Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Congratulations, Shri Guptaji,

Congratulations, Shri Guptaji,

{  CMD – Kent RO System  / maheshgupta@kent.co.in },

At the outset , my hearty Congratulations for the launch of KENT CamAttendance System

I just went through :

KENT RO Launches KENT CamAttendence Zero Human Touch Attendance System

- where you said :

" This unique and revolutionary solution will help to capture & manage attendance without risking infection via surface transmission. 
KENT CamAttendance is a touchless attendance system which uses facial recognition and Artificial Intelligence to completely eliminate the need of tactile interaction as experienced in biometric or manual systems.”
“This product is a result of extensive R&D and has been completely designed and developed in India,” .
I have no doubt that , within a few months, CamAttendance Systems will be the MOST FAVOURED employee attendance system , in establishments , large and small , all over India . It is destined to revolutionize the HR Eco-System

In this context , you may want to look up my following blogs ( sent as E Mails to Cabinet Ministers / State CMs  / NITI Aayog / MPs / PM-STIAC / PM-EAC etc ), in which I had proposed an ( almost ) identical Employee Attendance System

Over the past 4 years, I have sent dozens of e-mails, advocating introduction of such a system all over the country ( by offering all types of incentives to those units which implement ), starting with all Govt offices / PSUs etc

From BAD to MAD …………………………( 01 June 2016 )

MAD goes to Mandi  ……………………….(  02 Jan 2020 )

Whereas , your CamAttendance System can integrate all units ( factories – offices ) of a given COMPANY, imagine the benefits that can be derived if the Attendance Data of ALL establishments were to be “ aggregated “ on a central server !

Here is a partial list of those advantages :

 #  For employees , no need to file a separate annual
     Income Tax Return

#   Direct deposit of PF / TDS amounts into bank
     accounts of Govt Depts

#   Direct Benefit Transfer ( DBT ) to every Employer
     for Stipend Subsidy based on number of total
     trainees / apprentices employed,

#   Total number of employees in India ( category /
      region / industry )

#   Employment Density ( Industry wise / Region
     wise / Skill wise etc )

#   Net Employment Growth Rate ( weekly - monthly
     / Industry-wise )

#   Co-relation with no of persons graduating at
     various levels

#   Data about those Unemployed ( " Graduating "
     less " Employed " )

#   Overtime Statistics ( Use / Abuse )

#   Work-hour Analysis ( Ave hours / week - month )

#   Wage / Salary Rates ( Rs per hour ) - Industry
      wise / Region wise

     ( of great interest to Foreign Investors looking to
       bring down manufacturing costs , by outsourcing
       to India / manufacturing in India )

#   Compliance with labour laws / tax laws /
     Apprentice Act etc

#   Job Market Forecasts through BIG
     DATA ANALYTIC ( region / industry )

#   Demographic  Profiles of employees  ( Rural to
     Urban migration )

#   Per Capita Income Growth for persons using MAD
     app  ( MOM / YOY )

#   Changing composition between Blue Collar and
     White Collar employees

Wishing you all luck,

With regards ,

Hemen Parekh 

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Let me make money by selling my Health Data

Under just released draft policy for collecting personal health data, Government wants to collect / compile following data for all 1370 million Indian Citizen

Highlights of draft policy :

Ø  The ownership of data will be with the individual

Ø  Any “ Personal Data “ can be collected ONLY on consent from individuals and they will be allowed to revoke their consent or restrict any sharing of Personal Data

Ø  Govt has proposed a set of “ Minimum Standards “ for Data Privacy Protection, to be followed across the board, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations

Ø  Data collected across the Digital Health Ecosystem, will be stored at 3 levels :

          #   The Central Level

          #   The State or UT level

          #   The Health Facility level

Ø  At each level, only that much data will be stored as is essential for functionality

Ø  If Data is shared for clinical research or analysis, it will have to be anonymized


Context :

Draft Health Data Management Policy  

National Digital Health Blueprint


Do I foresee any problems in this initiative ?

