Sub: Warning on Tobacco
Product Packages.
Udyog Bhawan,
New Delhi
Dated: .<.6/04/2016
The Undersigned is directed to forward
herewith the following
for action/as appropriate:
1. Representation dated 29.03.2016 received from Federation of All India
Farmers Associations related to Appeal from tobacco
health warnings with
producing countries and
safeguard farmer livelihoods under threat due to propaganda by globally funded NGOs.
2. Letter dated 03.04.201'6 received from Shri Hemen Parekh
regarding warning images
on cigarette packs.
3. Letter
dated 05.04.2016 received from The Tobacco Institute of India
Pictorial Warnings on Tobacco Product Packages.
Encl: As above.
Sanjay Kumar Lal
Under Secretary to the Government
of India
Tel No. 23062906
Shri Amal
Department of Health and
Family Welfare
Room No. 406 '0' Wing, 3rd Floor Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi-110011
Copy to:
1. Federation
of All India Farmer Associatioru
No. 4-19-1/24, 2nd Line Vijayapuri,
JKC College Road, Guntur -
Andhra Pradesh, E-Mail 10:
2. Shri Hemen
3. Shri Syed Mahmood Ahmad, Director,
Tobacco Institute of India,
3rd Floor, Block 'E', International
Trade Tower,
Nehru Place, New Delhi
110019, E-Mail
ID .
Thank You ,
Shri Sanjay Kumar
For responding and for forwarding
my following mail ( blog ) , to Sri
Amal Pusp
Ambiguity is Bad !
Where ?
* Health Ministry wants warning images on cigarette packs
to cover 85% of the surface , against earlier rule of 40%
* A Parliamentary Committee had recommended 50 %
Reaction :
* From friday ( 01 April 2016 ) , all cigarette factories
have shut down in protest ,
According to Tobacco Institute of India , this will cause,
# Daily revenue loss of Rs 350 Crores
# Threatening livelihood of 45.7 million
people dependent on the Industry
# Increase in trade in illegal cigarettes (
which already causes an annual
revenue loss of Rs 9,000 cr
to the exchequer )
What should Government do ?
Negotiate with the Industry and reach Agreement ,
using my suggestion as under :
Source : my blog dt 18 Aug 2013
Going Up in Smoke ?
Yesterday , Times of India reported :
India's tobacco industry supports 38 million people ( 380 lakhs )
Every year , some 6 million ( 60 lakh ) people die in India thru use of tobacco ( mostly cigarettes )
Of these , some 6 lakh die by inhaling smoke of other cigarette smokers
So what can we do to save these 60 lakh ?
Immediately close down entire tobacco industry ?
And jeopardize the lives of 380 lakh ?
Obviously , we cannot adopt a mutually exclusive solution !
We must find a solution that , not only saves those 60 lakh but also continue to provide livelihood to 380 lakhs
That cannot be done in one - or even five - years , but it is entirely possible to solve this problem over , 20 years , as follows :
* Thru appropriate legislation , phase out tobacco industry by 2033
India's tobacco industry supports 38 million people ( 380 lakhs )
Every year , some 6 million ( 60 lakh ) people die in India thru use of tobacco ( mostly cigarettes )
Of these , some 6 lakh die by inhaling smoke of other cigarette smokers
So what can we do to save these 60 lakh ?
Immediately close down entire tobacco industry ?
And jeopardize the lives of 380 lakh ?
Obviously , we cannot adopt a mutually exclusive solution !
We must find a solution that , not only saves those 60 lakh but also continue to provide livelihood to 380 lakhs
That cannot be done in one - or even five - years , but it is entirely possible to solve this problem over , 20 years , as follows :
* Thru appropriate legislation , phase out tobacco industry by 2033
* Immediately stop expansion of existing units
* Do not allow new units to come up
* Place a recruitment freeze in tobacco industry - no fresh hiring at any level
* No replacement for retiring employees , after 2018
* Provide incentives to industry to redeploy capital / manpower in alternate industries - especially those industries with large scope for creation of new jobs
* Give generous tax-breaks to industry to remain profitable , even as they wind-up operations
* Provide incentives to put up new-industry projects in less industrialized regions
* Provide incentives for re-training existing workers in new skills in demand by others
* Subsidize Voluntary Retirement Schemes of industry
This is just a partial list . I am sure , if there is political will , experts will come up with many more viable suggestions
Hint :
If Shri Piyush Goyal can plan on banning all petrol
/ diesel driven vehicles on roads from 2030 , then banning cigarettes from 2036
, ought to be a " Child's Play " !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / blogs
03 April 2016