Some 8 years ago, I sent following Email to the Election Commission :
Ø Filtering
Candidate Information ?................... 18 Sept 2016
Extract :
Would voters be enthused to come forward to vote , if
Latest info about ALL of those
candidates was available at finger-tips on
his Mobile ( authenticated by
# That
info would comprise,
* Affidavit filed
by the Candidates
* Police Record including
cases filed / pending / disposed off , against the candidates
* Past political history (
no of political parties changed )
* Director-ship ( direct
/ indirect ) in private businesses and NPA of those businesses
* Results of open Surveys on
" ROMP - RecallOur Member of Parliament "
{ }
* Whether the candidate has accepted to implement the " Charter
of Demand "
( if elected ) , submitted
and uploaded by the Voters
of his Constituency on
the web site of the Election Commission
# He
can vote directly from his Mobile ,
without having to go to a Polling Booth and spend 4 hours
# He
can take 5 minutes to cast his vote, sitting in his bedroom , without holding
up other voters in the queue
# He
can vote at any time of the
voting day and from any place on
the earth !
# And
get to know the very next morning ,
who got elected
YES , of
course !
And voter turn-out would be 95 %
implementing , " VotesApp "
{ }
( a Mobile
App which , effectively shrinks a bulky, common , special purpose
Electronic Voting Machine - EVM -
into a tiny, personally-owned , versatile Mobile )
{ }
Government , can earn Rs
20,000 crores , by enabling 15 million Indian businesses
to advertise to 850
million voters thru this mobile VotesApp , sharply targeting by Gender /
Age / Marital Status / City / Street / Education / Income Tax paid / Employed
or Jobless ....etc
Ø Candidates
/ Spouses / Kids : Assets ? ……………………………. 16 Feb 2018
Extract :
“ Candidates Must Reveal Source of
Spouse & Kids’ Assets Too : SC “
Dear Hon Supreme
Court :
There is no need for “ setting up a permanent mechanism to keep tabs on and probe the assets of law-makers
and their immediate families “
that is required is to add one more field in the Income Tax Form ( revised one introduced in
2016 ) , which says :
“ If either yourself or any
member of your near family ( spouse / children / son-in-law / daughter-in-law )
have held any position in Parliament or State Legislature or Municipal
Corporation , at any time during past 5 years , provide full details
below :………………….
For 2016-17
assessment year, the tax department has unveiled new income tax return form
For persons with
income above Rs 50 lakhs, it requires submission of following details ( with
cost of each item ) :
* All
immovable assets ( such as land / buildings etc )
* All
movable assets ( such as Cash, Jewellery , Vehicles , Yachts etc )
* All
liabilities ( such as loans )
What made me think that Election Commission listened ?
I came across the following advt in today’s Hindustan
Times :
With regards,
Hemen Parekh /
19 Nov 2024
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