face of technological advancements.



Call to Action:


To the policymakers convening at the center-states meet, I urge a comprehensive discussion on implementing practical strategies to bridge the gap between job seekers and available opportunities.


It is crucial to prioritize skill development, industry collaboration, and sustainable employment practices in the upcoming schemes to ensure long-term economic growth and social welfare for all citizens.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Monday 9 September 2024

Narayan Muthy talks about Coaching Classes



Context :

Narayana Murthy highlights India’s low R&D investment; calls out coaching class culture  .. BL .. 10 Sept 2024

Extract :

Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, stated that calling India a science-loving nation might be an exaggeration.

Murthy, commenting on the education system in India, said, “Aside from some exceptions, in India, we have focused by and large on rote learning which doesn’t help us relate what was learned in the class to think about real-world problems.”

He added that coaching classes are not the solution to help children learn better.

That notion is wrong.

At the end of the day, coaching classes might introduce a certain discipline that every parent can provide at home. These classes do have somebody to guide you in that subject if you commit a mistake. The problem is most students don’t listen carefully; there may also be cases where parents are not as competent to help,” Murthy said, adding that if a student uses the time properly and listens to the teacher carefully, there may be little need for these classes


Dear Shri Murthyji

(  n_murthy@infosys.com  /  narayana_murthy@infosys.com   /  agpandu@infosys.com / nmurthy@infosys.com )

Thank you for some plain speaking . I hope the parents are reading my following email :

Ø  Is Your Child Ready for the New 12th Exam Rules? Start Today !  ..  28 Aug 2024


Some 67 years ago ( 1957 ) , I heard Prof. Mischke ( University of Kansas ) announce in a class I took :

“ Only education worth its name is Self Education

As a student , I listened – and never forgot

That made me launch , a few weeks ago , a self education tool in the form of >  www.My-teacher.in

I do not expect you to “ Endorse “ it but I request you to “ Experience “ it on your mobile ( - no registration / login / payments )

With regards.

Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  10 Sept 2024





CBSE mandates NCERT textbooks

 CBSE mandates NCERT textbooks for Classes 9-12, encourages use for lower grades




The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has recently announced a mandate that all schools affiliated with it must use NCERT textbooks for Classes 9 to 12. Additionally, the board is encouraging the use of these textbooks for lower grades as well.


This move aims to standardize the curriculum across CBSE schools and ensure that students receive quality education consistently. By making NCERT textbooks compulsory, CBSE is taking a significant step towards promoting a uniform and structured learning experience for students at different grade levels.


This decision could have far-reaching implications on the education system, influencing teaching methodologies, assessment patterns, and overall academic performance. It also reflects the recognition of NCERT as a reliable and comprehensive educational resource by the national education board.


The emphasis on NCERT textbooks is likely to streamline the learning process, facilitate better understanding among students, and create a level playing field in terms of academic content across schools.



My Take: 


Replacing Textbooks with Tablets…………..10/04/2016 

"In my earlier blog advocating for the replacement of textbooks with tablets, I predicted a trend towards digital education resources.


The CBSE's decision to mandate NCERT textbooks and encourage their use for lower grades resonates with the idea of leveraging technology for a more efficient learning experience.


By emphasizing the use of digital resources like tablets, schools can enhance educational delivery and adapt to modern teaching methods."


"Looking back at my blog about reducing the burden of school bags by introducing tablets as educational tools, I can see a connection with the current mandate by CBSE.


My suggestion of providing tablets loaded with textbooks aligns with the current move towards standardizing the curriculum through NCERT textbooks.


This shift not only lightens the physical burden on students but also ensures access to quality educational content uniformly."




Call to Action:


To the CBSE and school administrators, I urge you to consider not just the adoption of NCERT textbooks but also the integration of interactive digital resources like tablets to enhance the learning experience further.


Embracing technology in education can lead to more engaging and effective teaching practices, benefiting students across all grades.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



An EV Ecosystem


Alternative financial solutions needed for an EV ecosystem



The article discusses the current financial landscape needed for the up-and-coming electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem. It highlights the importance of alternative financial solutions to support the growth and sustainability of the EV industry.


It points out that traditional financing methods may not be sufficient to meet the unique needs of the EV sector, emphasizing the necessity for innovative approaches to funding, such as green bonds and impact investments.


The article underlines the significance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to create a conducive environment for EV adoption and development. Overall, it stresses the importance of financial mechanisms tailored to the specific requirements of the EV ecosystem to drive its expansion effectively.



My Take:


Reliance Juggernaut Rolls……06/07/2018


"The idea of reevaluating the business model and market positioning resonates strongly with the current discussion on alternative financial solutions for the EV ecosystem.


