Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Bhu-Aadhar : Suggestion about to be Implemented



What Suggestion ?

That all properties must have a Digital ID

How do you say it is about to be implemented ?

 Look up following news report :

Soon Unique Numbers for plots : Bhu-Aadhar     TOI ……… 24 July 2024

The Union Budget on Tuesday announced plans to assign unique identification numbers for all land parcels in rural areas, called “Bhu-Aadhaar”, and digitisation of urban land records by 2027.

While this move will facilitate credit flow and other agricultural services in rural areas, it will help curb frauds in land transactions in towns and cities, and improve property tax collection.

The FM said that in rural areas, land-related actions will include assigning Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) or Bhu-Aadhaar for all land parcels, digitisation of cadastral maps, survey of map sub-divisions as per current ownership, establishment of land registry, and linking to the farmers registry.

According to the plan, in urban areas, land records will be digitised with GIS mapping. “An IT-based system for property record administration, updating and tax administration will be established. These will also facilitate improving the financial position of urban local bodies,” the FM said.

The Economic Survey, which was presented in the Parliament on Monday, had called for faster on-boarding of digital land records for expeditious execution of infrastructure projects.


When did you suggest this ?

In my following e-mail to Cabinet Ministers :

Ø  Aadhar  :  The  Omnipresent  ……………………….. 21 Nov 2017

Extract :

This is a “ Half Way House “  !

Why link Aadhar with only a “ Property Deal “  ?  Why not link it with a given “ Property “ itself  ?  Permanently  ?

That is linking Aadhar with the “ Postal Address “ of each and every “ Property “ in the country , so that we know WHO owns that property !

Of course , there are millions of “ properties “ which have NO  POSTAL  ADDRESSES  !

Properties ( eg : land parcels / buildings ) located in deserts / jungles / valleys  / on mountain tops or ( may be ) even in City Slums !

So , how can we link Aadhar with a property which does not even have a postal address ?

No problem  !

www.What3Words.com  ,  has divided entire surface of the Earth into 57 trillion squares of 3 meter by 3 meter each

And assigned to each square , a unique combination of 3 words ( currently from 40,000 English words ) – which determines its precise location on the surface of the Earth ( - replacement of Postal Address )

Of these 57 trillion squares ( of 3M * 3M ) , India’s share is 1368 Billion squares ( 2.4 % of entire Earth’s surface area )

So , there is no problem in linking Aadhar Number to ANY NUMBER of squares – whether adjacent / contiguous or separated

Now , the only problem is that millions of our citizens are not familiar with ENGLISH language words

So , I wrote to the support team of …..www.What3Words.com  :


It is time you come up with HINDI language version for India’s 1.3 Billion people , where millions live / sleep on footpaths ( sidewalks )


And this is what they replied :

Chloe Day (what3words Support)

Nov 20, 09:45 GMT

Hi Hemen,

Thank you for your email. 
We are working on Hindi as we speak and it will be released early next year. Keep an eye on our website and newsletter for the latest updates.

All best wishes,



Dear Shri Hardeep Puriji :

This is an opportunity of a ( nation’s ) life – time  ! Please read :

An IP Address for Homes ?  [  17  Nov  2017  ]

Ø  #BenamiProperty #Bitcoin #BlackMoney  … ………………………..22 Nov 2017

Extract :


How will my yesterday’s suggestion stop the use of Bitcoin in property deals ?


·         Each and every property in India will be assigned unique 3 word code using www.What3Words.com

·         This 3 word code itself will be linked to the Aadhar Number of the Property Owner

·         All bank accounts are , in any case , linked ( or will soon ) with Aadhar Numbers

·         That means Bank Account ( through Aadhar ) get linked to each and every “ property “ – and therefore ,each and every “ Property Deal “ as well

·         Amount for which a “ Property “ gets sold by the seller ( as recorded in the property deal ) will get credited into the “ Aadhar-linked “ bank account of the seller

·         Amount for which the buyer bought that property gets debited from Aadhar-linked bank account of the buyer

·         Since our banks do not accept deposits ( or initial creation of a bank account ) in Bitcoin , nor lend ( loans ) in Bitcoins , all payments made from and received in bank accounts , can only be in RUPEES

This would eliminate CASH or BITCOIN from property deals



With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in   /  25 July 2025


Related Readings :

DigiPin : an Indian Version of What3Words ?  .. …………………..23 July 2024



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