Govt unveils data policy for digital health mission / 17 Aug 2020 , will cover :

[ A ]     Sensitive Personal Information

[ B ]     Personal Health Records

[ C ]     Health Locker

As far as data planned to be compiled under “ Sensitive Personal Information “ , this news report mentions following :


Srl No

Data Field  proposed

What I have proposed in my earlier blogs ( listed below )

This will face strong resistance from public

Seems irrelevant – how does this help ?


Sex life




Sexual Orientation








Religious Affiliation




Political Affiliation




Genetic Data




Biometric Data




Bank Account




Credit-Debit Card




Other Payment Instruments




Physical Health Data




Physiological Health Data




Mental Health Data




Medical Records and History




Transgender Status




Intersex Status




Data relating to various Health Conditions and Treatments , such as Medical and Health Records




Does National Health Authority have satisfactory answers for public resistance ?

In short , NO  !

As far as the rollout is concerned, following “clarifications “ ( not very convincing ) , are provided by Shri Praveen Gedam ( Additional CEO – NHA / addlceo@nha.gov.in ) in :

Extract :

Ø  First Module

          Every person enrolling will get a Health ID and all the data of that person will be

          linked to that ID, so that longitudinal medical history of the person is available at one


Ø  Second Module

     DigiDoctor “ which is a database of doctors

Ø  Third Module

           Healthcare Facility Registry “ with a database of facilities, including hospitals,

           clinics and labs. This will range from tertiary hospitals to primary health centres and


Ø  Additional burden for Medical Professionals to enter data into system

          “ We are incorporating many special features in the module which will allow them to

          scan a report or enter hand-written prescriptions or even those using universally

          accepted medical nomenclature “

Ø  Process of Enrollment

“ … will be voluntary not just for individual but even for doctors and hospitals. Respective authorities have the right to take the decision whether to join or not “


What do you propose to get the majority (except, may be the very rich ) to sign up ? :

Ø  To begin with , from the CONSENT FORM ( I suppose there will be one ONLINE , listing all the Data Fields proposed ), drop the following fields :

1 – 2 – 5 – 8 - 9 – 10 – 15 – 16

It just cannot be in the nature of,

“ I agree to the Terms and Conditions of NHA Policy for Collecting Personal Health Data “ ( YES – NO ) ,

- the kind you find on umpteen websites / mobile apps ( which users sign without reading, since the write-up is too long and too convoluted , specifically drafted to confuse the user or to keep him ignorant ! )

Ø   Provide  POWERFUL / IRRESISTIBLE incentives for citizen to give consent

These could be :

#   FREE delivery of different types of Health-care Services ( from Govt owned / administered establishments ), and / or FREE Health Insurance Cover ( Govt paying the insurance premium ) for availing certain services from PRIVATE hospitals / Nursing Homes / Labs etc

#   Enabling the REGISTERED USERS to earn money ( may be Rs 10,000 pm ? ) by granting explicit permission to NHA to “ Sell “ his Personal Health Data to any ONLINE BUYER, but strictly in AGGREGATED / ANONYMIZED format ( without revealing any of his contact details or other personal identifiers )

This can be implemented by , broadly following the CONCEPTUAL FRAME-WORK ,outlined in my following earlier blog / email :

          Digital Dividend from Demographic Data [ 4 D ]  ……………………..( 14 Feb 2019 )


My past E Mail on this subject :

Preventing ( illness ) is better than Curing  …………………………………………..[ 17 Aug 2020 ]

(  Find here, links to my earlier 12 E Mails on this subject , since 2018 )


Dear Dr HarshVardhanji,

No other country in the entire World , has attempted to create a National Health EcoSystem , which is so designed that Artificial Intelligence , using massive health records of a BILLION persons, can actually PREVENT illnesses !

Congratulations for attempting this

But the entire exercise will become a STILL-BORN CHILD , unless we manage to get a billion Indian Citizen to give their CONSENT to join the scheme
And that CONSENT will not come unless my above-mentioned INCENTIVES are integrated into the Scheme

With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@recruitGuru.com  /  03 Sept 2020