Just as companies faced with challenges need to redefine their core business, the EV industry requires tailored financial strategies to thrive. Innovation and adaptation are key to staying relevant in a rapidly evolving market."



Down and Out……08/01/1987


"As the article stresses the need for unique financial instruments like green bonds for the EV sector, it echoes the sentiment of not having another chance in a competitive landscape.


Just like in business, where failing to adapt to changing circumstances can lead to permanent setbacks, the EV industry's financial strategies must align with its specific demands to avoid being left behind."



Call to Action:


To policymakers and industry stakeholders mentioned in the article, I urge you to prioritize the development and implementation of specialized financial solutions to support the growth of the EV ecosystem.


By fostering collaboration and innovation in financial mechanisms, we can accelerate the transition towards sustainable transportation.


Let's work together to create a robust financial infrastructure that fuels the advancement of electric vehicles for a greener future.



With regards, 


Hemen Parekh




Sunday 8 September 2024

From facial recognition to QR code


From facial recognition to QR code: UPSC to revamp exam system after Puja Khedkar ‘fraud’ case




The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) is set to overhaul its exam system to prevent impersonation, cheating, and fraud following the Puja Khedkar fraud case.


This decision comes after an incident where a trainee IAS officer allegedly used fake identity to appear in the civil services exam.


UPSC is now seeking tenders for biometric technologies, including facial recognition and QR codes, to tighten security measures during exams.


These new measures aim to enhance authentication and prevent malpractices in the examination process.



My Take:


Mobile-Based Attendance System……….20/08/2022


Reflecting on the progression towards advanced biometric technologies in exam security by UPSC, I recall my previous blog post advocating for the use of mobile attendance systems to streamline processes.


The recent adoption of facial recognition systems for attendance in Andhra Pradesh echos the importance of leveraging modern technology for effective governance.


The shift from traditional methods to more sophisticated tools aligns with the need for enhanced security measures to tackle malpractices, mirroring the essence of my earlier suggestions for optimizing attendance monitoring systems.



Data-Rich India: Nothing Can Beat This…….24/04/2017


Emphasizing the limitations of outdated biometric attendance systems in extracting meaningful data, the move by UPSC towards advanced biometric technologies signifies a crucial advancement in data collection and analysis.


By highlighting the necessity to evolve from archaic systems to more efficient ones, UPSC's initiative resonates with the call to modernize operational mechanisms for improved outcomes.


The transition towards facial recognition and QR code systems reflects a strategic approach to combatting fraud and enhancing exam integrity, underscoring the significance of data-driven decision-making.



Call to Action:


To the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC): Implementing cutting-edge biometric technologies is a progressive step towards ensuring the integrity and credibility of exams.


I urge UPSC to continue exploring innovative solutions and evolving examination processes to stay ahead of fraudulent activities to maintain the sanctity of the civil services exams.


Keep up the momentum in adopting advanced security measures to uphold the reputation and fairness of the selection process for aspiring civil servants.


Hoping to spark positive changes and advancements in political nomination dynamics with the integration of modern technology and robust security measures.




With regards, 


Hemen Parekh



Battery to be Built in Maine


US: World’s largest 8,500 MWh capacity battery to be built in Maine




Form Energy aims to construct the world's largest battery in Maine utilizing iron-air batteries, known for their ease of construction and recyclability.


This colossal battery installation is designed to provide an impressive 85 MW of power for up to 100 hours, representing a significant step towards sustainable energy solutions.


The project's financial commitment stands at a substantial $147 million, showcasing the scale and importance of this endeavor in revolutionizing energy storage capabilities.



My Take:


For Renewable Energy, Here is Trimurty……………..01/11/2023


"In my earlier blog post on renewable energy solutions, I highlighted the necessity for reasonably-sized storage batteries capable of long-term power retention.


The development of iron-air batteries by Form Energy, as discussed in the recent article, validates the importance of having efficient energy storage solutions for large-scale applications like the world's largest battery project in Maine.


The innovation in battery technology aligns with the vision I shared years ago about the crucial role of energy storage in sustainable power generation."


"The evolution of Form Energy's iron-air battery technology, as highlighted in the current news, underscores the significant progress made in energy storage capabilities.


With a focus on storing electricity for extended durations at competitive costs, these batteries offer a promising solution for meeting utility-scale energy needs.


This development resonates with my past insights on the importance of affordable and efficient energy storage solutions for a sustainable energy future."



Call to Action:


To Form Energy: As a leader in innovative battery technology, continue to push the boundaries of energy storage solutions to drive the transition towards a more sustainable and renewable energy landscape.


Your efforts in building the world's largest battery installation set a remarkable precedent for the industry, inspiring others to invest in clean energy technologies.



With regards,


Hemen Parekh

