Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Profiles to Answer Questions


Can Graphical Profiles answer questions listed at :

Ø  https://web.archive.org/web/20080115193004/http:/www.indiarecruiter.net:80/wfrmUnansweredQusestions.aspx








Career History

What is his total experience? Does this match with the experience required for our position/vacancy?






During this “total experience”, how many jobs has he changed ?






Does he seem to be a “job-jumper” ?






Does he seem to have stuck to the same organization for a long time? What could be the reason?






Does he seem to have stuck at the same “Designation – Level “ for a long time ? Was he “un-promotable” ?






He seems to have got very frequent promotions /salary-raise. Does he come through as a “Fast Track” candidate?






Given his “Average/Longest/Minimum” tenure with the companies where he worked, how long can we expect him to stay with us ?






He is in his current job for less than a year. Why is he keen to quit within such a short period?






Is he platueing? i.e. rose very rapidly in early years but now seems to have slowed down.






In terms of the size/turnover/reputation of the companies where he has worked, does he seem to have steadily “progressed”? Are there any reversals? i.e. leaving a large/organized company to join a small/family owned company.






Has he spent his entire career in one city or is he mobile?






Does his “Total Years of Experience” tally with his current age ? If not, does he seem to have “inflated” his experience ? Or, he should have got 20 years of experience by now, but graph shows only 12 years ! Has he failed to “list” some “unfavorable” tenures? e.g.: where his services were terminated or where the service was “temporary/contractual” ?






Did any of the companies that he worked for, belong to his father/relative? If so, what was his designation/salary during such tenure? Was that commensurate with his qualifications/experience?






During his career, were there any periods of “self-employment” ? If so, has he listed those in his “Career History” section? What factors made him “start/give-up” such self employment?















He seems to have picked-up a huge salary-jump, everytime he changed jobs. What kind of salary-increase would he expect us to offer to motivate him to change ? Can we afford ? Would that upset a lot of our existing employees and demotivate them ? Would we be upsetting the apple-cart ?






Has his salary kept pace with his rise up the career ladder ? Is his salary lagging behind/ way ahead of a majority of his co-professionals ? How does it compare with similar professionals in our organization ?






What seems to be his “trade-off” between

  a) Salary

  b) Designation Level ?

Would he be prepared to accept

  . Same salary ( his current salary ), if offered a higher/better designation ?

  . Same designation ( his current designation ), if offered a higher salary ?











Academic Inputs







At what age did he pass

  . SSC

  . HSC

  . Bachelor’s Degree

  . Master’s Degree

Do these seem reasonable ?






What no. of years did he take to pass

  . Bachelor’s Degree

  . Master’s Degree

Does he seem to have taken longer than stipulated period? Could he have failed once – or more?






Were any of these qualifications obtained through “Correspondence – Course” ? or through “Part-time study” in evenings ? If so, for how long ?






What about the educational institutions/universities that he attended? Are these recognized/reputed/accredited institutions?






Why did he not pursue higher studies in the same institution/university ? Why did he have to go to another state/country ?






Is there an “overlap” between

  . Completion of his education, and

  . Start of his first job ?

If yes, how did he manage that ?









If there is a substantial “gap” between

  . Completion of his education and

  . Start of his first job

Then, what did he do during that period ?









He seems to have obtained more than one degree/diploma during the same year. How did he manage that ?

























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